you gotta admire the consistency here lmao.

" I’m going to miss being able to burn calories this easily once I’m down another 50 pounds"
this thread is pure comedy.

hey shreddy, post pics will ya
Naaa, just you and whoever few that are constantly growling about the splinter in your brother's eye, while not noticing the beam in your own!!

But I get how your little wasp brain is losing it - you got insulted on the internet after all - the only place in this world where you feel you have any status and significance.
so basically anyone who disagrees with you here?

also... you were once 7-8% bf?

pics please!
you gotta admire the consistency here lmao.

" I’m going to miss being able to burn calories this easily once I’m down another 50 pounds"
this thread is pure comedy.

hey shreddy, post pics will ya
The weight loss (in my eyes) is only noticeable in the face so far. I posted pics at 338 a few weeks ago. I’ll most likely post update pics at around 308, comparing them to the 368 starting weight pictures I found (I lost 30 pounds before starting this thread).

You’re also a fucking creep. You created an entire account dedicated to my thread, spamming 8+ comments at a time, have asked me to send you 45 minute videos of myself, and now you want pictures. If anything, people like you make me more weary to share any personal details on this forum. You have some serious stalker issues. Hilarious that you’re like this with a morbidly obese man, I can’t imagine what you’re like with girls. Fuck off.
I did bro went through his whole thread, great motivation and inspiration, thank you. My biggest takeaway was his macro split, 80 10 10 protein fat carbs is awesome. It’d be hard for me to get there, I love my black beans and brown rice, but I’m gonna start moving towards that direction. I’ve already going heavy on meat and light on rice/beans for my meals, my next step is to start measuring things out exactly and cutting out more of the heavy carb-based meals.
beans and rice are fine man just use the heavy carb meal like this for post and preworkout only ya know? cut all carbs beside that and split the fats for the first meal and last meal i prefer veggies lie riced cauliflower or a stirfry mix or if im cutting hard itll be spinach and rice cauliflower is all ill eat. no actaul complex carbs lol. but i def dont grow at all i do drop. and with my Trt dose i keep my str. but thats for me though. but just tossing it out there. you will be so surprised how fast weight drops when you get precise with it.(measuring) and keeping that consistent
The weight loss (in my eyes) is only noticeable in the face so far. I posted pics at 338 a few weeks ago. I’ll most likely post update pics at around 308, comparing them to the 368 starting weight pictures I found (I lost 30 pounds before starting this thread).

You’re also a fucking creep. You created an entire account dedicated to my thread, spamming 8+ comments at a time, have asked me to send you 45 minute videos of myself, and now you want pictures. If anything, people like you make me more weary to share any personal details on this forum. You have some serious stalker issues. Hilarious that you’re like this with a morbidly obese man, I can’t imagine what you’re like with girls. Fuck off.
it's a log you dumb fuck. post pics or it never happened.
and still not an alt. meso is just above reddit level when it comes to information (this thread proves my point), i see no reason to post here. i come here for the sources, no need for an account to read.
you should be flattered, i registered just for you, don't you like the attention? that's all you care about.

pics? and not of your chin.
so basically anyone who disagrees with you here?

also... you were once 7-8% bf?

pics please!
No, not anyone who disagrees with me; I get fine along with OP though we disagree on many things; this is hard to explain to you when you can't even keep calm long enough to read what I wrote.

I'm talking specifically about People who are acting like you!
Psychotic Aggressive Hypocrites - that only participate to get a serotonin fix!

I have some pictures from back then, but why would I ever show them to someone like you? ... think Vern! And what does it matter?

You can show us before and after pics, from 80 kg+ overweight to fit, to at least show us why we should listen to you.
You can show us before and after pics, from 80 kg+ overweight to fit, to at least show us why we should listen to you.
I love how ppl have to be morbidly obese like you for you to declare their info worth listening to. Protip - if you want to lose weight, maybe you should listen to the people who have dedicated huge chunks of their life to insuring they never look like you.

Also, gtfo of this log. Quit clogging it up with your pathetic bs. ShredSeason is actually putting in the work, unlike you, and doesn’t need the “support” of a melodramatic baby who won’t do anything to help themselves. Go back to crying in your own thread.
I love how ppl have to be morbidly obese like you for you to declare their info worth listening to. Protip - if you want to lose weight, maybe you should listen to the people who have dedicated huge chunks of their life to insuring they never look like you.

