Nothing better than a little boy typing in all lowercase calling people gay and saying he’ll “annihilate” everyone here.
i'm 52.
and yes annihilate, just to balance the idiocy and dangerosity of this stupid thread created by an attention whore.
as for the gay comments, i'm just wondering why danish tiger (ffs that handle lol) cares so much about you. i mentioned the possibilities, do with that what you want.

you just said in a previous post you stopped taking some of your meds. i'm guessing antidepressants?
what you need is not fitness advice, it's psychological help
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Let me say this one more time and hope your TikTok brain is able to catch it: I do cardio everyday, 45 minutes+, all of these things are just little changes to get some extra movement.

The dog gets walked everyday. There are no gates in our neighborhood, so we walk him around whenever he goes outside for around 10 minutes until he poops. I was talking about longer walks around the neighborhood.
10 minutes? omg, again don't overdo it. that dog is so lucky to get a walk... until he poops. seriously, you don't even know how to care of yourself so i'm not surprised you can't even give a dog what he needs.

my dog is 14, i walk him 3 hours per day. YOU HAVE ZERO EXCUSE YOU LAZY POS
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how are the arms btw? can you fully extend them now? did you go to the ER? please man, we need to know you're ok and that you can finally fully extend those arms
also, any chance we could see a video of those 45 minutes of cardio? i wanna make sure they're not part of your imagination.
i also need a good laugh. oh sorry, it's 45 minutes +
Day 22
My insulin needles came in, so I’m getting back on my GHK-Cu HGH elasticity protocol. I’m really looking forward to getting that deep HGH sleep again. Retatrutide is being increased from 4-6 mg.

Testosterone Propionate175 mg/week25 mg daily shots
Retatrutide6 mg/week
HGH4iu/day2 iu morning/night
GHK-Cu injections2 mg/day4 0.5 mg shots

Took a break these last two days and enjoyed some good home-cooked meals for my birthday. I always feel bad whenever I do this, I shouldn’t though. 2000 calories, still a good deficit.

Today we go back at it hard. It’s January 8, exactly 2 months since I started my weight loss. For this month, I’m going back to the what worked so great for me month 1. 800 calories or less, 24 hours in between each meal, and I’ll be getting some extended fasts in.

Cardio is being moved from nighttime to morning fasted cardio after GH shots. Weight training will be reintroduced tomorrow at 75% fatigue as per @UncleBuns suggestion.
Day 22
My insulin needles came in, so I’m getting back on my GHK-Cu HGH elasticity protocol. I’m really looking forward to getting that deep HGH sleep again. Retatrutide is being increased from 4-6 mg.

Testosterone Propionate175 mg/week25 mg daily shots
Retatrutide6 mg/week
HGH4iu/day2 iu morning/night
GHK-Cu injections2 mg/day4 0.5 mg shots

Took a break these last two days and enjoyed some good home-cooked meals for my birthday. I always feel bad whenever I do this, I shouldn’t though. 2000 calories, still a good deficit.

Today we go back at it hard. It’s January 8, exactly 2 months since I started my weight loss. For this month, I’m going back to the what worked so great for me month 1. 800 calories or less, 24 hours in between each meal, and I’ll be getting some extended fasts in.

Cardio is being moved from nighttime to morning fasted cardio after GH shots. Weight training will be reintroduced tomorrow at 75% fatigue as per @UncleBuns suggestion.
more drugs, more fasting, less calories... and less self-control apparently.
delete that thread you moron.

you do realize that from now on any person as dumb as you googling "fat loss" or "extreme fat loss" might stumble on that shitty thread and think "ooh this seems like a great idea, let's try it". i'm asking you in the friendliest way, delete everything, do your thing on your own, no one here cares about you anyway.

also asking again: cardio video please... and are you on antidepressants? do you see a shrink?

P.S: take better care of that poor dog
Day 22
My insulin needles came in, so I’m getting back on my GHK-Cu HGH elasticity protocol. I’m really looking forward to getting that deep HGH sleep again. Retatrutide is being increased from 4-6 mg.

Testosterone Propionate175 mg/week25 mg daily shots
Retatrutide6 mg/week
HGH4iu/day2 iu morning/night
GHK-Cu injections2 mg/day4 0.5 mg shots

Took a break these last two days and enjoyed some good home-cooked meals for my birthday. I always feel bad whenever I do this, I shouldn’t though. 2000 calories, still a good deficit.

