The harm reduction question...

Both of these types of people that use gear unfortunately react similar to junkies taking other drugs....we know it's harmful but we still do it anyway
I have body dysmorphia. Always have. Your comment really cuts to the matter. Are AAS users in this community to be lumped in with common recreational drug "junkies" or do they require a higher standard for their drug of choice?

Fortunately/unfortunately (haha) I've had the means to pay top dollar for legally available AAS (Test, ND, oxandrolone, stanozolol). Most of it is pricey. Especially the 17AA stuff. Would be great to have similar confidence in the quality of ugl products at a lower price than legal stuff. Think of a tier between legal USP pharma and current ugl. But yes it will have an additional incremental cost for the testing.

Implementing this impurity testing would surely further differentiate ugl AAS products from common recreational drugs with no QC whatsoever. All this does is add an additional missing component on top of the great HPLC API work already in place.

Appreciate your thoughtful comments. I am already slightly starting to miss your favorite 4 letter word. :)
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I do hope the idea catches on. The ability for the consumer to have that data for a few bucks more per vial seems to be a worthy initiative in my opinion.
There are probably groups doing this, hence Jano said he had done test for heavy metals and found no indications of contamination.

However, just like how testing became famous, individuals or group testing were being conducted privately and anonymously at first. It just became more common as an added marketing strategy for vendors as well as a minimum requirement for buyers in meso.

It is only logical that it’s already being done by some people they are not just sharing their results. You can push the vendors to do it too and which is great but they need an incentive to do so.

Maybe, if you can organize a group here who are willing to shell out some funds and willing to share their results publicly in the name of harm reduction that would be a great start.

Until then, no matter how noble the idea is, it will just remain that, an idea.
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There are probably groups doing this, hence Jano said he had done test for heavy metals and found no indications of contamination.

At some point there was what appears to be a not insignificant amount done. Of course the batch is only as good as the current test. Leaching, corrosion, corners being cut are what need to be guarded against.

However, just like how testing became famous, individuals or group testing were being conducted privately and anonymously at first. It just became more common as an added marketing strategy for vendors as well as a minimum requirement for buyers in meso.

GCMS and residual solvents seem to be the weak link. Jano's comment was he does this rarely. He isn't set up for residual solvents so that test is not done by his outfit. The workaround we came up with is not ideal but will give some indication of volatile material that isn't water.

It is only logical that it’s already being done by some people they are not just sharing their results. You can push the vendors to do it too and which is great but they need an incentive to do so.

Some vendors have expressed interest. Perhaps this will have to be done on stages. GCMS and ICP first and residual solvents later. Very hard to get around the controlled substance requirements for testing at least in US. Residual solvent testing routine for Pharma.

Maybe, if you can organize a group here who are willing to shell out some funds and willing to share their results publicly in the name of harm reduction that would be a great start.

I have had some inquiries and am working on that.

Appreciate your thoughts.
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Majority of people here likely have body dismorphia or another similar condition....or they are obese. Both of these types of people that use gear unfortunately react similar to junkies taking other drugs....we know it's harmful but we still do it anyway. I bet most here could count on 1 hand the amount of people who stopped taking gear altogether (or true trt) BEFORE a health risk forced them to change. I highly doubt anything will change even if testing shows a small additional risk. We might mitigate risk a bit but we all still choose to pin toxic gear.

Now I'm waiting for that 1 fucktard "what if it's anthrax in there bro"....

Is this about impurity or dosage? You keep saying "true TRT dosage but what does it matter if it's still from an UGL that has shit processing?
Is this about impurity or dosage? You keep saying "true TRT dosage but what does it matter if it's still from an UGL that has shit processing?

Ask better questions man. Plenty here are happy with UGL TRT. It tests well, blood levels reflect, feelz reports are good... what else do you want?
Need blind customer testing for this.

