Well it’s been 2 months and I’m still here, just 50 lbs less of me. Sorry that it makes your pussy sore to read something that triggers you, go ask mommy for some warm milk until you calm down. Thinking you can dictate what someone talks about when you’ve contributed absolutely nothing.
50 pounds down and you're still a fat fuck that hasn't managed to get your diet together or get a decent workout routine. Impressive!
50 pounds down and you're still a fat fuck that hasn't managed to get your diet together or get a decent workout routine. Impressive!
Daily cardio, diet’s getting cleaner each week. Keep making up bullshit and being upset you haven’t gotten your punchline yet though.
Daily cardio, diet’s getting cleaner each week. Keep making up bullshit and being upset you haven’t gotten your punchline yet though.
Talk to me when you're not a fat fuck and the weight loss gets hard. Nobody's impressed that you can lose 50lbs when youre 300+ using a shit ton of drugs.
Bro we’re good I just pop off sometimes. I really am uninterested in that kind of stuff, but I probably should be. Hope you’re able to make some change in our community, higher standards for our UGLs can only be a good thing.

Also I mainly highlight the extreme parts of what I’m doing here, but I really am trying to build new habits and a healthy lifestyle, I want to come out of this with daily training, clean eating, and good sleep being a normal part of my everyday life. I gave myself time to slowly ease into that stuff the first couple months, but I am really attacking those things now.
Pulling for you. Take care of yourself.

Perhaps too basic for you but good article that summarizes approach that controls hunger in many (pre GLP-1).

Thank you bro, I definitely went too hard. I just don’t wanna be a bitch that doesn’t put the work in. It would be so easy for me to just sit back and let the drugs lose the weight for me, but that’s not what I want, I’d be disgusted with myself.

Am I gonna be alright though? I think this is a common soreness people get from curls (maybe with the wrong form), but I’ve never had it this rough. I’ll take things slower from now on.
You will be fine. You put to much load and volume on your muscles and connective tissue. You need to build them up over time, not redline them. At this point you should just be conditioning you body to handle load/exercise and in some months you will be able to handle going hard.

Take it easy for now. Do all your workouts but don't push it to the limit, that can come later. Take each exercise to a 7 or 7.5/10 fatigue then stop. You need to build a base first. Eventually you will be able to go hard if you stay consistent. At this stage you will get gains from that level of work. If you go full tilt at this stage you will injure yourself. Remember that rest is when the gains happen, the exercise actually breaks you down. Prioritize resting as much as the workouts.

For weight loss just move more. Walk, bike, swim, whatever you like. Doesn't even have to be difficult. Just move as much as possible every day.

Honestly if you can afford it you should find a good trainer or coach. 1 good trainer is worth 100 randos commenting online.
Pulling for you. Take care of yourself.

Perhaps too basic for you but good article that summarizes approach that controls hunger in many (pre GLP-1).

Thanks bro! Gonna check it out
You will be fine. You put to much load and volume on your muscles and connective tissue. You need to build them up over time, not redline them. At this point you should just be conditioning you body to handle load/exercise and in some months you will be able to handle going hard.

Take it easy for now. Do all your workouts but don't push it to the limit, that can come later. Take each exercise to a 7 or 7.5/10 fatigue then stop. You need to build a base first. Eventually you will be able to go hard if you stay consistent. At this stage you will get gains from that level of work. If you go full tilt at this stage you will injure yourself. Remember that rest is when the gains happen, the exercise actually breaks you down. Prioritize resting as much as the workouts.

For weight loss just move more. Walk, bike, swim, whatever you like. Doesn't even have to be difficult. Just move as much as possible every day.

Honestly if you can afford it you should find a good trainer or coach. 1 good trainer is worth 100 randos commenting online.
Thank you! The 7/7.5 even answered my unasked question of how much to actually do if I’m not going to failure. I’m doing good with cardio, but I’m also trying to think of ways to naturally increase my movement throughout the day in general. I’m going in store to shop around instead of ordering online for pickup or delivery. Getting into some good audio books and just pacing around whenever I read will help. I should start walking my dog too.

