Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Stop buying snacks. Stop buying crap food. Stop eating these snack and crap food. Clean house and get rid of the hoard of snacks and crap you have in your home now. Then buy healthy only. Meal prep for the whole week. Design a few healthy snacks based off what you crave...but are low calorie.
Or just bitch, lie to your self, look fo pity, and stay the course. Your choice. Always your choice. Don't give 2 shits what you say. There are always an endless supply of excuses available. So if that's your choice then good luck.
The smartest thing my mom told me was, " if everyone is saying the same thing about you maybe there's some amount of truth".
lol this is law! lmfao but honestly your gonna get a thumbs down and he is gonna say that he knows everything. lmfao i tried to suggest going to a doctor that specializes in peptides and got a thumbs down lmfao :D cheers
Stop buying snacks. Stop buying crap food. Stop eating these snack and crap food. Clean house and get rid of the hoard of snacks and crap you have in your home now. Then buy healthy only. Meal prep for the whole week. Design a few healthy snacks based off what you crave...but are low calorie.
Or just bitch, lie to your self, look fo pity, and stay the course. Your choice. Always your choice. Don't give 2 shits what you say. There are always an endless supply of excuses available. So if that's your choice then good luck.
The smartest thing my mom told me was, " if everyone is saying the same thing about you maybe there's some amount of truth".
Jesus another fool repeating the same thing and not getting what the thread is about! ... there is something about this place and guys with way too much testosterone in their tiny little brains!

Obviously, as stated 20 times already: I have already done all that, not for months or years, but always!

If you think the conscious parts of your little over testosterone-affected brain is ohh so powerful that it can beat your brain biology and nervous system over time, then please stay out of my threads... its a waste of my f... time!

As stated like 5 times in the thread, just the last 4 years, I have lost 18-22 kg 3 times, walked 40 km a day: and done it all by the book: then the automatic nervous system takes over: and you wake up weighing 10 kg more than when you started ... eventually your systems are burned out.

You should look into the forces of the nervous system, and get just 1% of how the brain actually works.

Also look at the studies 3% that is put into professional dieting and training succeeds in situations like these, 97% fails ... where if you fiddle just a little with these newest gl-1 meds, the success rate becomes 90%+ all will lose more than 15% of their bodyweight (without being instructed specificially about chaning diet or training), and more than 50% will lose twice that.

And I'm not aiming to just use the meds to lose weight: I'm going to use it to get back into my old training and diet habit and lifestyle...

I don't pitty myself your fool! I pitty you! I'm looking to educate myself about meds and peds related to my problem! I have never in my entire life felt sry for myself ... f... idiot!
Jesus another fool repeating the same thing and not getting what the thread is about! ... there is something about this place and guys with way too much testosterone in their tiny little brains!

Obviously, as stated 20 times already: I have already done all that, not for months or years, but always!

If you think the conscious parts of your little over testosterone-affected brain is ohh so powerful that it can beat your brain biology and nervous system over time, then please stay out of my threads... its a waste of my f... time!

As stated like 5 times in the thread, just the last 4 years, I have lost 18-22 kg 3 times, walked 40 km a day: and done it all by the book: then the automatic nervous system takes over: and you wake up weighing 10 kg more than when you started ... eventually your systems are burned out.

You should look into the forces of the nervous system, and get just 1% of how the brain actually works.

Also look at the studies 3% that is put into professional dieting and training succeeds in situations like these, 97% fails ... where if you fiddle just a little with these newest gl-1 meds, the success rate becomes 90%+ all will lose more than 15% of their bodyweight (without being instructed specificially about chaning diet or training), and more than 50% will lose twice that.

And I'm not aiming to just use the meds to lose weight: I'm going to use it to get back into my old training and diet habit and lifestyle...

I don't pitty myself your fool! I pitty you! I'm looking to educate myself about meds and peds related to my problem! I have never in my entire life felt sry for myself ... f... idiot!
I heard reddit has the answers. They like trolls there too. Maybe you should go there.
It's been 10 days since this thread was posted and fattie is still just theorizing instead of putting his plan into action.