Today we go back at it hard. It’s January 8, exactly 2 months since I started my weight loss. For this month, I’m going back to the what worked so great for me month 1. 800 calories or less, 24 hours in between each meal, and I’ll be getting some extended fasts in.

Cardio is being moved from nighttime to morning fasted cardio after GH shots. Weight training will be reintroduced tomorrow at 75% fatigue as per @UncleBuns suggestion.
My suggestion is a rough estimate. Basically you need to prime your body for hard work. Get it used to workload then ramp up over months. It's more of a "go by feel" method. If you do a workout and can't move a part of your body correctly or aren't recovered within a few days you went to hard. Once your body is more adapted to the stress you will be able to go harder safely.
more drugs, more fasting, less calories... and less self-control apparently.
delete that thread you moron.

you do realize that from now on any person as dumb as you googling "fat loss" or "extreme fat loss" might stumble on that shitty thread and think "ooh this seems like a great idea, let's try it". i'm asking you in the friendliest way, delete everything, do your thing on your own, no one here cares about you anyway.

also asking again: cardio video please... and are you on antidepressants? do you see a shrink?

P.S: take better care of that poor dog
What's your beef? I agree this guy needs some tough love to straighten out his methods but you are just being a heinous asshole. At least he's trying and motivated, just needs some direction. I do care actually and want to see this guy succeed.

If you don't like him or this thread maybe just don't look at it. You have personal beef with this guy or are you just a shitty person?
My suggestion is a rough estimate. Basically you need to prime your body for hard work. Get it used to workload then ramp up over months. It's more of a "go by feel" method. If you do a workout and can't move a part of your body correctly or aren't recovered within a few days you went to hard. Once your body is more adapted to the stress you will be able to go harder safely.
Thanks bro, yeah it’s gonna suck not going all out to failure, that’s always been my favorite part about lifting, but I’ll use that as motivation to be consistent, putting in the work now to be able to safely go all out later.
To many bee-brains that have taken so many steroids that they are brain-damaged in this thread!

1. DNP is a wrong ped choice, I have been the first to mention that.
In this very thread, I have gone to great lengths trying to show OP this, not by shaming him or putting down his intelligence: but by being real about it.

The risk is way too big - but at the end of the day, he is an adult, and what he does is his choice.

2. What else he is using is a lot less damaging than all the mega doses of steroids your idiots are all injecting...

3. And you are criticizing him for still being fat, while at the same time "losing weight too fast" ... bloody idiots!

I'm not offering him anything, but I'm trying to support him, no one is going to influence someone to make better choices by behaving like braindead gorillas.

If he dumps the DNP, he will do better in life than you guys - I'm sure of it. Don't take your own loser issues out on him - talking about annihilating everyone, dude you are fucking psychotic, you guys take so many steroids that you can't even relate to another human being in any way so they'll want to listen to you! - You are not coming off as cool or as you know shit; you are coming off as a fucking idiot, that's it!

Now if you have any brain left AT ALL: ask yourself why you are in this thread! - Is it to save OP from himself, fuck no, you would push him in front of a train if you could because he offended your fragile steroid-overdosed little boy ego.

Fine to warn him but do it as an adult, do it nicely! Or fucking go to the other threads about how you can use your short steroid-fueled life on standing in little panties to try and impress other MEN.

Let this guy have his threads in peace!
my dog is 14, i walk him 3 hours per day. YOU HAVE ZERO EXCUSE YOU LAZY POS
3 hours per day, man you have a lot of free time. I thought high school was back in?
What's your beef?
If you don't like him or this thread maybe just don't look at it. You have personal beef with this guy or are you just a shitty person?
...and this.

While this thread is chaos and completely all over the map, you don't need to be a prick. If your going to post something, post something useful.
@ShredSeason dude i support you you know this. I just want you to do it safely and smartly I dont think ive attacked you once, but it seems your fanboy @DanishPanther Thinks im trying to bash you? Danish Please fuck off if you dont like the things i say ignore them. For someone who seems to think they are mightier and above everyone else in this forum you seem to get bothered by what others say. At least @ShredSeason Genuinely takes advice from us and listens and tries to add it into his life! smfh! Hey but on a another note @ShredSeason does that test prop give you pip at all? and is it SubQ or IM? and is it from a source here just wondering as i oddly enough get pip from Test C like A MFER!
To many bee-brains that have taken so many steroids that they are brain-damaged in this thread!

