OK, stop.
The powers that be must delete this thread because it is doing my head in.
First of all, you guys have viagra, this that the other AND on top of that you take this PT thing like it's part of you daily recommended multivitamin intake.
Your greed is wondrous and exhausting: when it comes to your penis, it's never enough.
Secondly, this thread keeps getting resuscitated just when I have forgotten all about it = Baaaaaad.
So here comes the usual culprit, aka
@Ghoul aka the in-house sexpert with his cheerfully updated dosage advice.
I think I might update my guidance and just tell guys to be prepared to try it twice at 2.5mg. Be prepared for nausea the first time (have an anti nausea med on hand if it gets really bad), and then give it one more try,
Ghoul, this has to stop.
I am seriously being pushed to finalise having a lobotomy, stop being a retard and start auditioning for victims, aka volunteers, for my PT141 initiation.
This may potentially begin as of next week, unless I forget all about it, again.
One can only hope, but with you around hopes of oblivion are slim.
As per your contractual obligations, you will be on call for the duration of the event, with or without backing from the team of cheerleaders.
Bring the pompoms, baby