Your test-injected bee brain, still doesn't get anything, does it?! ... Did I not just write in the post before that I have taken action not for months but years? ...

What is embarrassing is that a group of men tries to derail a thread about meds and peds, on a forum about meds and peds - to compensate for their lack of status in real life.

Well wrong f... thread dude!

It's an even bigger joke because your first post in this thread was:
I lost 50 pounds last year just using Tirzepatide and a TRT dose
Not only do you yourself combine the type of drug I'm asking about yourself to achieve your goal, you added steroids ... and then you are lecturing me about how these type of drugs are baaaaaddd ... while you are still taking what equals 5 times the peds I intend to yourself ... :rolleyes:

Well I already told you guys, I lost 50 pounds 3 times in 4 years, two of them entirely without the use of peds (and it's proveable, because I hired a famous coach to keep me accountable, one that is will known in here)... the other time I used Clen to get moving and t4 to keep my BMR from crashing, while doing RFL and walking 40 km a day for 5 months ... but now I'm at weight and condition where the same methods are no longer possible ... GL-1 meds will solve most of the main problem though, I'm certain on that part ... but it brings new challenges that also has to be accounted for - or that I can gain advantage by trying to account for anyways ... things like recovery and such.
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If they'll solve it, then start Semaglutide or Tirzepatide, shut the fuck up and stop typing an arrogant novel to every person who posts in here when you clearly don't have the answers you think you do.

I'll be looking forward to you logging your progress, but I doubt you'll succeed.
Then sometimes I think just use the Semaglutide, perhaps add Viagra, and once in a while do clen, would be enough!
Yeah, go with this plan.
It's all you need.
It would be a good idea to get your testosterone levels checked anyways just to make sure it's what it should be. You never, you might need TRT already. Once you're sure your hormones are in order and you've lost the weight, you can look at other stuff to take for that extra edge, and then if you have time you can fuck right off bud.
If they'll solve it, then start Semaglutide or Tirzepatide, shut the fuck up and stop typing an arrogant novel to every person who posts in here when you clearly don't have the answers you think you do.

I'll be looking forward to you logging your progress, but I doubt you'll succeed.
You shut up and get out of MY thread!
What are you seriously even doing in here?!
No one cares what YOU think ... that's all that you have made sure of so far with your participating dude!
If they'll solve it, then start Semaglutide or Tirzepatide, shut the fuck up and stop typing an arrogant novel to every person who posts in here when you clearly don't have the answers you think you do.

I'll be looking forward to you logging your progress, but I doubt you'll succeed.
Of course he won't succeed. Stupid ass can't see a pattern where he loses weight and then rebounds. Drugs can't fix him. Only permanent lifestyle changes work. His stupid ass would lose 100 lbs on tirz and get off just to regain 150lbs. Obesity is a psychological disease in his case.
Yeah, go with this plan.
It's all you need.
It would be a good idea to get your testosterone levels checked anyways just to make sure it's what it should be. You never, you might need TRT already. Once you're sure your hormones are in order and you've lost the weight, you can look at other stuff to take for that extra edge, and then if you have time you can fuck right off bud.
Thank you for this ...

I'm sure Semaglutide will help me lower my kcal intake, and avoid ending up binging and lossing control of my brain... but I also fear it will make it harder for me to recover... so I'm still considering something like HGH or BCP-157 to aid recovery, when i start on it.

I guess if there is no better thing to keep me moving the days I'm crawling out of bed with no energy, clen could be an option (its worked for me once before) though someone else have since this thread suggested me to try with teacrine and coffein combined instead.

Is also looking into Telmisartan and Metformin for the bloodpressure and edems.

And lastly Still looking for options to heal my gut (I'm forced to take ppi's right now), improve my imunesystem (because I have HPV, and low kcal intake also fucked up the imunesystem fully) ...

