@ShredSeason im just popping in to see the progress and of course i see novels being written. Im just gonna say this Don't take advice from someone who can't even start the journey. That's all im gonna say you have began your journey and you will figure it out i have offered the best advice i can by sending you to a thread. I lost alot of weight myself not as much as you but i dropped 60 llbs never looked back, Until one day i decided to bulk Put on 40lbs lol but it was over 4.5 months. kept my top abs. and am now cutting hard!
@ShredSeason im just popping in to see the progress and of course i see novels being written. Im just gonna say this Don't take advice from someone who can't even start the journey. That's all im gonna say you have began your journey and you will figure it out i have offered the best advice i can by sending you to a thread. I lost alot of weight myself not as much as you but i dropped 60 llbs never looked back, Until one day i decided to bulk Put on 40lbs lol but it was over 4.5 months. kept my top abs. and am now cutting hard!
Plz listen to this Shred. You killing it. Don’t be waylaid by a self-aggrandizing liar who can’t even get started. Don’t waste you time on him, focus on yourself man cause you killing it. Makes me incredibly happy to hear how much safer your cycle has become. Keep grindin man!
Keto makes that much of a difference on appetite? You might have just sold me on it. You’re right about VLCD, I’m finding my deficit simply unsustainable with the amount of training I’m doing. Yesterday I ate 1100 calories, today I ate 1300. Way more than I want to eat.

Lots of golden info here, thanks bro. I’m gonna check out that book, sounds interesting as fuck! Why do you say you’re taking potassium until telmisartan? Does it make the body retain potassium? Gonna try the two glass thing.

Clen seems pointless for someone that’s obese. The BMR increase is negligible, 200 burned calories is only going to help a bodybuilder deep into a cut. I’m really interested in its performance benefits though, not touching it until I’m in good shape. I’m not convinced it’s safer than mild doses of DNP (250 mg or less), especially for a fat person. It’s going to raise heart rate and blood pressure, not good.

Clen at 108 kg sounds a bit more reasonable. You were at a weight where you could take advantage of enhancing performance. The earliest I’d probably try it would be around 90 kg though. If I’m back into striking by then, I’ll need a fuck ton of endurance, I’d be interested in using it to make long term gains on cardio by running a cycle, maybe with Cardarine too, and just spamming the fuck out of HIIT, interval, and endurance training to raise my Vo2 max as high as I possibly can. Once I’m 80 kg, it’ll be time to start building muscle, so 90 kg would be the time to run clen if I’m going to use it for this.

I don’t know a lot about clen though because I knew it would be a long time before I can run it, so I’ll have to research if this would even be worth it or make sense for this. I want to use most of my energy on lifting once it’s time to build, so I’ll need to find out how much cardio is needed to maintain a vo2 max.
Sry I didn't see this post mate.

On VLCD if you do it RFL (keto) makes an insane difference, it should be keto made out of lean protein, green vegs and fishoil though ... not bacon greese and butter.

If you insist on loads of cardio (which also stimulate appetite btw) you might need more carbs not to crash.

I will recommend you Lyles book on this part (check your pm).
As for experience with coaching fatties, none of the guys in here have Lyles experience.

Getting started is the easiest thing in the world, people in our situation with more than 50kg to lose, it's compliance over time that kills us!

And sure, I took advantage of clen for walking - it turned the effect of walking into the effect of running (when I was still too fat to run for hours without getting injured) ... it's not something I recommend, but it got me moving and in decent cardio shape fast again at least.

At your weight, I would care very little about VO2 MAX, because that is heavily influenced by weight ... the fastest way you can increase your VO2 MAX is just to lose some kgs. Your lungs and heart are already working hard just moving your heavy body around ... it's like running or walking with a weighted vest on.

You can't have good cardio being fat, because your little lungs and heart, can't supply all that mass and can't carry it either ... so low intensity is the best way to train cardio at your size ... that will also keep your body from lowering your RMR as much (trust me, it has a billion way to kill you on that, and more drugs to fix that problem would not be needed).

Just phase plan your goals 1) lose fat and maintain your muscle mass 2) get better cardio 3) get stronger and bigger while maintaining the cardio; go back and repeat the cycle. (Cardio first, because when you are lean it takes two months to build good cardio, but 2 years to build some real muscle mass - unless you up the steroids, but if you do that all mass will DEPEND on that amount of steroids in the future: etc. making you have to cruise and blast for the rest of your life, vs. just keeping a semi-high level of TRT).

