The DNP Retatrutide Extreme Fat Loss Cycle

Well, yah, you can’t maintain that forever. That’s an incredible deficit and an unforgiving cut. That said, if you can do that again, then do it!!! And then, when you feel you “can’t hold your breath” you can add in glp-1 to help you over that hump. You’ll have all the healthy habits already established and a routine you can continue to stick to. Then you’re using glp-1 as a tool, not a crutch.

No one’s body is built for this kind of weight. Yet you’ve demonstrates (4 times apparently) that you can loose it for a period of 18 months, so do it again.

You are getting these types of reactions because you are fucking insufferable in your responses and demeanor. My first comment to you about your over the top complaining was met with a paragraphs long rant about everything from how I’m blasting 18iu of gh and grams of test, how I look at pictures of men in their underwear (wtf btw), how successful and achieved you are, followed by how ill and trapped you feel (which was the only part of your response that felt genuine). No shit that gets met with “okay, well enjoy your shit situation you made for yourself.” You just come off as a pompous dude fishing for excuses for your failures with that behavior.

Like others have said to you, if you dropped your narcissistic responses, quit whining, and actually took the fairly plentiful advice you’ve been given, than this whole forum would be in your corner.

This sounds like a nightmare. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I personally know over a dozen people of have killed themselves and know how tragic that is for families and loved ones, especially parents. My only suggestion here would be you I strongly feel you need to cut your unstable mother out of your and your daughter’s life to protect her. In this situation I think you can only truly be a parent to one party, and it’s clear which party that should be. I’m surprised your therapist has not been pushing you to cut your toxic mother off to protect your child honestly,

Also, sorry to hear about your whore ex, got one too, is no fun.

That’s just cause you don’t want to hear what I’m telling you, which is that it is your fault your body is this way and only you can fix it. Whatever excuses you have are just that, excuses. Yes, things are hard for you, but focusing on that does absolutely nothing to improve your situation. Throwing in glp-1 without a healthy foundation, or even working to build a healthy foundation, is just a waste imo. You will simply relapse weight, or have to stay on drugs perpetually that have very little to no long term health studies.

Do what you’ve apparently done before, and get into that healthy routine, and then add in aids such as glp-1.

Also, you’re going to hate to hear this, but you should very likely get your test levels checked. At that weight, with your stress, and your lack of mobility, it would not be shocking if your test is in the gutter and estro over the moon. This would help explain your despair, lack of drive, and feelings of being trapped, There are non-aas interventions like hcg, hmg, and hgh that can help boost numbers into the normal to high normal range without the same level of systemic shutdown. Diet, exercise, and supplements helped double my testosterone from when I was not as healthy, but I was far from where you are yours levels may be far more damaged and harder to fix without direct intervention.

Edit - also, whoever suggested you get a coach to keep you accountable has given you the best suggestion out of everyone in your thread. You need someone to keep you accountable far more than you need drugs.
Well thank you for a mostly positive post ... I appreciate most you are saying here, man.

But listen, it's you who frames it all like I'm whining, it's so funny to me because I have never whined in my entire life, not even a single time felt sorry for myself.

I'm looking for medical solutions, not pity. (That's also why I hate even having to tell these things to anyone in here, it's none of others' business).

It's when you guys say: "Why are you asking about GLP-1, you don't need that, just man up and do it without any peds", that I'm just trying to explain the mechanisms behind my situation to guys like you, who assume way, way, way too much man.

You call it excuses but it's just the facts...

As for my situation, that's again so easy to suggest:
If I cut off my mother she is dead within a week, and I'm very close to her, so that's not going to be the choice I'll ever make... and sure all psychologists are telling me I need to keep no contact with both my mom and daughter, that I can't save them if I die myself anyways so that I should just let them go and live my life - but that's never going to be the choice I'll make ... it's not a war I'm giving up on... and neither is getting back in shape, rebuilding my business, or getting my wife back - I'll rather die trying, and that's not a metaphor.

My wife is lovely, she just followed the advice of her therapists and psychologists.

