I’ll keep posting regularly, don’t want anyone to think I’m dead

Serious 2 questions:
1. Is DNP riskier to run at a higher body fat?
2. What other drugs that I’m running make this more dangerous?

I’m not trying to act retarded or be an asshole, I’m genuinely asking because I haven’t run into any information about those 2 things.
How do you plan to keep this weight off in the long term?

you are making yourself reliant up on drugs to get to a healthy bodyfat.

What about option 3 of going to a healthy lifestyle and practice.

I am going to be frank. You are deploying these drugs at a morbidly obese bf and you won't be able to sustain this.

There isn't going to be much information on this

You know what there is alot of evidence of? People who do not adopt a healthy lifestyle and have rebound weight gain.

You weren't in a rush to get obese, you don't need to be in a rush to get to a healthy weight.

You can learn to adjust your lifestyle to something that gives longevity and is healthy
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Well, clearly you didn’t read the dnp threads. Search it, conciliator and other guys who wrote articles on it have discussed the dosages in details.

Always start slow as possible, if its a 200mg cap then go one cap eod to gauge tolerance.

This is how you overdose on it, you can be a hyper responder and that amount can feel like double the actual dose.
He definitely didn't read up on the half life and how it builds up in your body.
Day 2
I knew nothing would happen the first couple days, so I didn’t bother creating this log until today. there should only be around 140 mg in my system at this point.
He definitely didn't read up on the half life and how it builds up in your body.
Don’t know where you’re pulling this hot take from, I’ve been plotting doses for over a week now…if you’re amazed at me being surprised with how I felt this morning, this is the first time I’ve taken DNP. I don’t have a precedent on what I’ll feel and when. I’m taking it day by day like anyone else would.
Don’t know where you’re pulling this hot take from, I’ve been plotting doses for over a week now…if you’re amazed at me being surprised with how I felt this morning, this is the first time I’ve taken DNP. I don’t have a precedent on what I’ll feel and when. I’m taking it day by day like anyone else would.
Going off from your decision to jump to 600mg a day on week 3
Going off from your decision to jump to 600mg a day on week 3
Gotcha, nothing’s set in stone, I’m going off how I feel. Also, I’m under the assumption that 600 for me is around 350-400 for a normal person due to DNP’s weight dependency. But If that’s not true, then I’m not taking it over 400. Maybe one of you know the answer to that, just how far does DNP’s mg/kg relationship go? Is 1,000 mg for a 600 pound man the same as 250 mg for a 150 pound man? It sounds ridiculous when you take it to that extreme, but I’ve always seen dosage be taken in the context of mg/kg.
Gotcha, nothing’s set in stone, I’m going off how I feel. Also, I’m under the assumption that 600 for me is around 350-400 for a normal person due to DNP’s weight dependency. But If that’s not true, then I’m not taking it over 400. Maybe one of you know the answer to that, just how far does DNP’s mg/kg relationship go? Is 1,000 mg for a 600 pound man the same as 250 mg for a 150 pound man? It sounds ridiculous when you take it to that extreme, but I’ve always seen dosage be taken in the context of mg/kg.
Like everything in life, test the waters first. Give 200mg 5+ days to see the buildup and go from there. Everyone is starting semaglutide at the min 0.25mg being 300+ or 200 to see how they react
I dunno brother. Being that much overweight you can start dropping fat safely with just small changes to you diet. As an example just cutting out soda and junk foods would make a world of difference. That along with just walking everyday is all you really need right now. You can use this time to figure out how you can eat right long term, because it will be very easy for you to slide back to where you started after you’re done. I’d save the DNP when your close to your goal weight but hit a plateau.

