test prop

  1. 666bym

    Test P Protocol - Half life and peak

    I would like to discuss everything related to Test P over other Esters as I have had a very pleasant experience with Testosterone Propionate after switching over from Test E. Feel free to share your experiences and your protocol. I currently use 35mg Test P EOD alongside 280IU HCG EOD and...
  2. origamiwizard8

    Test + Aromasin Injectable Blend?

    Hi all, Has anyone had any success creating a Test + Aromasin blend? I've seen certain compounding pharmacies make a Test + Arimidex blend, but is it possible to use Aromasin? My goal is to make a Test Prop + Aromasin blend, 100 mg Test/12.5 mg Aromasin per cc. If it's possible or feasible...
  3. C

    Test prop and tbol cycle

    What’s up fellas new to meso but looking for some cycle advice. So this is what I have going on I’m 41 years old 225lbs 18%bf. This will be my 8th cycle but I haven’t used aas in almost 3 years. I was in a car accident right at the beginning of Covid was bed ridden for 3 months then when I got...
  4. ShawnyBwoi

    Second week on Test P. Feeling like Trash.

    So I've recently switched testosterone products and have been feeling like shit. Was on Test C 160mg per week and brought it down to 100/week. Was cruising for about 2 years. Felt like titties everyday. 8% BF, 170lbs, clear mind, insane productivity (I work as an engineer). Ended up sourcing...
  5. J

    Pct help!!!

    hi, I did tren ace 100mg and test prop 100mg for 4 weeks eod, then tren ace 100mg test prop 100mg and mast prop 100mg for the next 2 weeks, Now I’m on test prop 200mg and mast prop 100mg eod for the next 2 weeks, What is the best pct for this cycle, and timing? Thanks in advance
  6. musclemedicine

    Under dosed Tren salvage options

    I am 2 weeks and 3 days into my first trenbolone cycle, and I have come to the conclusion that my Tren Ace is under dosed. I started at 100mg EOD of tren ace and 400mg/week test prop (ran this for about 10 days). For the past week I increased the tren ace to 100mg/day. Mental sides lasted from...
  7. M

    Completed week 1 of first Tren/Test cycle

    Yesterday was the one week mark of my 300/300 TrenA/TestP cycle. I inject eod and just started aromasin yesterday at 12.5 and will take that eod as well. I’ve gained about 3.5 pounds already while not even eating in a surplus, however I don’t look any more shredded and don’t feel stronger yet...
  8. J

    Ending a Cycle with Test Prop

    finishing up a cycle of 600mg/wk test (300 x2, Sat Wed), used aromasin EOD @ 12.5 mg, and HCG @ 250 2x week (500 iu total weekly) after reading some of the good doctors feedback with other posters and the "Power PCT" stuff, i made some changes to the standard nolva/clomid PCT i was initially...
  9. L

    "lean and mean"

    hey guys, looking for some heads up/advice just wondering what people think to the cycle im currently on at the minute its a blend called lean and mean 100mg test prop 100mg mast enanthate 100mg tren enanthate total = 300mg i curently on 1ml every mon wed and fri, take half a tab of adex eod...
  10. Q

    IP (International Pharmaceuticals)???

    Does anyone have any experience with IP? I know they got busted a few years ago but are they back? Bought a couple vials of prop from a buddy at my gym and he gave me IP prop as well as adex and nolva from them. Going to be my first cycle so I wanna make sure it's good stuff. I can post pictures...
  11. P

    Gen Pharma legit?

    Got a few vials of Test P recently from a lab called Gen Pharma, did my 3rd shot today of 130mg, running 130mg eod. Haven't noticed much yet but to be fair normally takes 1-2 weeks , maybe slight increase in libido. Has anyone ever used this lab before, is it legit/any good??
  12. I

    Multiple injection sites

    Hi guys, I'm currently doing Test P EOD and I'm looking to alternate injection sites. Up until now, I've been alternating glutes, but am looking to incorporate my delts as well. What are your suggestions? So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to...
  13. M

    3rd cycle experiment. Test Prop. Test Cyp. Deca. Opinions please :)

    Hey fellas, I'm new to this forum, but am rather experienced with anabolics. My first cycle was with test cyp alone for 10 weeks. My second cycle was with sus for 12 weeks. Week 1-4 of oral dbol. I'm on my 3rd cycle right now. I'm 5 weeks in. The gear on hand is Test Cyp, Test Prop, and Deca...
  14. TuTriX31

    Test prop supplementing cycle

    This is probably a ridiculous question but wanted some clarification. Current cycle 500mg Test E - 2x 250mg Monday/Thursday Would adding 100mg of test p on my leg day (Wednesday) help give my leg gains an edge and promote growth? Or would I be wasting gear?
  15. M

    Is Para Pharma Test Prop legit and of good quality?