But you are right, those 3 I could get a plan to work with.
Basically using Semaglutide to keep kcal low.
Viagra to lower blood pressure.
And Clen the days I have problems recovering or is to low energy to move.

My test levels have been very high naturally always, last time I got it checked was a year and a half ago, very difficult (or very expensive) to get that done here ... this is one of the main reasons I don't feel ready for TRT yet - I hope to wait with that untill my 50's or 60's.

Though I very well know about testosterones' massive effect on the brain in terms of motivating action instead of thinking and emotion (classic Hubberman stuff).
You shut up and get out of MY thread!
What are you seriously even doing in here?!
No one cares what YOU think ... that's all that you have made sure of so far with your participating dude!
You can't stand any criticism. You're a sensitive little bitch and you'll be fat til you die because you refuse to self reflect and realize it's not just your body that is the problem but your mind is fucked.

Like I said, make sure to log your progress so I can watch you fail.
You can't stand any criticism. You're a sensitive little bitch and you'll be fat til you die because you refuse to self reflect and realize it's not just your body that is the problem but your mind is fucked.

Like I said, make sure to log your progress so I can watch you fail.
Criticism my ass, go somewhere else bee brain!
As I said, this thread is not for you!

Another one .blocked .delete (got to love this forum has that function after all).
Of course he won't succeed. Stupid ass can't see a pattern where he loses weight and then rebounds. Drugs can't fix him. Only permanent lifestyle changes work. His stupid ass would lose 100 lbs on tirz and get off just to regain 150lbs. Obesity is a psychological disease in his case.
Tell me you have never read a study about obesity or how humans cognition work, without telling me so directly. :rolleyes:

Also some of you guys just keep repeating the same idiotic assumtions, though they have been adressed 20 times by now: talking of being fully unaware of patterns!

There has also been a few guys who got it and has been actually helpfull though!

I have already related to the same statement as yours like 10 times ... it's not lack of awareness of the pattern, it's needing enhanced support to support the fix of the patterns; so I can do it in a way that does not take untill I'm old to do so - and avoid many of the problems that follows!

I never said I needed meds to do everything for me, I said I looked for meds, and peds that could enhance and improve my plan: to make it physically possible to change things.

Your over testosterone affected brain want's to think it's just about "psychology", so when you have been fat all your life and just lost it with the use of both glp-1 meds AND steroids: and I have been ultra lean and in amazing shape most of my life, untill I these damages to my system became to severe and emotional toughness is no longer enough to keep them at bay: then obviously it's a matter of you manning up and just doing it and me not as much...

Dude I was on maintance intake for 6 months last time, my routines was dialed in: but the hunger kept building each day... untill automatic systems took over... it's like waking up 5 months later and 50 kg heavier without really having noticed what happened... again this is not unique to the situation, it's why these newer meds are needed and developed and why Novo uses billions on doing so ... we know from studies that the success rate for following your recipe in a situation like me is less than 3% ... you subconsiously know this, why are you taking steroids and using glp-1 meds yourself other :rolleyes: ... and keep telling yourself it's because you are more advanced, you are more hardcore... that you really didn't needed any support from these things ... so that's why it's fine for you to use them.

Obviously when Elon Musk etc. could not loose weight (despite having a private chef, private trainer and stuff) and kept binging back as well (or when 97% in the studies of similar conditions as mine can't), but it's fixable with glp-1 meds ... then it's still him or them being a puss and you being tough...

Again you also used glp-1 meds AND steroids to fix the problem in your end, even though your problem was much minor than mine, but somehow you differ! ... and everyone else should just get a shrink or talk with the bros about it and then magically their biological system fixes it self ... a torn off leg or cancer, it's just psychology too bro, just man up and regrow that shit ... I guess you are the type of person who tells people with real psychiatric diseases as well to just see a shrink: those guys don't need meds either ... if someone is an alcoholic and drinks 3 bottles of vodka, it's just psychology bro, even being drunk is just psychology just man up to get sober... just man up bro, just stop being depressed, or bipolar or schizophrenic or whatever ... because the brain and everything mental is just psychology...