Also, gtfo of this log. Quit clogging it up with your pathetic bs. ShredSeason is actually putting in the work, unlike you, and doesn’t need the “support” of a melodramatic baby who won’t do anything to help themselves. Go back to crying in your own thread.
Dude, it's not because you are not morbid obese that you are not worth listening to: it's because you are plain right stupid, pretending to be an expert in a thread about PED's that you have absolutely no experience with (I was seeking experiences with GLP-1's and complimentary peds - and you only ever had experiences with HGH, unless you lied about that part).

Besides all that, you have the maturity of a 13-year-old! Who takes advice from a 13-year-old wasp-brain?!
Ohh and it's not me blasting off 300 posts in this log and the other thread to try and get my attention, All I do is answer your guy's stupid as fuck posts.

PS: You might think your way of macho thinking and advising people to not use GLP-1s or other PEDs but just "man up" and diet slowly, is an insurance against becoming obese, but that's just a testament to your lack of knowledge and intelligence. I have already lived like that for 20 if not 35 years straight, - it's no guarantee you won't get hit by things outside of your control later on in life, where it's not longer enough to cut it, at all!
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Dude, it's not because you are not morbid obese that you are not worth listening to: it's because you are plain right stupid, pretending to be an expert in a thread about PED's that you have absolutely no experience with (I was seeking experiences with GLP-1's and complimentary peds - and you only ever had experiences with HGH, unless you lied about that part).

Besides all that, you have the maturity of a 13-year-old! Who takes advice from a 13-year-old wasp-brain?!
Ohh and it's not me blasting off 300 posts in this log and the other thread to try and get my attention, All I do is answer your guy's stupid as fuck posts.
Over a month and zero pounds lost.

You're a joke and nothing will ever change that.
Dude, it's not because you are not morbid obese that you are not worth listening to: it's because you are plain right stupid, pretending to be an expert in a thread about PED's that you have absolutely no experience with (I was seeking experiences with GLP-1's and complimentary peds - and you only ever had experiences with HGH, unless you lied about that part).

Besides all that, you have the maturity of a 13-year-old! Who takes advice from a 13-year-old wasp-brain?!
Ohh and it's not me blasting off 300 posts in this log and the other threat to try and get my attention, All I do is answer your guy's stupid as fuck posts.
You shouldn’t be here at all cause all you’re gonna do is complain and clog up someone personal thread. Go back to crying in your own log about how you can’t do anything.

Also, just cause I personally don’t use glp-1 doesn’t mean I don’t know a shit load about it, personally know a plethora of people using it, what their cycles are, and what issues they’ve run into. You just blithely dismiss everyone telling you how stupid the shit you’re saying is because you just want a magic pill that will fix your lack of willpower and drive, and someone to validate that it’s somehow not your fault that you’re in this situation.

It’s no one but *your own* fault you’re in this pathetic position. You can do something about it or keep crying, up to you. It’s pretty clear which one you’ll pick.

Now leave ShredSeason the hell alone with your uneducated cry baby bullshit.
You shouldn’t be here at all cause all you’re gonna do is complain and clog up someone personal thread. Go back to crying in your own log about how you can’t do anything.

Also, just cause I personally don’t use glp-1 doesn’t mean I don’t know a shit load about it, personally know a plethora of people using it, what their cycles are, and what issues they’ve run into. You just blithely dismiss everyone telling you how stupid the shit you’re saying is because you just want a magic pill that will fix your lack of willpower and drive, and someone to validate that it’s somehow not your fault that you’re in this situation.

It’s no one but *your own* fault you’re in this pathetic position. You can do something about it or keep crying, up to you. It’s pretty clear which one you’ll pick.

Now leave ShredSeason the hell alone with your uneducated cry baby bullshit.
Naa, mirror, that's you, again all I'm doing is answering your post!
You are the one clogging it up! I have answered 2 of your posts, you and Vern have written 30 which is all irrelevant to SherdSeason!

All I have done is support ShredSeason (but advised him to dump DNP), it's you guys fucking up his thread (and my thread as well btw)!

Talk about having so little awareness you think denial is a river in egypt.
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Naa, mirror, that's you, again all I'm doing is answering your post!
You are the one clogging it up! I have answered 2 of your posts, you and Vern have written 30 which is all irrelevant to SherdSeason!

All I have done is support ShredSeason (but advised him to dump DNP), it's you guys fucking up his thread (and my thread as well btw)!

Talk about having so little awareness you think denial is a river in egypt.
Enjoy your prison of a body, and your delusion of a mind.
it's you guys fucking up his thread
Not true, @songsofpyramids helped me a lot in the month 1 thread I had going. He made me realize my ADD makes me more more impulsive (I had completely forgotten about this side effect) and was one of the people that made me see the dangers and of running so much DNP, especially for someone in my shape.

