Wife needs a boost pt141 vs oxtocin?

Is ondansetron a good idea pre pt141 dose to deal with nausea? I'd like to try this pt141 experiment but have to keep my food up so eating lightly isn't an option.

+1 to it being very brief. Based on anecdote, I feel like I probably get the nausea worse than others, but even still, it passes very quickly. I feel shitty for a few, but it doesn’t affect my caloric intake for the day.
Tried PT141 a handful of times dosed at .5-1mg and each time made my very nauseous/unsettled.

Flush was felt within minutes, followed by an hour or two of very uncomfortable nausea, slaughtering any type of sexual desire during the evening in question, but with heightened libido for the following day.

overall i chalked it up to "not worth it" for me, as the extra libito was nice while i was in prep, where the nausea wasnt a big deal, but it made me way too sensitive (and im already very sensitive to begin with) that made it quite frustrating.
Tried PT141 a handful of times dosed at .5-1mg and each time made my very nauseous/unsettled.

Flush was felt within minutes, followed by an hour or two of very uncomfortable nausea, slaughtering any type of sexual desire during the evening in question, but with heightened libido for the following day.

overall i chalked it up to "not worth it" for me, as the extra libito was nice while i was in prep, where the nausea wasnt a big deal, but it made me way too sensitive (and im already very sensitive to begin with) that made it quite frustrating.

Yep, whoever put out the ".5-1mg" dosing instructions out there that most seem to find really screw up the impression of PT-141 they're left with.

For PT? 2mg for her.

For you. minimum 2mg. If you're over 200lbs, 2.5mg.

I find if you don't get an effective amount, you get all the sides and almost none of the benefit. More like a switch than a sliding scale.

Again, the conservative FDA approved dose for women, who typically have a significantly lower body mass than men, is 1.75mg. .5-1mg is less than worthless for men.

i had slight nausea during the first days with melanotan2 which is basically pt141 with tanning boost, took some otc sea sickness pills and worked wonders

didnt need any after a couple of days, like if the body adjusted
i had slight nausea during the first days with melanotan2 which is basically pt141 with tanning boost, took some otc sea sickness pills and worked wonders

didnt need any after a couple of days, like if the body adjusted

My experience as well. Sides lessen with each use, and never seem to return, with both MT-2 and PT-141.
Yep, whoever put out the ".5-1mg" dosing instructions out there that most seem to find really screw up the impression of PT-141 they're left with.

Again, the conservative FDA approved dose for women, who typically have a significantly lower body mass than men, is 1.75mg. .5-1mg is less than worthless for men.

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My nausea escalated in a dose dependent manner, with 1mg being nearly intolerable for several hours.

I had read from previous anecdotes that some reported a lessening of negative sides with continued use, similar to MTII (Which i have used and tolerate exceptionally well), However after several weeks of use and forcing my way through 3-4 vials of the shit i saw zero reduction in magnitude or duration of side effects.

My individual response to the compound was unfavorable, and while i have not tried any heroic dosages of the compound, as the nausea associated with a dosage like you suggest would almost certainly not be tolerable for me, I doubt that difference would change it to a favorable experience
My nausea escalated in a dose dependent manner, with 1mg being nearly intolerable for several hours.

I had read from previous anecdotes that some reported a lessening of negative sides with continued use, similar to MTII (Which i have used and tolerate exceptionally well), However after several weeks of use and forcing my way through 3-4 vials of the shit i saw zero reduction in magnitude or duration of side effects.

My individual response to the compound was unfavorable, and while i have not tried any heroic dosages of the compound, as the nausea associated with a dosage like you suggest would almost certainly not be tolerable for me, I doubt that difference would change it to a favorable experience

Since you never exceeded 1mg we'll just have to disagree on whether the higher dosages proportionately increase the sides.

In any case, your experience is obviously atypical, as nothing like what you describe was experienced in the clinical trials using nearly twice the dose(1.75mg), If it were, even by just 10% of users. the FDA would've never approved a medicine, Vyleesi, with such a negative side effect profile nor would many doctors be willing to prescribe it.

The other possibility is you got some bad PT, which has happened to me in the past.
Since you never exceeded 1mg we'll just have to disagree on whether the higher dosages proportionately increase the sides.
I started at .25mg titrated up to 1mg, with side effects increasing in a directly proportional linear fashion, up until that point.

While its entirely possible that side effects would not have continued to linearly increase in exceeding 1mg, and something ill never know, given the pattern observed up until that point i was unwilling to test it further.

The other possibility is you got some bad PT, which has happened to me in the past.
This is certainly a possibility to be considered, as it came from a peptide retailer and not some pharma grade product. So certain risks are always going to be present with such retailers where novel/niche compounds like PT are unlikely to receive proper 3rd party testing.

This was, at least at the time, a well recognized supplier with favorable 3rd party anecdotal reports on their pt specifically on this or other forums, but that is certainly no guarantee of quality.
@BigTomJ Good conversation, thanks for sharing your experience.

It prompted me to dig into the data a little deeper, and was surprised to see nausea only reported by 40%(I would've expected 95%+), and that by the second dose the rate dropped to 3%. That's much faster of an improvement than I've experienced and seen in others.

Of the 8% who dropped out due to nausea, 90% of those did so after the first dose, so they weren't sticking around to see if it improved by the second dose.

