Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Anyways you are right I'm not going to take most of that advice - and let my mother and daughter die, just to get lean
Jesus dude… You are so up your own ass with your weird hero complex you can’t even see that instead of helping anyone you’re literally eating yourself to death. You can’t help anyone if you’re dead, and it’s increasingly clear that subconsciously you are deciding to passively suicide…
I specially made a thread about these meds.
Not about the other things, so would appreciate it if people would stay on topic.
How can we? You’ve literally filled two god damn threads with your “woe is me” “I can’t be helped” bullshit. I’ve heard your whole fucking life story. All because you won’t accept “you need to focus on yourself and put in the work” as an answer to when it’s readily clear you aren’t doing anything to help yourself.
'm not here to get saved by someone random
At this point it’s clear you’re here to be saved by a random, or are seeking attention and validation that it’s somehow not your fault you’re in this jam. Otherwise you wouldn’t be writing god damn essays about your fucked up existence.
So if anyone can just share their experiences with GLP-1
You’re in no place to be doing drugs in the mental state you’re in.
I'm focusing on what will help and what will not ... and being sad or depressed won't help anything.
This is some of the most ignorant ill-informed bullshit I’ve ever seen spewed, even by a narcissist of your caliber, Your fat ass ate 150lbs+ of cope for your fucked life and you’re going to pretend you’re not depressed!?

Come back to reality bro, You seriously must reject this outlandish delusion you’re in.
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It doesn't sound like you really understand depression lol, it's not something you just decide won't happen and put a smile on your face. People don't eat themselves into your situation without a mental component. The overeating 100% sounds like a coping mechanism for your situation.
Honestly mate, I might have to think about this pots in relation to what you say about depression, I can't deny you arehitting something there.

I'm not ruling out coping mechanisms either, but that's also what these meds are designed to threaten.

But I don't feel depressed or sad (most of the time):

1) I feel hungry and more so craving of kcal dense foods like to an insane degree, that I would call an adiction (I'm not adicted by anything else).

2) My body is way to heavy, lungs and heart can't support it at this point, and my body can't fit in my skin anymore, feels like wearing clothing that is too small, I can't fit into my shoes because there is so much water in my feet (almost funny if you think about it) - my body still feel fine when I'm home relaxed or just working, but it's a pain to keep it moving (not stopping me, but would be nice with something that made it less hard).

This is no exaggeration: In very short time I have gone from doing flick flacks in the garden, take a long run when I wanted to, hand stands, sprinting, deadlifting, squatting, power cleaning, overhead presses of all kinds; to bark up a lung just when I'm walking (I still do walk, and have kept doing so, it just doesn't get any better).

Well mental, not psychological is my point: the brain is physical and chemical after all... if you study it, you will actually see the pattern I have fallen into is a very common pattern.
I’ve told him this so many times. Tirz. @DanishPanther order tirz. Tirzepatide. Do it. You’re not going to do Sema by itself, and Reta will fuck your bank account it’s not affordable for you. Tirz will suppress appetite more anyways. You shouldn’t even think about stacking right now, and you won’t need to with Tirz. If appetite is your main concern, Reta is not for you.

You’ve told us countless times this post is about complementary compounds. If that’s really the path you want to go down, Reta will fuck you over. Your heart is not going to be able support the other stuff you want to run. You know how high my risk tolerance is. Even I’m reworking my protocol because Reta is taxing my heart and causing insomnia. You won’t have the money for anything else with Reta anyways. You told me how many mg/week you could afford. It’s not enough man, I’m telling you right now, not for what you want it to do. Please just buy Tirzepatide, you already have the best source.
Sure you told me yesterday ...
And I'm def leaning towards and close to just picking Triz.

But I'm not sure you are right.

I can afford 8 mg a month, and in the studies, it does seem after all that those on 8 mg a month do almost as well as those doing 12.5 or 15mg, and they are still loosing weight after 2 years on 8 mg as well.

The problem is, those guys do not run the kcal deficit I intend to.

Triz is as expensive as Sema almost, but I remember something about less being needed for the same effect - if so, it would be allot more cost effective yes.

