I'm dealing with a plantar fasciitis flare up, so in the interim I'm doing the bike and recumbent at the gym for a few weeks to let the feet heal, while still doing some measure of cardio. Might be worth a shot for you.
Thanks! I’m actually getting a recumbent here in a few days for that reason, hoping it does the trick.
Thank you for such a nuanced response.
I think that the whole "you need to lose weight slowly" dogma really really backfires for guys that are super heavy. It's just unrealistic like you say to tell someone to lose a pound or two a week for 2 years.
None of the 2lb/week people ever talk about how much damage being morbidly obese for another two years will bring on someone. Once I found the courage to step on the scale, I viewed it as a medical emergency that I had to take care of right away.
one of the worst things is to have a finish line in mind that's still 150lbs from where they need to be :)
A big problem in the past and is why I made incentives for milestones along the way based on how I know I feel at different weights.

330 (present dayish): not being out of breath moving around
300: is not being as embarrassed when I’m around people anymore
280: I just feel a lot better about myself at this weight than I do right now, hard to explain
260: feeling good enough hook up again.
240: feeling good enough to date again, enjoying athletics without weight being such a hindrance. I miss playing sports
220: United States normal, looking good
200: No longer fat
180: done. Can start building my physique!!!

I’m excited for all these, so 180 isn’t the only thing to look forward to.
while there's a ton of value in pushing aggressively with someone like that, they have it even worse when it comes to burnout/rebound/etc.
The chances of hitting the 30 day mark, posting his "amazing results" and then disappearing for 6 months and coming back with another thread about how he fell off the wagon the next week and is now ready to try again is extremely high.
Do you still think this is a risk in my case? What I’m doing is honestly fucking easy. Low dose GLP-1s are making these deficits effortless. I could nearly triple what I’m eating and still lose weight all the way to my goal. I honestly don’t feel like I’m pushing myself at all
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Day 5: SW 338 CW 334
This is the first day I actually might have to involuntarily fast. I had a 1,000 calorie carb dinner yesterday and am extremely bloated, it’s miserable. I can’t imagine adding more bites of food to this.

We are now around peak concentration of DNP. Not bad at all honestly. I’m dropping HGH for a while as per @Eman ’s suggestion.
From my experience, HGH's fat loss is overblown, as in it's marginal and I wouldn't take it. Like the DNP is doing 95% of the work here (not actual numbers, broscience). I had been on HGH for a long time at much higher doses and didn't really lose much fat. The water retention looks like it's demotivating you, and when I was on GH it also made me feel disgusting since my face retained so much water and I hated it.

One advice I have for your rest of your journey is, once you feel like you're starting to eat a bit more, start upping your GLP-1 dose. That for me was the biggest issue for my cut journey, the weakening of my semaglutide for my mental apetite supression. I've needed to go as far as 5mg semaglutide from 0.5mg after 2 months to maintain the apettite supression mental effects, didn't notice any side effects even though it's twice as much as the wegovy max 2.4mg dose. You can also combine different glp-1s if you want to be more economical, I've not used reta before but I've combined sema and tirze and it's fine and helps increase effects.
I’m glad you’re dialing your protocols and structuring it to maximize fat-loss potential, while finding ways to be safe.

If you are injured, you can always find an exercise that will be safe to perform and generally is away from your damaged body part unless you’re bedridden due to spinal injury.

What you build is the habit and drive so you’re used to a routine to follow once you’re totally healed.

I’ll be following your progress, good luck.
Day 6: sw 338 cw 333.5
I didn’t know water retention could get this bad. I’m gonna take dandelion root tea and drink cranberry juice with my flax seeds 2x/day. I hope that’s enough to get rid of this water, bloat, and the rest of this constipation. Growth hormone has been removed for now.

New protocol
Compound Dose
Testosterone Propoonate25 mg/day
Retatrutide4 mg/week
DNP (crystal)200 mg/day
HGH4 iu/day
GHK-Cu2.5 mg/day
GHK-Cu is done until I get insulin needles. I’ve just been using my 22g needles to pin all this shit this entire time…my stomach is abused and needs a break.

I would take Telmisartan for water retention and helping blood pressure, but I can’t afford any more increased risks of of heart issues and hyperkalemia right now than I already have.
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How much water are you drinking a day? Don't get crazy with it, but you should be keeping a pretty steady flow of water down your gullet. Muscle Feast electrolyte mix is really good during these cycles, I feel noticeably improved if I'm having a rough day.
How much water are you drinking a day? Don't get crazy with it, but you should be keeping a pretty steady flow of water down your gullet. Muscle Feast electrolyte mix is really good during these cycles, I feel noticeably improved if I'm having a rough day.
I do get a little crazy with it in general yeah, not just on DNP. Wow I looked up that electrolyte mix, it’s got a lot of good stuff in there. I’ve been getting by with potassium powder, magnesium capsules, real salt, and multivitamins. I removed the real salt these past few days, because I realized I was taking too much. I think it’s time to add some back though, not feeling fully hydrated.
Holy shit you’re a wild man lol.
Yeah, when I first started TRT, I thought I’d need a 2 inch to get to my ventroglutes. Tractor supply store didn’t have higher gauges 2 inch needles, so I got 18g…it worked a few times, but then I went and did another injection. I don’t know if I hit an artery or what, but when I pulled out the needle, blood started shooting everywhere. It would not stop, all over my bathroom, even 6 feet away. I got dizzy afterwards. I stopped using those after that.

Possible compound change​

Since I’m at peak DNP concentration, I waited 17 hours for today’s dose instead of the usual 24 to test what a slightly higher dose would be like. I’m warmer but still ok in a sweat jacket. After Christmas, I might go up to 400 mg until January 3rd and then go back down to 200, giving me 8 days on 400 mg. I’m sure my current dose is giving small benefits, but 200 for me is the equivalent of 125 mg for an average person. I’m glad I started that low. but 400 mg is around 2.5 mg/kg for me, a very reasonable and average dose.
Thank you for such a nuanced response.

