Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

@DanishPanther So i read your whole post sir/mam. But truth be told most people here have gone through this or gone from super skinny not being able to gain a damn lb of muscle to gaining muscle. So i am not attacking you or trying to be an asshole i was simply stating that the best way to get on track is to get a solid diet down and a solid workout regiment then you can add drugs. Drugs only help cope with the problems. Like you can scroll through the weightloss drug threads and see where people clearly state they take tirz and sema, but then when it stops working they eat 5k-6k calories a day. This will just sabotage all the hard work and money you put into your progress. Thats why i figured it was the most obvious answer. Yes, diabetes is tough but i know people first hand that have diabetes and have gone without meds due to proper nutrition and exercise. so it is possible you just have to be dedicated. Also the only motivation you should need is wanting to be alive next year or live a decent healthy life and not be another statistic. Don't be so Defensive this is a harm reduction forum. The first answer isnt drugs. If this was the case we would tell everyone take tren, and high test. your get lean and buff but your insides will die. Fair trade huh? So yea if you get mad its probably because you got some underlying problems of your own that you dont want to own up to like stuffing your face with donuts right now or some other shit. This isnt me attacking you most of us have been there. Go read other peoples stories. Stop feeling sorry for yourself No one here owes you shit! Work hard and get Great results the thing about health and nutrition its legit one of the things in life that if you put 100% in with proper knowledge and technique you will get to where you want to be.
If that's your opinion or unless you only talk about clen specifically, which is fine, then you are not fitted to guide in the thread ... since meds and drugs are what the questions are all about.

Wonder if you would say the same to someone with hiv or cancer though, just because you are currently without the need for meds yourself.

Wonder if there is really no one on this board using these meds and drugs to support themself to get back on track, and into a working body?

Lastly, if drugs are not the answer to anything, why use time at a forum that is all about drugs.
Vaya con dios amigo!
Listen guys, I'm looking for advices from guys who understands the topic.

Not someone shooting out the generic "drugs are bad, mckay" or "just cure your diseases first, then take loads of meds later on"...

Also if your post history contains posts like:
"what can soeone take besides hgh? lets say they are afraid of cancer growing in their body so what would one use?"


"so question what do you think of tren then?"

In the last month - then you are not the person to give advice - so please seek your serotonin fix of doing so in another thread, thank you.

So far it's only trtbuilder and Deadp007 that has actually been helpfull!

Thank you both
Sure, the glp-1's are great for weightloss (some lower BP too). But dropping fat will help that regardless.
Just know that the weightloss is not you doing the work i.e. unless you overhaul your diet & fitness strategies, you will simply regain the weight.

Thank you man, your posts are very useful.

To be clear, the goal of using "meds" is to make it easier to get back into my diet and fitness regime.

I look at it in 3 phases:

1. Getting back on track as fast as possible (mainly lose at laest 20-35 kg as fast as possible, get back into walking and training - and to get my body to actually recover after workouts).
2. Building substainable habits (not sure how much "memory" will be there from old times, but I don't expect anything handed to me).
In this phase I should lose 20-35 kg aditionally.
3. Living the lifestyle ...

Why not just use beta-alanine for better blood flow, you can address all this later.
Continue your prescribed blood pressure meds & stay away from clen.
(I guess oral BPC could help your "stomach issues").
You think beta-alanine would actually give any real effects?

Clen might be the wrong drug ... but I don't think it's as bad or dangerous as many gives it the rep to be.

Ive actually made this comeback twice, but due to hunger issues on the other end of getting started and catastrophies in life I went back to failing.
But first time I was not thaaat out of shape and used ephedrine to create a desire for training, used it for like 12 weeks and stayed in the gym a year after.

Second time I used clen, this was last spring: took it each morning for 3 months, and it made me walk for 3 hours each day ... lost allot then life hit to hard, and before I got back into things I had regained with a vengence and has since been 20 kg above where I started back then.

Obviously I tried to "just do it" but my nervous system was to burned out, many days I would not get it done.
The drugs got it done, and I had no increase in blood pressure at that time.

