Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

"Drugs, meds, and peptides " are just a small tool to help as you diet. The diet and exercise are the main tool for weight loss. You can take 15mg of tirz every day and get fat as fuck if you can't control stuffing your face. You already know what you need to do. Man the fuck up and do it already. Use the drugs, mess, and peptides for what they are....1 small tool in the toolbox.
Tell me you are 100% ignorant about how human cognition functions physically, without telling me you are 100% ignorant about how human cognition functions physically :rolleyes:

And I'll man the fuck up when you man yourself up and put a bag over your head, and hold your breath for 9 hours first.

Just the idea that you automatically think my problem is about lack of manliness, speaks volumes of your lack of insight.

You do realize that this thing behind your ears are a physical thing right? that goes no matter how much exogenous testosterone you are affecting your thinking, drives and attitudes with.

Obviously you can't get fat on drugs that automatically limit how much food you can pass through your system, automatically satisfy your hunger, automatically changes your food preferences, "repair" gl-1 damaged vagus nerves, repair stress responses in the nervous system, hell it can even cure cocain and heroin adiction.

There is a reason the drug is handed out by Novo Nordic without any diet or training guidelines, because all studies shows you loose weight just taking the stuff... take enough and you can barely get kcals trough your system ... Now if you address diet and training at the same time even better ... but it cures obesity on its own.

And it especially cures the type of problems I have acquired, that you have no idea about ... and I'm not even talking about my turs in Bosnien, Afghanistan or Irak as a soldier... the problems I struggle with is way, way worse than the post-traumatic stress I acquired there.

But obviously my goal goes deeper than just loosing my fat ... it is to get back to get gym and back into lifting heavy weights.

In the end it still does not matter!!! I'm here to educate myself on the possible peds and meds that can be used to better my situation! - I'm not here to get told "man the fuck up" by some random dudes parroting the same words because it makes them feel tough saying so.

There is such as thing as too much testosterone, esp at this forum.
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Tell me you are 100% ignorant about how human cognition functions physically, without telling me you are 100% ignorant about how human cognition functions physically :rolleyes:

And I'll man the fuck up when you man yourself up and put a bag over your head, and hold your breath for 9 hours first.

Just the idea that you automatically think my problem is about lack of manliness, speaks volumes of your lack of insight.

You do realize that this thing behind your ears are a physical thing right? that goes no matter how much exogenous testosterone you are affecting your thinking, drives and attitudes with.

Obviously you can't get fat on drugs that automatically limit how much food you can pass through your system, automatically satisfy your hunger, automatically changes your food preferences, "repair" gl-1 damaged vagus nerves, repair stress responses in the nervous system, hell it can even cure cocain and heroin adiction.

There is a reason the drug is handed out by Novo Nordic without any diet or training guidelines, because all studies shows you loose weight just taking the stuff... take enough and you can barely get kcals trough your system ... Now if you address diet and training at the same time even better ... but it cures obesity on its own.

And it especially cures the type of problems I have acquired, that you have no idea about ... and I'm not even talking about my turs in Bosnien, Afghanistan or Irak as a soldier... the problems I struggle with is way, way worse than the post-traumatic stress I acquired there.

But obviously my goal goes deeper than just loosing my fat ... it is to get back to get gym and back into lifting heavy weights.

In the end it still does not matter!!! I'm here to educate myself on the possible peds and meds that can be used to better my situation! - I'm not here to get told "man the fuck up" by some random dudes parroting the same words because it makes them feel tough saying so.

There is such as thing as too much testosterone, esp at this forum.
Did Novo Nordic market it as weight loss drug already? Because two guys I know prescribed for t2D were asked by their doctor to follow certain diets. They are not obese by the way.

Maybe it’s different where you are.
Did Novo Nordic market it as weight loss drug already? Because two guys I know prescribed for t2D were asked by their doctor to follow certain diets. They are not obese by the way.

Maybe it’s different where you are.
Wegovy has been approved since January 2022 for weight loss yes.
I'm in Denmark the country where it's invented.

