Wife needs a boost pt141 vs oxtocin?


As title states, wife 41yo premenopausal and looking for a boost. Tbf we all are here. Any experience with pt141 or oxytocin greatly appreciated.
Pt141 sucked for both of us, we had all the bad sides and none of the good.

I got nauseated and had bad nasal congestion.

Never tried oxytocin.
I can say the opposite for both myself and my wife with pt141. 2mg each raised libido and sensitivity for up to 3 days.
Minor flushing and nausea.
What dosage did you do? My girl doesn't have low libido but she'd be interested in hightened sensitivity.
PT-141 is fantastic. I've used it hundreds of times.

Understand there are gastrointestinal side effects the first few times(GLP like, slowed digestion), but they lessen in intensity with each use, permanently. IE, you can go months without using it and they don't return.

2mg is the usual for men and women (the official prescription pen for women is 1.75), but I (male) prefer 3.5mg for seizure inducing orgasms.

It tends to take effect in under an hour, lighten up for a few hours, come back even more intensely for several more hours, then settles in for another day or so of generally heightened sensitivity.

Eat lightly the day of first use to minimize the GI unpleasantness, but as I said, once you get past that with the first few uses, it doesn't return.

When I'm ready for a tan, I prefer "sex enhancement" doses of MT-II, which PT-141 is derived from. It's an even more all encompassing visceral experience. Things like stretching become intensely pleasurable. "Grooming behavior", like running your fingers through your hair, as well as your partners, become irresistible and feel supernaturally great. It's so natural, you likely won't realize it's related to MT-II until it's happening.

Don't be concerned with priapism, it's not a possibility with these drugs, though it might seem like it. Have a multi-round willing partner or be prepared to go solo as needed for some relief though, otherwise expect long stretches of tenting your pants, lol.

Oxytocin is a waste of time imo.
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PT-141 is fantastic. I've used it hundreds of times.

Understand there are gastrointestinal side effects the first few times(GLP like, slowed digestion), but they lessen in intensity with each use, permanently. IE, you can go months without using it and they don't return.

2mg is the usual for men and women (the official prescription pen for women is 1.75), but I (male) prefer 3.5mg for seizure inducing orgasms.

It tends to take effect in under an hour, lighten up for a few hours, come back even more intensely for several more hours, then settles in for another day or so of generally heightened sensitivity.

Eat lightly the day of first use to minimize the GI unpleasantness, but as I said, once you get past that with the first few uses, it doesn't return.
Appreciate the info, I'm gonna give it a whirl. How dark did you get from mt2?
Appreciate the info, I'm gonna give it a whirl. How dark did you get from mt2?

Freckles, moles, birthmarks, darken first, They do fade again a while after stopping use. 6 months or so.

Tanning is sped up by something like 10x the day of use. Without UV exposure there's little to no tanning.

So the occasional 1mg+ use won't do much in terms of darkening. I'll use .5mg / day for a couple of weeks with at least a few minutes of sun exposure, until I get the tan I want, then once a week to maintain it.
PT-141 is fantastic. I've used it hundreds of times.

Understand there are gastrointestinal side effects the first few times(GLP like, slowed digestion), but they lessen in intensity with each use, permanently. IE, you can go months without using it and they don't return.

2mg is the usual for men and women (the official prescription pen for women is 1.75), but I (male) prefer 3.5mg for seizure inducing orgasms.

It tends to take effect in under an hour, lighten up for a few hours, come back even more intensely for several more hours, then settles in for another day or so of generally heightened sensitivity.

Eat lightly the day of first use to minimize the GI unpleasantness, but as I said, once you get past that with the first few uses, it doesn't return.

When I'm ready for a tan, I prefer "sex enhancement" doses of MT-II, which PT-141 is derived from. It's an even more all encompassing visceral experience. Things like stretching become intensely pleasurable. "Grooming behavior", like running your fingers through your hair, as well as your partners, become irresistible and feel supernaturally great. It's so natural, you likely won't realize it's related to MT-II until it's happening.

Don't be concerned with priapism, it's not a possibility with these drugs, though it might seem like it. Have a multi-round willing partner or be prepared to go solo as needed for some relief though, otherwise expect long stretches of tenting your pants, lol.

Oxytocin is a waste of time imo.
Wow, well then thank you Sir
Freckles, moles, birthmarks, darken first, They do fade again a while after stopping use. 6 months or so.

Tanning is sped up by something like 10x the day of use. Without UV exposure there's little to no tanning.

So the occasional 1mg+ use won't do much in terms of darkening. I'll use .5mg / day for a couple of weeks with at least a few minutes of sun exposure, until I get the tan I want, then once a week to maintain it.
Would you reccomend starting at 2mgs then for men and women
Would you reccomend starting at 2mgs then for men and women

For PT? 2mg for her.