As for your kcal deficit, if you really want to lose it fast I would do RFL perhaps even with some extra kcals, but I would adjust the intake, after how much the meds can make it "moderately easy" ... this bodybuilding idea that it can't be easy enough, but has to be hell is nothing but to much testosterone in the frontal cortex... this alone will make compliance a billion times faster.

I see no reason for YOU to run clen either btw ...
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Sry I didn't see this post mate.

On VLCD if you do it RFL (keto) makes an insane difference, it should be keto made out of lean protein, green vegs and fishoil though ... not bacon greese and butter.

If you insist on loads of cardio (which also stimulate appetite btw) you might need more carbs not to crash.

I will recommend you Lyles book on this part (check your pm).
As for experience with coaching fatties, none of the guys in here have Lyles experience.

Getting started is the easiest thing in the world, people in our situation with more than 50kg to lose, it's compliance over time that kills us!

And sure, I took advantage of clean for walking - it turned the effect of walking into the effect of running (when I was still too fat to run for hours without getting injured) ...

At your weight, I would care very little about VO2 MAX, because that is heavily influenced by weight ... the fastest way you can increase your VO2 MAX is just to lose some kgs. Your lungs and heart are already working hard just moving your heavy body around ... it's like running or walking with a weighted vest on.

You can't have good cardio being fat, because your little lungs and heart, can't supply all that mass and can't carry it either ... so low intensity is the best way to train cardio at your size ... that will also keep your body from lowering your RMR as much (trust me, it has a billion way to kill you on that, and more drugs to fix that problem would not be needed).

Just phase plan your goals 1) lose fat and maintain your muscle mass 2) get better cardio 3) get stronger and bigger while maintaining the cardio; go back and repeat the cycle.

As for your kcal deficit, if you really want to lose it fast I would do RFL perhaps even with some extra kcals, but I would adjust the intake, after how much the meds can make it "moderately easy" ... this bodybuilding idea that it can't be easy enough, but has to be hell is nothing but to much testosterone in the frontal cortex... this alone will make compliance a billion times faster.

I see no reason for YOU to run clen either btw ...
Plz ignore this liar Shred. Ignore him and move on. He’s dead weight literally
@ShredSeason im just popping in to see the progress and of course i see novels being written. Im just gonna say this Don't take advice from someone who can't even start the journey. That's all im gonna say you have began your journey and you will figure it out i have offered the best advice i can by sending you to a thread. I lost alot of weight myself not as much as you but i dropped 60 llbs never looked back, Until one day i decided to bulk Put on 40lbs lol but it was over 4.5 months. kept my top abs. and am now cutting hard!
Serves the lesson to never bulk, but build muscle with a small kcal surplus and cut each time you begin to gain to much fat. (Possible the deficit can be a bit higher with the peds he already uses anyways, that increase the partitioning levels, but should never bulk once you have ever been fat even once).

Esp when we have have been obese once, it’s to easy to fall back into the setpoint on only ever feeling satisfied on that many kcals,

Personally I built all my mass within a 2% range over many years, each time my fat percentage increased by two I would cut slowly by 2%, increasing the LBM over time .., again people on TRT or peds that improves the nutrient partitioning can do it faster and wihtin a higher percentage difference. And people blasting steroids is a totally different and life long game.
Serves the lesson to never bulk, but build muscle with a small kcal surplus and cut each time you begin to gain to much fat. (Possible the deficit can be a bit higher with the pedals he already uses anyways, that increase the partitioning levels, but should never bulk, once you have ever been fat, even once).

Esp when we have have been obese once, it’s to easy to fall back into the setpoint on only ever feeling satisfied on that many kcals,

Personally I built all my mass within a 2% range over many years, each time my fat percentage increased by two I would cut slowly by 2%, increasing the LBM over time .., again people on TRT or pedi that improves the nutrient partitioning can do it faster and wihtin a higher percentage difference.
This is exactly the type of stuff you should ignore. This guy officially has no idea what he’s talking about, how to loose weight and keep it off, or anything meaningful on this subject. Listen to people who are successful at what you’re trying to do, not someone coming up with endless excuses for months rather than apply even the most minuscule effort into improving themselves. Unless you count coming up with ridiculous lies like he’s a 350lb ex special forces soldier improving yourself, in which case this ahole is a world class expert…
Sounds like a bulk to me.
Naa, bulking is gaining a lot of weight at a fast speed / very high kcal intake (it's popular because it works if you are on mega doses of steroids - or if you are a skinny kid on a beginning program built around heavy squats) for everyone else that is not super skinny it's a losing strategy, it will be the way to a long term year-round high-fat percentage, vs. staying lean year round.

