If you only had 8 exercises.


something I seen that was brought up on you tube I think it was if you only had x amount of exercises you had to stick to forever what would they be. So I choose 8 , and am curious to see what some of your guys choices are. I also chose some more basic stuff I could find anywhere or possibly do at home not some rare fancy piece of equipment.

1. Barbell Squat “various widths/variations”
2. Dumbell bunch “various angles”
3. Barbell row “thickness”
4. Lat pulls “width”
5. Tricep extensions
6. Hammer curl “hits bis and for arms.”
7. Side laterals
8. Hanging leg raises “core”
HT or Bridge
Pulldowns (1 exercise, many variations. Am I cheating??)
Shoulder press
Lat raises
Ez curls
Close grip press

(I like KB swings, a lot, and I would sub them for other hip extension stuff, if no equipment is free to use).

I am sure that within the next 30 seconds I will change my mind about my list.
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T rows

bench press
military press

smith machine squat
bulgarian split squat

bar biceps curl
Z bar french press
I bet your answers change in two decades.
Who's answer? In my case, these are the movements I love. I'd still do it even if I was getting smaller.

Although OHP and bench are a pain in the ass with rotator cuff tears and bicep tendonitis, but a lot of guys managed to come back to it. Just takes time and patience... And a lot of stability, mobility, stretches as rehab work.
I bet your answers change in two decades.
Maybe the newest science will find the optimal exercise, rom and rir or some other shit.

Optimal for what? Muscle mass? Strength? Picking heavy shit off the ground maybe ain't optimal for muscle building or peak strength, but I assure you it's the optimal way to become relative mascular and strong, enough to feel better about yourself and others to not do stupid things around you.

That's pretty optimal in my book.
I bet your answers change in two decades.

Maybe the newest science will find the optimal exercise, rom and rir or some other shit.

Optimal for what? Muscle mass? Strength? Picking heavy shit off the ground maybe ain't optimal for muscle building or peak strength, but I assure you it's the optimal way to become relative mascular and strong, enough to feel better about yourself and others to not do stupid things around you.

That's pretty optimal in my book.

I'm think he means when you get old.
Tough choice, but if only 8…

Bench Press
Overhead Press
Upright Rows
Pull Ups
Bent Over Rows

Can I sneak in the odd set of calf raises so my calves don’t fall behind too bad?
belt squat

lat pull straight bar
narrow cable row

?dual cable bicep flex squeezers?
?dual cable overhead tricep extension crossover?

seated db press
cable lateral raise
incline barbell press