I’m hoping to have a coach by this time next month.
Well it’s been 2 months and I’m still here, just 50 lbs less of me. Sorry that it makes your pussy sore to read something that triggers you, go ask mommy for some warm milk until you calm down. Thinking you can dictate what someone talks about when you’ve contributed absolutely nothing.
trust me, you don't want me to contribute, at least not here. i could annihilate every single poster supporting you here, like that danish tiger (gayer than elton john and george michael singing at ellen de generes' birthday party) who says you don't hold water on pharma gh or semi-conciously advises you to take slin.
this thread is crazy stupid.

you know what, i'll contribute
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Thanks bro! Gonna check it out

Thank you! The 7/7.5 even answered my unasked question of how much to actually do if I’m not going to failure. I’m doing good with cardio, but I’m also trying to think of ways to naturally increase my movement throughout the day in general. I’m going in store to shop around instead of ordering online for pickup or delivery. Getting into some good audio books and just pacing around whenever I read will help. I should start walking my dog too.

I’m hoping to have a coach by this time next month.
you're gonna go to stores? wuuuuuut? don't overdo it please!!!

you're gonna start walking your dog too? it's a joke right? you have a dog and you don't walk it? now this is getting personal, WALK YOUR DOG YOU ASSHOLE!!!!
I’m hoping to have a coach by this time next month.
i'm quite sure a few are already in your dms. you're an easy prey tbh: lazy, zero knowledge, changes his mind every day about what he should do to achieve his goals, needs attention and someone to talk to...
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Thanks bro! Gonna check it out

Thank you! The 7/7.5 even answered my unasked question of how much to actually do if I’m not going to failure. I’m doing good with cardio, but I’m also trying to think of ways to naturally increase my movement throughout the day in general. I’m going in store to shop around instead of ordering online for pickup or delivery. Getting into some good audio books and just pacing around whenever I read will help. I should start walking my dog too.

I’m hoping to have a coach by this time next month.
I find the easiest way to get more movement is to bicycle instead of drive, walk instead of drive, and when you have free time to kill just walk. Doesn't matter where just go walking. I enjoy doing LISS outside. If you have a dog it's perfect. Walk that dog twice a day. Your dog will be much happier too!
I find the easiest way to get more movement is to bicycle instead of drive, walk instead of drive, and when you have free time to kill just walk. Doesn't matter where just go walking. I enjoy doing LISS outside. If you have a dog it's perfect. Walk that dog twice a day.
why walk when you can take 600mg of dnp pfff?
i could annihilate every single poster supporting you here
That would be a small number. Everyone who knows even a little bit should be trying to supportively dissuade @ShredSeason from continuing this harmful experiment. Small meaningful changes plus constant activity improvement over time. Target 100 lb mass loss over 52 to 104 weeks (yes some will be muscle if no AAS are employed). Lose fat first then add on muscle. That is how to do a successful major body recomp. In 5 years OP would look like different person without end organ damage.
That would be a small number. Everyone who knows even a little bit should be trying to supportively dissuade @ShredSeason from continuing this harmful experiment. Small meaningful changes plus constant activity improvement over time. Target 100 lb mass loss over 52 to 104 weeks (yes some will be muscle if no AAS are employed). Lose fat first then add on muscle. That is how to do a successful major body recomp. In 5 years OP would look like different person without end organ damage.
tbh OP could drop alot of weight like in 52 weeks legit he could be down 160+ lbs if he just had self control and discipline and dedication, WITH ZERO organ damage. Just running a trt dose IF needed and lets say he decides to add a GLP-1 then he could be down even more. But I hope @ShredSeason gets to where he wants to be and Finds his happiness. I mean honestly I am curious Shred if you get to lets say 225lbs woud you even be happy then? Because just from talking to you and reading your posts, it seems like you might not even be happy then. So with that being said again please just make a list of pros and cons and see if its really what you want.
you're gonna go to stores? wuuuuuut? don't overdo it please!!!

you're gonna start walking your dog too? it's a joke right? you have a dog and you don't walk it? now this is getting personal, WALK YOUR DOG YOU ASSHOLE!!!!
Let me say this one more time and hope your TikTok brain is able to catch it: I do cardio everyday, 45 minutes+, all of these things are just little changes to get some extra movement.

The dog gets walked everyday. There are no gates in our neighborhood, so we walk him around whenever he goes outside for around 10 minutes until he poops. I was talking about longer walks around the neighborhood.