What I did was gain at a 200 kcal surplus till I gained around 2%, then a 200 kcal deficit (maintaining most of the mass I gained), it's slow progress but since you are in great shape year-round at that point it's easy to live with.

Also if you bulk naturally you will end up gaining and cutting off the same muscle mass again and again ... can't tell you how many training partners I have seen that with.
Naa, bulking is gaining a lot of weight at a fast speed / very high kcal intake (it's popular because it works if you are on mega doses of steroids - or if you are a skinny kid on a beginning program built around heavy squats) for everyone else that is not super skinny it's a losing strategy, it will be the way to a long term year-round high-fat percentage, vs. staying lean year round.

What I did was gain at a 200 kcal surplus till I gained around 2%, then a 200 kcal deficit (maintaining most of the mass I gained), it's slow progress but since you are in great shape year-round at that point it's easy to live with.

Also if you bulk naturally you will end up gaining and cutting off the same muscle mass again and again ... can't tell you how many training partners I have seen that with.
That’s how you got to be a 350lbs+ morbid obese success right? Go away with your bs “help” and “advice”. No one trying to lose weight should listen to someone who can’t do it themselves. It’s like taking dating advice from an incel…
Naa, bulking is gaining a lot of weight at a fast speed / very high kcal intake (it's popular because it works if you are on mega doses of steroids - or if you are a skinny kid on a beginning program built around heavy squats) for everyone else that is not super skinny it's a losing strategy, it will be the way to a long term year-round high-fat percentage, vs. staying lean year round.

What I did was gain at a 200 kcal surplus till I gained around 2%, then a 200 kcal deficit (maintaining most of the mass I gained), it's slow progress but since you are in great shape year-round at that point it's easy to live with.

Also if you bulk naturally you will end up gaining and cutting off the same muscle mass again and again ... can't tell you how many training partners I have seen that with.
This guy sure can spin a tale of bullshit. Lmao.
That’s how you got to be a 350lbs+ morbid obese success right? Go away with your bs “help” and “advice”. No one trying to lose weight should listen to someone who can’t do it themselves. It’s like taking dating advice from an incel…
No, as I have already told you 30 times, I did that by overeating in a traumatic period of my life that stressed me out like nothing else ever had ... the same result though:

1) My system set a new setpoint.

2) When I dieted back to my old weight, and fat percentage, and stayed there at maintenance or even a tiny kcal surplus - my entire organism forced me back to the new setpoint + a vengeance (it has a thousand little ways to do that, but with me it's mostly by increasing my cravings and appetite to insane levels).

I was able to stay down on willpower and force myself for a year each time, but yeah, basically ended up bulking unintentionally.

No vagina-oriented therapy in the wold could have kept me down there!

Though being without the traumatic stressing episodes would have helped allot.

3) that became a new setpoint and I did the same thing again, dieted down to my old shape (this time a lot more weight to lose), I didn't even get back to my old shape that time, but tried to keep maintenance or even a tiny surplus - but now the forces pulling me were 20 times as strong as the time before and pulled me back to a new setpoint agian 20 kg above the last

4) So I did it again and now the forces in me trying to make me heavier, eat more and more junk is 50 times as strong if not more... and I ended up at my current weight.

That's how it works dude... in real life!

This talk about how I'm not doing something because I'm not just repeating myself once more, ending up 80 kg heavier, but having a treatment plan in mind ... is not the same as I haven't been at it all the damn time. But with this amount of weight new conditions, new rules, and other things to be careful of and take into consideration.

What do you think following your advice and just doing the same a fourth time will do and lead to ... the strategy simply does not work!

Hence my advice: the best thing is to avoid the situation as much as possible, to begin with, by never bulking up...

And for not doing anything, well I landed on 138-140 kg in late May early April, and have been at maintenance there since (this is hard enough in itself, my cravings and hunger are pulling me towards 160 kg at this point), and I now have to lose 60 kg to get back to my former self.

GLP-1s with good strategies will fix that situation, I'm sure of that btw.
Just as I'm sure that "just go to therapy" or "just train and diet" won't do shit!

