You’re absolutely right bro, gonna put some healthy eating habits together. I need to take this shit seriously.

It’ll get worse, because my appetite will completely disappear, and I’ll eat even less. Gonna use this day as a wake up call and start eating a more sane amount of food from here on out.

Another stupid thing I did, tried to get off one of my medications during those days. That + DNP made my appetite go wild. I shouldn’t be messing around with shit like that during a time like this. Still maintained a 500-1000 cal deficit, but it was irresponsible. Gonna take things more seriously now, thanks for being blunt bro.
this whole thing right here is a problem dude. Yes some of us can JUMP right to our cutting calorie intake and be fine. OTHERS can not. and need to titrate their cals downward slowly over time. Again If you are taking all these drugs you should of BEEN SUPER SERIOUS! Takes AAS or any kind of peptide and HGH and not taking it serious is a waste of your time and money. If you had a good diet and just did LISS youd be dropping lbs left and right especially at your weight man. Unfortunately i am beginning to be like everyone else I legit check this thread weekly to make sure your not dead dude just saying. Also WIth all this money you spend on drugs HIRE a COACH! They will legit help you man. @Type-IIx Dude this man right here needs a coach. Idk if Type likes me telling people but he coachs people. So if you are dead set on using compounds and AAS to drop weight get the right direction get a good coach. AND NO Type 2 doesnt tell me to advertise or anything
Have to just say it's a bit crazy to use 600 mg dnp, only to have a 500 to 1000 kcal deficit a day ... even totally fasting (not eating at all, on GLP-1) would be a hell of a lot healthier and safer... if you do it RFL style even more so ...

If you want speed that's def the best way to go over, DNP.

And 600 mg DNP is a massive dose, remember your fat mass probably won't count in the bodyweight dosing... the professional bodybuilders i know risk everything on prep to win shows for a living, maximally do 250 mg, and that's probably guys with allot more lean mass than you.

I hate repeating myself, drowning your thread to discourage you: if you decided to it this way so be it ... but it seems like your mind is playing tricks on you when it comes to planning.
Have to just say it's a bit crazy to use 600 mg dnp, only to have a 500 to 1000 kcal deficit a day ... even totally fasting (not eating at all, on GLP-1) would be a hell of a lot healthier and safer... if you do it RFL style even more so ...

If you want speed that's def the best way to go over, DNP.

And 600 mg DNP is a massive dose, remember your fat mass probably won't count in the bodyweight dosing... the professional bodybuilders i know risk everything on prep to win shows for a living, maximally do 250 mg, and that's probably guys with allot more lean mass than you.

I hate repeating myself, drowning your thread to discourage you: if you decided to it this way so be it ... but it seems like your mind is playing tricks on you when it comes to planning.
Good post and co-signed. Sounds like OP's trying to out-drug a shitty diet.

DNP's a less is more compound imo. You're far better off doing 200mg/day with 30-45 mins of dedicated cardio and 10K+ steps, than 400 a day and feeling like a miserable POS with low quality-of-life and an enormity of metabolic stress factors, all of which contribute to lethargy and appetite swings.
Day 16 sw 338 cw 324 daily change -1 lbs
I’m ending this DNP run. I can’t really explain what was going on with me when I woke up today, but it was bad. Some sort of delirium, knocking things over in the bathroom, frozen in place, and much worse things than that, much worse. I’m guessing I was reasonably close to death.

I keep experiencing sides that aren’t normal for DNP, because I simply cannot eat enough to make up for the nutrients this drug is burning through. Before DNP, I felt very healthy in fasted/VLCD states by supplementing with vitamins and minerals, but that is not possible on DNP. I would have continued if it were just the usual heat sweat etc, but this was fucked. After eating, I felt perfectly fine.

We’ll give it a few days for water retention to go down and then see how much we lost. I will not run DNP again until I have a solid diet plan dialed in, no more 800 cal OMAD on DNP, that was very stupid. It was also woefully irresponsible for me to do this without blood kits and labs, never again.

Make no mistake, this is still the Extreme fat loss log. This is not me deciding to run a 500 calorie deficit for the next 2 years. But I will learn from my mistakes and any others I didn’t list/think of yet and not repeat them. I lost 30 pounds in the 5 weeks leading up to this cycle with fasting and VLCD, and I felt great the entire time. As many have said, there was no need to add DNP to the mix.
Day 16 sw 338 cw 324 daily change -1 lbs
I’m ending this DNP run. I can’t really explain what was going on with me when I woke up today, but it was bad. Some sort of delirium, knocking things over in the bathroom, frozen in place, and much worse things than that, much worse. I’m guessing I was reasonably close to death.

I keep experiencing sides that aren’t normal for DNP, because I simply cannot eat enough to make up for the nutrients this drug is burning through. Before DNP, I felt very healthy in fasted/VLCD states by supplementing with vitamins and minerals, but that is not possible on DNP. I would have continued if it were just the usual heat sweat etc, but this was fucked. After eating, I felt perfectly fine.

We’ll give it a few days for water retention to go down and then see how much we lost. I will not run DNP again until I have a solid diet plan dialed in, no more 800 cal OMAD on DNP, that was very stupid. It was also woefully irresponsible for me to do this without blood kits and labs, never again.

Make no mistake, this is still the Extreme fat loss log. This is not me deciding to run a 500 calorie deficit for the next 2 years. But I will learn from my mistakes and any others I didn’t list/think of yet and not repeat them. I lost 30 pounds in the 5 weeks leading up to this cycle with fasting and VLCD, and I felt great the entire time. As many have said, there was no need to add DNP to the mix.
Glad to hear it. Hopefully this is a new start. Focus on that diet first once you're feeling better.
Wise decision mate: don’t know why you think this is not normal esp. at those doses, I would say this is what is to be expected from DNP toxicity, and being close to death is probably not an understatement. Now let’s just hope it stops when you stop taking it, and don’t continue to accumulate … if so do seek Medical help ASAP..