You are taking DNP and Adderal, surely that's 50 times as hard on the heart as any of these meds. BTW in the 2 years study, no one ended up with heart problems (on the contrary), there were some heavy cases between there, probably worse than you and me ... on the negative I would have liked my heart checked by my doctor first, that's 2 years since - because of the water in my feet and such ... it shouldn't matter, but sure it might make Reta the wrong choice.

There has only been one death so far from all these meds, and that was heart-related on Sema, from someone already having heart issues.

I'm also still considering Sema, it's way cheaper and cures most addictions, food addictions, Adderall addiction, and such (it seems) ... but I can't understand why people dislike it, they say it gives more sides and lesser energy.

And sure: I would like to add in 2ui HGH later on ... perhaps something against loose skin if anything works.
My wife and I tried Sema more recently after being successful with Tirz. Sema left her not wanting to get out of bed all week and me with significantly less energy throughout the day. Also nausea.

Tirz is almost like we're not taking anything other than being less hungry.
My wife and I tried Sema more recently after being successful with Tirz. Sema left her not wanting to get out of bed all week and me with significantly less energy throughout the day. Also nausea.

Tirz is almost like we're not taking anything other than being less hungry.
This is the report I’ve seen from the most people. I’m guessing op doesn’t like this answer cause he’s broke.
Jesus dude… You are so up your own ass with your weird hero complex you can’t even see that instead of helping anyone you’re literally eating yourself to death. You can’t help anyone if you’re dead, and it’s increasingly clear that subconsciously you are deciding to passively suicide…

How can we? You’ve literally filled two god damn threads with your “woe is me” “I can’t be helped” bullshit. I’ve heard your whole fucking life story. All because you won’t accept “you need to focus on yourself and put in the work” as an answer to when it’s readily clear you aren’t doing anything to help yourself.

At this point it’s clear you’re here to be saved by a random, or are seeking attention and validation that it’s somehow not your fault you’re in this jam. Otherwise you wouldn’t be writing god damn essays about your fucked up existence.

You’re in no place to be doing drugs in the mental state you’re in.

This is some of the most ignorant ill-informed bullshit I’ve ever seen spewed, even by a narcissist of your caliber, Your fat ass ate 150lbs+ of cope for your fucked life and you’re going to pretend you’re not depressed!?

Come back to reality bro, You seriously must reject this outlandish delusion you’re in.
I know you think you have figured it all out ...
But all this is way off man.

I'm answering you guys because you all think you are so very smart and have it all figured out!

I thought if you understood the actual conditions, it would also make you understand the physical conditions of physical stress and being overweight!

These meds are made to treat those conditions!

I'm glad to be alive ... none of these psychoanalyses seem close to anything I can relate to.
My wife and I tried Sema more recently after being successful with Tirz. Sema left her not wanting to get out of bed all week and me with significantly less energy throughout the day. Also nausea.

Tirz is almost like we're not taking anything other than being less hungry.
Ohh mate, thank you so insanely much!
This is the type of post I was hoping for.

Was the lack of energy from Sema because it lowered your food intake much more though? ... or would you say you ate around the same amount on each thing?

Were you in ketosis? or eating junk?

It's funny because I've read a few describing Reta that way relative to Tirz as well ...

But many also seem to like Tirz a lot!
Perhaps it is the most certain choice right now.

Can I ask you how many mg's you have been taking, and how many kcals you are taking in, and how active you are (just give me a rough sense)... I know you are also on trt and so on, so it's not directly comparable, but still. would be very useful.

As you know most on these meds take them to adjust their kcal intake, so they upp the dose to they lose 0,5-1 kg a week, and if they lose less they up the dose ...

But I intend to go on a diet of a massive kcal deficit and will rely on it to keep me somehow satisfied throughout.
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This is the report I’ve seen from the most people. I’m guessing op doesn’t like this answer cause he’s broke.
Broke yes, but I don't think I'm too broke for Triz (depends on the mg needed), perhaps too broke for Reta, since I can only afford to run up to 8mg of Reta +. some additional stuff.

Also, I know others who have done mini cuts and RFL on Sema and they say it works, and that it makes it a lot more effortless ... NUPO's study was also on Sema... but I don't like the idea of having no energy.

Sema is said to lower appetite the most, but the energy part is making it a no-go I see. I'm considering mixing sema with reta though - but that seems to be a black area.
I know you think you have figured it all out ...
But all this is way off man.

