Day 14 sw 338 cw 326 daily diff -2lbs
Now I see why DNP is magic. 2 pounds gone overnight, 7 in the last 3 days. Thank you @FatPharms for breaking my stall and for talking me off a cliff during the water retentive stage lmao.

Current Cycle​

(Updated as of 12/31/23)
DNP400 mg/dayStarted 400 mg Christmas Day after 1 week of 200 mg
Retatrutide4 mg/weekGlad I haven’t had to up the dose yet
Testosterone Propionate175 mg/day (25/day)11th day on TRT since our forced hiatus
HGH4 iu/dayDiscontinued until Telmisartan ancillary is added
GHK-Cu (injectable)2 mg/dayDiscontinued until insulin needles and syringes capable of proper dosing arrive


Milk ThistleLiver support
NACLiver Support
Beet Root CapsulesHeart Support
Potassium PowderDecreased until DNP cycle concludes, as per @Juggy3838 ‘s warning
Sodium via real salt
Vitamin D25,000 IU until deficiency is eliminated, 5000 iu after
CollagenSkin elasticity, hair
Magnesium capsules2-3x/day
Raw honey1 tbsp as needed for glucose
Unsweetened Cranberry juice1 oz 2x/day
Flax seedsFiber, 1-2 tbsp 2x/day with cranberry juice
TurmericAnti-inflammatory, etc
Telmisartan (upcoming)Blood pressure, water retention
TUDCA (upcoming)Liver Support
Dandelion RootLight Diuretic, discontinued until DNP cycle concludes
Wow I’m in rough shape, feel like I’ve been poisoned (go figure). I feel so disconnected from my body, every sensation is weakening, I feel myself typing but I don’t too. So confused, cloudy, I feel like I’m in a dream. Nothing feels real. People are talking but they sound so far away, I keep blanking in and out of knowing what I’m doing. Fuck.
sounds keep startling me, briefly jolting me back to reality. It feels like when youre falling asleep but are jolted awake because you feel like you’re falling
Alright, at least you are losing a kg a day if it's not mostly fluids (also from stopping the potassium intake and such) - then that's an insanely wild speed.

Have to agree that could make a strong argument on the pro side of things.
But you still have the risk of serious side effects, risk of disease, and the constraints of how long you can use it ...

As for the fluids, is it not just because you are using the Chinese stuff instead of pharma? As I learned from RedViking all pharmaceuticals such as genotropin are produced with Mannitol which is a diuretic that removes fluid from the body, the Chinese stuff is not produced with that.
quit pretending you are willing to take any advice. Dumb as fuck.
Advice taken so far:
1. Cut out HGH
2. Cut out GHK-Cu
3. Decreased Potassium
4. Started LISS cardio
5. Berry mix protein shakes (starting tomorrow, thanks @Ryu82 !)
6. So much more, thank you everyone!
Good to know you couldn't control yourself,
This was always the plan since the very first post, but pop off bro
DNP (crystal)200 mg600 mg200 mg week 1, 400 mg week 2, 600 mg week 3&4
Night and day difference since I ate, I feel normal with the usual DNP sides now. I’m shocked fasting can get that bad on this compound, won’t make that mistake again. Besides my normal dinner, I’m gonna start drink berry mix protein shakes throughout the day. Didn’t understand why you said it might be a lifesaver at the time @Ryu82 , but I definitely do now. Thanks again bro, so glad I came across your comment again.
4. Started LISS cardio


No kidding.

Your diet is awful.

You are having a hard time controlling yourself because of your extreme, weird diet, so it is, Oh, no, I did a 1,000 calorie carb meal and feel terrible, and oh, that 3 a.m. meal made me want to puke, and that is just in the last few days! GET A GRIP. Get control of yourself.

Get a real diet and stick to it. This one meal a day nonsense if awful if you are doing this for improved body composition.

You need a high protein, reasonably low fat diet, and use carbohydrates to fill in the difference of wherever your calories need to be, but on a fucking plan, not just winging it. Plan and track and stick to it consistently. Several meals a day. Chicken, turkey breast, egg whites for protein. Veggies, salad (track and watch carefully any salad dressing, hell, everything that goes in the salad). Get your protein over 200 grams a day, from real food, and not protein powder (you can take protein powder, but that is over and above your 200 gram daily requirement from real food). Note that you are not going to get 200 grams in one stupid meal. It is going to be more like 4 or 5.
Wow I’m in rough shape, feel like I’ve been poisoned (go figure). I feel so disconnected from my body, every sensation is weakening, I feel myself typing but I don’t too. So confused, cloudy, I feel like I’m in a dream. Nothing feels real. People are talking but they sound so far away, I keep blanking in and out of knowing what I’m doing. Fuck.
This is probably your diet, too.
Day 14 sw 338 cw 326 daily diff -2lbs
Now I see why DNP is magic. 2 pounds gone overnight, 7 in the last 3 days. Thank you @FatPharms for breaking my stall and for talking me off a cliff during the water retentive stage lmao.
If you can't figure out your diet, what is going to happen when you stop the DNP?

Have you thought about that?