The vendor can send in their best products for testing and then sell you whatever.
Same idea on why they still do it now even if we say they only send the best batch. Their best batch might still be bad.
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You know they just gonna send in a vial they got from someone else on here that already had good test results.
It doesn’t matter though, the point is they are testing as a minimum requirement. Plus, we’re talking what the OP is asking sources to test, the impurities in the raws.

Just to be clear, it is advisable to get your product tested blindly in addition to the vendor’s test to keep them honest. There are so many times the vendor’s test failed already, which means they couldn’t choose the right batch at that instance.

Any test to keep vendors from getting sloppy is a win to ugl users.
I left you extensive reading material in the Source QC thread, post 261.

A little strong. More like ask/inquire/inform.
When you ask a question, you ask it and if someone's not interested they don't answer or don't do it. Then you let it go.

You demand it by continuing to tag them and post in their threads asking again and then again inquiring later.

Trust me, they've seen your post. If they were interested they would take the initiative to contact you.
When you ask a question, you ask it and if someone's not interested they don't answer or don't do it. Then you let it go.

You demand it by continuing to tag them and post in their threads asking again and then again inquiring later.

Trust me, they've seen your post. If they were interested they would take the initiative to contact you.
Good points. The persistence probably does move the ask to more of "urge" or "beseech". Stress on the earnest and incessant approach. Given the respectful, earnest tone I don't think it has risen to the "beg" or "demand" level. No time limits placed.

I appreciate the switch to a more constructive dialogue and feedback.

Thank you.
Good points. The persistence probably does move the ask to more of "urge" or "beseech". Stress on the earnest and incessant approach. Given the respectful, earnest tone I don't think it has risen to the "beg" or "demand" level. No time limits placed.

I appreciate the switch to a more constructive dialogue and feedback.

Thank you.
Yet, people find you unlikeable and you've struggled to get traction. Perhaps that's because of your approach, yet even in this reply you're downplaying it.
Yet, people find you unlikeable and you've struggled to get traction. Perhaps that's because of your approach, yet even in this reply you're downplaying it.
Early days. It takes time with any new idea / approach. Not sure how many people on here find me unlikable and not one of my major concerns as an anonymous internet poster. My goals are to get my facts straight and provide the most accurate and helpful info I can. Those are my guiding principles.

I'll continue to base my approach with this in mind (I've actually been quite respectful with the whole thing):

You do know that the whole point of the Steroid Underground subforum is to hold sources accountable, don't you?

That means asking/encouraging/pressuring/badgering/demanding that UGLs are fully accountable for their products and services.

This is done with harm reduction in mind because consumers, even those using black market androgens, deserve to know exactly what they are injecting into their body.

The increasing amount of analytical lab testing is one of the biggest achievements in the AAS harm reduction space. It's still not enough. UGLs can do better.

Expecting and demanding that UGLs do more testing should be the default mode for members here.

Contrary to the prevailing sentiment in a few source threads, this forum does NOT exist so members can bow down, kiss the ring, and promote/defend the sources (from "a business owners (sic) perspective") against customer criticisms of their products/services.

We could do better with more members "badgering" sources/UGLs to remain accountable with things like increased lab testing.

And fewer members posting their obsequious, sycophantic bullshit.

Perhaps some on here should try to be more "unlikeable".

Let's face it, although progress has been made, it is silly that manufacturers don't disclose the impurities in their products. Customers should force that to change so they can make informed decisions. Manufacturers will only get away with what customers let them get away with. If the raws are good and impurities are innocuous then that should be a selling point. So let's get on with it.
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Early days. It takes time with any new idea / approach. Not sure how many people on here find me unlikable and not one of my major concerns as an anonymous internet poster. My goals are to get my facts straight and provide the most accurate and helpful info I can. Those are my guiding principles.
That's great - but in order to win people over you need more than facts. Being likable and presenting your arguments in a way that doesn't turn everyone against you is almost more important than being right in life.

Based on the way you post, I assume you're heavily on the spectrum and that's why you don't get it but it would help your messaging a lot.