I'm answering you guys because you all think you are so very smart and have it all figured out!

I thought if you understood the actual conditions, it would also make you understand the physical conditions of physical stress and being overweight!

These meds are made to treat those conditions!

I'm glad to be alive ... none of these psychoanalyses seem close to anything I can relate to.
I don’t think people are saying they are smart or even smarted than you, they are just saying you are one pompous, narcissistic and egotistical individual who whines like a little bitch.

It’s already a month since we read your sob story and have not heard you even mention going to the gym once, even once!

I will bet next month you will have a thousand more posts about how hard it is for you to pit down the fork or how you were ripped years ago but not even one single pound lost to report.

Make a log and start lifting weights or gtfo of Meso, this is not a drama board. It is a harm reduction board for bodybuilders but also welcomes anyone who is willing to change for the better not some know it alls who doesn’t contribute anything to the community but toxicity and complaints.
Ohh mate, thank you so insanely much!
This is the type of post I was hoping for.

Was the lack of energy from Sema because it lowered your food intake much more though? ... or would you say you ate around the same amount on each thing?

Were you in ketosis? or eating junk?

It's funny because I've read a few describing Reta that way relative to Tirz as well ...

But many also seem to like Tirz a lot!
Perhaps it is the most certain choice right now.

Can I ask you how many mg's you have been taking, and how many kcals you are taking in, and how active you are (just give me a rough sense)... I know you are also on trt and so on, so it's not directly comparable, but still. would be very useful.

As you know most on these meds take them to adjust their kcal intake, so they upp the dose to they lose 0,5-1 kg a week, and if they lose less they up the dose ...

But I intend to go on a diet of a massive kcal deficit and will rely on it to keep me somehow satisfied throughout.
Zero change in food intake. Very similar overall. Lethargy set in immediately the day after injection. We aren't keto but we eat well, home cooked meals and not junk.

I'll try to give some numbers later, its been on and off for 2 years so tough to calc but I'll give a rough idea.
Zero change in food intake. Very similar overall. Lethargy set in immediately the day after injection. We aren't keto but we eat well, home cooked meals and not junk.

I'll try to give some numbers later, its been on and off for 2 years so tough to calc but I'll give a rough idea.
ohh man, that sounds nasty!

The reason I asked about keto is that I noticed on RFL that anything that puts you out of ketosis has the same effect ... but it's only an issue when the kcal deficit is huge.

As for the numbers, I would be grateful as hell mate!

I expect to have to go through a few phases this time:

A few extreme ones, making me a lot lighter as fast as possible, so everything else gets easier again, if this goal is to lose 20 kg fast or if it will be 30 or 40 I don't know yet, will just have to see when I get going with it.

Then a few more moderate ones focus more on training.

And lastly staying on it more or less for life, while focusing on eating habits (for life can mean a few months a year, or all the time, whatever will be needed to not end up in this situation ever again).

It's esp for these first extreme phases, that I want to make sure I choose the right compounds!
Bro, this statistic has been conceptually rejected since the late fucking 90s. 95% Regain Lost Weight. Or Do They? (Published 1999)
This is interesting btw ... I have read loads of studies that counters it.
And consensus officially is different... I'm good friends with Arne Astrup RL the guy who figured out the GLP-1 mechanism, we talked many times during the years I worked at the Muscle Center in Copenhagen, and that's where I have my info from ... also argued this with Lyle Mcdonald over at bodyrecomposition, those two drowned me in sources.

Doubt you will convince me otherwise, but will read the article anyway...

Attached is a little quote from Lyles book

And here is one of the studies shown that weight that is lost fast is easier to keep of than weight that is lost slow (contrary to the ideas people push in general).

An article about the study from Novo that show most regain all their weight + more in 5 years, and why, as well as why those staying on Semaglutide does not, but keeps it off.


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There is no amount of glp-1 in the world that can fix a broken diet long term. They all end up being less effective after long term use. The God's honest truth is that unless you make lifestyle changes then nothing you do will last long term. You rebounded twice because you didn't change your bad habits.
Glp-1 is just a tool to make the habit changes easier. You know this but its easier to live in a fantasy where it's basically a magic cure. Stop talking and fucking take action already.
Tirz is relatively cheap from qsc. Working out is free.
lonewolf, I'll try not to go ape on you, but I can't keep repeating 500 times, that my diet is not the problem - and therefor that "just fix your diet" is not the type of help I'm looking for in this thread.

