Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

but you are stepping over a boundary that I would advise you not to.
Stepping over? How about I jump up and down on it and watch you not be able to do one thing about it.

You are a terrible father. You let your daughter be influenced by your suicidal schizophrenic mom, now they have a suicide pact with each other and you still alllow your mom to continue poisoning her. You should lose custody for neglect, unforgivable that you put your own child through this, you share responsibility in whatever pain this causes her.

And to show just how much you don’t give a fuck about your kid, you made your life’s mission to chase after a woman that abandoned her. You love cheeseburgers more than your own child, and you would rather eat yourself to death than get help for your narcissism so you can learn how to give your daughter the love that she deserves. Fuck you.
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Jesus, I would never share my skeleton even if I know there is 0 chance I will interact with internet strangers ever.

@DanishPanther How could you still have the energy to argue with anyone while you’re having all these things happen to you. Fuck everyone here, get the hell out and fix your life first then come back to this place after.

You know everyone here is just role playing right? I hope you are too, I would not wish whatever I just read on anyone i don’t like.
Jesus, I would never share my skeleton even if I know there is 0 chance I will interact with internet strangers ever.

@DanishPanther How could you still have the energy to argue with anyone while you’re having all these things happen to you. Fuck everyone here, get the hell out and fix your life first then come back to this place after.

You know everyone here is just role playing right? I hope you are too, I would not wish whatever I just read on anyone i don’t like.
Naaa, I'm real enough man and what I've said is just how it is - I just don't care. :)

As for the energy part, I'm a capable type, not like you all imagine.
I'm here to learn about the meds I just ordered and made a lifelong plan for using, and meet some interesting people who share an interest in these meds/peds and in using such to get back to lifting themselves - that I'm already catching up with RL.

Besides it's annoying that I can't start a thread where people can just stick to debating the issue (what peds compliments GLP-1s for someone in my physical situation) - but so be it, all these take very little (close to 0) effort for me.

PS: but sure, some of what I teased you guys with was just teasing back. I'm used to being in testosterone-filled environments, I didn't feel any real-life problems about it, ... except now with autism-boy, who seems to have gone insane for real.
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. my biggest problem right now is an insane drive towards unhealthy foods ... really... to the degree where I doubt any mental toughness would be enough to stop it...
you are seriously one of the most pathetic excuses for a human being I have ever encountered in all my years.

You know absolutely nothing about mental toughness. You realize a large majority of us on this forum are recovering drug addicts and alcoholics.

For instance just 2 weeks ago It was 11 years to the day since I DECIDED to stop injecting heroin into my arm.

And you’re gonna sit here and say that there’s no mental toughness in the world strong enough for you to stop eating snacks?

You wouldn’t know personal responsibility if it bit you in the fucking ass.

As one of the members above nailed it “enjoy the prison of a body you’ve built for yourself”

What a fucking joke you are.
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you are seriously one of the most pathetic excuses for a human being I have ever encountered in all my years.
Said the autistic boy who creates another profile just to troll me :rolleyes:
Dude all those meds have fucked up your little head!

I've said already I did RFL 3 times in a row where I lived of 600 kcals for 6 months and after that stayed at maintenance for a year ... that was how long I could keep it at bay ... this is an entire different situation than you fucking imagine!

I don't know what to tell you dude, I've been to war, and I've made it through the recruit phase in the Danish special forces ... I have sit through long degrees ... I've built a 270 kg deadlift, a 185 kg benchpress (160 kg raw), a 220 kg squat, I've done Murph in 35 minutes... stayed at 8-10% bf for 10 years in a row... lack of mental toughness is not something I (or anyone who knows me) think I lack!

On the contrary, I wish I had a softer nature.

For instance just 2 weeks ago It was 11 years to the day since I DECIDED to stop injecting heroin into my arm.

And you’re gonna sit here and say that there’s no mental toughness in the world strong enough for you to stop eating snacks?

Well if you have tried that, you should be able to have more empathy towards the situation of other people... really!