He doesn’t hate you dude, none of these people are trying to fuck up your life. Even if you don’t like the way he’s talking to you, you can still gain value from what he’s saying. I talked about this in the reply I made on your thread. If something someone says doesn’t doesnt resonate with you, just move on. But don’t miss out on the value you can gain, a lot of these replies that are pissing you off still have advice you can benefit from. You’re not going to see that if argue everything you disagree with.
Not true, @songsofpyramids helped me a lot in the month 1 thread I had going. He made me realize my ADD makes me more more impulsive (I had completely forgotten about this side effect) and was one of the people that made me see the dangers and of running so much DNP, especially for someone in my shape.

He doesn’t hate you dude, none of these people are trying to fuck up your life. Even if you don’t like the way he’s talking to you, you can still gain value from what he’s saying. I talked about this in the reply I made on your thread. If something someone says doesn’t doesnt resonate with you, just move on. But don’t miss out on the value you can gain, a lot of these replies that are pissing you off still have advice you can benefit from. You’re not going to see that if argue everything you disagree with.
I've been a dick but you're winning me over. If DanishPanther can learn from your example, he might just have a shot.
Not true, @songsofpyramids helped me a lot in the month 1 thread I had going. He made me realize my ADD makes me more more impulsive (I had completely forgotten about this side effect) and was one of the people that made me see the dangers and of running so much DNP, especially for someone in my shape.

He doesn’t hate you dude, none of these people are trying to fuck up your life. Even if you don’t like the way he’s talking to you, you can still gain value from what he’s saying. I talked about this in the reply I made on your thread. If something someone says doesn’t doesnt resonate with you, just move on. But don’t miss out on the value you can gain, a lot of these replies that are pissing you off still have advice you can benefit from. You’re not going to see that if argue everything you disagree with.
So what have any of these specific guys like Vern, songsofpyramids, and so on said that can in anyway benefit me?

Just mention one thing, mate, I would be grateful!

Have you read my thread? there is not a single useful advice given!
It's only braindead macho stuff, that has no ground in reality at all!
Where they one by one try to blast their ego off.

It's cool if they have been a help to you earlier on or if they are your friends, but what has Vern written in your thread that benefitted you lately?

Ironically enough, you are the only one who has contributed with any real experiences or knowledge on GLP-1 that I can use for anything.
(Well in those two threads, others have been very helpful in others).

Anyway, I'm out, good luck with it.
So what have any of these specific guys like Vern, songsofpyramids, and so on said that can in anyway benefit me?

Just mention one thing, mate, I would be grateful!

Have you read my thread? there is not a single useful advice given!
It's only braindead macho stuff, that has no ground in reality at all!
Where they one by one try to blast their ego off.

It's cool if they have been a help to you earlier on or if they are your friends, but what has Vern written in your thread that benefitted you lately?

Ironically enough, you are the only one who has contributed with any real experiences or knowledge on GLP-1 that I can use for anything.
(Well in those two threads, others have been very helpful in others).

Anyway, I'm out, good luck with it.
There’s a bunch of solid advice in your thread. You’d just rather plug your ears to it rather than accept the reality of your situation, mental state, level of emotional distress, and self-loathing.

I am not dissing you by saying you need therapy. I myself go weekly to help with my ptsd and find it amazingly beneficial for my long term wellbeing. Your issues are largely self-imposed mental blocks that you refuse to acknowledge or work on. It’s no surprise you aren’t making progress.

There is no point adding drugs to your situation when you’re not even doing the bare minimum to improve your health situation. Drugs are a tool to help you along, not a means unto themselves.

Edit: also, that dude Vern is insane. Don’t lump me in with him just cause I’m telling you stuff you don’t want to hear.
@songsofpyramids well I'll gladly give you the benefit of doubt.

But let's be honest here about what happened in my thread:

I wrote that after I had gained some fat after a traumatic stress period: I had been running 3 x RFL living on 600 kcals pure chicken breast, green vegs and fishoil (and nothing else, without as much as a cheat meal) for 6 months each time, followed by a year maintenance period, but that eventually I ended up feeling like not being able to hold my breath for more than a year and a half at a time! And each of those times, I ended up 20 kg heavier than I had been before I started my diet!

At the current point I said I've gained 60 kg over these years, and I've become too burned out both from the dieting and traumatic stress I have to deal with in life (that you have no clue about what is), to just do the same a fourth time - that makes me want to use a GLP-1 to make success more likely.

My thread was about getting others' experiences with this, as well as with what other compounds could potentially be complementary to this.