1. DNP is a wrong ped choice, I have been the first to mention that.
In this very thread, I have gone to great lengths trying to show OP this, not by shaming him or putting down his intelligence: but by being real about it.

The risk is way too big - but at the end of the day, he is an adult, and what he does is his choice.

2. What else he is using is a lot less damaging than all the mega doses of steroids your idiots are all injecting...

3. And you are criticizing him for still being fat, while at the same time "losing weight too fast" ... bloody idiots!

I'm not offering him anything, but I'm trying to support him, no one is going to influence someone to make better choices by behaving like braindead gorillas.

If he dumps the DNP, he will do better in life than you guys - I'm sure of it. Don't take your own loser issues out on him - talking about annihilating everyone, dude you are fucking psychotic, you guys take so many steroids that you can't even relate to another human being in any way so they'll want to listen to you! - You are not coming off as cool or as you know shit; you are coming off as a fucking idiot, that's it!

Now if you have any brain left AT ALL: ask yourself why you are in this thread! - Is it to save OP from himself, fuck no, you would push him in front of a train if you could because he offended your fragile steroid-overdosed little boy ego.

Fine to warn him but do it as an adult, do it nicely! Or fucking go to the other threads about how you can use your short steroid-fueled life on standing in little panties to try and impress other MEN.

Let this guy have his threads in peace!
Suck a dick - your fat ass still hasnt started losing weight over a month after posting here. Youre a joke.

At least your butt buddy is trying even if hes misguided.
Today’s exercise
Zone 1 Cardio: 45 min indoor bike
Weights: Deadlifts 5x5, leg extensions 5x8
Zone 2 cardio: 45 min indoor bike

Calories burned: 1,504
Time: 2 hours, 15 minutes

I tracked weight training as “indoor walk” since the time is mostly spent walking around in between sets. I always walk so that I can keep my heart rate up the entire time. Squats will be added to leg day once I get my rack.


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you just said in a previous post you stopped taking some of your meds. i'm guessing antidepressants?
Ambien, actually, flakka sometimes too. My doctor made me stop taking it because I kept blacking out and creating fake accounts to troll random fat fucks online, talking about annihilation, creating imaginary dogs that I walk 3 hours a day, all kinds of wild ass shit. It became an obsession. Once I found myself raging on my couch that I couldn’t spend 45 minutes watching this lying fat fuck do his cardio, I knew it was time to take a step back and have a good hard look at myself. At 17 ahem 53, I gotta do what’s best for my health.
@ShredSeason dude i support you you know this. I just want you to do it safely and smartly I dont think ive attacked you once, but it seems your fanboy @DanishPanther Thinks im trying to bash you? Danish Please fuck off if you dont like the things i say ignore them. For someone who seems to think they are mightier and above everyone else in this forum you seem to get bothered by what others say. At least @ShredSeason Genuinely takes advice from us and listens and tries to add it into his life! smfh! Hey but on a another note @ShredSeason does that test prop give you pip at all? and is it SubQ or IM? and is it from a source here just wondering as i oddly enough get pip from Test C like A MFER!
Thanks bro, I wrote out that pros and cons list you told me to make of using DNP btw. There were a lot on both sides, but I noticed the cons were a lot more important than the pros…quit the next day.

No pip from my test p. I tried out subq last month, but now I’m back to IM. I got it from a source on here, can’t name them, but they’re the ones that sell everything in kits of 10. I’ve never gotten pip from any test p though. Small 0.25 ml injections, but even when I’ve missed an injection day and did a 0.5 ml to make up for it, I never had any problems.
What's your beef? I agree this guy needs some tough love to straighten out his methods but you are just being a heinous asshole. At least he's trying and motivated, just needs some direction. I do care actually and want to see this guy succeed.

If you don't like him or this thread maybe just don't look at it. You have personal beef with this guy or are you just a shitty person?
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
that's what you're doing... nothing.
anybody encouraging this idiot or not telling him how stupid he is is responsible for the next one who will read this thread and do the exact same stupid things.

it's not about him... he is fucked up in the head anyway, it's about the next one.

have i said anything that is wrong, anything at all? DNP, 24 hours fast, 800 cals a meal and then some binging because the guy has no self control... that's what you morons are encouraging.

i gave him the answer: ZERO peds, CICO (calories in calories out).

anything else is unnecessary and harmful for him... and again the next one