
  1. L

    Proviron 12.5mg? Volumetric dosing?

    I have been browsing the threads on here and Reddit, and occasionally, I see people running Proviron at 12.5mg twice a day or once a day, but how? I see the underground selling 25mg capsules or pills. If I wanted to run 12.5mg twice a day, how would I do that? Thank you so much for your...
  2. M

    Testo + Anavar + Proviron

    Hi to all, since recently it seems that my sex drive is lowered, I was thinking to add proviron to my current cycle. Currently, I'm taking: testo E 250 mg/week 30 mg of Oxandrolone in the morning I was planning to add 25 mg of proviron per day because my SHBG is still high and my Free...
  3. M

    Will Deca Give Me Relief?

    I need some direction. I’m currently 47 years old, and after a trip to Asia in 2016 the tendons all over my body are becoming extremely week. I’m assuming some sort of hard to detect autoimmune disease. I basically get hurt very easily and then I never heal. No one can figure out what’s going...
  4. origamiwizard8

    Upcoming Cutting Cycle Suggestions

    Hi all, I’m planning my second cycle out and just wanted to get some input. My first cycle ended in January 2021 and I’m planning on starting my second cycle 4 weeks into my caloric deficit (probably some time in May). I also plan on homebrewing my gear (not really relevant to this thread...
  5. origamiwizard8

    Brewing Injectable Tbol/Proviron

    Hi all, I’m ordering Sustanon, Tbol, and Proviron raws for my upcoming cutting cycle. I plan on using the proviron at the beginning to crush shbg and then maybe towards the end for some extra hardness. I’m using the tbol like anavar, just to get better pumps and whatnot. However, I’m not too...
  6. PsychedBuck

    Sex performance to expect on Tst/prov/dbol/anv

    What do you guys think one can expect throughout the different stages of this cycle in regards to sexual performance? I'm curious especially towards the end, and even into PCT. I am 23 years old and considering this cycle for myself. I'll accept any input. Thanks
  7. PsychedBuck

    Stacked First Cycle

    Could use some opinions on my first cycle. Been building this idea for about a year and the moons lined up leading me to build this cycle- 5'9". 24yo. 165lbs. ~9%bf. Training ~3yrs Looking to put on 10-15lbs of lean muscle that I can keep before my honeymoon in January. Base: Test cyp...
  8. Ari O’Speedwagon

    Planning First Cycle in 10 Years

    I’m 41 years old, about 205lb, and have been training for about 12 years total. I’ve been on doctor-prescribed TRT for several years. 200mg of Test C split into 2 pins/week. This dose keeps my test levels on the very high end of “normal” range. I’m planning my first cycle in years and would like...
  9. VVV

    Increase Endogenous Testosterone/Fertility

    Suppose you're not 20 any more but would like to raise your own T, for all the obvious reasons but you don't want to go TRT and shut down everything iow you'd like to maintain fertility, etc, pp. Would a reasonable dose of T plus HCG work best? I mean I see a lot of 'users' with lots of...
  10. gunsrus

    NPP/Deca cycle experience/results?

    Anyone here have any experience with deca/npp(obviously there are a lot of you)? I'm curious how others felt/looked while on it. At start, middle, and end. Specifically NPP since that's what I'm on now. I'm on the tail end of a 12 week cycle of npp and a couple orals that I used to kickstart and...
  11. A

    3rd Cycle Dosage Feedback Plz

    Weekly Dosage cycle length is 8 weeks -Test-E 600 mg -Proviron 50 mg ED -Turinabol 50mg ED -Masteron blend 450 mg -Primobolan 300 mg = 2050 mg of gear Every week PCT=Clomid/Nola This is 550 mg more/week than my first 2 cycles. (test was at 500 + No masteron) Is this too high of dosage...
  12. musclemedicine

    Oral + Proviron but no base?