Again, show me anyone else that have stayed at maintenance for a year after RFL being 100% congruent, I did that 3 times ... and still ended up 20 kg heavier when I caved in! Or show me others that without the use of any PEDS stayed at 7-8% bodyfat for 10 years straight.

I'm up against something, you and most of you guys simply don't understand here!

As for Tirz, I think as well that this will be the fix for it.

I will use Tirz with a perfect diet, and when I get light enough in bodyweight, I will get back to the gym as well ... contrary what you think, all my experience with training tells me, it would be counter productive to just do a macho approach right now.

It's a matter of going RFL for 1-3 months while moving, mobilizing and walking more and more as the kg and esp loads of water in my body goes off, before hitting the gym really... from there I'll continue RFL for another 3 months or as long as it's needed - then live at slow deficit for the years to come.

I have a massive doctor's check-up in a few weeks; loads of problems accumulate at this weight and level of stress. Low insulin sensitivity, pre-diabetes or diabetes 2 (not sure how close I am, but that's the explainer behind much I'm experiencing right now I think), sleep apnea, high blood pressure, immune function problems and so on ... with a little luck all that goes away just dropping 20 kg fast - as it's often seen to do.

As for Tirz not being a fix for bad dieting or lack of training: well again I'm not going to use it as such: but do notice that is exactly how it's developed to be used!

The subjects are controling their energy intake with these meds alone! They simply titrate the dose till they end up in kcal deficit around 500-1000 kcals a day ... and the meds can make 99% of those using it do that... just at it can make them maintrain mantaince if they are on it for the rest of their life.

Earlier many of the subjects where such an approach is choosen, would have had gastric bypass as their only option - but 50+% of those have already been replaced by these meds, that simply out preform it.

So all the studies, those making the meds, and so on disagrees with you.

Again, irrelevant, because I'm not personally going to use it that way.

I know how a perfect diet looks like and my goal is to eat exactly that again!
I have been all along, but I'm not able to stay compliant in my condition.
In my condition, I need these meds to keep compliant - esp when going way down in kcal intake; which I have to, due to not being able to just maximize my energy output with training, untill I loose a ton of weight first...
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Now as for Reta vs. Triz, I still don't get Reta should be that bad at blunting appetite and curring cravings ...

But that will be the deal breaker that makes me choose Triz then.

I can afford 8mg of Reta a day though, and in studies there where very little difference between the 8 and 15mg group.

Tirz does not seem much cheaper, but perhaps it is: but guess that depends on the dose needed to get the same suppression of appetite and cravings.

If I can do by 2,5 or 5 mg Tirz, then obviously it will be much cheaper, but if I have to go 15 mg Tirz, it's still as expensive basically.

I'm not really concerned about the heart part - since it wasn't a problem for anyone in the trials - it's a short term thing, and should be 1:100 of running stuff like DNP, Clean, ECA and so on ...

I don't intend to run stimulants with the GLP-1 at this time, or so i think.
Might add CLEN and T4 later on if I chooses Tirz. But it's not what I intend to do at this point.

I would like in like 3 or 6 months to add 2ui HGH.

And then I'm still in doubt about GHK-Cu or the alternatives for loose skin. some say it works great and have no sides or risks at all, other says otherwise... hard to really know ... but getting lots of loose skin is a risk as well and sugery for that is no joke.

Doctor might put me on Telmisartan for high blood pressure, and Metformin for pre diabetes or db2 - not worried about this combo added if so ... since they all run this over at Joes place... and many experts think those two is needed drugs for anyone using steroids... many using GLP-1s runs both Telmisartan and Metformin over there together with Triz, with no problems what so ever ... Then again if my insulin sensitivity can be fixed by Triz alone, I won't need metformin ... and if I lose loads of weight fast, I can possible be without Telmisartan as well... I'll let the doc decide that part.

Right now I will wait taking any AAS, or TRT, but I'll get some new tests made, if my levels are low I'll probably jump onto it, but my last test 2 years ago my testosterone levels where off the charts, I had a bit high estrogen perhaps a tiny bit og gyno, but people underestimate how anabolic estrogen is and I'm sure those levels contribute to why I feel somehow great despite everything is crap (most confuse the effects of estrogen with effects of prolactin in general).