The situation is what it is, and I can deal with it (lol, well I'll laugh writing that - but let's just say I will keep trying to deal with it)... but it's still affecting me biologically: it's traumatic and stressful nonetheless, and my biology is messed up and thinks it can cure it by forcing me to eat all kind of crap - when in fact, right now, the opposite is needed.

That's not whining either, that's just explaining how I experience it.

As for the weight, you have to realize that I went from 86kg to 98kg (did rfl + a year of maintance) 108 kg(did rfl + a year of maintance), to 118 kg(did rfl + a year of maintance), to 128 kg to 142 kg(I'm standing here now), each jump happened within months not years after I could no longer maintain maintenance.

Also, you are not realising the built-up fatigue for being at it so hard, for so long: once is easy, twice is okay ... but over time this thing gets HARD dude. The physical and psychological excess gets allot smaller over time.

I have gone from being able to train 5 hours a day (sometimes did), to having a struggle just going down the stairs and shopping my groceries: I do walk every day, but condition is not improving, just getting worse and worse, and each time it feels like my heart is about to stop and my lungs fall out.

So realistically I just don't have another round of living 6 months on 600 kcals in me, without these meds being used to support me in doing so simultaneously.

You can call me concluding that being an excuse, but I would call the opposite lack of feel for one's own limitations or realism. When I was 108 kg only having run RFL once, nothing would have been easier to tell the same to one at 140 kg, but it's a totally different situation.

Btw. I have never had problems with accountability - I have been a coach and had coaches before ... I wouldn't care about failing a coach, but I hate to fail myself.

The plan is very simple man:
1) I have to keep battling not gaining more weight for right now.
2) As soon as I have the GLP-1 meds, I need to start the RFL again, possibly staying on a maintenance dose of GLP-1 meds for life.
3) I'll add whatever is safe and cheap, that supports that goal, makes me less fatigued, improve

But I rather speak about that in my own thread than derail Shreddeds, he does not deserve us craping in his thread.

Anyways, mostly thank you for that post man.
And you very well know it was different from the rest you wrote.
Get your rambling out of someone’s thread. You keep saying you want to stop spamming his thread but keep on posting these novels of dramatic tirades against bodybuilders in a bodybuilding forum.

The perfect example of a narcissist, making everything about themselves, fml.

I am probably on ignore by mr. Know it all here but @ShredSeason I think it is safe to say you should avoid this guy like the plague, he is the first guy I saw here who just reeks of toxicity and no self awareness.
Aww, sry you feel that butt hurt you had to write that...
But even you must be able to see I'm just answering the posts others are serving... Anyway, don't worry I'm not wasting more of my time and will be out of here soon! - Then you can get your "status" back on the internet.
it's a log you dumb fuck. post pics or it never happened.
and still not an alt. meso is just above reddit level when it comes to information (this thread proves my point), i see no reason to post here. i come here for the sources, no need for an account to read.
you should be flattered, i registered just for you, don't you like the attention? that's all you care about.

pics? and not of your chin.
Ta ta retard. Banned quicker than I expected but I knew it was coming. Good riddance.
Lmao, stop thanking yourself. Btw, you have completely hijacked @ShredSeason log with your novels of a post about your life story.
I didn't intend to hijack shit, I responded to peoples posts about me.
I actually feel aweful for taking up space, though you are taking up allot yourself, having to put in posts like that.
if a mod would be helpfull deleting my posts here that is not helpfull to shredded, I would really appricate it... it's not fair to him at all obviously.
I didn't intend to hijack shit, I responded to peoples posts about me.
I actually feel aweful for taking up space, though you are taking up allot yourself, having to put in posts like that.
if a mod would be helpfull deleting my posts here that is not helpfull to shredded, I would really appricate it... it's not fair to him at all obviously.
Look at the length of your posts lol. Anyway you’re right I shouldn’t be responding to you, btw Meso removed mods years ago.