I'm out of here, enjoy Amigos and good luck to OP!
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@songsofpyramids @Pantera did this guy say i didnt bulk correctly?? Lmfao Dear Fucking Sweet SATAN stop me from being a asshole to this guy or girl or tranny. but god damn We can all agree 4.5 month bulk and gaining 40ish lbs with keeping top abs is ok lmfao smfh this guy! @ShredSeason hope your killing your progress for the week dont do anything crazy lmfao! Ive embarked on this cut at 1 hr of cardio a day. 1/2 hr fasted in the am and 1/2 hr of cardio right after my 5th meal. to help digestion for all the food of the day.
@songsofpyramids @Pantera did this guy say i didnt bulk correctly?? Lmfao Dear Fucking Sweet SATAN stop me from being a asshole to this guy or girl or tranny. but god damn We can all agree 4.5 month bulk and gaining 40ish lbs with keeping top abs is ok lmfao smfh this guy! @ShredSeason hope your killing your progress for the week dont do anything crazy lmfao! Ive embarked on this cut at 1 hr of cardio a day. 1/2 hr fasted in the am and 1/2 hr of cardio right after my 5th meal. to help digestion for all the food of the day.
That’s exactly what happened lol! Him giving advice about bulkinb is just the cherry on top for his narcissism. Dude can’t see his dick but has some expert ass advice on how people not literally dying from their weight should bulk and cut. The delusion is just straight up insane. Congrats on a successful bulk man!

Kill it this weekend Shread!!!
Serves the lesson to never bulk, but build muscle with a small kcal surplus and cut each time you begin to gain to much fat. (Possible the deficit can be a bit higher with the peds he already uses anyways, that increase the partitioning levels, but should never bulk once you have ever been fat even once).

Esp when we have have been obese once, it’s to easy to fall back into the setpoint on only ever feeling satisfied on that many kcals,

Personally I built all my mass within a 2% range over many years, each time my fat percentage increased by two I would cut slowly by 2%, increasing the LBM over time .., again people on TRT or peds that improves the nutrient partitioning can do it faster and wihtin a higher percentage difference. And people blasting steroids is a totally different and life long game.
I bulked. I’ve built actual progress and made muscle. @ShredSeason youll see in some of my threads that I’m really eating food and just training hard to get to a quite reasonable physique with not an aggressive amount of ansbolics. There is a balance and your system needs to be sustainable, wasting 5 years trying to lean bulk to not change at all is a waste when you can just eat at a moderate surplus and watch the mirror and scale, then take a little 4-6 week cut to clean up and readjust appetite etc, it’s the better option.
I bulked. I’ve built actual progress and made muscle. @ShredSeason youll see in some of my threads that I’m really eating food and just training hard to get to a quite reasonable physique with not an aggressive amount of ansbolics. There is a balance and your system needs to be sustainable, wasting 5 years trying to lean bulk to not change at all is a waste when you can just eat at a moderate surplus and watch the mirror and scale, then take a little 4-6 week cut to clean up and readjust appetite etc, it’s the better option.
People in these threads can’t read:

As I wrote, bulking up without getting fat again, is easy when you are on mega doses of aas; any idiot can do that! I know because I have trained naturally my entire life with people taking aas, so I know how easy they have it with building muscle and avoid gaining fat, but having followed them for years, I also know the cost.

Up to people themselves if they want to pay that cost to stand on stage in tiny panties to be admired by other men or whatever. If you want to be a pro bodybuilder in those classes it’s needed, otherwise it’s just stupid.

So I’m advising him not to do that, but stay on a low dose of TRT, or he will end up dependent on mega doses of aas to keep his gains forever.

If he just runs low dose of trt all bulking up will do is 1) make him fat again 2) make him cycle the same muscle mass on and off… I’ve seen that hundreds of times before.

Again, none of your meatheads seems to graps OPs situation is way diffeent than your own.

It does take years to gain significant mass naturally while staying lean, but it’s constant progress … as for wasting time, I think I personally did okay, never using any aas only stimulants.

You also have to look at the long perspective: I became obese the last years but even after not having trained for several years, most of my mass is still here beeneth the layers of fat - if your mass is build on mega doses of ass, you will go back looking as a stickman quickly.

Ps: a tranny is what you become, when you have no natural test production and your prostata is so big can’t even do trt anymore

But I’m sure BoloYang will look cute in a tight little evening dress and high heels when that time comes

And yes, I’m glad I can facitliste your guys bromance, remember to use pleanty of lube so those over sized prostates does not burst
People in these threads can’t read:

As I wrote, bulking up without getting fat again, is easy when you are on mega doses of aas; any idiot can do that! I know because I have trained naturally my entire life with people taking aas, so I know how easy they have it with building muscle and avoid gaining fat, but having followed them for years, I also know the cost.