A doctor can obviously recommend exercise and diet, and would be smart doing so: but it's not "specially" recommended by Novo Nordic... even though it's given you will loose allot of muscle mass if you don't get enough protein: but for the mainstream population they don't care enough about that problem.

It naturally change peoples nervous system, behavior and such.
And obvioysly it both cuts cravings and hunger.
But only as long as you take it.

The easy route would be to also supplement with "TRT" obviously, but it demands you are willing to take exogenous testosterone for life, which I'm not because my natural test levels are great (despite how fat I am) ... also we never used hormones in the army, only stimulants ... so I see it as very different crossings (not that I'm against TRT - I just don't feel ready for it yet).
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Tell me you are 100% ignorant about how human cognition functions physically, without telling me you are 100% ignorant about how human cognition functions physically :rolleyes:

And I'll man the fuck up when you man yourself up and put a bag over your head, and hold your breath for 9 hours first.

Just the idea that you automatically think my problem is about lack of manliness, speaks volumes of your lack of insight.

You do realize that this thing behind your ears are a physical thing right? that goes no matter how much exogenous testosterone you are affecting your thinking, drives and attitudes with.

Obviously you can't get fat on drugs that automatically limit how much food you can pass through your system, automatically satisfy your hunger, automatically changes your food preferences, "repair" gl-1 damaged vagus nerves, repair stress responses in the nervous system, hell it can even cure cocain and heroin adiction.

There is a reason the drug is handed out by Novo Nordic without any diet or training guidelines, because all studies shows you loose weight just taking the stuff... take enough and you can barely get kcals trough your system ... Now if you address diet and training at the same time even better ... but it cures obesity on its own.

And it especially cures the type of problems I have acquired, that you have no idea about ... and I'm not even talking about my turs in Bosnien, Afghanistan or Irak as a soldier... the problems I struggle with is way, way worse than the post-traumatic stress I acquired there.

But obviously my goal goes deeper than just loosing my fat ... it is to get back to get gym and back into lifting heavy weights.

In the end it still does not matter!!! I'm here to educate myself on the possible peds and meds that can be used to better my situation! - I'm not here to get told "man the fuck up" by some random dudes parroting the same words because it makes them feel tough saying so.

There is such as thing as too much testosterone, esp at this forum.
You are aware that appetite suppression isn't guaranteed on glp-1 yes? It loses appetite suppression fairly quickly in some people. It's not a fucking magic pill.
Think whatever the fuck you want. Nothing is long term unless your fat fucking ass makes drastic life changes.
-from a former obese fuck that decided to fucking do something about it and get healthy.
You are aware that appetite suppression isn't guaranteed on glp-1 yes? It loses appetite suppression fairly quickly in some people. It's not a fucking magic pill.
Think whatever the fuck you want. Nothing is long term unless your fat fucking ass makes drastic life changes.
-from a former obese fuck that decided to fucking do something about it and get healthy.
And if your mental state is the problem, you need to be talking to a psychologist not a fucking steroid forum
The only magic pill is dnp. Even that you can fucking out eat the magic. Nothing will work until you get absolutely fed up with being obese. Gonna get dizzy and weak....who fucking cares, push thru it if you are determined enough. Until you find your reason that makes the fat loss suffering worth it, you will always find a excuse to justify being fat.
Wegovy has been approved since January 2022 for weight loss yes.
I'm in Denmark the country where it's invented.

A doctor can obviously recommend exercise and diet, and would be smart doing so: but it's not "specially" recommended by Novo Nordic... even though it's given you will loose allot of muscle mass if you don't get enough protein: but for the mainstream population they don't care enough about that problem.

It naturally change peoples nervous system, behavior and such.
And obvioysly it both cuts cravings and hunger.
But only as long as you take it.