As soon as I figure out how much Tirz to order for 6 months use, I'll order it... I'll try to stay at maintenance untill I get it, then start it right away with RFL... hopefully the physical part of my life will look allot better at summer.
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There is no physical condition that makes your hand grab food and stuff your face.
There is no physical condition that will not allow for some form of dieting.
Fuck your medical problems, they are an excuse to justify your failure.
Many of us have just as bad medical conditions.
Drugs are not your solution just like they were not my solution when I was a fat piece of shit like yourself.
I started drugs after losing the majority of weight and it was the right way to go as it forced me to learn new habits.
Fuck excuse and fuck pity parties.
Take action and drop those lbs.
All of that is religious nonsens based on a total lack of insight into human cognition. You are living an illusion dude. Which is fine, except when you stand in the way of other people due to it,

As long as your biology is with you, it’s somehow easy, when it goes against you.., it’s not … try to upregulate your own test production with your thoughts, when your brain shuts your down etc, … and now when you are not all able to, I can tell you about how I never needed pct or whatever, and how you are just some pathetic loser for needing it.

Such projections is again just your brain trying to make you feel good about yourself, on a thin foundation. Real confidence is built on creating loads of real results in the real world (for that reason none of what you say are affecting me),

And while you think brains are all the same, go play chess against a chess master and tell yourself that you can obtain the same skills, if only you did the same as he did to get where he is.

The brain is physical and automatic, that you have a blind ego that makes you feel like you are in control does not mean you are, ever have been or ever will be, This feeling of control that you feel is the effect of testosterone on your hypcampus, I have the same feeling and experience: but being an elite solider and later actually working with the brain just males me self aware and more educated.

And before you try to convince yourself otherwise go cite the main cognitive functions to yourself without googleling … but we both know you will also try to convince yourself that “you knew these already”… so your entire world view or control does not fall down around your tiny head.

Human have minimal control, that’s why it’s important we use that very little freedom we have smartly,

Go somewhere else if you want to call people’s medical problems excuses.

Meds are often the ONLY solution, sick people die every day, because they are to stupid and unwilling to use meds and scientific progress to improve their condition - and many things that used to ruin people’s life for good are now curable with modern meds,

Your condition have never been like mine, and we are nothing alike: stop projecting your own situation onto mine or others!

I have already told you I have been fat before and lost the weight with exersice and diet before: those time it was easy - but it’s no longer physical possible, without assistance of a med that lowers the set point of what my brain wants me to weigh, and/or blunts the level of my appetite and cravings.

Luckily that’s exactly how all GLP-1 meds works.

Your strategy is fine for someone in your situation, but a loosing one for someone in mine,

I could not care less about what some random fool on the internet thinks about me? Have you even thought about what makes you so upset about, why I won’t agree with you?!

I’m not going to ruin a winning strategy, by what some random looser thinks about it or thinks about me,

You are not here to help anyone, you are here to feel like you are something special because you have lost some weight a few times. That’s fine, I’m sure you are very successful, very tough, very cool and all the prom queens wants you: but you are not helping.

No go cure the cancer you will get one day, with the incredible power of your mind… I’ll take the cancer meds.

And when people talk about the army in relation to attitude, well the Danish special forces is where you learn to think like I do … I etc, knows for a fact that if I get captured I can withhold any information, no matter what anyone do to me for just short of 72 hours ,,, longer than that is unrealistic, my group knew, just as I knew there wheee guys who could last 96 and some that could only last 6 ,,, that way, your group knows what to expect .., the super heroes telling everyone they can withstand forever are simply types that are unfit ,,, because physical conditions do count in combat, so they did when I studied at the university, worked at the muscle clinic,
All of that is religious nonsens based on a total lack of insight into human cognition. You are living an illusion dude. Which is fine, except when you stand in the way of other people due to it,

As long as your biology is with you, it’s somehow easy, when it goes against you.., it’s not … try to upregulate your own test production with your thoughts, when your brain shuts your down etc, … and now when you are not all able to, I can tell you about how I never needed pct or whatever, and how you are just some pathetic loser for needing it.