I already told you that before this thing I lived at least 10 years between 7-8% bf, and was quite strong and big for someone that had never used 'any' peds (to be fully honest: I had used ECA a few times, and while training with one of the strongest men on earth, he made me take Dianabol for 10 days x 4 or so... and in my last run of RFL I used clenbuterol to keep me going and t4 mono therapy when my BMR slowed down).

So from this info that is all you have about me:

1) Fine, that you assume my issues are largely self-imposed mental blocks, and all my solutions lay in therapy. But you don't know anything about it ... my body is not built for this kind of weight, I have never been overweight in my life before. My skin feels like pants that are too small ... and shit like that ... all my mind does is think of kcals, sugar, fat and how to get it ... even when I have just eaten a kg of chicken and a kg of veg, my system is still screaming after crappy food ... like someone who is trying to quit smoking crave a cigarette (just worse I'm sure). ...

2. No one asked me, but I already get therapy due to some traumatic stressful things in my life, the problem is the source of that can't be removed.

My mother and daughter both suffer from Schizophrenia, and are committed to the idea of killing themselves together - and it's my full-time job besides everything else to keep them from doing so... It happens every 2 months or so because they are in denial of their sickness and won't take their meds ...

Never meant to share that, but it's so easy to think you have other people all figured out intellectually... and I've been to war, I'll take that over this situation every single day of the week: 27 times I have had to get my mother committed, sometimes for more than a year, and 9 times for my daughter - 7 times each for attempted suicide, where I found them being practically dead and had to get them brought back to life - even that my business went under 3 times due to a psychopath business partner and covid, or that my wife ran away with another man and she haven't seen our daughter or me in years since - is lightweight compared to this situation).

So I do go to therapy, and sure it's somehow helpful, but it's not the fix you are prescribing it as ...

And no I don't feel sry for myself at all, I'm not crying over it ... I'm trying to fucking get myself back to becoming strong enough to fix it.

3. The thread was about GLP-1s and complimentary peds ... there is no advice on that. ONLY, go to therapy, you are just to weak, we hope you die in your fat body ... type of shit! ... to be honest, right now I can't see the difference between you and vern, but perhaps you will show me a better side of yourself later on ... then fine ... Shredded seems to think you have to him earlier on anyways.

You should read this post about GLP-1's by TessaM btw, before assuming you know it all and have figured it all out, it very much describes the situation I'm bodily experiencing. And notice this is the foundation for Novas' entire research into these meds.

Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)
Fundamentally, these drugs work by fooling the brain into thinking that the body's setpoint is down there v, not up here ^.

They're so effective because the body defends its setpoints vigorously: it does trickery to make you eat less and move more--even unconsciously--if you, say, had put on a few lbs over Christmas and overshoot your setpoint. It also does that the other way around, e.g. when you've lost 10% of your body weight on a diet and it thinks you need to refill empty coffers.

There is a significant evidence that the brain takes years or longer to re-adjust how it responds to nutrients based on a prior setpoint--i.e. appetite, sense of smell, and cravings all remain elevated after weight loss, because that prior high setpoint keeps being defended by the brain.

But then being overweight or obese does some sneaky things while you're fat that sabotage the process of resetting that point by maintaining a consistent weight.

E.g. the skeleton does a bunch of leptin signalling work; that bish doesn't turn over for about a decade. Being fat also trashes GH levels maybe-permanently, esp in women, which has an impact on daily energy levels (see also: aging). Exercise during weight loss turns out to lower RMR further than weight loss alone, and it doesn't bounce back even when checked 5 years later, so a cheat day is that much more derailing.

And a bunch more things, too, but you get the idea.

So once you get skinny, you need to not only have diet and exercise dialed in to a lower RMR than you had from before getting fat, but it may take years to get to the point where it feels to the brain like not being on an extreme diet all the time. Ugh.

Building muscle helps with some of this, of course, but not all of it. Suffice to say many skinny people who were fat for more than a few years are just not the same physiologically as people who never got fat in the first place.

For some it's likely it will take years for after reaching a goal weight for their body to adjust the new lower setpoint that it can defend as zealously as it defended the higher one. If ever, for some.

Hence the idea of "maintenance dose."

Statistically, it's 99% that lose this much weight (50+kgs) without an operation or without these meds that regains it all with vengence within 5 years ... why use billions developing these meds, if we could just tell people to go to therapy.

You suffer from the same illusions as my daughter, she think she can just psychologically fix her condition - but it's physical in her brain, and takes meds to fix it... and so it is when you have been really fat just once, you have to stay lean for about 9 years before things in your brain physically normalize (and sure, once in a while there is an exception to everything, that's why we hear those speak the loudest).