My doctor don't want to prescribe blood pressure meds, I have a shitty doc.
I'm considering self medicating it with telmisartan.

I was thinking the same about BPC, but I know to little about if it will actually work.
As for Oral I thought it wasn't very active compared to inject.
Fixing the Gerd perhaps getting of the PPI would help allot.

Also because I have some nasty hpv so it would boost my imune system allot.
Money is always a factor, but the biggest factor is you (no pun intended). You have to work for it.
Sure, but just to be clear, I'm running a serious business next doing this, working 14-16 hours a day 7 days a week.

Using just semaglutide,
a pulse meter (smart watch),
and walking 5x per week keeping your heart-rate in Zone 2 for 30 minutes, will give you noticable weightloss within a couple of weeks, which hopefully ignites more dedication to continued goals & an increase in self discipline.
Not far from how I thought about doing things ...

I'm worried about recovery though, because I'm very burned out ... and there is no way around it having to be done.
so are all of ours
Naaa, most are young guys seeking status serotonin boosts and being part of a community, by sharing the same thoughtless msgs.

But for those that are like ours, very few statistically gets the problem fixed!

Again, this is not unique.
Which is why statistics say no one basically escapes and gets it fixed!
Unless they use these new drugs (they where seen as ground braking for a reason).

Again thank you for an actual useful post.

Been there done that. I was 438 lbs at 6'3 13 months ago. Today I hit 300 with a lean body mass of 215 lbs.

For me it all started with Tirzepatide. Within a few weeks, I started feeling amazing. The inflammation in body was reduced significantly. Obviously, at 438 lbs, my energy was non-existent. Within a month on tirz, I lost over 20 pounds and had so much energy. By month 3, down 50 lbs, I started lifting again. At that point, I was sleeping better, was thinking clearer and more energy.

The synergistic effect from the peptide, reduced hunger, eating cleaner (clean protein), significantly increased the health of my gut and got rid of so much inflammation. I did not know how much I was hurting until I really started feeling better.

Now lifting 4 days per week and getting 120-150 minutes of zone 2 cardio in per week. At 54 years old, I feel 20 years younger.

In the past 3-4 months, have added BPC157, TB500 (shoulder injury), CJC no DAC, Ipamorelin and a few other peptides. Also started RX TRT 160mg / week Test C for the past 8 weeks.

Small victories turn into bigger victories.

Lastly, EAT LOTS OF Protein. I am getting 180-200 g per day. The only way I have been able to keep lean body mass while in a huge calorie deficit.

Good luck!
Been there done that. I was 438 lbs at 6'3 13 months ago. Today I hit 300 with a lean body mass of 215 lbs.

Thank you man, you understands the post, what you did is exactly what I'm about to do ...

I'm not that tall (below 180cm), when I was 108 kg everything was fine, hitting 118 I became challanged, but I could still walk for some months and get down where I could get back into the gym, now at 136 kg (from 118 to 136 happened in 4 months; to describe my stress based hunger) ... there is loads of inflation, swollen feet, fluid in the body, no energy, and I just have problems moving.

So first goal is to get closer to 108 kg, this is not the lifestyle or habit phase yet, that will be below 90 kg.

For me it all started with Tirzepatide. Within a few weeks, I started feeling amazing. The inflammation in body was reduced significantly. Obviously, at 438 lbs, my energy was non-existent. Within a month on tirz, I lost over 20 pounds and had so much energy. By month 3, down 50 lbs, I started lifting again. At that point, I was sleeping better, was thinking clearer and more energy.
Great to hear, and again exactly what I hope to experience.

The synergistic effect from the peptide, reduced hunger, eating cleaner (clean protein), significantly increased the health of my gut and got rid of so much inflammation. I did not know how much I was hurting until I really started feeling better.

Sounds great and very motiviational.

Obviously the greatest thing is doing the thing without the same amount of mental difficulties, as our current situation have put us in.

Now lifting 4 days per week and getting 120-150 minutes of zone 2 cardio in per week. At 54 years old, I feel 20 years younger.

