cutting cycle

  1. M

    Mid-Blast Lab Report - Axle Labs - 800mg Test E / 900mg Mast E

    What's up, guys. Attached below are the results from my most recent labs, pulled four weeks into my current cycle. My cycle started at 300mg Test E / 300mg Mast E, pending news of whether I'd be getting surgery or not. Once I was cleared, I escalated to where I am now. You'll see the...
  2. Kimmuay

    Advice for my cutting cycle please.

    Hallo, i am recently started HGH and now using 2 IU everyday and looking or advise which compound i shoudl use for my cuttign cycle for 15 week in total. Iam 1,70M tall and weight 78KG and around 18-20% bodyfat. recently finish my bulke with test 500mg and npp 300mg for 10 weeks in may and now...
  3. danieleisit

    First cycle looking to go from 25bf to 12bf

    looking for opinions How long would you say is better to run the cycle of 125 mg of test and 200mg of drostanolone and would a high dosage of test e help such as 175mg a week or 218mg with the 200mg of drostanolone. Or remove testosterone totally And run 300mg of drostanolone And primo...
  4. danieleisit

    First steroid cycle cutting

    looking for opinions How long would you say is better to run the cycle of 125 mg of test and 200mg of drostanolone and would a high dosage of test e help such as 175mg a week or 218mg with the 200mg of drostanolone. Or remove testosterone totally And run 300mg of drostanolone 16...
  5. chtenna94

    BF % help

    I recently had my BF measured with the caliper method at my local gym. The results were 18.6% BF. This blows my mind because months ago before I started on a caloric deficit and body recomp blast my BF was said to be lower around 13%. The mirror doesn’t lie and I’m definitely leaner now. Also if...
  6. BodyDysmorphia

    cutting cycles are idiotic unless you are competing

    Title basically sums it up; however, I will explain my reasoning behind this opinion. AAS excel in facilitating muscle accrual but do not possess the intrinsic capacity to facilitate fat loss. Subjecting yourself to elevated androgen levels solely for the purpose of fat reduction lacks logical...
  7. LowDoseNatty

    LowDoseNatty Summer Cut Log

    I want to start a log for my summer cut, mostly for me to look back on to see what went wrong and what went right, but maybe I can help someone along the way. I'm not a massive dude (working on it) but I wouldn't say I'm small either. I'd describe myself as an intermediate in this lifestyle, I...
  8. O

    TRT + Cut Stack ?

    On 200mg Test a week for 3 months. Started 5x5 4 months ago, and gained fat. 5,7 215 Already stalling on bench 70 and DeadLift 200 So, I see a Cut Mix 150 Mg of Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate - 50mg of each. Good idea to lose 20lbs of fat this way ...
  9. K

    2nd cycle advice/recomp

    it’s my first time posting, I’ve been lurking for a minute now. 25 yo, 6’2, 185 lbs pre first cycle, 225 post cycle. 6 years of lifting experience, never been exceptionally lean. the Pic of me is leanest I’ve ever been natty. 2 years before I did my first cycle. Besides all, I never really got...
  10. N

    t3 dosage

    ive been taking t3 for four weeks now. Started with 25mcg, went to 50mcg. Ive done blood work the other day. My t3 levels are 4.12 pmol/L. Before t3 they were 3.69 pmol/L. Seems more of a replacement dose, so i was thinking of upping the dose to 75mcg a day for the next two to four weeks. Need...
  11. Jayne Scott

    Winstrol v Anavar - which oral cutting AAS is better?

    Winstrol v Anavar - which oral cutting AAS is better? I'm often asked the question of which oral cutting AAS is better - Winstrol or Anavar? As I always do when asked questions like this, I try my utmost best to explain the differences between both AAS including their peculiar bodybuilding...
  12. Zro5696

    Cut cycle help

    So I’m an intermediate to advanced gear user and I’m wondering about if I need to take any kind of AI at all I got just about every one you can think of. But my cycle so far looks like this Test E 500mg EW 2X 250mg Monday/Thursday Mast E 400mg EW 2X 200mg Monday/Thursday Anavar 50mg ED Weeks...
  13. devreux

    fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

    about 8 years ago, i went from 160 lbs skinny to 305 lbs fat ass in one year from psych medicine. i really needed the medicine but i think the doctors gave me a little too much LOL. after a few years and changes in prescription, i got my weight stable to 245 lbs. 2 months ago, my doctor agreed...
  14. Juttyc3