Now the question is how many heroines do we have to make you adicted to, before your mental toughness won't cut it?! and how long do the max cravings for heroine have to last (without easing off) for you to cave?

Should we call you weak when you started taking drugs?
Or for all the time it took for you to quit them?

More interesting: great that talking about my mental toughness makes you feel badass! ... you win the part in the rocky movie!

But what else have you accomplished in your life, besides back and biceps?

Fucking test brains, thinking all men is measured by the stigma of “not being able to handle it” ...

But if that makes you feel good about yourself...
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Said the autism boy who creates another profile just to troll me :rolleyes:
Dude all those meds have fucked up your little head!
Lol bro I’ve had this account since 2018.

You really think it’s that unbelievable that someone else thinks the pathetic loser is, well… a pathetic loser?
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Said the autism boy who creates another profile just to troll me :rolleyes:
Dude all those meds have fucked up your little head!
I hope you know that the join date can be seen on the accounts right, plus Shiva has been here actually being a positive influence to members for a long time now.

You have been here less than a year and truly set the bar for the cry baby of Meso lol
Naaa, I'm real enough man and what I've said is just how it is - I just don't care. :)

As for the energy part, I'm a capable type, not like you all imagine.
I'm here to learn about the meds I just ordered and made a lifelong plan for using, and meet some interesting people who share an interest in these meds/peds and in using such to get back to lifting themselves - that I'm already catching up with RL.

Besides it's annoying that I can't start a thread where people can just stick to debating the issue (what peds compliments GLP-1s for someone in my physical situation) - but so be it, all these take very little (close to 0) effort for me.

PS: but sure, some of what I teased you guys with was just teasing back. I'm used to being in testosterone-filled environments, I didn't feel any real-life problems about it, ... except now with autism-boy, who seems to have gone insane for real.
I am not a real-life problem Coach Dane, you just allow other people to affect your emotions. Block me or log off this account, and I no longer exist, I am truly insignificant to your life, but that’s your problem: you place importance on things that should have none, and disregard things that should.

You already know what drugs accelerate fat loss with GLPs. I don’t know why you keep bringing this up. You could have easily found everything online and came into this forum with an attitude of “this is what I’m running, don’t care if you don’t like it” . But with a mindset like yours, I doubt that would have went well for you, as I know for a fact you would have never taken any advice given to you.

By insulting everyone here, you destroyed what would have been a great
thing. I can’t tell you how helpful this forum has been on my journey, but you’re the type of person that knows everything anyways, so I doubt it would have mattered.

If you really wanted to meet people here, then you would have done what I told you to do from the beginning: stop arguing against everything people say that you don’t like. Ignore what bothers you and respond to the stuff that doesn’t. You obviously are not capable of doing that though. Oh well.

What did you buy?
ps thanks for helping me with my cardio again. I swear your insanity has a way of melting these minutes away.
I hope you know that the join date can be seen on the accounts right, plus Shiva has been here actually being a positive influence to members for a long time now.

You have been here less than a year and truly set the bar for the cry baby of Meso lol
LMFAO I must have skipped past this part I’m fucking dying.
I am not a real-life problem Coach Dane, you just allow other people to affect your emotions. Block me or log off this account, and I no longer exist, I am truly insignificant to your life, but that’s your problem: you place importance on things that should have none, and disregard things that should.

You already know what drugs accelerate fat loss with GLPs. I don’t know why you keep bringing this up. You could have easily found everything online and came into this forum with an attitude of “this is what I’m running, don’t care if you don’t like it” . But with a mindset like yours, I doubt that would have went well for you, as I know for a fact you would have never taken any advice given to you.

By insulting everyone here, you destroyed what would have been a great
thing. I can’t tell you how helpful this forum has been on my journey, but you’re the type of person that knows everything anyways, so I doubt it would have mattered.