Such projections is again just your brain trying to make you feel good about yourself, on a thin foundation. Real confidence is built on creating loads of real results in the real world (for that reason none of what you say are affecting me),

And while you think brains are all the same, go play chess against a chess master and tell yourself that you can obtain the same skills, if only you did the same as he did to get where he is.

The brain is physical and automatic, that you have a blind ego that makes you feel like you are in control does not mean you are, ever have been or ever will be, This feeling of control that you feel is the effect of testosterone on your hypcampus, I have the same feeling and experience: but being an elite solider and later actually working with the brain just males me self aware and more educated.

And before you try to convince yourself otherwise go cite the main cognitive functions to yourself without googleling … but we both know you will also try to convince yourself that “you knew these already”… so your entire world view or control does not fall down around your tiny head.

Human have minimal control, that’s why it’s important we use that very little freedom we have smartly,

Go somewhere else if you want to call people’s medical problems excuses.

Meds are often the ONLY solution, sick people die every day, because they are to stupid and unwilling to use meds and scientific progress to improve their condition - and many things that used to ruin people’s life for good are now curable with modern meds,

Your condition have never been like mine, and we are nothing alike: stop projecting your own situation onto mine or others!

I have already told you I have been fat before and lost the weight with exersice and diet before: those time it was easy - but it’s no longer physical possible, without assistance of a med that lowers the set point of what my brain wants me to weigh, and/or blunts the level of my appetite and cravings.

Luckily that’s exactly how all GLP-1 meds works.

Your strategy is fine for someone in your situation, but a loosing one for someone in mine,

I could not care less about what some random fool on the internet thinks about me? Have you even thought about what makes you so upset about, why I won’t agree with you?!

I’m not going to ruin a winning strategy, by what some random looser thinks about it or thinks about me,

You are not here to help anyone, you are here to feel like you are something special because you have lost some weight a few times. That’s fine, I’m sure you are very successful, very tough, very cool and all the prom queens wants you: but you are not helping.

No go cure the cancer you will get one day, with the incredible power of your mind… I’ll take the cancer meds.

And when people talk about the army in relation to attitude, well the Danish special forces is where you learn to think like I do … I etc, knows for a fact that if I get captured I can withhold any information, no matter what anyone do to me for just short of 72 hours ,,, longer than that is unrealistic, my group knew, just as I knew there wheee guys who could last 96 and some that could only last 6 ,,, that way, your group knows what to expect .., the super heroes telling everyone they can withstand forever are simply types that are unfit ,,, because physical conditions do count in combat, so they did when I studied at the university, worked at the muscle clinic,
You weren't fucking special forces dude. You are too fucking weak mentally. Go fucking tell lies to someone who doesn't know better. You were a fucking paper pusher at best. Always amusing when a moron lies about their military service.
Side note, anyone ever seen an obese former special forces dude? Nobody? They don't exist
Bro, you are an excuse machine. Have you lost any weight in the month you’ve started to pretend to be a medical expert on glp-1 when it appears you’re too scared to pull the trigger? Been to the gym once? Done one long walk? Restricted calories just one day? I’m guessing no by the ridiculous excuses you put forth.

And, yes, your fucking diet is **the** problem. You would not be morbidly obese if your diet wasn’t the problem….

Meds are often the ONLY solution
No, this just simply isn’t true, especially not for someone in your condition who simply suffers from depressive binge eating and a lack of self control.,, Therapy might help, but you’re clearly too busy coming up with fanciful tales about how you used to be a genius pro athlete who is just temporarily down on yore luck.

All of that is religious nonsens based on a total lack of insight into human cognition. You are living an illusion dude.
This is the type of narcissistic bullshit you say that makes you unbearable to talk to or want to help. You’re literally telling a dude who did and achieved what you’ve trying to but been unable to even fucking start, and you’re telling him he’s “living an illusion”…. What a fucking asshole you come off as. Then we get more bullshit excuses for why you can’t do what others have because *insert bullshit reason and or made up sob story*.

Your stolen valor shit is just straight up shameful and I hope you’re ashamed of yourself for presenting such an obvious fantasy (you being ex military) as reality, tho I suspect that’s impossible for a narcissist like you.

Does pretending to be an expert in this stuff give you the dopamine hit to make you feel like you’re actually doing something to help yourself? It’s just so fucking pathetic to watch….
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