None of the 2lb/week people ever talk about how much damage being morbidly obese for another two years will bring on someone.
That's not really a fair argument because it's assuming that every method of losing weight is equally effective long term.

Losing weight at 2lbs a week for 2 years and keeping it off is better than spastically yo-yoing between 300-350lbs for the next 10 years, yeah?
A big problem in the past and is why I made incentives for milestones along the way based on how I know I feel at different weights.

330 (present dayish): not being out of breath moving around
300: is not being as embarrassed when I’m around people anymore
280: I just feel a lot better about myself at this weight than I do right now, hard to explain
260: feeling good enough hook up again.
240: feeling good enough to date again, enjoying athletics without weight being such a hindrance. I miss playing sports
220: United States normal, looking good
200: No longer fat
180: done. Can start building my physique!!!

I’m excited for all these, so 180 isn’t the only thing to look forward to.
This is really a great way to look at it and true for anyone with a weight loss goal that takes more than a few months. People see the finish line as the point where they start to see benefits, yet you get "wins" all along the way, in reality.

Do you still think this is a risk in my case? What I’m doing is honestly fucking easy. Low dose GLP-1s are making these deficits effortless. I could nearly triple what I’m eating and still lose weight all the way to my goal. I honestly don’t feel like I’m pushing myself at all
It's always a risk, for nearly everyone, nearly all of the time. How much so? Shrug.
Day 6: sw 338 cw 333.5
I didn’t know water retention could get this bad. I’m gonna take dandelion root tea and drink cranberry juice with my flax seeds 2x/day. I hope that’s enough to get rid of this water, bloat, and the rest of this constipation. Growth hormone has been removed for now.

New protocol
Testosterone Propoonate25 mg/day
Retatrutide4 mg/week
DNP (crystal)200 mg/day
HGH4 iu/day
GHK-Cu2.5 mg/day
GHK-Cu is done until I get insulin needles. I’ve just been using my 22g needles to pin all this shit this entire time…my stomach is abused and needs a break.

I would take Telmisartan for water retention and helping blood pressure, but I can’t afford any more increased risks of of heart issues and hyperkalemia right now than I already have.
Honestly, you do have a pretty spastic attitude towards all of this.

"im going to take everything and do an extreme fat loss!!"

"oh god im holding water someone on this forum said GH causes water retention, I'm going to drop it completely and take dandelion root!".

You know what also causes water retention? 5xing your serum testosterone levels. And yes, I'm guessing you thought that daily shots of test prop would mean "no water retention" but that isnt the case.

You know what else causes water retention? Rapidly losing fat.

You know what also causes water retention? DNP.

In all three cases (and in the case of GH), this effect levels off or dissipates partially or completely over time.

So now you're spastically dropping one compound completely, adding stuff randomly to "fix it", when you probably could've just cut your GH dose in half, taken a deep fucking breath, and shut your brain off for a month and be a lot better off.

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but you scream the exact type of person who overthinks everything, spastically changes everything every couple of days, doesn't really know what they're doing, causes themselves 5x as much stress as they need to, and is very prone to falling off the wagon just as fast.
Is this your first time with GH?

You may want to back off that and see if the injury passes... I know GH is known for it's healing benefits but I have gotten some weird injuries that I suspect have some association with the fluid retention it can cause.
@Blang This is why I’m taking a break from it, I said it in this thread twice. Of course I know it causes water retention.
I'm guessing you thought that daily shots of test prop would mean "no water retention"
You know what else causes water retention? Rapidly losing fat.
Didn’t know about this one
You know what also causes water retention? DNP.

I’m pulling back because adding all this stuff at once was a little too much for me, I don’t think that’s spastic move bro.
@Blang This is why I’m taking a break from it, I said it in this thread twice. Of course I know it causes water retention.


Didn’t know about this one


I’m pulling back because adding all this stuff at once was a little too much for me, I don’t think that’s spastic move bro.
It absolutely is.

It's been FOUR DAYS since you started this thread and you're already revamping everything, already talking about how you're ready to up your DNP dose on day, the next day pulling entire compounds etc.

It's spastic as shit.
It absolutely is.

It's been FOUR DAYS since you started this thread and you're already revamping everything, already talking about how you're ready to up your DNP dose on day, the next day pulling entire compounds etc.

It's spastic as shit.
Everyone’s freaking out about what I’m doing saying I’m gonna die bro, taking away a couple compounds for now is not unreasonable.

This is day 6 of the cycle. If you look at my chart on the first post, you’ll see the dosage plan for DNP, it hasn’t changed. Part of the reason I made this thread was to take good advice from people more experienced than me. I pulled back HGH like he said, and I’m feeling a lot better, much less bloated. DNP is scary man, I feel a lot better about going up to 400 mg without as many variables in the mix.
@ShredSeason, you seem like your committed to lose this weight and will go to any extreme to get there.
l would suggest you try an extreme way of eating like the carnivore diet where you won't have to starve yourself, you won't need any drugs not even trt because your natural test levels will increase dramatically on this diet.
You will also see a dramatic improvement in digestive issues, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, inflammation levels, body aches and pains and you will be able to maintain or maybe even build muscle while losing weight extremely fast.
At your size, if you combined this diet with some weight training and cardio, l could see you losing around 80 pounds in 6 months without taking any risks what so ever.

lf you decide to try this diet, the only thing l would suggest you do is drink plenty of water and make sure you keep your electrolytes up because this prevents side effects while your body gets used to the diet.
lf you have any questions about the diet i am happy to answer them.

Good luck with what ever you decide.