If you really wanted to meet people here, then you would have done what I told you to do from the beginning: stop arguing against everything people say that you don’t like. Ignore what bothers you and respond to the stuff that doesn’t. You obviously are not capable of doing that though. Oh well.

What did you buy?
ps thanks for helping me with my cardio again. I swear your insanity has a way of melting these minutes away.
No, I place absolutely no importance on you at all dude!
Not anymore at least. I've already said that.

Your approach is retarded - and so is the plan you are executing!
The only smart thing you did was using a GLP-1, but even that you titrated up way to fast.

So no thanks for your advice on how to plan and solve my problem!
You have had your entire life to solve your own, and how well is it going?

You have emptied out the entire medicine cabinet, and lost 15 kgs.
Only a matter of time before you will need as much, just to stay at status quo.

And no thanks to all the "just be tough and do it without peds and meds" either, they simply don't have the brain capacity nor the knowledge about these meds to get it.

They can call me whatever, while they are fucking not even able to build a little bit of muscle without running idiotic doses of steroids themselves.

Why should I log off just because some little puppies with no teeth think they can run me off!

You could easily have ignored me a long time ago ... I advise all you idiots to do so... but you won't because idiots run in flocks, like fucking hyenas.
Said the autistic boy who creates another profile just to troll me :rolleyes:
Dude all those meds have fucked up your little head!

I've said already I did RFL 3 times in a row where I lived of 600 kcals for 6 months and after that stayed at maintenance for a year ... that was how long I could keep it at bay ... this is an entire different situation than you fucking imagine!

I don't know what to tell you dude, I've been to war, and I've made it through the recruit phase in the Danish special forces ... I have sit through long degrees ... I've built a 270 kg deadlift, a 185 kg benchpress (160 kg raw), a 220 kg squat, I've done Murph in 35 minutes... stayed at 8-10% bf for 10 years in a row... lack of mental toughness is not something I (or anyone who knows me) think I lack!

On the contrary, I wish I had a softer nature.

Well if you have tried that, you should be able to have more empathy towards the situation of other people... really!

Now the question is how many heroines do we have to make you adicted to, before your mental toughness won't cut it?! and how long do the max cravings for heroine have to last (without easing off) for you to cave?

Should we call you weak when you started taking drugs?
Or for all the time it took for you to quit them?

More interesting: great that talking about my mental toughness makes you feel badass! ... you win the part in the rocky movie!

But what else have you accomplished in your life, besides back and biceps?

Fucking test brains, thinking all men is measured by the stigma of “not being able to handle it” ...

But if that makes you feel good about yourself...
Interesting that you edited this comment from one sentence into a fucking novel.

You’re full of shit man, if you had as much mental toughness as you say you do it would be a breeze for you to make such simple changes and take control of your life.

Instead you sit here and make excuses for everything you do and try to make it seem like you’re powerless. You have given up even trying. You are trying to paint a picture that you are physically incapable to stop shoveling food down to the point you can’t even get up and fucking walk.

You need to take responsibility for that. You did that, and you continue to do that. You literally are saying that it’s “against nature” for you to stop overeating junk foods. You’re full of shit.

And yes when I was using drugs I was a weak person, I’m the first person who will say that I was a weak ass little bitch.

Guess what though, now I’m not. Because I decided not to be.

what else have I accomplished with my life… well for starters I’m happy with the person that I am, something that you clearly can not say. I’m happy enough with my achievements in life that I don’t feel the need to brag about them on a steroid forum, because then it kind of just seems like you’re full of shit (cough cough)

It’s also very interesting that you continue to sling shit about steroid usage on a steroid forum. I’m not sure if you think it offends us that you point out that we are on testosterone, or…?

You seriously need to start taking accountability for yourself and your actions.
Yeah, it’s scary that even the he still thinks he is in control, I feel like were getting trolled lol.
Talk about Trolling, you were the one talking in the other thread about keeping it on-topic!

All you guys do is stay OFF-TOPIC!

This thread was about what GLP-1 to use and what complimentary peds, people in here would use in my situation and had experience using!