Sorry @ShredSeason for entertaining this asswipe on your thread, this would be my last post about this.
Look at the length of your posts lol. Anyway you’re right I shouldn’t be responding to you, btw Meso removed mods years ago.

Sorry @ShredSeason for entertaining this asswipe on your thread, this would be my last post about this.
That sucks, I made a post asking them to remove all my posts that was not relevant to ShreadSeasons thread and deleted them, and then I self "repported" it ... there must be mods, jesus.

If I delete my profile, will it then clear up his log?
That sucks, I made a post asking them to remove all my posts that was not relevant to ShreadSeasons thread and deleted them, and then I self "repported" it ... there must be mods, jesus.

If I delete my profile, will it then clear up his log?
Nah it’s here forever. Only the one guy in charge of the forum modding the whole thing.
or getting my wife back
Brother she is for the streets. Someone came down her chimney and he wasn’t dropping his presents under the tree. Don’t disrespect yourself trying to get back with that.
My mother and daughter both suffer from Schizophrenia, and are committed to the idea of killing themselves together
That is fucking dark, holy shit. I’m sorry you have to go through that. I can’t imagine.
If I cut off my mother she is dead within a week, and I'm very close to her, so that's not going to be the choice I'll ever make
If I’m understanding this, then you absolutely need to remove her from your daughter’s life. Your mom has a suicide pact with her own granddaughter?
you have to stay lean for about 9 years before things in your brain physically normalize
You see, this is great information. You have a ton of knowledge, order your Tirz and start crawling out of hell until you can run the rest of the way.
the LAST thing I want is to stand in the way for Shreddeds success
Not possible
My wife is lovely, she just followed the advice of her therapists and psychologists.
Day 25 (leg day)
Barbell squats 4x5, Leg extensions 6x5, Deads 4x5, Cardio 45 min indoor bike

Exhausted during this workout, but it was a good time. I miss the adrenaline of lifting in a surplus/mantainence, it’s very mechanical at this kind of deficit. Lifting at ungodly hours of the night probably doesn’t help either. I felt something in my hamstrings that I didn’t like on my last set of deadlifts, nothing major, but I’m gonna watch some videos and work on my form for my next leg day.

I ate breakfast today. I cut a soft tortilla in half, took 4 slices of bacon, added some jabanero hot sauce, and rolled it into a tortilla wrap. I love doing this. Less than 300 calories, and it’s delicious. Highly recommend. If I was eating a sane amount of food, I’d use a full tortilla and double the bacon. Total calories for the day was 1100. Fucking addicted to Melinda’s hot sauce, I can taste it right now.

I was insanely hungry today, had to tell my cravings to shut the fuck up quite a few times. I’m eating a negative amount of calories with the amount of exercise I’m doing. Going to go upstairs and down some flax seeds and electrolytes to fill up my stomach. If this amount of cravings and appetite continues, it will be a good opportunity to gain some self control.

ps if any of you know what to add to potassium powder to make it palpable, do let me know. It’s fucking disgusting lmao.
My package of delicious goodies has arrived!
The only thing I’ll be taking for now is Telmisartan 80 mg. I’m going to feel a lot safer having something for my blood pressure, and I’m excited for its help with water retention. I also got T3/T4, but I’m not starting until I know my heart and blood pressure can handle it.

I did get 2 boxes of clen to meet the minimum order requirement, but this won’t be introduced until the very end of my cut (last 20 pounds or so), if ever. I’ve never been impressed with the amount of BMR increase people say it gives, I am excited to see what it does for my endurance and lifts though when the time comes. No clen, Cardarine, anavar, or anything like that for now. I want working out at baseline to be my normal and that stuff to be an added bonus every once in a while.
My package of delicious goodies has arrived!
View attachment 274822
The only thing I’ll be taking for now is Telmisartan 80 mg. I’m going to feel a lot safer having something for my blood pressure, and I’m excited for its help with water retention. I also got T3/T4, but I’m not starting until I know my heart and blood pressure can handle it.

