This was under close medical supervision, without putting further stress on the body with things like DNP, but I'm glad he's listening to his body and stopped taking that, so I won't keep dogpiling on here. Hope the rest of your journey goes well, OP.
Sure I agreed to that.
And you will see I have tried to talk him away from DNP all the time, because I felt certain it would not go well.

But I also know for Lyles about 30.000 people that have used RFL when being obese that it often works better than slow fat loss (for the obese, not people already in great shape obviously, it would kill their activity).

It has a what the hell effect, etc Michael Mosley found it cured diabetes, insulin sensitivity, metabolic flexability, lots of other diseases that moderate weight loss did not ,,, and the kicker years after obese that loose the weight fast tend to hold onto the weight loss longer .,, that’s very contrary to what we otherwise expects.

GLP-1 meds I suspect will only make it safer and better: Nupo that is the only VLCD meal replacement that has been approved in Denmark. Have made studies on this already.

We have something like HGH that can both help mobilize fat and help us with recovery,

Trt that prevent our sex hormones from crashig,

T4 that can prevent thyroid slowdown.

Now it’s still not that I disagree with your point: but I get the guy wants to lose it in a year not in 5 or 10!
Day 16 sw 338 cw 324 daily change -1 lbs
I’m ending this DNP run. I can’t really explain what was going on with me when I woke up today, but it was bad. Some sort of delirium, knocking things over in the bathroom, frozen in place, and much worse things than that, much worse. I’m guessing I was reasonably close to death.

I keep experiencing sides that aren’t normal for DNP, because I simply cannot eat enough to make up for the nutrients this drug is burning through. Before DNP, I felt very healthy in fasted/VLCD states by supplementing with vitamins and minerals, but that is not possible on DNP. I would have continued if it were just the usual heat sweat etc, but this was fucked. After eating, I felt perfectly fine.

We’ll give it a few days for water retention to go down and then see how much we lost. I will not run DNP again until I have a solid diet plan dialed in, no more 800 cal OMAD on DNP, that was very stupid. It was also woefully irresponsible for me to do this without blood kits and labs, never again.

Make no mistake, this is still the Extreme fat loss log. This is not me deciding to run a 500 calorie deficit for the next 2 years. But I will learn from my mistakes and any others I didn’t list/think of yet and not repeat them. I lost 30 pounds in the 5 weeks leading up to this cycle with fasting and VLCD, and I felt great the entire time. As many have said, there was no need to add DNP to the mix.
Do you now understand why I called your whole approach spastic 5 pages ago?

You may convince yourself you're finally "getting on track" but your basic, yes, spastic mindset is still there. Until that changes, you're going to continue to change/revamp/tweak/whatever everything every few days and get nowhere.
Day 9, "ravenous hunger"

Do you understand why I called your whole approach spastic 5 pages ago?
You called me spastic for getting off GH. My inflammation went down and my leg healed, just like the guy that gave me that advice said it would. I still ran a 500-1000 calorie deficit on those 2 days you quoted btw.
Golden information that clears a lot up, thanks!!
I injured my (I think) LCL last week during cardio, but I’m doing what I can. I’m starting weight training again today, just can’t do legs. Cardio is trickier, I can usually sort of walk without pain, but can’t bear weight on that leg doing things like walking up and down stairs. X ray was ofc negative, I have to get an MRI done. It doesn’t seem to be getting better or worse which is…interesting.
Did it occur to you at any point that being malnourished makes it exceedingly easy to injure yourself and have those injuries nag? When I dropped even to 1400 cals I was chipping teeth and constantly sore, careful with that
Did it occur to you at any point that being malnourished makes it exceedingly easy to injure yourself and have those injuries nag? When I dropped even to 1400 cals I was chipping teeth and constantly sore, careful with that
It did, yeah. I’ve been way more prone to injury, even cuts take forever to heal. My goal was more important to me though.
This was under close medical supervision, without putting further stress on the body with things like DNP, but I'm glad he's listening to his body and stopped taking that, so I won't keep dogpiling on here. Hope the rest of your journey goes well, OP.
You can find regular people that have done it too, thefastingfatman on YouTube comes to mind. He went 180 days without food.
Day 16 sw 338 cw 324 daily change -1 lbs
I’m ending this DNP run. I can’t really explain what was going on with me when I woke up today, but it was bad. Some sort of delirium, knocking things over in the bathroom, frozen in place, and much worse things than that, much worse. I’m guessing I was reasonably close to death.