    2nd half of sust cycle looking to cut

    Hey Meso, haven’t posted in awhile. Currently running Test sust 500/wk Dhb 500/wk Var 75 mg/day Proviron 50mg/day Adex 1mg ever 3 days///as needed Hcg 250 twice a week I’m looking to cut up the next 6 weeks as I have been running right around 6 1/2 weeks at the end of this week. Willing to go...
  15. G

    Cycle need suggestions.

    ive ran 2 cycles before Test e , dbol followed by pct This time Week 1-3 now current as I’m entering my fourth week Test e 300mgs twice weekly Tb500 2-4mgs ed Hcg 200 iu weekly Anastrozole .5 mg Ed to eod Nolva 20 mg eod because of signs about to discontinue . Things I have on hand...
  16. K

    Opinions On This Cycle

    I am currently cutting at 200lbs 13% BF. 2 months after my Gyno surgery. If my Gyno flares up I am thinking about adding .5mg Prami ed. Proviron 50mg (ed) 400mg Test E (week) 350mg Tren E (week) 350mg Tren A (week) Arimidex (1mg) (eod) Week 1 - ^ Week 2 - ^ Week 3 - ^ + 350mg...
  17. D.bagg

    Bulking + Cutting Cycle?

    Can you bulk and cut in the same cycle? Would it be counterproductive? I’m trying to look as aesthetic and lean as I can for this summer while also putting on some last minute lean muscle. Stats: Height: 6’2 Age: 24 Weight:195lbs Bf%:12 Experience:10 years training (4 years cycling) I’ve done...
  18. DarkSide94

    Contest Cycle Planning

    So I'm currently on my first bulk with test e 500mg/weeks 1-12 kicked off with dbol 50mg weeks 1-4. I'm in my last 4 weeks and made some good gains. Start 23 years old 5'8" 175lbs around 10-12% bf Currently about 187lbs 8% bf with very little bloat and still gaining slowly I plan on doing my...
  19. FutureMrO

    TEST-E MAST-E TREN-A 12 week cutting cycle

    Hey guys about to start this cycle In about 2 weeks for a cut. test e tren a and mast e for 12 weeks to get lean and maybe some clen at the end because I have it sitting around lol... Week 1-12 test-E mast-E 500mg weekly (2 shots of 250) Week 3-7 tren-A (50mg eod) Week 8-12 clen up as needed...
  20. FutureMrO

    Diet/drug coach

    I'm looking for a online coach to help me get Lean and help me with this cycle. I was looking into Boston loyde he's 500usd for 12 weeks kinda pricy. Any suggestions?
  21. Atleast200at8percent

    DNP + Gear

    I'm running dnp soon and would like some suggestions on what gear I should run with it. I'm open to anything and am looking for optimum results.
  22. FutureMrO

    Cutting cycle

    hey guys this is going to be my 3rd cycle Iv ran cycles when bulking but when I cut I tend to lose that look you can only have when on a cycle I'll be doing a 12 week cut and thinking of running test e at 500mg a week. Tren A at 50mg eod for 5 weeks and also have var and clen on hand. Idk if I...
  23. C


    Sup guys? So I'm trying to get my next cycle layed out and I was wanting to make the most gains possible while maintaining a lean physique. Soo here's a layout on what I was thinking Wk 1-4 dbol @ 40mg ED Wk 1-12 test cyp @ 750mg Wk Wk 1-10 tren ace @ 75mg ED Wk 6-10 superdrol @ 20mg ED Wk...
  24. T

    TNE - 8 WEEKS SOLID - ? vote ?

    The title is clear. I'm OCD and these training splits I'm not liking 100% so.. I'm wanting some type of program i have stuck in my head. I can't really describe it by name what style it is, but it's not just mine. If someone else has something similar, let me know. So.. I think I'm going to...
  25. FutureMrO

    Cutting cycle and dieting tips and advice

    hey guys I'll be starting my cut soon (could even be as soon as tomorrow) I had a good bulk I'm currently sitting at 85kgs at 15-16% bf at 5'11 I want to get to 10ish% so I can see my abs again. I'll be running a test p and winny cycle in about 3-4 weeks not sure yet letting my skin clear up...