I did get 2 boxes of clen to meet the minimum order requirement, but this won’t be introduced until the very end of my cut (last 20 pounds or so), if ever. I’ve never been impressed with the amount of BMR increase people say it gives, I am excited to see what it does for my endurance and lifts though when the time comes. No clen, Cardarine, anavar, or anything like that for now. I want working out at baseline to be my normal and that stuff to be an added bonus every once in a while.
kewl clen made me anxious as fuck i had horrible sleep on it. just my experience tbh ive had great time with IPA and Cjc No dac
You are doing good man, well done.

I wonder what your protein intake is if it's high enough?!

The foods you mentioned sound ideal for a moderate kcal intake, but not an ultra-low one / VLCD. A moderate intake is probably smarter with all that training anyway.

Also wondered if you have tried to stay in ketosis, that's the only way I could stay in RFL without peds when I ran it earlier ... just a tiny amount of food that threw me out of it, and the hunger would get 10 times worse.

But not sure how that works on GLP-1's yet.

As for Telmisartan everyone taking steroids would be stupid not to be on it IMO; but be careful with your potassium supplements - I'm really in doubt if it is a real-life problem, but they have forbidden potassium salts (the thing you are taking) in Denmark in general, because some diabetics died due to that combo - it's said to cause hyperkalemia - but assume it's only problematic for people with kidney issues or such.

I take the potassium salts myself because I'm not (yet) on Telmisartan.
Have a talk with my doctor in the next few weeks about it, but I often do Ibuprofen, and that combo is mentioned can lead to kidney failure.

Should be easy to see if it's becoming a problem if you get it tested.

Oh, and the best way to get potassium powder down is to take two glasses, one with a tiny bit of water and the salts, and one to flush with after (I do all my "powdered" supplements that way).

As for Clen, I loved the 12 weeks I used it when I was using it at 108 kg body weight.

I recommend reading Joe Jeffery's short book on Clean before using it: one thing is certain it's a hell of a lot safer drug than DNP (and way, way, way safer if used correctly than it has a rep for).

In general 20-40 mcg/day is considered really low risk, 40-80mcg/day moderate risk, and 80mcg/day high risk (we don't know because there are no good data or studies). We have loads of data on 20mcg and it's allot safer drug at this dose than it gets credit for ... it's even been given to people with heart problems at this dose, and ended up improving their condition.

*Again all this in in Joes book and his sources on his board.

Now with Clen, you NEED to start with a low dose of 20 mcg, and you need to stop at a max of 80 mcg, I would even recommend stop at 40 mcg! I never personally did or needed more than 20 mcg myself, once I took 80 mcg by accident, and I thought I was going to die - my heart was pumping as fast as when I was otherwise sprinting, so I was forced to jog around for 7 hours till I could be in my own body again (can't imagine how that would be if it happened to me in my current condition).

For me 20 mcg CLEN equaled about 2-3 hours of cardio a day, it was not just the increase in RMR, but simply how it forced me to keep my body moving throughout the day - I litterally felt like shit just relaxing unless I got my morning walk in, and even after that, you notice your body is moving all the time, shakes, and such.

Cardio is limited under RFL (walking and LISS are fine), unless you want a massive RMR downgrade that can takes years to recover (according to Lyle)... so CLEN can make up for that there and then.

Otherwise, it's not that bad, take it early morning and it won't affect your sleep.

As for T4/T3, you should never go for hyperthyroidism in your situation (would be counterproductive) ... Now esp due to the amount of exercise you do, you can be almost certain to experience RMR downgrading as the body tries to fight to keep the fat onto your body, to quote

To quote TessaM, from the big GLP-1 thread:
Exercise during weight loss turns out to lower RMR further than weight loss alone, and it doesn't bounce back even when checked 5 years later

*my notes, this is obviously only the case when the kcal intake is very low, or when the deficit is massive. you can read allot more about this in Lyles books.
This is where T4 especially (I would have chosen monotherapy), can be used to avoid and fight this off ... you know you are taking the right amounts when you simply feel great, and you have a bit extra energy, but it's NOT hyperthyroidism (can't feel your heart beating faster, no nausea, no extra sweating or anything), things should simply feel more as if you where in an optimal kcal surplus instead of a deficit ... I had great results with this while doing RFL as well. The only real danger, unless you go for hyperthyroidism, is that a few experience a permanent shutdown in their own production, so they have to use it for life.