Day 8, Christmas sw 338 cw ///
Gonna just come clean to everyone finally, I upped my DNP dose to 400

Day 9, sw 338 cw ///
I’m on a medication that has a side effect of appetite suppression. I decided to see if I could stop taking it, as it would be good for my health, especially with what I’m running. Ravenous hunger, so I allowed myself a “maintainence day”. eating around 2100 calories, still a 1000 deficit. I’m unsure if the increased DNP or stopping this med was the cause. Maybe it’s both.

Day 10, sw 338 cw ///
Pizza dinner to celebrate mine and the 3 other January birthdays in the family. I struggled to get one slice down after daring to eat one chicken wing, 3 tiny breadsticks, and a salad. Hunger struck late at night though, I ate two more slices of pizza and 3 more chicken wings. This totalled at most around a 2200 calorie day, but the mindset of that late-night meal felt bingey, which scared me.

Day 11 (yesterday), sw 338 cw ///
Wow I paid the price for that 3am meal, brutal acid reflux all night, stomach bile coming up to my throat. I felt fucking awful in the morning, dead. Terrible nausea, I thought I was gonna throw up. My head felt drained, like someone had squeezed all the water out of my brain. It was wild. I rehydrated with a ton of water and electrolytes, it didn’t work. My voice was shaky, I was getting scared. My stepsister had me take my temperature, no fever. Finally, she gave me multivitamins. Within a half hour, I felt normal. Something about that 3am feast fucked me up. I decided to take that medication again this morning. 1200 calories, 400 over my normal, but the extra nutrients are worth it. 1200 is a lot more sane than 600-800. So it seems DNP did increase appetite, but the vast majority came from not taking that medication.

Day 12 (today) sw 338 cw ///
I was really upset this morning. I found out my scale was broken, 8 pound difference stepping on it twice, so I have no way of knowing my progress during this month. I was getting numbers the entire month that didn’t make sense, it was really hard psychologically. I’m glad to have a confirmation. It fucks with our experiment, but I’m gonna put it in the past and get a new scale. On the bright side, I’m fairly confident the increased DNP didn’t cause yesterday’s event. I feel great today and felt great leading up to yesterday. I’m convinced it has something to do with that 3am extravaganza, maybe it’s a drawback of combining DNP with a GLP.
Day 9, "ravenous hunger"

Day 10 pizza and chicken wings.

Day 11, 3 a.m. feast

I mean, really? Is this a joke?

I repeat my advice, "Get a real diet."
You are having a hard time controlling yourself because of your extreme, weird diet, so it is, Oh, no, I did a 1,000 calorie carb meal and feel terrible, and oh, that 3 a.m. meal made me want to puke, and that is just in the last few days! GET A GRIP. Get control of yourself.
You’re absolutely right bro, gonna put some healthy eating habits together. I need to take this shit seriously.
If you can't figure out your diet, what is going to happen when you stop the DNP?
It’ll get worse, because my appetite will completely disappear, and I’ll eat even less. Gonna use this day as a wake up call and start eating a more sane amount of food from here on out.
Day 9, "ravenous hunger"
Day 10 pizza and chicken wings.
Day 11, 3 a.m. feast
I mean, really? Is this a joke?
I repeat my advice, "Get a real diet."
Another stupid thing I did, tried to get off one of my medications during those days. That + DNP made my appetite go wild. I shouldn’t be messing around with shit like that during a time like this. Still maintained a 500-1000 cal deficit, but it was irresponsible. Gonna take things more seriously now, thanks for being blunt bro.
Alright, at least you are losing a kg a day if it's not mostly fluids (also from stopping the potassium intake and such) - then that's an insanely wild speed.

Have to agree that could make a strong argument on the pro side of things.
But you still have the risk of serious side effects, risk of disease, and the constraints of how long you can use it ...

As for the fluids, is it not just because you are using the Chinese stuff instead of pharma? As I learned from RedViking all pharmaceuticals such as genotropin are produced with Mannitol which is a diuretic that removes fluid from the body, the Chinese stuff is not produced with that.
Yeah, the weight loss results have gotten pretty nuts. I’ve heard that too about the China GH. After realizing the difference I felt after eating, I’m concluding it is incredibly dangerous to fast like that on DNP. This same thing has happened in a less extreme way a handful of times these past few days btw. I’m taking things day by day, but as of now, I think the DNP itself will be manageable, but I’m quitting this 24/hr fasts/day 800 calorie bullshit. Not safe right now. Im still
Yeah he's gonna take it seriously now bro! While he's on 600mg of DNP. Lmao. This is gonna end so badly.
End so badly he winds up in the hospital. That would be the outcome of this fiasco IMO.

OP should end this now before he does serious damage to his body.
@ShredSeason me and @malfeasance honestly never ever agree with each other but dude on this i agree with him but ive told you before man. Find a better way, Diet clean man if your diet is clean for 30 days out of every 31 Your be fine. If you train to failure every time you train your see the gains. if you constantly change your kcals be lowering them by 200-300 kcals every 2 weeks then your be amazed man it will teach you amazing healthy eating habits and your be able to make an amazing diet. because your get to a point where the lbs are falling off, and you arent starving yourself. YES Losing weight requires you to be hungry it happens, mind over matter homie. But i will say this I agree with everyone on this thread again dude. RISK VS REWARD. Just do me a favor if you take any of this serious man. SIt down take a piece of paper out and write down all the pros and cons. Then meditate on it and you should have your true answer man no matter what we say its all up to you.