For you. minimum 2mg. If you're over 200lbs, 2.5mg.

I find if you don't get an effective amount, you get all the sides and almost none of the benefit. More like a switch than a sliding scale.

Here's more info for her if she needs convincing.

$1150 for 4 single dose pens, lol.
By the way, this stuff works on brain, not the plumbing. If you have any "organic" ED you use Viagra or Cialis for, you should take a small dose with this.

Those drugs open the pipes but PT lights the fire, strong enough to punch through mild ED but if you need ED meds regularly a little will help.

To give you an idea of the effect I'm describing, they give PT-141 to paralyzed guys with spinal cord injuries so they regain enough sensitivity to orgasm.
PT-141 is fantastic. I've used it hundreds of times.

Understand there are gastrointestinal side effects the first few times(GLP like, slowed digestion), but they lessen in intensity with each use, permanently. IE, you can go months without using it and they don't return.

2mg is the usual for men and women (the official prescription pen for women is 1.75), but I (male) prefer 3.5mg for seizure inducing orgasms.

It tends to take effect in under an hour, lighten up for a few hours, come back even more intensely for several more hours, then settles in for another day or so of generally heightened sensitivity.

Eat lightly the day of first use to minimize the GI unpleasantness, but as I said, once you get past that with the first few uses, it doesn't return.

When I'm ready for a tan, I prefer "sex enhancement" doses of MT-II, which PT-141 is derived from. It's an even more all encompassing visceral experience. Things like stretching become intensely pleasurable. "Grooming behavior", like running your fingers through your hair, as well as your partners, become irresistible and feel supernaturally great. It's so natural, you likely won't realize it's related to MT-II until it's happening.

Don't be concerned with priapism, it's not a possibility with these drugs, though it might seem like it. Have a multi-round willing partner or be prepared to go solo as needed for some relief though, otherwise expect long stretches of tenting your pants, lol.

Oxytocin is a waste of time imo.
What are sex enhancement doses of MT-2? Timeline of effect is approximately the same as PT-141? When I’ve tried pt-141, the timing and effect seemed extremely inconsistent. I suppose I may have just not used enough though.
With PT especially, it's not as if half the "proper" dose, whatever that is for an individual, results in effects half as strong. It either doesn't work at all, or takes a long time to work and has a very short duration, with primarily a boost to erection quality and minimal libido effect. Like I said, it's more of a "switch", and if you don't take enough to cross the threshold of effectiveness. it's not only a disappointment, but often a negative experience since the sides come on regardless of dose. That's why at 85kg, I use 3-3.5mg, which is always effective. A sure sign you've found the right dose, is when the slightest brush of clothing against your junk is extremely pleasurable. "Animal" senses are amplified. Smell is intensified, eyes are involuntarily drawn to female features, mind becomes preoccupied with sex. Imagine the most hormonally driven state of horniness you experienced as a teenager, and this is a step above that.

For Melanotan II, sex enhancement dose is roughly 0.025 mg/kg, IE 2.5mg for 100kg.

But just to remind you, GI effects will likely occur, nausea might kick in for 15-20 minutes shortly after injection. Constipation or the opposite later, especially if you've eaten too much. A big glass of Metamucil prior to using can help minimize the unpleasantness.

Before you think "it's not worth it", know the second time sides will only be half as strong. By the 5th use they'll likely be gone entirely.

It has something to do with digestion related receptors in the intestines, which quickly adapt.
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I’ve taken 300mcg of pt141 and 100mcg of mt2 every night for a few months and I’ve built no tolerance to the sexual effects. It also seems that the effects last longer than the drug lasts. I’m guessing the agonistic effects linger. A bit like how losartan has a 2 hour half life, yet is dosed daily.

People say that sun is needed to tan on mt2, yet genital darkening happens. And I certainly ain’t sunning my balls. So I have reason to doubt that sun is needed for the tanning effect. There’s obviously more tanning with the sun, but I dunno if it’s required for the melanin production from MT2. The tanning also looks very natural on me, so I’m quite happy with it. My mum takes mt2 and she looks good as well.

Don't be concerned with priapism, it's not a possibility with these drugs, though it might seem like it.
There definitely is. First time I took it pt141 had an erection for like 6 hours. It felt “high flow” though, so no risk for ischemia. At least not that time.

Early in the research process one of the scientists, who was conducting experiments on himself with an early tool compound, melanotan II, injected himself with twice the dose he intended to and got an eight-hour erection, along with nausea and vomiting
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I’ve taken 300mcg of pt141 and 100mcg of mt2 every night for a few months and I’ve built no tolerance to the sexual effects. It also seems that the effects last longer than the drug lasts. I’m guessing the agonistic effects linger. A bit like how losartan has a 2 hour half life, yet is dosed daily.