Clen and T4 is the only compounds I have used myself recently.
Both where a massive game changer to me personally while I used them, but I'm sure it won't be anything next to Tirz or Reta (and any of those two might make both redundant anyway).

Hope it helps ...

Good luck man ... and keep up the good work.
Won't be as much around from now on, but wanted to give a little back with this post, for all you did for me over PM.
PS: Thank you for your kind words to my post, might answer it later on in my own thread, really hate drowning yours in my crap...
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Is you BP high? Are you actually deficient thyroid hormones? If no to those questions then why are you taking those drugs? Thyroid hormone and clen are mainly utilized when people are already very lean and they use it to get totally shredded. Dude, I think you're still trying to rely on drugs. I also still think your calorie deficit is far to extreme. Do a more moderate deficit and yes it will take longer but it's healthier and you are more likely to keep the weight off.

You're still trying to shortcut things dude. Shortcuts don't work and they will bite you in the ass.
Is you BP high? Are you actually deficient thyroid hormones? If no to those questions then why are you taking those drugs? Thyroid hormone and clen are mainly utilized when people are already very lean and they use it to get totally shredded. Dude, I think you're still trying to rely on drugs. I also still think your calorie deficit is far to extreme. Do a more moderate deficit and yes it will take longer but it's healthier and you are more likely to keep the weight off.

You're still trying to shortcut things dude. Shortcuts don't work and they will bite you in the ass.
I have hypertension, Telmisartan will be a godsend if it fixes my BP without the sides beta blockers gave me.

I’m not on clen, I’d only take it at the very end, if at all. I’m more interested in its performance benefits. I might just wait until I’m building, I wanna see how it affects strength and endurance. Burning an extra 200 calories isn’t worth the danger at my weight.

I am 100% still trying to shortcut things…I know it’s a problem. I’ve never been hypothyroid…I justify all this by saying it’s ok because I’m still putting in the work, I know I’m bullshitting myself. Something made me obsessed with this weight loss, I don’t know what it was. I spend countless 100s of hours researching, talking, doing everything I can to lose as fast as humanly possible. It’s almost the only thing I think about. I’ve been like this since October.

I don’t know why I’m like this. I do wonder what it will turn into once I’m done. I love lifting, I’m hoping it turns into an obsession with building muscle and with my physique. Body dysmorphia seems a lot better than the other possibilities. I’m thinking of going to therapy for all this. I don’t want to become anorexic, but I don’t want them to get in my head and fuck with my weight loss. I don’t know man. It’s hard because I know I’m doing good things for myself, my family is happy for me, if only they knew I was eating fucking explosives 2 weeks ago in their basement on Christmas.
You are doing good man, well done.

I wonder what your protein intake is if it's high enough?!

The foods you mentioned sound ideal for a moderate kcal intake, but not an ultra-low one / VLCD. A moderate intake is probably smarter with all that training anyway.

Also wondered if you have tried to stay in ketosis, that's the only way I could stay in RFL without peds when I ran it earlier ... just a tiny amount of food that threw me out of it, and the hunger would get 10 times worse.

But not sure how that works on GLP-1's yet.

As for Telmisartan everyone taking steroids would be stupid not to be on it IMO; but be careful with your potassium supplements - I'm really in doubt if it is a real-life problem, but they have forbidden potassium salts (the thing you are taking) in Denmark in general, because some diabetics died due to that combo - it's said to cause hyperkalemia - but assume it's only problematic for people with kidney issues or such.

I take the potassium salts myself because I'm not (yet) on Telmisartan.
Have a talk with my doctor in the next few weeks about it, but I often do Ibuprofen, and that combo is mentioned can lead to kidney failure.

Should be easy to see if it's becoming a problem if you get it tested.

