cutting cycle

  1. IgniterBlast

    Cutting Cycle?

    Hi All. To clarify this cycle is for information for myself only, I am not running this cycle I just want more information & your ideas/changes, I have been doing a lot of reading and browsing through forums, steroidology, etc & have compiled together a 12 week cycle + PCT which I...
  2. B

    Female First Var Cycle

    Hi guys, finally got approved so now I can share my first anavar cycle experience with you. F30 169cm 66kg BF roughly 20% Goal - drop bodyfat without sacrificing strength gains. Plan - 5 days taper up, 6 weeks at 10mg, 5 days taper down. Then an 8 week break before repeating. Still deciding...
  3. M

    Test prop anavar cycle

    Just want your opinions guys if i'm missing anything in this cycle. Week 1-10 Test propionate 100mg eod Week 1-10 arimidex 1mg eod Week 1-10 proviron 50mg ed Week 4-10 anavar 40-60 mg ed HCG last 4 weeks 2x500iu ew Pct : week 1-2 clomid 50mg / nolva 40mg Week 3-4 clomid 25 /nolva 20 Now when...
  4. D

    Need advice on my cycle

    Hey guys newer member here but have been reading alot of posts and educating myself on this. Stats: 37 yrs 6ft 245 15% bf 56 inch chest 21 inch arms 36 inch waist Current meds: Dr prescribed Test c 200mg a week Hgh 6iu 5 days a week with Thursday and Saturday off- turned to pink top gen way...
  5. A

    Cutting Cycle

    Hello everyone, I would like to make a cutting cycle with aas and simultaneously put on a few kg of muscle. And I thought to follow the following schedule: Week 1: 20 mg of oxandrolone Week 2: 20 mg of oxandrolone and 10 of dianabol Week 3: 30 mg of oxandrolone and 10 of dianabol Week 4: 40 mg...
  6. M

    Questions for my CLEN/T3/YOHIMBINE (ketotifen) cycle

    Hi guys ! Here are my personal informations: Second cycle (2weeks clen only ended 2 days ago). 80 kilos (177 pounds) 11%bf 1,81 centimeter (6ft) Trained for 3 years 23 years old Train pretty much everyday (i can't have a rest day without a cardio or abs seance i know its bad) From what i heard...
  7. Abac80

    Diet - advice and reviews needed

    Hey guys. In the middle of a cut and not really seeing any progress. What was working for a while has somewhat plateaued, I'll put all my stats, training, and nutrition info below. I know my shit, and it has worked well for sometime now (23%bf at 230lbs to 14% at 210) but just anything you feel...
  8. G

    Tren Ace and test prop cycle feedback

    hey guys long time lurker first time poster on here. Just want some feedback on the current cycle I'm running. Everyone on here seems they know what they're talking about compared to other forums. This is not my first cycle (first with tren though)... I'm 5 ft 11 - 210 lbs - 15-20% body fat...
  9. Abac80

    Anavar & Diet questions

    I know there is a lot of information on these forums already, and I have done tons (months) of research before posting this. However, my situation is a bit unique so it is difficult to compile others' logs/experiences/posts into something that will be relevant to mine. I am 25 years old, 6'2...
  10. Nighthawk8118

    1st Cycle Advice to cut with some gains??

    I'm 6'3" 229lbs 17%BF I'm sick of fighting with my terrible metabolism and having a gut... I have decided to do my first cycle. I want to lose as much fat as I can and gain a little muscle in the process. Clenbuterol would probably cause me jitters as a big cup of coffee does that to me. I've...
  11. Arm1nArmz

    Dropping the Body Fat Percentage

    What is your guys go to for dropping fat during a cutting cycle. Number one for me is eating extremely clean five to six small meals a day with a lot of protein. I add Tren E and Test E, test lower than tren about 100 to 150mg test, tren 200. And work out like a beast, swimming for cardio, lots...