Up to people themselves if they want to pay that cost to stand on stage in tiny panties to be admired by other men or whatever. If you want to be a pro bodybuilder in those classes it’s needed, otherwise it’s just stupid.

So I’m advising him not to do that, but stay on a low dose of TRT, or he will end up dependent on mega doses of aas to keep his gains forever.

If he just runs low dose of trt all bulking up will do is 1) make him fat again 2) make him cycle the same muscle mass on and off… I’ve seen that hundreds of times before.

Again, none of your meatheads seems to graps OPs situation is way diffeent than your own.

It does take years to gain significant mass naturally while staying lean, but it’s constant progress … as for wasting time, I think I personally did okay, never using any aas only stimulants.

You also have to look at the long perspective: I became obese the last years but even after not having trained for several years, most of my mass is still here beeneth the layers of fat - if your mass is build on mega doses of ass, you will go back looking as a stickman quickly.

Ps: a tranny is what you become, when you have no natural test production and your prostata is so big can’t even do trt anymore

But I’m sure BoloYang will look cute in a tight little evening dress and high heels when that time comes

And yes, I’m glad I can facitliste your guys bromance, remember to use pleanty of lube so those over sized prostates does not burst
350lbs of cope right here.
People in these threads can’t read:

As I wrote, bulking up without getting fat again, is easy when you are on mega doses of aas; any idiot can do that! I know because I have trained naturally my entire life with people taking aas, so I know how easy they have it with building muscle and avoid gaining fat, but having followed them for years, I also know the cost.

Up to people themselves if they want to pay that cost to stand on stage in tiny panties to be admired by other men or whatever. If you want to be a pro bodybuilder in those classes it’s needed, otherwise it’s just stupid.

So I’m advising him not to do that, but stay on a low dose of TRT, or he will end up dependent on mega doses of aas to keep his gains forever.

If he just runs low dose of trt all bulking up will do is 1) make him fat again 2) make him cycle the same muscle mass on and off… I’ve seen that hundreds of times before.

Again, none of your meatheads seems to graps OPs situation is way diffeent than your own.

It does take years to gain significant mass naturally while staying lean, but it’s constant progress … as for wasting time, I think I personally did okay, never using any aas only stimulants.

You also have to look at the long perspective: I became obese the last years but even after not having trained for several years, most of my mass is still here beeneth the layers of fat - if your mass is build on mega doses of ass, you will go back looking as a stickman quickly.

Ps: a tranny is what you become, when you have no natural test production and your prostata is so big can’t even do trt anymore

But I’m sure BoloYang will look cute in a tight little evening dress and high heels when that time comes

And yes, I’m glad I can facitliste your guys bromance, remember to use pleanty of lube so those over sized prostates does not burst
lol why you so angry? So your saying i was running mega aas? I ran 500 test lmfao :D you just like to hear yourself talk lmfao! Don't worry we here will validate you as no one else does in your life. Obviously your wife doesnt since your a fat bitch. And she wonders why she is married to a a shebitch since you got bigger tits than her. Thanks Also if you don't like people discussing AAS on a AAS forum Please leave! Go to some general health Forum. your Arrogant attitude is annoying. Your fat as fuck! You are just mad because you got bigger tits then your wife. And People use AAS for different REASons not just bodybuilding maybe cruise the threads and see ppl use them for endurance, and str, NOT JUST muscular size gains. BUt apparently you can't read you just take away what you want from each post and try to attack people because you can't get your fat ass self back to being a normal person. Don't worry we dont judge that they won't let you on a airplane because your fat. So please dont reproduce and have fat useless little fucking children like you thanks!
350lbs of cope right here.
Sure, or rather 60 kg fat since maj/april ;) But inside that fat is still 87 kg at 8-10% bf after an entire life of natural lifting and dieting.

Unlike your macho brains, I'm not embarrassed to say I ended up in a situation where I need meds or a GLP-1 to cope with my appetite and cravings. It's hardly the neg you think it is dude.

In my situation it wasn't caused by doing anything wrong regarding training or diet, I didn't bulk up ... I ended up there due to stress-related cravings (or as you would say, eating to cope). - But I could just as well have bulked up, would have been the same change to my system ... and as soon as you get there your physiology and set-point change... what was easy for me for all my life, has become impossible without a GLP-1 or similar meds ...

The thing is as soon my I get my peptides, I will be back down to my former weight and shape getting back to the gym ... but you will still be using all your time on this place.
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