Oh, and the best way to get potassium powder down is to take two glasses, one with a tiny bit of water and the salts, and one to flush with after (I do all my "powdered" supplements that way).

As for Clen, I loved the 12 weeks I used it when I was using it at 108 kg body weight.

I recommend reading Joe Jeffery's short book on Clean before using it: one thing is certain it's a hell of a lot safer drug than DNP (and way, way, way safer if used correctly than it has a rep for).

In general 20-40 mcg/day is considered really low risk, 40-80mcg/day moderate risk, and 80mcg/day high risk (we don't know because there are no good data or studies). We have loads of data on 20mcg and it's allot safer drug at this dose than it gets credit for ... it's even been given to people with heart problems at this dose, and ended up improving their condition.

*Again all this in in Joes book and his sources on his board.

Now with Clen, you NEED to start with a low dose of 20 mcg, and you need to stop at a max of 80 mcg, I would even recommend stop at 40 mcg! I never personally did or needed more than 20 mcg myself, once I took 80 mcg by accident, and I thought I was going to die - my heart was pumping as fast as when I was otherwise sprinting, so I was forced to jog around for 7 hours till I could be in my own body again (can't imagine how that would be if it happened to me in my current condition).

For me 20 mcg CLEN equaled about 2-3 hours of cardio a day, it was not just the increase in RMR, but simply how it forced me to keep my body moving throughout the day - I litterally felt like shit just relaxing unless I got my morning walk in, and even after that, you notice your body is moving all the time, shakes, and such.

Cardio is limited under RFL (walking and LISS are fine), unless you want a massive RMR downgrade that can takes years to recover (according to Lyle)... so CLEN can make up for that there and then.

Otherwise, it's not that bad, take it early morning and it won't affect your sleep.

As for T4/T3, you should never go for hyperthyroidism in your situation (would be counterproductive) ... Now esp due to the amount of exercise you do, you can be almost certain to experience RMR downgrading as the body tries to fight to keep the fat onto your body, to quote

To quote TessaM, from the big GLP-1 thread:

This is where T4 especially (I would have chosen monotherapy), can be used to avoid and fight this off ... you know you are taking the right amounts when you simply feel great, and you have a bit extra energy, but it's NOT hyperthyroidism (can't feel your heart beating faster, no nausea, no extra sweating or anything), things should simply feel more as if you where in an optimal kcal surplus instead of a deficit ... I had great results with this while doing RFL as well. The only real danger, unless you go for hyperthyroidism, is that a few experience a permanent shutdown in their own production, so they have to use it for life.

Clen and T4 is the only compounds I have used myself recently.
Both where a massive game changer to me personally while I used them, but I'm sure it won't be anything next to Tirz or Reta (and any of those two might make both redundant anyway).

Hope it helps ...

Good luck man ... and keep up the good work.
Won't be as much around from now on, but wanted to give a little back with this post, for all you did for me over PM.
PS: Thank you for your kind words to my post, might answer it later on in my own thread, really hate drowning yours in my crap...
Keto makes that much of a difference on appetite? You might have just sold me on it. You’re right about VLCD, I’m finding my deficit simply unsustainable with the amount of training I’m doing. Yesterday I ate 1100 calories, today I ate 1300. Way more than I want to eat.

Lots of golden info here, thanks bro. I’m gonna check out that book, sounds interesting as fuck! Why do you say you’re taking potassium until telmisartan? Does it make the body retain potassium? Gonna try the two glass thing.

Clen seems pointless for someone that’s obese. The BMR increase is negligible, 200 burned calories is only going to help a bodybuilder deep into a cut. I’m really interested in its performance benefits though, not touching it until I’m in good shape. I’m not convinced it’s safer than mild doses of DNP (250 mg or less), especially for a fat person. It’s going to raise heart rate and blood pressure, not good.