In the pooled phase 3 placebo-controlled trials, nausea was the most common adverse reaction, reported in 40% of VYLEESI-treated patients compared to 1% of placebo-treated patients. The median onset of nausea was within one-hour post-dose and lasted about two hours in duration. The incidence of nausea was highest after the first VYLEESI dose (reported in 21% of patients) then declined to about 3% after subsequent doses. Thirteen percent of VYLEESI-treated patients received an anti-emetic medication. Overall, 8% of VYLEESI-treated patients and no placebo-treated patients prematurely discontinued the trials due to nausea."

I think I might update my guidance and just tell guys to be prepared to try it twice at 2.5mg. Be prepared for nausea the first time (have an anti nausea med on hand if it gets really bad), and then give it one more try, since there's a 99% chance any nausea should be far less severe by the second dose, if not completely gone, for good. It's not a "hospitalization" event even worst case scenario, just very uncomfortable.

Tried a 3mg dose over the weekend. Experienced a slight nausea effect (lessened by taking taurine beforehand) but little effect on libido. I'm not sure if I'm a non-responder or I just need an absolute hero dose. Maybe MT-2 would be a better option to try.
Tried a 3mg dose over the weekend. Experienced a slight nausea effect (lessened by taking taurine beforehand) but little effect on libido. I'm not sure if I'm a non-responder or I just need an absolute hero dose. Maybe MT-2 would be a better option to try.

That's a significant dose to illicit such little effect and low sides. MT2 I great so defiantly try that, but I wonder if your PT is good. Maybe try 3.5. That's my usual dose.
That's a significant dose to illicit such little effect and low sides. MT2 I great so defiantly try that, but I wonder if your PT is good. Maybe try 3.5. That's my usual dose.
I suppose it's possible I had a bad batch of PT. Can't rule it out. But I'll give MT-2 a try this weekend or next and try PT at a later date from a different source.
I'm sure you meant 'elicit' but I giggled nonetheless given the topic.

In terms of what doses work, as I mentioned early, I get significant benefits at .5-1mg with some nausea. I'm recalling now that I tried 1.5 or 2mg at some point and had a pretty bad reaction similar to above. I think that's how I ended up at such a low dose. The reaction I had was from another vendor. I'll experiment some with the current batch and see what happens.
I suppose it's possible I had a bad batch of PT. Can't rule it out. But I'll give MT-2 a try this weekend or next and try PT at a later date from a different source.
PT141 isn’t understood very well. Or, maybe there’s a lot of variability between people.

I read a thread on a different site a while back where a few peeps tried microdosing pt141 and they all said they quickly built a tolerance to the intended and adverse effects and it then didn’t affect them at all at any dose

Other people think it doesn’t last much longer than its residence time in your body.

In my experience, they’re both incorrect. I found that microdosing it daily still gives me the intended effect, and nausea (albeit the nausea is barely noticeable).

I also found it to noticeably improve my erections for at least 12 hours after.

So my point is to consider trying different dosages. Maybe a lower dose every day for a week, or a big dose for 2 days in a row.

Here’s a wild tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that I don’t believe myself and is completely baseless and is almost certainly false, but may be true: the pro-sexual effects of MCR agonists plateau at a relatively low dose, with higher dosages causing a strong response through different mechanisms that are anti-sexual. A bit like how E2 is pro-sexual to a point, where afterwards it becomes anti-sexual. Testosterone is also anti-sexual if you take enough to induce atherosclerosis.
OK, stop.
The powers that be must delete this thread because it is doing my head in.

First of all, you guys have viagra, this that the other AND on top of that you take this PT thing like it's part of you daily recommended multivitamin intake.
Your greed is wondrous and exhausting: when it comes to your penis, it's never enough.

Secondly, this thread keeps getting resuscitated just when I have forgotten all about it = Baaaaaad.
So here comes the usual culprit, aka @Ghoul aka the in-house sexpert with his cheerfully updated dosage advice.

I think I might update my guidance and just tell guys to be prepared to try it twice at 2.5mg. Be prepared for nausea the first time (have an anti nausea med on hand if it gets really bad), and then give it one more try,

Ghoul, this has to stop.
I am seriously being pushed to finalise having a lobotomy, stop being a retard and start auditioning for victims, aka volunteers, for my PT141 initiation.
This may potentially begin as of next week, unless I forget all about it, again.
One can only hope, but with you around hopes of oblivion are slim.
As per your contractual obligations, you will be on call for the duration of the event, with or without backing from the team of cheerleaders.
Bring the pompoms, baby
I'll post the report when I dig it up again, but I have an even more likely explanation for the wide variability than individual response, which was not observed nearly as much with the pharma produced PT-141 used in the clinical trials for FDA approval.

TLDR: In a study of numerous commercial recumbent growth hormone products (ie, peptides), despite all being the same peptide, there are significant observed differences in response and side effects between brands....just like we see with UGL.

It turns out packaging, handling, and certain contaminants make a huge difference as to whether the peptide proteins aggregate, forming lumps that not only fail to work as intended, but trigger immune reactions, and. worst case scenario, cause you to develop antibodies that effectively "immunize" you from the therapeutic peptide working properly for you ever again, since your immune system destroys it.

PT-141 is an exceptionally short 7 protein peptide. It may be very susceptible to factors that cause aggregates to form that just don't work correctly.
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Your greed is wondrous and exhausting: when it comes to your penis, it's never enough.

Is it greed to want to be able to perform at a supraphysiological level for the benefit of others? I can assure you that I am not optimizing things entirely for my pleasure.