Beautiful, and I'm sure I will as well.

In the past 3-4 months, have added BPC157, TB500 (shoulder injury), CJC no DAC, Ipamorelin and a few other peptides. Also started RX TRT 160mg / week Test C for the past 8 weeks.
Have to admit TRT is insanely tempting right now ...

Don't know about CJC no DAC,.

for Ipamorelin I heard it makes people really, really hungry, so would rather use "real" HGH, but obviously there is a price diffrence and a law risk.

Small victories turn into bigger victories.

Lastly, EAT LOTS OF Protein. I am getting 180-200 g per day. The only way I have been able to keep lean body mass while in a huge calorie deficit.

That's def my plan: in the first phase I will try to live off Protein, Fruit, Vegs and Omega 3 bassicaly.

Good luck!
Thank you mate, another great post!!! ❤️

Starting and maintaining good productive healthy habits seem to be your main issue at this point. That will most likely take care of a large amount of your problem's i would think.
Starting and maintaining good productive healthy habits seem to be your main issue at this point. That will most likely take care of a large amount of your problem's i would think.
Exactly, or getting back to good productive healthy habits that I used maintain for 15+ years ...

But there are also physiology and health problems standing in the way at this point.

Exactly, or getting back to good productive healthy habits that I used maintain for 15+ years ...

But there are also physiology and health problems standing in the way at this point.

I was obese growing up.Like 5" 200 pounds. Then took responsivity for my situation. And continue to deal with it as i have for the last 50 years since i started making changes.. Making excuses doesn't solve a thing in my experience. For me it is just a life long process that evolves. I spent about 25 years seeing my abs but that doesn't happen these days but no one would call me fat either. All comes down to choices.
And I have done so many times before, including when I was at 260 pounds (118 kg), now I'm 300 pounds (138 kg) HUGE difference between the two weights, and the situation is hugely different on top of that ... if you think every mental issue is psychological and everything is about choice, then I doubt you have anything useful to contribute with.
What are your issues that are in the way?

Ahh the first to ask question and diagnose before he prescripes... thank you.

Traumatic stress effects that make my vagus nerve constantly scream for me to soothe the nervous system... aka a hunger that feels much like holding my breath untill i binge... and the cause of the stress can't be removed at the moment.

In the same ball park, my system trying to conserve energy like it was fightning not to die - lowering my physical drive insanely much.

Also being way to heavy, just going from 118 kgs to 135 was so brutal in how little energy it left me with, how much effort it now takes to move or train compared to before, and that was already heavy compared to 108 kg ... not to mention being mid 80s kgs.

Gerd and needing to take ppi's is lowering my immune system while it's battling with severe HPV, that I can't get rid off.

That's the main ones.
your problems sound a lot like mine. you see i had vertigo vistibular neuritis which made me realy dizzy and realy hard for me to work out cuz i would get so dizzy all the time. then i would eat i would binge of course cuz my dicks small i would look at it and go oh just my luck look at that clit and then go eat snacks so i have the same trauma based things. HPV why dont you try AIDS on for size. I didnt solve it with drugs or anything though i solved it with a stationary bike with a dildo attatched
My fellow european, it is understandable you want to make a quick changes. However, you first need to review what patterns got you in to this situation you are currently in. I fully understand being unhappy at the moment, been there done that. I believe the inner strength has to come from within. The will to change is good, but you have to choose your tools wisely. Adding a lot of drugs can make too many unnecessary side effects to appear and steroids might mask your weight loss by water retention. I would do a trt or trt+ in your situation, if necessary add in thyroid medication (confirmed by blood work) and become more active. Trust me the weight will fall off rather quickly and you feel feel much better soon. It's even more important to feel good, it is as much as training your body as it training your mind correctly. Stay safe and good luck.
I think you already had begun your recovery just by asking here for advice...
The next thing to do is to study hard all the aspects of your problem...this way you can achieve to be even better than your doctor, at your specific situation.
If I were you I could read all there is about Tirzepatide, Retatrutide, Hgh ... also about fasting, fatty liver, insulin sensitivity, hydration.
My fellow european, it is understandable you want to make a quick changes. However, you first need to review what patterns got you in to this situation you are currently in. I fully understand being unhappy at the moment, been there done that. I believe the inner strength has to come from within. The will to change is good, but you have to choose your tools wisely. Adding a lot of drugs can make too many unnecessary side effects to appear and steroids might mask your weight loss by water retention. I would do a trt or trt+ in your situation, if necessary add in thyroid medication (confirmed by blood work) and become more active. Trust me the weight will fall off rather quickly and you feel feel much better soon. It's even more important to feel good, it is as much as training your body as it training your mind correctly. Stay safe and good luck.