I keep experiencing sides that aren’t normal for DNP, because I simply cannot eat enough to make up for the nutrients this drug is burning through. Before DNP, I felt very healthy in fasted/VLCD states by supplementing with vitamins and minerals, but that is not possible on DNP. I would have continued if it were just the usual heat sweat etc, but this was fucked. After eating, I felt perfectly fine.

We’ll give it a few days for water retention to go down and then see how much we lost. I will not run DNP again until I have a solid diet plan dialed in, no more 800 cal OMAD on DNP, that was very stupid. It was also woefully irresponsible for me to do this without blood kits and labs, never again.

Make no mistake, this is still the Extreme fat loss log. This is not me deciding to run a 500 calorie deficit for the next 2 years. But I will learn from my mistakes and any others I didn’t list/think of yet and not repeat them. I lost 30 pounds in the 5 weeks leading up to this cycle with fasting and VLCD, and I felt great the entire time. As many have said, there was no need to add DNP to the mix.
lol not really the outcome @FatPharms was looking for.

But smart man, drop that shit.
It did, yeah. I’ve been way more prone to injury, even cuts take forever to heal. My goal was more important to me though.
So What happens when you suffer an injury that halts your training/cardio and you start stagnating and going the other direction because you can’t train and can’t move? Think for a single second before you just do whatever dude lol
Sure I agreed to that.
And you will see I have tried to talk him away from DNP all the time, because I felt certain it would not go well.

But I also know for Lyles about 30.000 people that have used RFL when being obese that it often works better than slow fat loss (for the obese, not people already in great shape obviously, it would kill their activity).

It has a what the hell effect, etc Michael Mosley found it cured diabetes, insulin sensitivity, metabolic flexability, lots of other diseases that moderate weight loss did not ,,, and the kicker years after obese that loose the weight fast tend to hold onto the weight loss longer .,, that’s very contrary to what we otherwise expects.

GLP-1 meds I suspect will only make it safer and better: Nupo that is the only VLCD meal replacement that has been approved in Denmark. Have made studies on this already.

We have something like HGH that can both help mobilize fat and help us with recovery,

Trt that prevent our sex hormones from crashig,

T4 that can prevent thyroid slowdown.

Now it’s still not that I disagree with your point: but I get the guy wants to lose it in a year not in 5 or 10!
This is not going to take a year

Guidelines for the second half of our DNP run​

1. Dose will not exceed 400 mg
2. No fasting or OMAD during DNP
3. Clean diet
4. Workout and diet regimen dialed in before starting
5. Blood tests and labs lined up, all kits at my door
6. Blood pressure (Telmisartan) and heart (undecided) ancillaries at my door
7. Health markers checked and good before starting

This will most likely last 15 days, completing our originally planned 30 days of DNP, since we’ve done 15 so far. At least a 2 week break from the last dose I did will be given before starting. I think I can have a normal, “safe” DNP cycle by following all these guidelines, which I will. If anyone has something to add to these, let me know.
I thought you would dump DNP, what are you hoping to get out of 15 days more on it? (and 400 mg, is still a high aggressive dose).

If we have to evaluate after, if it was worth it or really stupid, then what criteria will you measure?
- Lost fat?
- If you get sick, how sick, for how long?
- Length of fatigue after you get off? days, weeks, months?

How much does it have to deliver for it to be worth it to you?

You are eating insecticide - it better be worth it and helping you out vs. slowing you down.
I thought you would dump DNP, what are you hoping to get out of 15 days more on it? (and 400 mg, is still a high aggressive dose).

If we have to evaluate after, if it was worth it or really stupid, then what criteria will you measure?
- Lost fat?
- If you get sick, how sick, for how long?
- Length of fatigue after you get off? days, weeks, months?

How much does it have to deliver for it to be worth it to you?

You are eating insecticide - it better be worth it and helping you out vs. slowing you down.
15 days is a good duration for a DNP run, I can lose a decent amount. I’ll evaluate it based on all those criteria, yeah.

