why not just stick to TRT and 1 GLP 1 drug? That's a pretty safe way to go and a sure fire way to lose weight (proper intake and exercise of course). Seems like you're in a big rush. Weight loss can only go so fast. It's going to take a while for you to lose the weight you want to lose, but that's kind of a good thing because during that time your new diet and exercise can become a habit. Usually when you see somebody in a big rush like you are, it ends poorly. Slow down bud. If you get permanent health damage but lose weight, was it an overall success?

Edit: I lost about 70lbs a long time ago and it took about 3 or 4 years and I don't regret it one bit. The habits and lifestyle changes I made during that time have stuck with me. 100% natty then. Not telling you this to act like I'm better than you, just vetting my opinion basically.
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why not just stick to TRT and 1 GLP 1 drug? That's a pretty safe way to go and a sure fire way to lose weight (proper intake and exercise of course). Seems like you're in a big rush. Weight loss can only go so fast. It's going to take a while for you to lose the weight you want to lose, but that's kind of a good thing because during that time your new diet and exercise can become a habit. Usually when you see somebody in a big rush like you are, it ends poorly. Slow down bud. If you get permanent health damage but lose weight, was it an overall success?

Edit: I lost about 70lbs a long time ago and it took about 3 or 4 years and I don't regret it one bit. The habits and lifestyle changes I made during that time have stuck with me. 100% natty then. Not telling you this to act like I'm better than you, just vetting my opinion basically.
Yeah, TRT with my GLP-1 was working beautifully. I’d probably still sprinkle some growth on top. That sleep was just so fucking good. Can’t wait for my insulin pins to get here. Will be nice to have a little extra help with recovery too running a steep deficit like this.
why not just stick to TRT and 1 GLP 1 drug? That's a pretty safe way to go and a sure fire way to lose weight (proper intake and exercise of course). Seems like you're in a big rush. Weight loss can only go so fast. It's going to take a while for you to lose the weight you want to lose, but that's kind of a good thing because during that time your new diet and exercise can become a habit. Usually when you see somebody in a big rush like you are, it ends poorly. Slow down bud. If you get permanent health damage but lose weight, was it an overall success?

Edit: I lost about 70lbs a long time ago and it took about 3 or 4 years and I don't regret it one bit. The habits and lifestyle changes I made during that time have stuck with me. 100% natty then. Not telling you this to act like I'm better than you, just vetting my opinion basically.
Agree with most of this, but outside of the drug he uses (and remember GLP-1 is downright healthy to fat people, hgh hrt (low dose 2ui or so) and real trt (100-200 mg) can be downright healthy to older people as well).

Now I will still say you are right that the lifestyle change takes 3-4 years of consistency... but you can lose fat fast, then work on your life style for years after.

Remember 70 lbs is not the same as 90 or 130 or 200 lbs; I could almost do everything with 70 lbs ekstra on my body that I could when I was lean. That changes as you go just a little further up, you simply get handicapped, and it also becomes a hell of a lot more unhealthy and unpleasant to stay at that weight.

The more obese you are the faster weight loss can go and the faster it should go.

Also 3 years for 70 lbs is EXTREMELY slow for an obese person, it's like 200 grams a week, that's the speed I would recommend if you are like 10% bf and want to go to 7%!

The possible natural speed of weight loss at his weight is close to 2 kg a week than 200 grams (that's without counting peds or meds). Just look at Lyle Mcdoands about 100.000 test subjects over the last 10 years on RFL.

Many studies show that to this obese people, they become healthier (faster loss cure diabetes, insulin sensitivity, metabolic health, allot better than slow fat loss), and contrary to the belief they also hold onto the weight loss longer.

Lyle havde documented this very often.

*This is without counting in any drugs though.

As for both losing weight and consistency, the use of GLP-1 meds has changed the game completely, it's simply great for eliminating addiction and bad behavior.

But yes, he still have to battle with lifestyle changes that has to end up being for live, for 3-4 years after the fat loss... but then at least he don't have all that fat working against him ...
Yeah, TRT with my GLP-1 was working beautifully. I’d probably still sprinkle some growth on top. That sleep was just so fucking good. Can’t wait for my insulin pins to get here. Will be nice to have a little extra help with recovery too running a steep deficit like this.
I can't see the problem in someone like you using, etc. 2ui hgh for life ... I could consider that myself as well ... a favorite coach has put different groups on RFL and hgh however, and there was no fat loss difference in 2ui and 6ui group, only huge differences in side-effects (now if you want to gain, 2ui won't help as much obviously), but 2ui does give a huge increase to fat mobilization... just remember if it's not pharma it will cause water retention as well.