The easy route would be to also supplement with "TRT" obviously, but it demands you are willing to take exogenous testosterone for life, which I'm not because my natural test levels are great (despite how fat I am) ... also we never used hormones in the army, only stimulants ... so I see it as very different crossings (not that I'm against TRT - I just don't feel ready for it yet).
I think you are overthinking this. You sound like you have done your homework already. You claim you did military duty, maybe your problem is mental not discipline, you say you have been ripped before so you know how to eat already.

Stop all this bickering with guys giving their inputs based on their experience. Some people here have been obese too not just you and have overcame it by diet and exercise only no magic pill available. However, there are also guys who had everything available magic pill, dnp, tren and aas but still fat.

Enough talk, follow the directions on the ozempic pamplet and let the magic happen. Take some before and after pics, create a log and share your journey. Forget AAS and fix your mental problems, sometimes too much information cause paralysis you can’t act accordingly anymore.
You are aware that appetite suppression isn't guaranteed on glp-1 yes? It loses appetite suppression fairly quickly in some people. It's not a fucking magic pill.
Think whatever the fuck you want. Nothing is long term unless your fat fucking ass makes drastic life changes.
-from a former obese fuck that decided to fucking do something about it and get healthy.
That's simply not true.

1. The level of GLP-1 relates to your kcal intake, permanently; if it stops working it's because you are now lower in kcal intake related to your setpoint, and that it no longer correlates. That's also where automatic reducing your kcal intake will stop working obviously.

At 2.4 mg and no attention to diet or training, that's around after 15% reduction in your bodyweight or after 68 weeks, you can calculate that effect on your maintance...

None the less if stay on the dose, and you will maintain that kcal intake forever, so far there is groups from 2014 perhaps even 2013 still running the drug and they still maintain.

And why would it not: It activates the GLP-1 receptors in the brain the same way food does it; if it should stop working so should food.. that is you would stop being able to feel full by eating food because you have now eaten food more than x weeks.

This is just not how these parts of the brain works.

NOTICE: I'm not saying it's not smart to take periods off, but that's related to having maintenance periods in your diet, as well as if you plan to come off the drug and try to live without it eventually (or with as little as it as possible, it is an expenstive drug still afterall)... many will use it for life though, and it will work just fine as such...

GLP-1 hunger signales just differ (esp based on trauma and stress, but also other things), some feels the same hunger you would if you didn't eat for a week, even though they just had a huge dinner and dessert... (that's around 30% of obese people btw).

Now get off the drug and unless you are among those who get their defects fixed by using the drug, - your appetite will simply return to what it was before taking the drug.

And if your mental state is the problem, you need to be talking to a psychologist not a fucking steroid forum
2. No one talked about PSYCHOLOGY; psychology and mental toughness is how well you can think your way out of dealing with a certain level of pain or discomfort or lack of comfort etc.

The level of pain is defined by how many nails I crucify you with.

In short, the GL-1 receptors in the brain are affected by traumatic stress; and some people will have to deal with the same level of hunger daily as you would experience if you didn't eat at all for 2 weeks (that counts for about 30% of all obese people)... some also lack mental toughness, but it's a bad assumption to make in general.

Here it makes sense to fix the GL-1 mechanisms, physically in the brain with meds.

The only magic pill is dnp. Even that you can fucking out eat the magic. Nothing will work until you get absolutely fed up with being obese. Gonna get dizzy and weak....who fucking cares, push thru it if you are determined enough. Until you find your reason that makes the fat loss suffering worth it, you will always find a excuse to justify being fat.

3. There is nothing magically about DNP it ONLY raises your energy expenditure, by having your cells run very hot (it works by uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria that generate ATP), typically it raises a person's metabolic rate from 30% to 40%, which means if you normally burn 2,000 calories per day you will burn 2,600 to 3,200 calories per day on DNP; but it's also super neurotoxic, can cause neurological problems, organ damage - and it fixes nothing, it only creates problems and stalls your diets (which is why real professional body builders only use it in prep right up to going to the scene)

I think you are overthinking this. You sound like you have done your homework already. You claim you did military duty, maybe your problem is mental not discipline, you say you have been ripped before so you know how to eat already.