To be worth it, DNP would need to result in more weight loss than achieved by my usual VLCD OMAD + extended fasting protocol. I’ll still be running a large deficit as to not cancel out DNP’s weight loss, but I will be eating a few hundred calories more than usual and won’t be doing any extended fasts.
Now that I’ve had my first go at DNP and have a better idea of what to expect and avoid, I’m excited to see what sorts of results I can achieve when diet, training, and complimentary compounds are on point. The goal of this upcoming run is to experience DNP as it would normally be experienced.
Now that I’ve had my first go at DNP and have a better idea of what to expect and avoid, I’m excited to see what sorts of results I can achieve when diet, training, and complimentary compounds are on point. The goal of this upcoming run is to experience DNP as it would normally be experienced.
The whole log is just a mess, You jumped in everything at once and couldn't even make a reasonable cycle plan, so eventually you couldn't handle it and starting messing around excluding drugs, increasing dosages of other drugs and so on.

Why didn't you just try DNP at a small dose of 200mg and just gradually increase it over a long period of time? It would work out.

It seems like you have no idea what you're doing. And that's sad.
Well it have to be allot more than the RFL + GLP-1 approach; it makes no sense risking serious chronic conditions, end up burned out and without energy and sickness just for let’s say 3 kg of body fat. At best that would cut 2 weeks of your plan if it went miraculous well … so you really have to lose like 8-10 kgs for it to be even positive on your entire progress overall, if it goes well.

Btw. Unlike steroids and everything else you are taken, there is no such thing as a normal way to take dnp, dnp is not a normal drug to use for fatloss. If you are in the class of bodybuilding willing to lose your legs like Ronnie Coleman, then sure, that’s the type of guys using it,,, they will die to be 0,0001% leaner than their competition,

But you and me mate, are just fat as fuck,,, this is a lausy drug for fatloss for fat ppl (now it’s fine if you prove me wrong).
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The whole log is just a mess, You jumped in everything at once and couldn't even make a reasonable cycle plan, so eventually you couldn't handle it and starting messing around excluding drugs, increasing dosages of other drugs and so on.

Why didn't you just try DNP at a small dose of 200mg and just gradually increase it over a long period of time? It would work out.

It seems like you have no idea what you're doing. And that's sad.
Because his former approach is healthier, safer and much more effective than than any amount of dnp, really,
The whole log is just a mess, You jumped in everything at once and couldn't even make a reasonable cycle plan, so eventually you couldn't handle it and starting messing around excluding drugs, increasing dosages of other drugs and so on.

Why didn't you just try DNP at a small dose of 200mg and just gradually increase it over a long period of time? It would work out.

It seems like you have no idea what you're doing. And that's sad.
You’re right, I had a great thing going month 1, and I jeopardized it all to do a bunch of stupid shit. Looking back at my original post is wild, can’t believe I thought I’d be able to do all that. I’m learning as I go, but I could have used a lot more common sense.

@DanishPanther makes a great point, DNP would have to do a lot to outperform the deficit and protocol I normally run. 200 mg might make a lot more sense and actually result in more weight loss. At that dose, I could pretty much do what I always do, and it would be a lot safer. I could use it over a longer period of time, just to compliment the great results I’m already achieving. I have a lot to think about.
Thursday’s Workout
Gonna start posting my workouts every night for accountability, I refuse to be one of those whale fucks that tries to replace hard work with drugs to lose weight. The compounds are here to compliment an already good weight loss routine, it wouldn’t be the extreme fat loss thread if we left anything on the table. Gonna get back into training MMA once I’m around 280 and come out of this a fucking savage.

45 minutes cardio (stationary bike)
Bench: 4 sets to failure (3-8 reps)
Barbell curls: 3 sets to failure, 8 reps

I gassed the fuck out after this, felt like I was gonna pass out. I couldn’t get my heart rate under 160, was jumping to 180 after sets. I’m going to try lifting before cardio from now on. The plan was to do 4 exercises (bench, incline, barbell rows, barbell curls) for 4 sets each. I’ll be less limited in my lifts once I get some dumbbells in here and a squat rack. Tomorrow we do legs: deads and extensions.


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