It's like self insight is a river in Egypt with guys like you!
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You honestly are a fucking idiot. Stuuuupid as fuck. You come to a site where people actually know how to diet and use various meds/drugs to assist in dieting and your stupid fat ass refuses to listen. When everyone is saying the same thing, it's you that is wrong.
Tell me you have never read a study about obesity or how humans cognition work, without telling me so directly. :rolleyes:

Also some of you guys just keep repeating the same idiotic assumtions, though they have been adressed 20 times by now: talking of being fully unaware of patterns!

There has also been a few guys who got it and has been actually helpfull though!

I have already related to the same statement as yours like 10 times ... it's not lack of awareness of the pattern, it's needing enhanced support to support the fix of the patterns; so I can do it in a way that does not take untill I'm old to do so - and avoid many of the problems that follows!

I never said I needed meds to do everything for me, I said I looked for meds, and peds that could enhance and improve my plan: to make it physically possible to change things.

Your over testosterone affected brain want's to think it's just about "psychology", so when you have been fat all your life and just lost it with the use of both glp-1 meds AND steroids: and I have been ultra lean and in amazing shape most of my life, untill I these damages to my system became to severe and emotional toughness is no longer enough to keep them at bay: then obviously it's a matter of you manning up and just doing it and me not as much...

Dude I was on maintance intake for 6 months last time, my routines was dialed in: but the hunger kept building each day... untill automatic systems took over... it's like waking up 5 months later and 50 kg heavier without really having noticed what happened... again this is not unique to the situation, it's why these newer meds are needed and developed and why Novo uses billions on doing so ... we know from studies that the success rate for following your recipe in a situation like me is less than 3% ... you subconsiously know this, why are you taking steroids and using glp-1 meds yourself other :rolleyes: ... and keep telling yourself it's because you are more advanced, you are more hardcore... that you really didn't needed any support from these things ... so that's why it's fine for you to use them.

Obviously when Elon Musk etc. could not loose weight (despite having a private chef, private trainer and stuff) and kept binging back as well (or when 97% in the studies of similar conditions as mine can't), but it's fixable with glp-1 meds ... then it's still him or them being a puss and you being tough...

Again you also used glp-1 meds AND steroids to fix the problem in your end, even though your problem was much minor than mine, but somehow you differ! ... and everyone else should just get a shrink or talk with the bros about it and then magically their biological system fixes it self ... a torn off leg or cancer, it's just psychology too bro, just man up and regrow that shit ... I guess you are the type of person who tells people with real psychiatric diseases as well to just see a shrink: those guys don't need meds either ... if someone is an alcoholic and drinks 3 bottles of vodka, it's just psychology bro, even being drunk is just psychology just man up to get sober... just man up bro, just stop being depressed, or bipolar or schizophrenic or whatever ... because the brain and everything mental is just psychology...

It's like self insight is a river in Egypt with guys like you!
Nobody's reading your stupid fucking novels.

Shut your mouth and get off your fat ass and put your plan in motion. Maybe you'll be too busy to shove 6000 calories in your mouth every day.
bro i put less text and effort into my posts when im trying to groom and give attention to troubled teenage girls online. settle down fatty semper fi you're just embarrassing yourself now. just take the tirpazide and do the stationary dildo bike already
Well we are not all equally mental challanged are we, some of us read books daily for others a pixi book is challanging ... none of my responses to your shit posting have taken me more than a few minutes as most, all while reading the local news paper with the other hand. (most would be aware of the spelling and typos and lack of caring enough to fix them).
You honestly are a fucking idiot. Stuuuupid as fuck. You come to a site where people actually know how to diet and use various meds/drugs to assist in dieting and your stupid fat ass refuses to listen. When everyone is saying the same thing, it's you that is wrong.
No, a few idiots that runs in flock, say the same useless ignorant stuff, unrelated to the thread or topic ...