There definitely is. First time I took it pt141 had an erection for like 6 hours. It felt “high flow” though, so no risk for ischemia. At least not that time.

I'm pretty sexually adventurous, and unfortunately had a couple of chemically induced (trimix) states of priapism that required hospital treatment, with no reaction to the usual treatments, literally requiring "manual detumescence", IE, big needles sucking blood out of 20+ locations. Every bit as painful as it sounds. Black and blue down there for months afterwards.

So I became something of an expert on the topic.

With the exception of a minuscule group who have some underlying condition, psychogenic induced erections cannot create true priapism. You may have a 2 hour erection with these peptides, it goes down for 30 seconds, then returns for another 2, which is sufficient to prevent priapism. It has to "lock up" and stay erect with absolutely not a moment going down. Once it goes, even for a moment, the "clock" starts again.

Something like trimix basically paralyzes the muscles that would bring an erection back down, and after enough of that, it becomes a vicious cycle requiring medical intervention.

Certainly, if it stays hard for over 4 hours seek medical help, but despite the researchers experience in the "foundation story", I've only found a single case reported of a guy getting true priapism after use (and he waited way too long to get help. unfortunately).

Even Cialis and Tadalafil at heroic doses don't cause true priapism.

Generally it's from some injury during sex or sports, sickle cell anemia, or some physical defect.

It's just not a realistic concern with PT or MT-II or there'd be at least a handful of cases after all these years.

MT-II was known as the "Beach party" drug in the early 2000s when (primarily) gay men would head to the shore from NYC for a weekend of tanning and sex.

I agree it lasts (in a good way) far longer than the drug stays in your system.

There's a theory it literally "rebuilds" sensory circuits from the brain to the genitals, by inducing neurogenesis. The effect to me feels like sex is "new", rather than using the same, somewhat burnt out circuits that have been used a million times. And it does seem to get better every time, rather than building tolerance.

In fact, in those experiments with spinal cord injury victims, after several treatments, some patients regained the ability to have orgasms again without using the drug, despite having lost sensitivity and unable to have them years before.
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I'm pretty sexually adventurous, and unfortunately had a couple of chemically induced (trimix) states of priapism that required hospital treatment,

Thanks for sharing.
I am trying to visualise this, instead of starting my workout.
Just be aware you are creating a major impediment to my training, right now.
At the hospital, when they asked you "what happened, Sir", how did the story go?
You couldn't lie and make up whatever, like I accidentally fell on a bush of stinging nettles; I always get this with during hayfever season and I know it is now December but it's kind of going around; I think it may be the new covid variant.

with no reaction to the usual treatments, literally requiring "manual detumescence", IE, big needles sucking blood out of 20+ locations. Every bit as painful as it sounds. Black and blue down there for months afterwards.
So that was the hospital treatment.
No chance it was a gay sauna/ bdsm dungeon somewhere, rather than a hospital.
Whoever said "recollections may vary".

So I became something of an expert on the topic.

Sure. Repeated exposure.
Why would one not do this again and again.

. It has to "lock up" and stay erect with absolutely not a moment going down. Once it goes, even for a moment, the "clock" starts again.

Something like trimix basically paralyzes the muscles that would bring an erection back down

Certainly, if it stays hard for over 4 hours

This must be as grim as it sounds.
U men are weird.

Generally it's from some injury during sex

gay men would head to the shore from NYC for a weekend of tanning and sex.

Homosexuals always know how to party better than anyone else. That is true.

You need to put together a big thread about this, so it becomes a manual for future users.
Nevermind endotoxins, this is your game, man.
Expert in erections of the lethal kind.

Edit: @SVENGALI after all the Ghoul's shenanigans, I am curious how your wife is getting along with this, if she has taken it.
Can you keep us updated?
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I'm pretty sexually adventurous, and unfortunately had a couple of chemically induced (trimix) states of priapism that required hospital treatment, with no reaction to the usual treatments, literally requiring "manual detumescence", IE, big needles sucking blood out of 20+ locations. Every bit as painful as it sounds. Black and blue down there for months afterwards.
You have my condolences.

Something like trimix basically paralyzes the muscles that would bring an erection back down, and after enough of that, it becomes a vicious cycle requiring medical intervention.
Which one does it? I thought all three drugs worked as vasodilators, which may induce high-flow priapism.

Generally it's from some injury during sex or sports, sickle cell anemia, or some physical defect.
I was under the impression that they’re the only causes of low-flow priapism. Erectogenic drugs may facilitate the erection needed for low-flow priapism to occur, but a physical defect is still required. One in which either an embolism has occurred, or a failure of detumescence mechanisms.