Stop all this bickering with guys giving their inputs based on their experience. Some people here have been obese too not just you and have overcame it by diet and exercise only no magic pill available. However, there are also guys who had everything available magic pill, dnp, tren and aas but still fat.

Enough talk, follow the directions on the ozempic pamplet and let the magic happen. Take some before and after pics, create a log and share your journey. Forget AAS and fix your mental problems, sometimes too much information cause paralysis you can’t act accordingly anymore.
Bad advice ... and why do you assume that I haven't tried that!
Obviously. - I have failed to at every single cut and ended up allot worse than when I started each time!

On top of that it's taking it's toll and on the body, I'm considering if something like rHGH can help me SIGNIFICANTLY here, or if some other peptide can ... so I can grow stronger like I use to, instead of destroying myself.

Everyone knows how to eat to be lean today!
That's not the problem any obese person really have!
They also all know how to train! (more or less, less than eating perhaps).
Why not do it without the mental difficulties.

Normally dieting at the level I have to do, has a major effect on mood and is very, very stressing - these drugs removes all that stress, ... statistically at the most professional 3% is able to get the problems fixed (many of them with surgery) ... these meds changes that into 80+% cutting cravings and hunger are the only thing stopping these people.

And just to repeat myself, we are talking about physiological hunger, not mental.

You guys don't seem to grasp that these drugs are world news in the medicine world, no meds like it has ever been seen before: and the reason is, they fixes PHYSICAL problems many people have in their brains and nervous systems ... it's as simple as that.

You could just as well tell someone to just squat with a broken back, because once you had a weak squat and now you became stronger, with training dicipline... .

It's literally insane that men is on a board about compounds and take compounds, that works by physically effecting their brains, cells, and stuff; and they somehow still think their body and brain is merely a PSYCOLOGICAL phenonomon.
In the end I still don't get why people want to debate all these things!
Instead of what PEDS and MEDS are useful in the situation.
And then debate about those PERDS and MEDS.

That was what the tread was about and what I asked for anyways.

I had hoped to learn about newer stimulants and peptides as well...
Bad advice ... and why do you assume that I haven't tried that!
Obviously. - I have failed to at every single cut and ended up allot worse than when I started each time!

On top of that it's taking it's toll and on the body, I'm considering if something like rHGH can help me SIGNIFICANTLY here, or if some other peptide can ... so I can grow stronger like I use to, instead of destroying myself.

Everyone knows how to eat to be lean today!
That's not the problem any obese person really have!
They also all know how to train! (more or less, less than eating perhaps).
Why not do it without the mental difficulties.

Normally dieting at the level I have to do, has a major effect on mood and is very, very stressing - these drugs removes all that stress, ... statistically at the most professional 3% is able to get the problems fixed (many of them with surgery) ... these meds changes that into 80+% cutting cravings and hunger are the only thing stopping these people.

And just to repeat myself, we are talking about physiological hunger, not mental.

You guys don't seem to grasp that these drugs are world news in the medicine world, no meds like it has ever been seen before: and the reason is, they fixes PHYSICAL problems many people have in their brains and nervous systems ... it's as simple as that.

You could just as well tell someone to just squat with a broken back, because once you had a weak squat and now you became stronger, with training dicipline... .

It's literally insane that men is on a board about compounds and take compounds, that works by physically effecting their brains, cells, and stuff; and they somehow still think their body and brain is merely a PSYCOLOGICAL phenonomon.
Bad advice blah blah blah.? You seem to know it all about this medicine that glp this. You keep going back to were arguing with you. No I’m not saying any of that Im saying you sound like a bitch who loves to hear yourself talk.