This is a marathon and not a sprint. You need to understand the basics to a healthy lifestyle and not rely on drugs. Just my .02 cents.
Gotcha, nothing’s set in stone, I’m going off how I feel. Also, I’m under the assumption that 600 for me is around 350-400 for a normal person due to DNP’s weight dependency. But If that’s not true, then I’m not taking it over 400. Maybe one of you know the answer to that, just how far does DNP’s mg/kg relationship go? Is 1,000 mg for a 600 pound man the same as 250 mg for a 150 pound man? It sounds ridiculous when you take it to that extreme, but I’ve always seen dosage be taken in the context of mg/kg.
This is one thing that you CANT take too slow. You can always take more but take 1 mg too much and you fucking die. Take your time, be safe, and be fucking sure before increasing dose.
I dunno brother. Being that much overweight you can start dropping fat safely with just small changes to you diet. As an example just cutting out soda and junk foods would make a world of difference. That along with just walking everyday is all you really need right now. You can use this time to figure out how you can eat right long term, because it will be very easy for you to slide back to where you started after you’re done. I’d save the DNP when your close to your goal weight but hit a plateau.

This is a marathon and not a sprint. You need to understand the basics to a healthy lifestyle and not rely on drugs. Just my .02 cents.

This is my thought as well. Hell he could even go to the extreme of cutting calories drastically and the weight would fall off. I just don’t get the hardcore approach right out of the gate.

If this is step 1… what the fuck is step 2
This is my thought as well. Hell he could even go to the extreme of cutting calories drastically and the weight would fall off. I just don’t get the hardcore approach right out of the gate.

If this is step 1… what the fuck is step 2
Meth, the second step is always meth.

I am joking, but yeah OP, don’t do too much too fast like they say. Start slow and steady, everyone will attest to this, it will take some time to get fat loss started but once it moves, you will be amazed how your physique will change.
DNP is dangerous shit man if you don’t know what you’re doing.

I’m not saying this to be disrespectful but if that’s really you in the picture it looks like you’ve never stepped foot in a gym before. In your other thread you said it was “a bulk that got out of hand”. It surely doesn’t look that way man. You look like someone who’s desperate to lose weight.

HGH, Tirz, DNP and all this other shit your throwing into your body is reckless. Step one should be cleaning up your diet, not adding pesticides to your body. Best of luck man, maybe talk to a dietician.
DNP is dangerous shit man if you don’t know what you’re doing.

I’m not saying this to be disrespectful but if that’s really you in the picture it looks like you’ve never stepped foot in a gym before. In your other thread you said it was “a bulk that got out of hand”. It surely doesn’t look that way man. You look like someone who’s desperate to lose weight.

HGH, Tirz, DNP and all this other shit your throwing into your body is reckless. Step one should be cleaning up your diet, not adding pesticides to your body. Best of luck man, maybe talk to a dietician.
I’m over 100 pounds overweight bro, of course I don’t look like I’ve ever been in a gym. The muscle I was gaining that you’re referring to was nothing special at all, just noobie gains, mostly in my delts and traps, nice strength gains on my curls and deadlifts. But it’s all long gone now either way.

My body naturally produces under 200 ng/dl of test (can’t even imagine how low it is being obese), so when got off TRT and stopped lifting, that muscle went away. The correct word I should have used was recomp. I was dropping fat and adding some muscle, mostly in the high-adrogen receptor areas.
I’m over 100 pounds overweight bro, of course I don’t look like I’ve ever been in a gym. The muscle I was gaining that you’re referring to was nothing special at all, just noobie gains, mostly in my delts and traps, nice strength gains on my curls and deadlifts. But it’s all long gone now either way.

My body naturally produces under 200 ng/dl of test (can’t even imagine how low it is being obese), so when got off TRT and stopped lifting, that muscle went away. The correct word I should have used was recomp. I was dropping fat and adding some muscle, mostly in the high-adrogen receptor areas.
Do what you want, but bottom line,

You don't need DNP. You don't need it to improve your health markers..

You are honestly just looking for an easy way out to do drugs. We said our piece, I am done here. Best of luck to you, I hope you change your mind on running it.
Have you thought about getting a trainer/coach? It is actually money well spent for someone who really needs guidance and accountability.

In your case, someone with nutritional background, since your goal is fat loss.