Clen at 108 kg sounds a bit more reasonable. You were at a weight where you could take advantage of enhancing performance. The earliest I’d probably try it would be around 90 kg though. If I’m back into striking by then, I’ll need a fuck ton of endurance, I’d be interested in using it to make long term gains on cardio by running a cycle, maybe with Cardarine too, and just spamming the fuck out of HIIT, interval, and endurance training to raise my Vo2 max as high as I possibly can. Once I’m 80 kg, it’ll be time to start building muscle, so 90 kg would be the time to run clen if I’m going to use it for this.

I don’t know a lot about clen though because I knew it would be a long time before I can run it, so I’ll have to research if this would even be worth it or make sense for this. I want to use most of my energy on lifting once it’s time to build, so I’ll need to find out how much cardio is needed to maintain a vo2 max.
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I have hypertension, Telmisartan will be a godsend if it fixes my BP without the sides beta blockers gave me.

I’m not on clen, I’d only take it at the very end, if at all. I’m more interested in its performance benefits. I might just wait until I’m building, I wanna see how it affects strength and endurance. Burning an extra 200 calories isn’t worth the danger at my weight.

I am 100% still trying to shortcut things…I know it’s a problem. I’ve never been hypothyroid…I justify all this by saying it’s ok because I’m still putting in the work, I know I’m bullshitting myself. Something made me obsessed with this weight loss, I don’t know what it was. I spend countless 100s of hours researching, talking, doing everything I can to lose as fast as humanly possible. It’s almost the only thing I think about. I’ve been like this since October.

I don’t know why I’m like this. I do wonder what it will turn into once I’m done. I love lifting, I’m hoping it turns into an obsession with building muscle and with my physique. Body dysmorphia seems a lot better than the other possibilities. I’m thinking of going to therapy for all this. I don’t want to become anorexic, but I don’t want them to get in my head and fuck with my weight loss. I don’t know man. It’s hard because I know I’m doing good things for myself, my family is happy for me, if only they knew I was eating fucking explosives 2 weeks ago in their basement on Christmas.

Don't let your mind talk you into quitting, that's one of the way it works when you start dieting hard and long! (you have only been at it for a few months mate).

There is no bullshit about using whatever helps you, it's just about making a smart evaluation of risk vs. gains - and esp. long term consequenses.

To be honest, and you are wellcome to prove me wrong, you are very unlikely in your situation to succed without the GLP-1's and very likely to succed with them.

Therapy won't do shit, unless you have a vagina... in most cases it will just make things worse.

As for DNP and loosing weight as fast as possible stuff, that is retared IMO, I have to say so.

You are still smart enough in lose it fast ... all being talked out of that will do to you, is having you on a slow diet for a few months, then you will get back worse than when you started ... you have been to fat for to long, for your brain not to work against you. (that's just my advice, most of the macho guys will disagree).

Just think about loosing the weight fast, but safe: it's not about enduring or being macho (the trt might support that way of thinking though), it's about results, and nailing your goal!

You where doing amazing in the beginning, just go back on that plan, do what you did that worked wonderfully for you.

No matter what compounds you do take, it will take time, it will take time to lose most of the weight (but you can do it fastER), it will take time getting the last fat off, battling with skin, gaining muscle ... but it's not like you have to be at the finish line to harvest the reward ... just losing loads of fat, will make your life better in every way, taking the GLP-1's will makes things a billion times easier for you ...

But yeah, be very careful about how your mind starts to speak at this point.
It's a mistake thinking you are in control of it, it will cheat the fuck out of of you, unless you are careful... "just one slice of pizza, what can it hurt" "just one day off the diet, what can it hurt" "I'll just lick the inside of that mayo tube in the fridge, its sad to throw it out anyways" ... the more you push the limits vs. your brains setpoint, the harder it will work against you.

That's my advice anyway.

As little as I can evaluate your cardio from your posts, you can maintain your VO2max, with two 6-8 minute Metcon sessions a week, or 2 days/week or more for a minimum of 10 min. per training session, with an intensity of at least 50% VO2max

Good luck man ...
PS: I have the info to do what I needed in here, esp thanks to you, so I'll be off this board again ... just wanted to give you a bit back, to say thanks ...
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