Stop posting since you know everything and get your fat ass to work. Watch how much text you spill on every post, jesus man. Just take uour drugs and go workout, we get it you need drugs to do it, no ones stopping you. Jeeez.
I feel like we are talking to a junkie. It's pointless. He already knows what he needs to do. He is either trolling us or he's searching for 1 idiot to give him validation that his obesity is not his fault.
Good luck on your journey bro. Hope you can find the same success in weight loss that I had. I refuse to feed into your bullshit anymore tho.
I feel like we are talking to a junkie. It's pointless. He already knows what he needs to do. He is either trolling us or he's searching for 1 idiot to give him validation that his obesity is not his fault.
Good luck on your journey bro. Hope you can find the same success in weight loss that I had. I refuse to feed into your bullshit anymore tho.
Same here, I’ll spare myself getting lectured by a know it all individual. Obese people going in a steroid site trying to one up those who had experience and real world knowledge is by far the funniest shit I encountered in Meso.
Bad advice blah blah blah.? You seem to know it all about this medicine that glp this. You keep going back to were arguing with you. No I’m not saying any of that Im saying you sound like a bitch who loves to hear yourself talk.

Stop posting since you know everything and get your fat ass to work. Watch how much text you spill on every post, jesus man. Just take uour drugs and go workout, we get it you need drugs to do it, no ones stopping you. Jeeez.
No you stop posting it's my thread!
Real world knowlege my ass!!! Many in here do, but you and most who jumped into this thread absolutly does not!
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I feel like we are talking to a junkie. It's pointless. He already knows what he needs to do. He is either trolling us or he's searching for 1 idiot to give him validation that his obesity is not his fault.
Good luck on your journey bro. Hope you can find the same success in weight loss that I had. I refuse to feed into your bullshit anymore tho.
And I feel like I'm talking to someone close to retarded (not kidding!).

That you call someone a junkie for wanting to talk about GLP-1 meds and peptides ON a board about PEDS, really speaks volumes! All while you are probably the one shooting yourself with testosterone daily. :rolleyes:

No, I'm searching for someone who actually knows something about these peds / meds and wants to talk about them!

Do I really have to repeat that 30 times before guy like you gets it?!
I think you already had begun your recovery just by asking here for advice...
The next thing to do is to study hard all the aspects of your problem...this way you can achieve to be even better than your doctor, at your specific situation.
If I were you I could read all there is about Tirzepatide, Retatrutide, Hgh ... also about fasting, fatty liver, insulin sensitivity, hydration.
Absolutely, but you know it's not easy when my thread is spammed with the same 3 idiotic assumptions, over and over by the same handful of guys.

I didn't start a threat to defend my anonymous character from that kind of crap ... :)
@DanishPanther you should honestly just search weightloss drugs here on the forum lots of knowledge there. but with using other things like peptides the science is kind of newish behind them. imo id hold off and wait to see the horrible sides arise before jumping in. but if you dont mind jump right in and get a doctor that specializes in peptides. there is a giant thread of GLP agonist here so for you to call people here retarded when there is a search button which you seem incapable of using seems ironic right?
Here is an idiotic assumption:

Ya all still bother with this shit? Don't you have more meaningful things to do with your time? He wants drugs to replace any form of trying to better himself and he attacks everyone that tells him otherwise.

Live and let live.
Yeah, sry, I forgot that one! 4 idiotic assumptions I mean!

Anyone framing this thread that way: just because I'm making a thread where I'm asking about Gl-1 antagonists, peptides, peds and meds I can use to better my situation - without having patience for every drug user in here writing idiotic stuff - then you are another bee-brain: 50% ignorant / 50% asshole!

And I'll stand up to anyone who keeps trying to derail this thread, with things it's not about - period!

Now go prick yourself in the ass with your exogenous testosterone your hypocrite! ... filthy animals :p
Stop buying snacks. Stop buying crap food. Stop eating these snack and crap food. Clean house and get rid of the hoard of snacks and crap you have in your home now. Then buy healthy only. Meal prep for the whole week. Design a few healthy snacks based off what you crave...but are low calorie.
Or just bitch, lie to your self, look fo pity, and stay the course. Your choice. Always your choice. Don't give 2 shits what you say. There are always an endless supply of excuses available. So if that's your choice then good luck.
The smartest thing my mom told me was, " if everyone is saying the same thing about you maybe there's some amount of truth".
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