There's a theory it literally "rebuilds" sensory circuits from the brain to the genitals, by inducing neurogenesis. The effect to me feels like sex is "new", rather than using the same, somewhat burnt out circuits that have been used a million times. And it does seem to get better every time, rather than building tolerance.
MCR agonists are meant to be good for neurodegenerative diseases and fibromyalgia. So that makes sense.
I'm pretty sexually adventurous, and unfortunately had a couple of chemically induced (trimix) states of priapism that required hospital treatment, with no reaction to the usual treatments, literally requiring "manual detumescence", IE, big needles sucking blood out of 20+ locations. Every bit as painful as it sounds. Black and blue down there for months afterwards.

So I became something of an expert on the topic.

With the exception of a minuscule group who have some underlying condition, psychogenic induced erections cannot create true priapism. You may have a 2 hour erection with these peptides, it goes down for 30 seconds, then returns for another 2, which is sufficient to prevent priapism. It has to "lock up" and stay erect with absolutely not a moment going down. Once it goes, even for a moment, the "clock" starts again.

Something like trimix basically paralyzes the muscles that would bring an erection back down, and after enough of that, it becomes a vicious cycle requiring medical intervention.

Certainly, if it stays hard for over 4 hours seek medical help, but despite the researchers experience in the "foundation story", I've only found a single case reported of a guy getting true priapism after use (and he waited way too long to get help. unfortunately).

Even Cialis and Tadalafil at heroic doses don't cause true priapism.

Generally it's from some injury during sex or sports, sickle cell anemia, or some physical defect.

It's just not a realistic concern with PT or MT-II or there'd be at least a handful of cases after all these years.

MT-II was known as the "Beach party" drug in the early 2000s when (primarily) gay men would head to the shore from NYC for a weekend of tanning and sex.

I agree it lasts (in a good way) far longer than the drug stays in your system.

There's a theory it literally "rebuilds" sensory circuits from the brain to the genitals, by inducing neurogenesis. The effect to me feels like sex is "new", rather than using the same, somewhat burnt out circuits that have been used a million times. And it does seem to get better every time, rather than building tolerance.

In fact, in those experiments with spinal cord injury victims, after several treatments, some patients regained the ability to have orgasms again without using the drug, despite having lost sensitivity and unable to have them years before.
I don't know which peptide vendor you're shilling for but I'm sold!

J/K, great information. I'm going to have to try it now.
Thanks for sharing.
I am trying to visualise this, instead of starting my workout.
Just be aware you are creating a major impediment to my training, right now.
At the hospital, when they asked you "what happened, Sir", how did the story go?
You couldn't lie and make up whatever, like I accidentally fell on a bush of stinging nettles; I always get this with during hayfever season and I know it is now December but it's kind of going around; I think it may be the new covid variant.

So that was the hospital treatment.
No chance it was a gay sauna/ bdsm dungeon somewhere, rather than a hospital.
Whoever said "recollections may vary".

Sure. Repeated exposure.
Why would one not do this again and again.

This must be as grim as it sounds.
U men are weird.

Homosexuals always know how to party better than anyone else. That is true.

You need to put together a big thread about this, so it becomes a manual for future users.
Nevermind endotoxins, this is your game, man.
Expert in erections of the lethal kind.

Edit: @SVENGALI after all the Ghoul's shenanigans, I am curious how your wife is getting along with this, if she has taken it.
Can you keep us updated?

Needless to say after both times trying the trimix, first at the recommended dose, then 1/4 the dose, both inducing priapism, and the antidote (which they give you a vial of when buying it), not working, and the more powerful antidote at the hospital not working that stuff went into the trash.

It's certainly as embarrassing as it was painful. No one seemed surprised when I said it was trimix. Though since you probably aren't aware, the consequences if it goes unresolved for 24 hours are so severe I would've been happy to have a team of cheerleaders fix it with rusty insulin syringes on a livestream to the entire state if that's what was necessary.

Wait too long and all your erectile tissue becomes hardened scar tissue, never to regain the ability to get an erection again.

In fact, it's advised that within hours of priapism damage being confirmed, they slice open each side and put an implant in, so you maintain some size and roughly correct shape, otherwise it'll shrink and stiffen into a deformed shape otherwise, making it even difficult to pee. If the implants aren't quickly put in, it becomes impossible to later.

Luckily it was resolved within 8 hours each time with no damage. But again, over 4 hours get to the hospital. Even though 24 hours is usually the point of no return, not something you want to cut close.

Odds are a single shot of antidote will take care of it, I just happened to be a non responder to, what I think was ephedrine, but I don't remember.

As you can see, after two rounds of that I had a great incentive to dive deeply into this subject to make absolutely sure it wouldn't happen again. Two urologists both pointed out psychogenic, ie, brain induced erections can't cause priapism in a healthy male, just like you can't hold your breath until you did. Neither PT or MT have a direct physical effect inducing erections, it's purely psychogenic.
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