    Disclaimer: this isn't for me. I love test and oddly I love pinning. I would personally never run oral only. I got a close friend who really wants to try something to help him start a cut/recomp. Last year I helped him get setup with a 12-14 week test cyp cycle at 600mg/week (first cycle). He...
  13. yzman692

    first ever test-cyp and anadrol cycle

    I need some insight on how my cycle looks. No bull****, real talk please! Goal: Gain strength, add a couple hundred pounds on my total while bulking up to heavyweight class My Background: I'm a beginner/first-timer on gear. 5'9 170lbs 21yo (I know some people recommend usage >25yo but hey...
  14. A

    Proviron apparently is just as dangerous to the cardiovascular system as several other orals

    I read some information on The Steroid Clinic site which states that Proviron/Mesterolone ''has some of the most pronounced negative effects on cholesterol values of any of the commonly used performance/physique enhancing steroids'', greatly increasing the risk of cardiovascular plaque, in spite...
  15. S

    Summer time lean bulk cycle

    Hey guys just wanted to get some opinions on my next cycle I'm about to start up next month. The goal is to always add some size while maintaining low bf. So keep the abs and add some good quality size. Stats: 6'4 226lbs at about 10-12% body fat. I can see the veins on my stomach over my abs...
  16. E

    Changing my cycle this week - Thoughts on doses and a couple of questions

    Hi, Im around 8 weeks out from my competition (Mens physique) and for the last 8 weeks im gonna change a couple of things in my cycle. I've been running 500mg test E ew / 600mg mast p eod for the last 8 weeks with 60mg tbol for the first 6 weeks aswell. Also eating Aromasin 12.5mg eod. For my...
  17. N

    Pharmacom proviron and dbol cycle

    It’s my first cycle and for some reasons I’ve decided to go for an oral only cycle ( I know that is wrong but I wanted to go very slow with aas use and I wasn’t able to pin myself…now my opinion is that I’ll never use orals again except proviron…too many sides imho). The plan was 4 cycle dbol...
  18. J

    First cycle TST Prop + Proviron

    Hi guys, i am 25 year old, 186cm 92kg with 9-10% bodyfat. I used Undestor Testocaps 240mg/per day before my first competion in Physique category this spring and i won second place, but next year i want go to Classic Physique category and i will must gain some muscle. So i want use some stronger...
  19. C

    High dose Test + Proviron + Winstrol

    Hey lads long time lurker first timer poster, ive done a lot of research through meso plus a bunch of other forums and couldn't find any commodious concrete details about results and sides while on a high dose test cycle. I don't intend on this becoming a log but i have just started a high dose...
  20. Lipid incinerate

    Cycle change higher dose of tren

    hi everyone I'm just looking at getting some advice and thoughts on my cycle and what im planning on doing next. Currently running a cutting blend eod 100ml tren ace, 100ml test prop and 75mg mast, so far this has been going for the last 6 weeks. Also running 250ml of test cyp once a week to...
  21. M

    Test prop anavar cycle

    Just want your opinions guys if i'm missing anything in this cycle. Week 1-10 Test propionate 100mg eod Week 1-10 arimidex 1mg eod Week 1-10 proviron 50mg ed Week 4-10 anavar 40-60 mg ed HCG last 4 weeks 2x500iu ew Pct : week 1-2 clomid 50mg / nolva 40mg Week 3-4 clomid 25 /nolva 20 Now when...
  22. A

    Cutting Cycle

    Hello everyone, I would like to make a cutting cycle with aas and simultaneously put on a few kg of muscle. And I thought to follow the following schedule: Week 1: 20 mg of oxandrolone Week 2: 20 mg of oxandrolone and 10 of dianabol Week 3: 30 mg of oxandrolone and 10 of dianabol Week 4: 40 mg...
  23. Hughesythelegend

    Humble pie for a newbie...

    Hi guys, so after months and months of always coming in this site to read and reflect I have now decided to join and my first post is this..... I am indeed open to eating humble pie here ad I don't want to think that any advice given back won't be taken onboard I promise it will be!! Ok here...