Personally I'm going to go on GLP-1 only + RFL for some months before I'll add in hgh personally, might be in my first maintance phase; I'm also considering TRT as well, but lots of things speak against it in my case.

Many of those that is against TRT and hgh HRT, cycles big doses of things on-off, that's much, much, much more unhealthy and creates allot more hawock on the system.

Lastly, RFL is already extreme without meds or peds, so no need to do it slowly.

I don't know about insulin, guess the newer types are safer, and can even give the pancreas a break ... but it scares me personally, not as much as dnp but still for both, two much and you die, and to much can be done by mistake.

With that said, many winners, have used low dose of these stuff combined for life ... and made great results.
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I can't see the problem in someone like you using, etc. 2ui hgh for life ... I could consider that myself as well ... a favorite coach has put different groups on RFL and hgh however, and there was no fat loss difference in 2ui and 6ui group, only huge differences in side-effects (now if you want to gain, 2ui won't help as much obviously), but 2ui does give a huge increase to fat mobilization... just remember if it's not pharma it will cause water retention as well.

Personally I'm going to go on GLP-1 only + RFL for some months before I'll add in hgh personally, might be in my first maintance phase; I'm also considering TRT as well, but lots of things speak against it in my case.

Many of those that is against TRT and hgh HRT, cycles big doses of things on-off, that's much, much, much more unhealthy and creates allot more hawock on the system.

Lastly, RFL is already extreme without meds or peds, so no need to do it slowly.

I don't know about insulin, guess the newer types are safer, and can even give the pancreas a break ... but it scares me personally, not as much as dnp but still for both, two much and you die, and to much can be done by mistake.

With that said, many winners, have used low dose of these stuff combined for life ... and made great results.
I’d love to run GH for life, but I’m scared shitless of my hands getting thicker. I play piano, trying to get to concert level in the next few years (brutally difficult btw). As pianists, we want long, slim fingers. I’m honestly planning on doing weekly measurements of my wrists and each of my fingers in multiple locations once I get back on GH. If I see any number go up I’m cutting that shit immediately.

Insulin is outside of my realm, but I’ve heard many guys like @ChaseIrons say you won’t die unless you’re retarded. Then again people say that about DNP, so who knows. He did do a breakdown of the amount used for bodybuilding vs what you’d need to overdose, and it did seem like a wild difference, but again I have no reason to be knowledgeable or experienced on slin at this stage.
Yeah, TRT with my GLP-1 was working beautifully. I’d probably still sprinkle some growth on top. That sleep was just so fucking good. Can’t wait for my insulin pins to get here. Will be nice to have a little extra help with recovery too running a steep deficit like this.
Are you diabetic? Or are you using insulin as a PED?
Um guys, why can I still not fully extend my arms after my workout two nights ago? It’s the part of the forearm that’s right by the elbow and it’s on the thumb’s side. I FUCKED shit up. I look retarded walking around with my arms half bent. What did I do????
Um guys, why can I still not fully extend my arms after my workout two nights ago? It’s the part of the forearm that’s right by the elbow and it’s on the thumb’s side. I FUCKED shit up. I look retarded walking around with my arms half bent. What did I do????
I would guess just like your initial outlandish and insane drug regimen and diet plan, you are probably going way too hard on your body training. More is not always better. Take it easy and do less intensity or volume. Hydrate, rest and lightly stretch your arms.

The idea that you can go from obese and totally out of shape to a yacked awesome looking human quickly is a get rich quick scheme. It never works. You should be looking at the long game. I mean you should be planning what you want to be 5 years from now and then come up with sub goals for each year leading up to that.

There is no shortcuts. What you want is probably going to take 10 to 20 times as long as you want it to and there's no way around that. If you push to hard on training, diet, drug use you will only harm yourself and undermine your goal. Not sure how many times you're going to have to hit your head against the wall to realize that, but this is another example.

Slow down. Be consistent. And celebrate small successes. You will get there eventually, but it's going to take a lot longer than you want it to and that's just tough shit.
I see now why I am so boring and uninteresting to you. This is your idea of excitement huh?