    There's some available locally and I wanted to see if anyone had experience with it? I hope to find out if it's good quality stuff. I used the search function, but there was limited information, and nothing concrete. On a google a search I found another forum that does reviews, and it was...
  16. GianT_SlayeR

    About to prop my cherry

    Evening gurus Few years back fooled around with msten and dmz. Because I was afraid of the big bad needle. I've had my mind set on a simple prop cycle for ages -Prop 150mg eod for 8 weeks -PCT 4 days after last pin clomid frontload 300mg day 1 then continue 50/50/25/25 Is Nolva really...
  17. R

    Deca/Tren Ace/Test P/Test E Cycle

    Whats up guys? I wanted to get some feed back on this cycle I'm planning to run. Let me start off by giving some information on myself and past cycles. I'm 6 foot 205lbs Around 12% body fat This will be my third cycle. My first cycle was a test E cycle of 12 weeks at 500mg Second was Test 650mg...
  18. Bebeto54

    First tren run

    So, im doing tren cycle in two weeks. I need some help with my cycle, the goal is to do a slight surplus at 500cals the first 8wks, then cut the fat out: Prop, Tren, Dbol, Var 100mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 1-10 85mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 1-12 30mg Dbol E/D - Week 1-4 (Idk amount)Mg...
  19. Bebeto54

    Tren setup

    Sup, im doing a tren cycle in two weeks. Im 26, 225, 6'4, 16% 3cycles b4 5yrs training This is how my cycle looks atm: Prop, Tren, Dbol 100mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 1-8 85mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 1-12 30mg Dbol E/D - Week 1-4 250iu HCG x2 weekly - Week 1-13 (start end of week 1...
  20. Bebeto54

    First time using tren

    Hey guys, ive planned to do my first tren cycle in a few weeks, im not sure how to set up this cycle, ive got different answers and tips from everywhere. Im 26, 225, 6'4, 16% 3cycles b4 5yrs training This is how my cycle looks atm: Prop, Tren, Dbol 100mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 1-8 85mg...
  21. S

    Short 6 week Test Prop + Winny Cycle for Comp. PCT HELP.

    Hey guys. So im getting ready to compete this year, ive already began my dieting (Jan 2nd) for my upcoming shows. Ive been competing for 5 years now. 3 natural, 2 unnatural. I have 2 national shows i am planning on competing in. 1st show : July 29 2017 2nd show : Oct 21 2017 I am planning on...
  22. S

    Test E to Prop Acne??

    Hey guys, have just run 10 weeks of Test E with no problems at all with acne besides maybe a few small spots here and there. I have had some acne through my teens and early 20s but nothing too serious. I have just started 100mg prop eod to finish off my cycle for 2 weeks. I am 2 shots in and...
  23. A

    Thoughts on my first cycle? Test Enanthate and Test Prop

    Gear on hand: Pharmacom Test E- 6000mg Pharmacom Test Prop - 3000mg Aromasin - 1500mg Weeks 1-3: 100mg Test Prop EOD Kickstart Weeks 1-10: 600mg Test E split M/Th Week 11: 50mg Test Prop EOD Week 12: 105mg Test Prop EOD Week 13: 160mg Test Prop EOD...
  24. Bodysmasher

    Strength Cycle Opinions

    I am finishing up my 3rd cycle, I am currently running 525mg Test P/week and 60mg Var ED for 6 weeks. Since my goals are mostly strength related and I may get an itch to compete soon, I will avoid Tren as it has a really long detection time. Although I am a huge fan of 6 week cycles I was...
  25. Junni

    Test P, Tren A and Winstrol 8 weeks log

    Hello, I will start by saying that i might not update everyday just to say i had a nice workout, but i will be sure to update every week or if something major happens that it's worth of mentioning. My stats: Age: 29 BF : around 10 - 11% weight: 74Kgs ( 163.14 lbs) height: 169 cm (5'7") So...