Seriously I appreciate the effort, but you did not read any of the posts mate?

1. I said specifically I don't want to run AAS yet, because I'm not ready to live the rest of my life on TRT. .... but I will say it's tempting me and I'm constantly considering jumping on it ...

I have no doubt that it would motivate me to go lift again, and give me the drive and energy to do so... testosterone do make the brain want to take action, period.

2. I'm exactly aware of what's got me into this problem, the cause can't be fixed at the moment (several sources of non stop traumatic stress) ... at best I can try to effect the cause or effects with meds and drugs.

3. thyroid meds, why? I'm not low in it ... I'll only add that if my kcal deficit is so big, that I have t4 slowdown, then I already have it at hand - this is not my first rodeo, I have completed RFL etc. and PSMF. before.

4. You realise the statistics for actually pulling off more than 40 kgs bodyfat without the use weightloss meds? it's like 3% as far as I remember... it's not "just going to fall off fast."

5. I feel fine mentally, despite having to deal with something traumatic daily recurring that can't be fixed! - I'm former special forces, I never had problems with lack of will power ... my biggest problem right now is an insane drive towards unhealthy foods ... really... to the degree where I doubt any mental toughness would be enough to stop it... => therefor I have gained to much weight, making it hard to train, move around, do sports, fuck and so on... meaning I'm now doubble fucked!... Its also negative effecting my immune system, which sucks because I have HPV so I get sex worts all over ... and suffers from Gerd as well, were if I forget to take PPIs just a single day, I'm at the hospital for operation the night after ... because it will give me a reaction that will make whatever food I eat stuck.

The problem (as well as the good thing) about having to much testosterone in the brain, is everything will be thought of as "just take more action" ... well those people don't even realise their own action is highly motivated by high amounts of testosterone to begin with.

Everyone is repeating the same while, no one is debating what drugs and meds could actually be useful in the situation.

Despite the TRT answer, thank you for that one.

To repeat the point of the thread:

First and foremost I'm going on semaglutide or tirzepatide, I'm quite sure this can psedu-fix the actual problem.

Then I will do a phase of massive kcal deficit: here I'm looking for ways to keep my muscle mass ...

Also looking for alternative to external testosterone that can physical motivate more movement and training (while I'm loosing the weight).

And for drugs to aid recovery ...

Possible for meds to fix the bloodpressure, water retention and stomach problems (GERD) as well as the HPV.

Over time the actual problem will become much smaller, and I can transsit into more of a lifestyle type of solution.
I think you already had begun your recovery just by asking here for advice...
The next thing to do is to study hard all the aspects of your problem...this way you can achieve to be even better than your doctor, at your specific situation.
If I were you I could read all there is about Tirzepatide, Retatrutide, Hgh ... also about fasting, fatty liver, insulin sensitivity, hydration.
Well I have battled with the problem since it took off ...

But with the newer weightloss meds, it seems like there is an actual chance of actually fixing up my body some ...

And sure, my post was mainly about Semaglutide now also Tirzepatide ...

That will lead to training and low kcal intake, so therefor also asking about stuff like hgh, if it would be a waste or actually have an effect on my health and recovery abiliyt ... since money is a factor and hgh is semi expensive.

I also asked if cheaper peptides could do some of the same things.

Thank you for your post man ...