To many bee-brains that have taken so many steroids that they are brain-damaged in this thread!

1. DNP is a wrong ped choice, I have been the first to mention that.
In this very thread, I have gone to great lengths trying to show OP this, not by shaming him or putting down his intelligence: but by being real about it.

The risk is way too big - but at the end of the day, he is an adult, and what he does is his choice.

2. What else he is using is a lot less damaging than all the mega doses of steroids your idiots are all injecting...

3. And you are criticizing him for still being fat, while at the same time "losing weight too fast" ... bloody idiots!

I'm not offering him anything, but I'm trying to support him, no one is going to influence someone to make better choices by behaving like braindead gorillas.

If he dumps the DNP, he will do better in life than you guys - I'm sure of it. Don't take your own loser issues out on him - talking about annihilating everyone, dude you are fucking psychotic, you guys take so many steroids that you can't even relate to another human being in any way so they'll want to listen to you! - You are not coming off as cool or as you know shit; you are coming off as a fucking idiot, that's it!

Now if you have any brain left AT ALL: ask yourself why you are in this thread! - Is it to save OP from himself, fuck no, you would push him in front of a train if you could because he offended your fragile steroid-overdosed little boy ego.

Fine to warn him but do it as an adult, do it nicely! Or fucking go to the other threads about how you can use your short steroid-fueled life on standing in little panties to try and impress other MEN.

Let this guy have his threads in peace!
calm down tiger calm down grrr...

#2 you're sure that's what you wanted to say mate? remind me on what kind of board you are?
i'm not reading the rest.

did you manage to get those feet pics you asked for from shredseason?
3 hours per day, man you have a lot of free time. I thought high school was back in?


...and this.

While this thread is chaos and completely all over the map, you don't need to be a prick. If your going to post something, post something useful.
i'm rich so yeah i do have a lot of free time, i like walking and i love my dog. what's wrong with any of this?

and yes someone has to be a prick. and i did post useful stuff, read again.
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Ambien, actually, flakka sometimes too. My doctor made me stop taking it because I kept blacking out and creating fake accounts to troll random fat fucks online, talking about annihilation, creating imaginary dogs that I walk 3 hours a day, all kinds of wild ass shit. It became an obsession. Once I found myself raging on my couch that I couldn’t spend 45 minutes watching this lying fat fuck do his cardio, I knew it was time to take a step back and have a good hard look at myself. At 17 ahem 53, I gotta do what’s best for my health.
i know this is sarcasm but i still believe half of what you said.
again, get help.
To many bee-brains that have taken so many steroids that they are brain-damaged in this thread!

1. DNP is a wrong ped choice, I have been the first to mention that.
In this very thread, I have gone to great lengths trying to show OP this, not by shaming him or putting down his intelligence: but by being real about it.

The risk is way too big - but at the end of the day, he is an adult, and what he does is his choice.

2. What else he is using is a lot less damaging than all the mega doses of steroids your idiots are all injecting...

3. And you are criticizing him for still being fat, while at the same time "losing weight too fast" ... bloody idiots!

I'm not offering him anything, but I'm trying to support him, no one is going to influence someone to make better choices by behaving like braindead gorillas.

If he dumps the DNP, he will do better in life than you guys - I'm sure of it. Don't take your own loser issues out on him - talking about annihilating everyone, dude you are fucking psychotic, you guys take so many steroids that you can't even relate to another human being in any way so they'll want to listen to you! - You are not coming off as cool or as you know shit; you are coming off as a fucking idiot, that's it!

Now if you have any brain left AT ALL: ask yourself why you are in this thread! - Is it to save OP from himself, fuck no, you would push him in front of a train if you could because he offended your fragile steroid-overdosed little boy ego.

Fine to warn him but do it as an adult, do it nicely! Or fucking go to the other threads about how you can use your short steroid-fueled life on standing in little panties to try and impress other MEN.

Let this guy have his threads in peace!
wait did you just insult every member of this board?

i'm serious shredseason:

-sort your life out. i know being fat and stupid is a bad start in life but maybe you could try being just a bit smarter and a less shitty person (enough with the attention whoring and take care of that dog ffs). just have a decent personality and you'll be fine, stop being the asshole you seem to be.
-wanna lose weight? i'm not sure ordering pizza hut on takeaway is much better than ordering on delivery. move... calories in calories out
-come back to this board when you are under 20% bf, that you do actually know how to train and diet. otherwise you have no place being here
-delete that stupid and dangerous thread. again this is not about you.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
i'm rich so yeah i do have a lot of free time
Put down the crack pipe Tony Stark, if I am your final boss fight, then that is extremely fucking sad.
and yes annihilate, just to balance the idiocy and dangerosity
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Lmfao I’m loving this character arc.
Day 23
Today is upper body day, my favorite. The plan is 4x4x5: bench, incline, barbell curls, barbell rows. I might swap incline or curlss for something else if I think of something different, we’ll see. I gotta make it a point to get some dumbbells and a squat rack in here this week, these workouts are too limited without them.

Gauging intensity during my lifts yesterday felt weird, but I think I’m doing ok. I was worried my legs would be dead after all that cardio and those 10 sets, but they have just the perfect amount of muscle soreness.

I never notice myself falling asleep when I’m taking HGH, I just suddenly fall into a black hole and am transported to the next day, love it. Lypolysis was originally the main thing that drew me to GH, but now that I’m actually taking it, the sleep and recovery is really where it’s at. That’s so helpful with all the fasting I’m doing.