Take care of yourself man. This is the exact opposite of harm reduction. You can't compress 10 years of consistent diet and training into 2 months or 12 months.

Believe it or not I have been in shoes similar to yours. Give it time, hard work, and suffering.
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I see now why I am so boring and uninteresting to you. This is your idea of excitement huh?

Take care of yourself man. This is the exact opposite of harm reduction. You can't compress 10 years of consistent diet and training into 2 months or 12 months.

Believe it or not I have been in shoes similar to yours. Give it time, hard work, and suffering.
Bro we’re good I just pop off sometimes. I really am uninterested in that kind of stuff, but I probably should be. Hope you’re able to make some change in our community, higher standards for our UGLs can only be a good thing.

Also I mainly highlight the extreme parts of what I’m doing here, but I really am trying to build new habits and a healthy lifestyle, I want to come out of this with daily training, clean eating, and good sleep being a normal part of my everyday life. I gave myself time to slowly ease into that stuff the first couple months, but I am really attacking those things now.
I would guess just like your initial outlandish and insane drug regimen and diet plan, you are probably going way too hard on your body training. More is not always better. Take it easy and do less intensity or volume. Hydrate, rest and lightly stretch your arms.

The idea that you can go from obese and totally out of shape to a yacked awesome looking human quickly is a get rich quick scheme. It never works. You should be looking at the long game. I mean you should be planning what you want to be 5 years from now and then come up with sub goals for each year leading up to that.

There is no shortcuts. What you want is probably going to take 10 to 20 times as long as you want it to and there's no way around that. If you push to hard on training, diet, drug use you will only harm yourself and undermine your goal. Not sure how many times you're going to have to hit your head against the wall to realize that, but this is another example.

Slow down. Be consistent. And celebrate small successes. You will get there eventually, but it's going to take a lot longer than you want it to and that's just tough shit.
Thank you bro, I definitely went too hard. I just don’t wanna be a bitch that doesn’t put the work in. It would be so easy for me to just sit back and let the drugs lose the weight for me, but that’s not what I want, I’d be disgusted with myself.

Am I gonna be alright though? I think this is a common soreness people get from curls (maybe with the wrong form), but I’ve never had it this rough. I’ll take things slower from now on.
why is this thread still open?
either this guy is a troll or he has a death wish. you shouldn't encourage him.
"i am sore, will i be alright guys?" .
why is this thread still open?
either this guy is a troll or he has a death wish. you shouldn't encourage him.
"i am sore, will i be alright guys?" .
Are you fucking retarded? I said I can’t fully extend my arms, that’s obviously why I’m asking the question. Learn how to read or stop being a bitch and switch to your main.
Let me make an alt and tell you, I’m too much of a scared bitch to talk about it on my main
not an alt, sorry to disappoint. i just don't post.
what's the other dude selling you? more drugs? his services? or he just has a weird fetish for suicidal fatsos?

man, you don't belong here. and i'm not gonna entertain you by giving you more attention than you deserve.
you're either a bad troll or an idiot who needs psychiatric help.

that thread should have been closed after the first post

"hey guys, i'm 300lbs, 40%bf, i'm gonna take 600mg dnp, gh, retatrutide, eat 600 cals per day in one meal and fast for 24hrs per day... oh and start exercising.... hey guys look at me, look at me"

"THE EXTREME FAT LOSS CYCLE" tadaaaa... just the title tells you the thread should be deleted
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not an alt, sorry to disappoint. i just don't post.
what's the other dude selling you? more drugs? his services? or he just has a weird fetish for suicidal fatsos?

man, you don't belong here. and i'm not gonna entertain you by giving you more attention than you deserve.
you're either a bad troll or an idiot who needs psychiatric help.

that thread should have been closed after the first post

"hey guys, i'm 300lbs, 40%bf, i'm gonna take 600mg dnp, gh, retatrutide, eat 600 cals per day in one meal and fast for 24hrs per day... oh and start exercising.... hey guys look at me, look at me"

"THE EXTREME FAT LOSS CYCLE" tadaaaa... just the title tells you the thread should be deleted
Well it’s been 2 months and I’m still here, just 50 lbs less of me. Sorry that it makes your pussy sore to read something that triggers you, go ask mommy for some warm milk until you calm down. Thinking you can dictate what someone talks about when you’ve contributed absolutely nothing.