The rest I did listen to ... you seem too mentally challenged to notice: perhaps you should just go and work on your mental issues and psychology before writing any more on this board. (just to feed you your own advice).
Nobody's reading your stupid fucking novels.

Shut your mouth and get off your fat ass and put your plan in motion. Maybe you'll be too busy to shove 6000 calories in your mouth every day.
Well what seems like a novel to some is a pixi book to others.
So who gives a damn!

You still don't really get it, people in the state I'm in, can easily stuff in 10.000 kcals in 30 minutes and still be hungry ...

I run my own business, where I'm forced to work like 14 hours a day ... I don't need you to waste my time ...

My plan is in motion, now I'll repeat it for the 20 times, since the 3 of you seems particular slow at getting it: it has been for years and years ... but I need to add peds to be realistic and duable in time while I'm still young!

So far running my plan equal to the advices you are given, has only gotten me future from my goal and make it harder to get get back.

- Just man up and do it bro.
- Just diet and exercise bro and you will be fit in no time.

(well no shit Sherlock!)
Yeah, I do not have any experience with stimulants or GLP-1 receptor agonists, so I have no advice to offer.

I don't understand not being able to just make a decision about calories and macros and sticking to it, so I am the wrong person to provide any guidance to you.

I like beer and ice cream and peanuts with chocolate, but I don't keep consuming all that when it's time to shed fat, so I don't get it. Sorry.

I still encourage you to get out and start hiking or walking or cardio of some sort and get active. Honestly, your inability to do that makes me wonder if you are depressed or something - and you may be in a better mental mood if you just force yourself to start being active.
This post is obviously fair ... accidentally gave it a bad emoji (fixed it now) it was a fair and edited to be a friendly enough post, so I'll change my response and be fair back to it as well... always tries to answer people as they write themselves.

It's not depression, it's more in the realm of traumatic stress and being burned out, and not even talking about stress related to being in war, running my own business through covid where all my clients bankrupted, or losing my wife - that's almost lightweight next to this thing (but obviously all of it is just another egg in the basket of stress next to the actually hard stuff I'm forced to deal with, a situation that can't be fixed sadly).... I'm pretty robust mentally so I don't let myself become depressed ... I'm focused on finding a way to solve it ... danish doctors stink, they basically just want to retire me.

On top of that I'm burnout after actually follwing the advices of just diet and training ... I forced myself trough 3 rounds of RFL with 6 months of training at maintenance, and each time it still ended up snapping... and after each time you build some fatigue that feel almost cronic obviously.

It's a mistake though to assume peoples situation is like our own ... in my early 20's I freedived allot I could hold my breath for more than 6 minutes ... holding it for 4 minutes where super easy ... I could then tell others I didn't get why they could not easily hold their breath for 4 minutes as well... but trough is their physical system is just diffrent... or I could tell a women about menstruating or whatever based on never having tried it myself... or I could tell someone with brain damage to just see a shrink and man up because my own brain is flawless... that's just called lack of being able to imagine the other person's situation though... we are all fighting and trying under different conditions... I'm not even saying mine is worse than everyone elses, most obese people have some of these problems ... where they self medicine their nervous system with food, to compensate for a traumatised gl-1 nervous system.

As for walking, it's the size and weight together with what has become bad health (mostly the immunesystem, hpv, and gut issues I suspect, and from the weight, like blood pressure, edeem in my feet, some days I can't even wear shoes because my feet are so swollen)... When I was at 118 kg I really had very little of those problems (I could walk 40 km a day and recover from it easily), it's not even 10 years ago since I ran an 80 km race at a bodyweight of 96 kg - but when I went above 118 kg and esp to 135 kg - movement have become hard - it's not just that everything hurts, but especially in terms of recovery ... just walking 5 km can take me a week to recover from right now, as in I'm fully burned out after it... and my feet swollen to like double sized ... and my system is just constantly screaming after kcal and sugar (sure, I try to ignore that ... but it sure will be easier calming all that down with a gl-1 antagonist)...
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