I’m about 36 hours into this extended fast. This is the first one I’ve done since month 1 of my weight loss. I feel good, fasting really does do a fat fuck a lot of good, so long as he supplements in his micros. I’ve never worked out this much while fasting, I’m interested to see how how that affects hunger. Just gotta be careful to not go too hard, my body won’t have the glycogen to pull from to support anything wild.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”
that's what you're doing... nothing.
anybody encouraging this idiot or not telling him how stupid he is is responsible for the next one who will read this thread and do the exact same stupid things.

it's not about him... he is fucked up in the head anyway, it's about the next one.

have i said anything that is wrong, anything at all? DNP, 24 hours fast, 800 cals a meal and then some binging because the guy has no self control... that's what you morons are encouraging.

i gave him the answer: ZERO peds, CICO (calories in calories out).

anything else is unnecessary and harmful for him... and again the next one
Okay, now I get it. You're legitimately fucking insane, or at the very least a delusional twat. What do you think that you're Batman or something? You're out here typing away fighting evil being a "good man". What a hero.

Please point out to me who is supporting the behaviors you listed. What I see is people telling him to do things differently.

Since you're so smart and good at giving advice, are you able to take some? Realize you aren't helping or saving anybody or the "next guy" by being angry moron. Also you are not special, and you are definitely not a good man fighting any perceived evil.

What you are being is a delusional twat. The way you help people is by giving constructive advice and leave it up to them what they do with it. Insulting people and trying to break them down to boost your own shitty ego is in no way "triumphing over evil". Get a grip man.
Day 23 workout
I couldn’t be bothered to workout today, so I decided to toss my watch onto @vern ‘s 14 year old dog and call it a day. 1400 calories, furry fuck knows how to get a sweat going.

He did one hour of cardio and one hour of weights + walking. Was impressed he even knew how to lift, but with a rich superhero like Vern as your owner, I guess anything’s possible. By my estimation though, that’s 2 hours, not 3. You’re a lying sack of shit @vern , I’m telling your parents after I finish this Pizza Hut buffet.


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Day 23 workout
I couldn’t be bothered to workout today, so I decided to toss my watch onto @vern ‘s 14 year old dog and call it a day. 1400 calories, furry fuck knows how to get a sweat going.

He did one hour of cardio and one hour of weights + walking. Was impressed he even knew how to lift, but with a rich superhero like Vern as your owner, I guess anything’s possible. By my estimation though, that’s 2 hours, not 3. You’re a lying sack of shit @vern , I’m telling your parents after I finish this Pizza Hut buffet.
now i gotta say i'm at the point where i can't wait to hear from you from the hospital. because that will happen... and not just for the mental issues you got.
i wonder if they got doordash there.
now i gotta say i'm at the point where i can't wait to hear from you from the hospital. because that will happen... and not just for the mental issues you got.
i wonder if they got doordash there.
Buddy you created an entire alt dedicated to this one thread, talking about battling the triumphs of evil like you’re in a world war. But carry on thinking you’re clearheaded…
wait did you just insult every member of this board?

Naaa, just you and whoever few that are constantly growling about the splinter in your brother's eye, while not noticing the beam in your own!!

But I get how your little wasp brain is losing it - you got insulted on the internet after all - the only place in this world where you feel you have any status and significance.
Naaa, just you and whoever few that are constantly growling about the splinter in your brother's eye, while not noticing the beam in your own!!

But I get how your little wasp brain is losing it - you got insulted on the internet after all - the only place in this world where you feel you have any status and significance.
Over a month and 0 pounds lost, just a lot of posting on your boyfriend's thread.

Get to losing, fat ass.
Day 24 (rest day)
It’s my day off for lifting. For cardio, I was going to do my usual 135-145 LISS, but the slipknot in my speakers told me to try zone 2 lol (150-160 bpm). I’m on the bike right now, 45 minutes in, I’m going to stop at an hour. I’ve been bouncing between zone 2 and low zone 3 the entire time. It’s not that bad. I’m going to miss being able to burn calories this easily once I’m down another 50 pounds.

I’m waiting to see how my legs feel tomorrow to decide if I’ll continue or go back to light cardio. Even though my main goal is fat loss, my performance lifting is more important to me than my cardio performance. The weight’s gonna fall off fast as fuck regardless, I wanna really dial in a good lifting routine and get some decent form and experience so that I’m ready to go hard as fuck once it’s time to build.

I’m putting together a basic push pull leg routine in my head, if any of you have advice on what to do, let me know. Appreciate it.

As far as diet goes, I came off my 48-hour fast last night. I ate 800 calories of chicken and potato wedges, felt good to carb up with a nice startchy meal. Daddy Reta didn’t approve of this though. Acid reflux all night and morning, and I threw up after dinner today. I’m going to have to be more careful refeeding after fasts from now on.

During the actual fast I felt great. Working out fucking sucked, but it wasn’t too bad. Dinner today was clean, delicious chicken stir fry. I went light on the white rice (little less than 1/2 a cup), loaded the fuck up on the chicken, and went light on the sauce, but still enough to enjoy it. Total calories was around 800.

Working out this much while intermittent/exrended fasting is new to me, so it’s probably going to take some time tinkering around with things before I’m feeling as good fasting as I was month 1. Electrolytes are the major thing I’m gonna have to play around with and research to figure out how much more I should add to compensate for the buckets of sweat I’m dropping.
Being so close to 1,000 bothered me, so I decided to do some light walking and hitting the bag to get the rest in. Ending up going longer to give myself an excuse to dick around on my phone some more without feeling too guilty.


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@ShredSeason hey did you check out scrufs thread on the weightloss and cutting?
I did bro went through his whole thread, great motivation and inspiration, thank you. My biggest takeaway was his macro split, 80 10 10 protein fat carbs is awesome. It’d be hard for me to get there, I love my black beans and brown rice, but I’m gonna start moving towards that direction. I’ve already going heavy on meat and light on rice/beans for my meals, my next step is to start measuring things out exactly and cutting out more of the heavy carb-based meals.