Anyways, the LAST thing I want is to stand in the way for Shreddeds success or to spam his thread... I think besides the DNP (and perhaps the Adderal, not something I know much about) he is doing great... so I'm out of here.
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@songsofpyramids well I'll gladly give you the benefit of doubt.

But let's be honest here about what happened in my thread:

I wrote that after I had gained some fat after a traumatic stress period: I had been running 3 x RFL living on 600 kcals pure chicken breast, green vegs and fishoil (and nothing else, without as much as a cheat meal) for 6 months each time, followed by a year maintenance period, but that eventually I ended up feeling like not being able to hold my breath for more than a year and a half at a time! And each of those times, I ended up 20 kg heavier than I had been before I started my diet!

At the current point I said I've gained 60 kg over these years, and I've become too burned out both from the dieting and traumatic stress I have to deal with in life (that you have no clue about what is), to just do the same a fourth time - that makes me want to use a GLP-1 to make success more likely.

My thread was about getting others' experiences with this, as well as with what other compounds could potentially be complementary to this.

I already told you that before this thing I lived at least 10 years between 7-8% bf, and was quite strong and big for someone that had never used 'any' peds (to be fully honest: I had used ECA a few times, and while training with one of the strongest men on earth, he made me take Dianabol for 10 days x 4 or so... and in my last run of RFL I used clenbuterol to keep me going and t4 mono therapy when my BMR slowed down).

So from this info that is all you have about me:

1) Fine, that you assume my issues are largely self-imposed mental blocks, and all my solutions lay in therapy. But you don't know anything about it ... my body is not built for this kind of weight, I have never been overweight in my life before. My skin feels like pants that are too small ... and shit like that ... all my mind does is think of kcals, sugar, fat and how to get it ... even when I have just eaten a kg of chicken and a kg of veg, my system is still screaming after crappy food ... like someone who is trying to quit smoking crave a cigarette (just worse I'm sure). ...

2. No one asked me, but I already get therapy due to some traumatic stressful things in my life, the problem is the source of that can't be removed.

My mother and daughter both suffer from Schizophrenia, and are committed to the idea of killing themselves together - and it's my full-time job besides everything else to keep them from doing so... It happens every 2 months or so because they are in denial of their sickness and won't take their meds ...

Never meant to share that, but it's so easy to think you have other people all figured out intellectually... and I've been to war, I'll take that over this situation every single day of the week: 27 times I have had to get my mother committed, sometimes for more than a year, and 9 times for my daughter - 7 times each for attempted suicide, where I found them being practically dead and had to get them brought back to life - even that my business went under 3 times due to a psychopath business partner and covid, or that my wife ran away with another man and she haven't seen our daughter or me in years since - is lightweight compared to this situation).

So I do go to therapy, and sure it's somehow helpful, but it's not the fix you are prescribing it as ...

And no I don't feel sry for myself at all, I'm not crying over it ... I'm trying to fucking get myself back to becoming strong enough to fix it.

3. The thread was about GLP-1s and complimentary peds ... there is no advice on that. ONLY, go to therapy, you are just to weak, we hope you die in your fat body ... type of shit! ... to be honest, right now I can't see the difference between you and vern, but perhaps you will show me a better side of yourself later on ... then fine ... Shredded seems to think you have to him earlier on anyways.

You should read this post about GLP-1's by TessaM btw, before assuming you know it all and have figured it all out, it very much describes the situation I'm bodily experiencing. And notice this is the foundation for Novas' entire research into these meds.

Giant Semaglutide Thread (and other GLP-1 / GIP agonists)

Statistically, it's 99% that lose this much weight (50+kgs) without an operation or without these meds that regains it all with vengence within 5 years ... why use billions developing these meds, if we could just tell people to go to therapy.

You suffer from the same illusions as my daughter, she think she can just psychologically fix her condition - but it's physical in her brain, and takes meds to fix it... and so it is when you have been really fat just once, you have to stay lean for about 9 years before things in your brain physically normalize (and sure, once in a while there is an exception to everything, that's why we hear those speak the loudest).

Anyways, the LAST thing I want is to stand in the way for Shreddeds success or to spam his thread... I think besides the DNP (and perhaps the Adderal, not something I know much about) he is doing great... so I'm out of here.
Get your rambling out of someone’s thread. You keep saying you want to stop spamming his thread but keep on posting these novels of dramatic tirades against bodybuilders in a bodybuilding forum.

The perfect example of a narcissist, making everything about themselves, fml.

I am probably on ignore by mr. Know it all here but @ShredSeason I think it is safe to say you should avoid this guy like the plague, he is the first guy I saw here who just reeks of toxicity and no self awareness.