It was not about mental toughness, or "just diet" or "just training", or about how pathetic someone is for xyz, including not having the mental toughness of a heroin junkie ... or whatever other idiotic things your little brains are unable to handle all the test you injects have come up with so far!
Interesting that you edited this comment from one sentence into a fucking novel.

You’re full of shit man, if you had as much mental toughness as you say you do it would be a breeze for you to make such simple changes and take control of your life.

Instead you sit here and make excuses for everything you do and try to make it seem like you’re powerless. You have given up even trying. You are trying to paint a picture that you are physically incapable to stop shoveling food down to the point you can’t even get up and fucking walk.

You need to take responsibility for that. You did that, and you continue to do that. You literally are saying that it’s “against nature” for you to stop overeating junk foods. You’re full of shit.

And yes when I was using drugs I was a weak person, I’m the first person who will say that I was a weak ass little bitch.

Guess what though, now I’m not. Because I decided not to be.

what else have I accomplished with my life… well for starters I’m happy with the person that I am, something that you clearly can not say. I’m happy enough with my achievements in life that I don’t feel the need to brag about them on a steroid forum, because then it kind of just seems like you’re full of shit (cough cough)

It’s also very interesting that you continue to sling shit about steroid usage on a steroid forum. I’m not sure if you think it offends us that you point out that we are on testosterone, or…?

You seriously need to start taking accountability for yourself and your actions.
I'm not interested in your advice shit for brains!

If all problems were fixed by telling everyone to just tough it up and taking accountability, no one would have these types of serious problems to begin with... and you would take no peds or meds yourself!

You simply disqualify yourself from participating in the debate - in my thread!...

This thread is not a mental toughness competition, and I don't even feel the need to take part in such ... as I already wrote, I have been tough enough my entire life, to feel more than satisfied on that account ... if that's not enough to convince you lack of mental toughness is not my problem, then that's your problem! Go to the hood, or whatever and get your head blasted off to show how tough you are!
You have emptied out the entire medicine cabinet, and lost 15 kgs.
I know you love being retarded, but you keep on bringing this up, so I’ll respond: I am on HRT with my GLP. That’s it. 175 mg/week test p, 4iu gh. I have lost 46 pounds, 31 with these or less compounds. You loved what I was doing before I started training hard, I’m guessing you got resentful after that, since you need clen to “get your ass moving again”. Pathetic.

Don’t think I didn’t notice you constantly suggesting that I should workout less, I just ignored it because you’re fucking obvious. Snake shit.
Sure. Enjoy whatever quality of life you have left and keep blaming the whole world to make you feel better about it.
I'm not blaming anyone dude, there is nothing about my situation that is about blame: that's how Vagiana thinks, not men. I'm invested in knowledge, plans, experience, and solutions.

I simply tried to explain my situation, so that someone with brains would get it... you were not one of those, so be it (don't feel bad you where not the only one).

I have plenty of experience and knowledge about diet and training, and I'm certain just adding the right GLP-1 will be enough to fix my problem permanently (I'm going to stay on GLP-1s for life if needed) ... besides that, I'm figuring out what is good complimentary peds to add. I'm going to add 2 ui of pharma HGH when I'm down 20 kgs and can train properly again, that will be it: unless I shut down on the hardest part of the rapid phase of the diet, then I was going to add t4 - but should not be needed switching to Reta... This is baby support compared to the drugs you guys run to be able to achieve anything. ... None theless it's needed!

I haven't tried to be addicted to heroine and had to quit, but I have worked at full force for several weeks in a row without any food at all or any sleep at all as a soldier, - and the situation I'm in now, the signals my body fucks me up with, is a hell of allot more powerful than that situation ... and GLP-1 fixes that, so why would I not use it ...
Now I know why everyone in your life wants to leave you, and i think its finally time to put you on ignore. Come to think of it why the fuck would anyone here listen to a obese person who lost to a cheeseburger lol

See ya!