Is 300mg test E going to be dangerous for me?

Have you? Have you really purchased testosterone from a guy at a gym and experienced inflammation causing BP increases? Or did you read it online? You might be surprised to learn that there is a study that “demonstrated an acute association between injectable testosterone and increased risk of acute cardiovascular events” post injection related to increases in serum levels. Some or the events post injection were myocardial infarction, stroke, or unstable angina.

Every symptom and side effect is not caused by contaminates and everything cannot be solved with filtering.

Yes I have.

And equally, everything is "Just pin it" to the dinosaurs who think if they don't end up in the emergency room 30 seconds after using something it's as clean as something straight out of Pfizer's factory.

How many studies have been done on street gear?

"My proposal for a study is to inject 1500 healthy subjects with this shit made in a dirty kitchen using cooking oil and see what happens."


"It you don't lose an ass cheek it's fine..."

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1st of all it could be your body reacting to increased dosage of testosterone if you’re not a regular user u might get some side effects like that until your body balance it out.
2nd very sensitive to estrogen so your e2 spikes like crazy
3rd bad gear or your body just doesn’t accept this carrier oil ba/bb percentage etc.
4th it seems like you’re not very consistent with your dosages so that could play a vital role here.

Best bet is
1. Change gear go into something reputable and clean and even pharmacy grade
2. Take an AI when you notice the BP spikes if it comes down it’s more likely to e2
3. Be consistent and split your dose as much as you can 3x per week is nice
4. Do cardio , when you’re lean af your body responds the best
5. Go donate blood and check your hematicrit
6. Hydrate yourself

If all those doesn’t work maybe testosterone isn’t your anabolic after all
I just took aromssin and drank water and im so lean right now as well.
Thank you for your advice, i appreciate your help.
Contamination? Why would contamination be the first conclusion you'd jump to? @Ghoul do you have some issues with germs, a phobia? This fella, instead of taking action and figuring his underlying issues, just hung on your contamination theory, and now he's basically fucked. This is what I was referring to in the previous thread that we talked about, doing harm while actually trying to do harm reduction. While contamination and an immune response are always a possibility, it shouldn't be your first concern, and underlying pathophysiological reasons should be explored.

OP, you clearly have an "anomaly" in your RAAS and/or SNS, which predisposes you to (as an end result) increased BP when administering high/supra physiological aas amounts. Your response isn't out of the potential aas induced side effects, high bp is to be expected, albeit not to the extent you are experiencing it.

And anxiety isn't a prerequisite for high BP at all, from where did you get that idea? Androgens increase bp via multiple pathways; increased angiotensin 2 levels causing vasoconstriction, increased aldosterone, causing sodium retention which expands blood volume, increased SNS, causing catecholamine release, increasing vasoconstriction, etc. etc.
Should I just take telmisartan ?
Yes I have.

And equally, everything is "Just pin it" to the dinosaurs who think if they don't end up in the emergency room 30 seconds after using something it's as clean as something straight out of Pfizer's factory.

How many studies have been done on street gear?

"My proposal for a study is to inject 1500 healthy subjects with this shit made in a dirty kitchen using cooking oil and see what happens."


"It you don't lose an ass cheek it's fine..."

View attachment 321376

I also ran a cycle before this i ran 300mg mast and 300mg test same ester for 4 months using the same lab and no issues at all.
I mixed remaining mast with test and injected and thought nothing will happen now my bp is so high, you think it’s because of that?
Yes I have.

And equally, everything is "Just pin it" to the dinosaurs who think if they don't end up in the emergency room 30 seconds after using something it's as clean as something straight out of Pfizer's factory.

How many studies have been done on street gear?

"My proposal for a study is to inject 1500 healthy subjects with this shit made in a dirty kitchen using cooking oil and see what happens."


"It you don't lose an ass cheek it's fine..."

View attachment 321376

i know a guy who pins more than 10ml per week for over 10 years only rotating glutes
Yes I have.

And equally, everything is "Just pin it" to the dinosaurs who think if they don't end up in the emergency room 30 seconds after using something it's as clean as something straight out of Pfizer's factory.

How many studies have been done on street gear?

"My proposal for a study is to inject 1500 healthy subjects with this shit made in a dirty kitchen using cooking oil and see what happens."


"It you don't lose an ass cheek it's fine..."

View attachment 321376

No, at least not as an long-term plan. Something is wrong, clearly you shouldn't be using this gear. Use it short-term in order to get your bp to a more manageable level.

Is this your second cycle? And the first cycle was with the same gear?
i know a guy who pins more than 10ml per week for over 10 years only rotating glutes
My bp is 142/77 after taking 6.25mg aromasin 2 hours ago is this placebo or nah
Bp monitor it dropped from 152/92 yesterday to 131/72 measured just this second and 2 hours ago or so i took 6.25mg aromasin
When you measure you BP are you following the same steps each time?

1. Sit for at least 5 minutes. No talking. No watching tv or using your phone/computer. Eyes closed helps also.
2. Ensure the cuff fits. Elevate your arm so that your arm and cuff are at heart level.
3. Ensure you have a quality BP monitor.
4. I do both arms and wait at least 1 minute in between readings to start a new reading.
5. Feet flat on floor. Legs not crossed.
6. Sit up straight using good posture.
So your bp dropped almost immediately from the Asin right ? Also you did pin yesterday if I understand right and you had 152/92
And today you measured to 142/77
And after aromasin 131/79
Correct ??
No I pinned 2 days ago and yesterday I got the high bp and the rest is correct
No I pinned 2 days ago and yesterday I got the high bp and the rest is correct
It’s usually for me to have some high BP after I pin a good dosage , but I think your 150mg wasn’t so big of a dosage to have a BP spike unless you’re newbie.
If aromasin dropped your BP then of course you’re into something there like an estrogen spike.
Also test e usually isn’t very good these days it has some years that most test e raws have gone “bad” in a way.
I had some similar effects couple years ago from test e and also couldn’t manage estrogen very good switched to Cyp and Sus and never looked back.
However now I’m using 2 vials of Test E for my TRT cause my source didn’t have any Cyp or Sus. I have some weird effects like anxiety and some highish e2 symptoms but I can’t pin point it to test e only of course.
If I was you I would switch to pharmacy grade test and check those issues again and maybe split my dosage x3 per week.
We can’t exactly say for sure maybe it’s just your body reacting to high androgen load , maybe you’re sensitive to this batch of test e in particular.
It’s usually for me to have some high BP after I pin a good dosage , but I think your 150mg wasn’t so big of a dosage to have a BP spike unless you’re newbie.
If aromasin dropped your BP then of course you’re into something there like an estrogen spike.
Also test e usually isn’t very good these days it has some years that most test e raws have gone “bad” in a way.
I had some similar effects couple years ago from test e and also couldn’t manage estrogen very good switched to Cyp and Sus and never looked back.
However now I’m using 2 vials of Test E for my TRT cause my source didn’t have any Cyp or Sus. I have some weird effects like anxiety and some highish e2 symptoms but I can’t pin point it to test e only of course.
If I was you I would switch to pharmacy grade test and check those issues again and maybe split my dosage x3 per week.
We can’t exactly say for sure maybe it’s just your body reacting to high androgen load , maybe you’re sensitive to this batch of test e in particular.
Thank you for the reply, my bp is now 116/66