Besides that, lets get you back on track and lose that weight mate.

RFL + GLP-1 is a super extreme combo on its own, esp with trt, should be more than enough to reach super extreme results.

We are here to support you mate.
Glad to hear it. Hopefully this is a new start. Focus on that diet first once you're feeling better.
Yes, gonna take it easy until most of it’s out of my system. Got Kale, berries, no-fat Greek yogurt, and some other good stuff coming in tomorrow. No more “eat whatever just less of it” shit, it’s a cop out to be a pussy and will fuck me once it’s time to build muscle. I want to be healthy. I want to create good habits.
Wise decision mate: don’t know why you think this is not normal esp. at those doses, I would say this is what is to be expected from DNP toxicity, and being close to death is probably not an understatement. Now let’s just hope it stops when you stop taking it, and don’t continue to accumulate … if so do seek Medical help ASAP..

Besides that, lets get you back on track and lose that weight mate.

RFL + GLP-1 is a super extreme combo on its own, esp with trt, should be more than enough to reach super extreme results.

We are here to support you mate.
Thank you bro, your comments and DMs helped me a lot during this time. I’m just glad I didn’t take it today before all that stuff happened. I easily could have.

I’m really looking forward to getting back to RFL GLP1 TRT once this is over with. I felt so good back then.
Thank you bro, your comments and DMs helped me a lot during this time. I’m just glad I didn’t take it today before all that stuff happened. I easily could have.

I’m really looking forward to getting back to RFL GLP1 TRT once this is over with. I felt so good back then.
♥️ Let’s stick with it together man, as soon as I get my GLP-1 I’m on board with you, first we cut the fat and gets back in shape, then we figure out how to maintain our results while enjoying life and food again.
This is good news. Don't give up all together.. All you need to do is make a list of realistic, attainable goals and then implement a step by step plan to attain those goals. Write them on paper follow the steps and crush your goals!! Losing weight and physical fitness is a lifelong journey.. in my experience there is not an " I arrived moment" as your goals will ever evolve with your progress. Hang in there take a breath and stay in for the long haul!!
The compounds are all different then what I started with, different enough for this to be it’s own thing. I thought it would be cool to have a dedicated DNP Retatrutide log since the compound’s so new. I don’t think anyone’s done one yet.
I'd rather just have a log of retatrutide experiences from someone who's not taking 20 other things so they could at least know that one drug was what's causing any changes they experienced. Also you initially said that 500mg of DNP would be your absolute max and it's just mentally not a great sign that you've already disregarded the limit you set for yourself.

Even though these drugs enable you to mentally tolerate this level of prolonged severe deficit, you have absolutely no reason to believe that they will protect your body from the serious harm this is probably causing. Anorexics die, man. They die every fucking day and some of them are still "obese" when they do.
I'd rather just have a log of retatrutide experiences from someone who's not taking 20 other things so they could at least know that one drug was what's causing any changes they experienced. Also you initially said that 500mg of DNP would be your absolute max and it's just mentally not a great sign that you've already disregarded the limit you set for yourself.

Even though these drugs enable you to mentally tolerate this level of prolonged severe deficit, you have absolutely no reason to believe that they will protect your body from the serious harm this is probably causing. Anorexics die, man. They die every fucking day and some of them are still "obese" when they do.
1. What you would prefer is your problem not his.

2. Drugs aside. its quite a myth that bigger deficits are harmful for people that is this obese … everything points to the opposite.

Here is etc one of my favorite case studies on fatloss,

therapeutic fast of 382 days’ duration

To quote Holly from Joes Forum “An obese man weight 456lbs (207kg) underwent a period of fasting lasting 382 days, consuming nothing but a supplements such as vitamins and electrolytes. During this time, he went from 456lbs to 180lbs, and maintained his weight following the fast, with no ill health effects. This casts a shadow over the extent to which metabolic adaptation is experienced during a deficit, as well as debunking the myth of “starvation mode”.”

Tell me about starvation mode and the need of cutting on 3800 kcals, when this man fasted for a year with no ill effects and kept the weight off.
1. What you would prefer is your problem not his.

2. Drugs aside. its quite a myth that bigger deficits are harmful for people that is this obese … everything points to the opposite.

Here is etc one of my favorite case studies on fatloss,

therapeutic fast of 382 days’ duration

To quote Holly from Joes Forum “An obese man weight 456lbs (207kg) underwent a period of fasting lasting 382 days, consuming nothing but a supplements such as vitamins and electrolytes. During this time, he went from 456lbs to 180lbs, and maintained his weight following the fast, with no ill health effects. This casts a shadow over the extent to which metabolic adaptation is experienced during a deficit, as well as debunking the myth of “starvation mode”.”

Tell me about starvation mode and the need of cutting on 3800 kcals, when this man fasted for a year with no ill effects and kept the weight off.
I thought this is a bodybuilding forum, when did it change to weight watchers.

I recall this is the mantra for lifters from every forum I have ever been, you eat to fuel your training so you can build muscle which in turn burns fat while you are at rest, meaning more muscle more calories burned.

Hence, anyone who lifts weights will never advocate starvation diets. You can be in a caloric deficit, eat around your training but never to the point where you sacrifice your hard earned muscle just to loss weight.
Tell me about starvation mode and the need of cutting on 3800 kcals, when this man fasted for a year with no ill effects and kept the weight off.
This was under close medical supervision, without putting further stress on the body with things like DNP, but I'm glad he's listening to his body and stopped taking that, so I won't keep dogpiling on here. Hope the rest of your journey goes well, OP.