MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?


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I know you've read a lot of the negative things said on the steroid forums about trenbolone. The MESO forum is no exception. You may be one of the people posting these negative things.

Anthropologist Mair Underwood has spent several years listening to bodybuilders talk about steroids in real life, on the forums, and on social media. Trenbolone is one of those steroids that stands out. The following article discusses trenbolone - as described by bodybuilders.

How accurate are these descriptions? Accurate? True? Exaggerated? False? Bullshit? What do you think?

I read the article. Some of it is spot on, some of it overblown. Tren puts me in a calm, confident state. I do get the sweats, and my sleep patterns are affected, no doubt. But my penis works well, I beat my girl's pussy into oblivion.

Tren shouldn't be used by people who have mental issues though. Any kind of predisposition to anger, or hurting people, or rape, or anything like's going to aggravate those feelings.
I read the article. Some of it is spot on, some of it overblown. Tren puts me in a calm, confident state. I do get the sweats, and my sleep patterns are affected, no doubt. But my penis works well, I beat my girl's pussy into oblivion.

Tren shouldn't be used by people who have mental issues though. Any kind of predisposition to anger, or hurting people, or rape, or anything like's going to aggravate those feelings.
Rape? wtf ....Yeah I'd like to see that hold up in court. Sorry your honor, the tren made me do it. gtfoh :rolleyes:
We did this to ourselves. We gave it this halo reputation as the god of steroids and expected inexperienced, not-ready-for-it bros to not flock to it like the second coming.

it’s just another tool. My take is a VAST majority of people’s issues with tren are issues with themselves. As a drug it has a higher side effect profile for most people than most other AAS compounds. But the anger and a lot of those sides can be mitigated by knowing how you respond to gear and making changes accordingly. A good deal of the reputation is mental. Guys expect to be gods in the gym and accept that they’re inevitably a dickhead because they’re taking it. What do you get? Dickheads with PRs…
I wouldn't say the side effects are blown out of proportion, but I would argue that 1) many people shouldn't be taking it with their mental health state and 2) many people use WAYYYYYY too much.

If you take an appropriate dose, or start low and slow and titrate your way up, you'll likely notice the sides coming on and back off, or at the very least not overshoot the dosage.
Still reading but fuuuck "I had the nickname ‘roll-up’ because the girl I was sleeping with - she told everyone that she had to roll it up to get it inside of her [Scott]."
I know hey? This was in a face to face interview that the guy told me this. I couldn't help but laugh and immediately said "you know that's going straight in my paper hey?" (I gave him a pseudonym to protect the poor guy)
I wouldn't say the side effects are blown out of proportion, but I would argue that 1) many people shouldn't be taking it with their mental health state and 2) many people use WAYYYYYY too much.

If you take an appropriate dose, or start low and slow and titrate your way up, you'll likely notice the sides coming on and back off, or at the very least not overshoot the dosage.
completely agree. i wonder how much harm could be prevented by just starting at a small dose and being very aware of changes as you increase?
We did this to ourselves. We gave it this halo reputation as the god of steroids and expected inexperienced, not-ready-for-it bros to not flock to it like the second coming.

it’s just another tool. My take is a VAST majority of people’s issues with tren are issues with themselves. As a drug it has a higher side effect profile for most people than most other AAS compounds. But the anger and a lot of those sides can be mitigated by knowing how you respond to gear and making changes accordingly. A good deal of the reputation is mental. Guys expect to be gods in the gym and accept that they’re inevitably a dickhead because they’re taking it. What do you get? Dickheads with PRs…
I love this comment and am going to put it in the book chapter I am publishing on this I think. Some harm probably could be prevented by changing the reputation of tren, but then I suppose it is too late for that hey?
I read the article. Some of it is spot on, some of it overblown. Tren puts me in a calm, confident state. I do get the sweats, and my sleep patterns are affected, no doubt. But my penis works well, I beat my girl's pussy into oblivion.

Tren shouldn't be used by people who have mental issues though. Any kind of predisposition to anger, or hurting people, or rape, or anything like's going to aggravate those feelings.
Which bits are overblown do you think? Some of the bodybuilder comments, or my words (coz I really don't want to overblow things but I can't help it if the bodybuilders do)
Excellent article, Mair. I love how it's a compilation of everything you've heard from your interviews and then you established some trends. Very cool angle.

I can only relate to a very small portion of the topics brought up in the article. Sleep is one, a toxic type feeling at extreme dosages is another and primal albeit detached sex does kind of touch on my experience a little bit. Otherwise, I don't find tren to be that bad at all for me... Definitely not the end all be all of AAS to me, and I've taken some hefty doses of it.

Biggest thing is, people shouldn't take so much... Everytime I read about people's tren horror stories I picture a 16 year old that took their first drink, but decided that first drink should be an entire bottle of vodka. You think vodka is now the devil because you drank the whole bottle? Maybe try just one shot next time... Then go from there. Although, we all know those people that really can't handle even that one shot.. It's just not for them.. tren isn't much different. Then there are those like me, I drank the whole bottle and things are a little spinny the next morning but mostly okay... Might do it again, wasn't fun enough to rush back into when I'm cool with a couple beers.

(If any of you don't appreciate the alcohol metaphor you can go right ahead and fuck yourself, it's gold.)
This meme,lol

Most of it is exaggerated. I’ve never noticed tren preventing fat gain.
It’s not the god of steroids. I get a better look and the same positive effects from dhb.
Tren is overhyped and this article is the epitome of that to be honest. I feel like some of the guys were trolling with their responses or just parroting what’s spread around as gospel. Wanna be flat, stringy and get insomnia? Cool take tren. Tren doesn’t cover up a shitty diet and training any more than anything else. With out proper diet and training none of the drugs do anything.
If this article is research I feel like it’s bad.
Isn’t this the same person who got trolled and wrote an article about bromosexuals or some other nonsense?
Jesus. She even went onto Joe Rogan and talked about it.
Excellent article, Mair. I love how it's a compilation of everything you've heard from your interviews and then you established some trends. Very cool angle.

I can only relate to a very small portion of the topics brought up in the article. Sleep is one, a toxic type feeling at extreme dosages is another and primal albeit detached sex does kind of touch on my experience a little bit. Otherwise, I don't find tren to be that bad at all for me... Definitely not the end all be all of AAS to me, and I've taken some hefty doses of it.

Biggest thing is, people shouldn't take so much... Everytime I read about people's tren horror stories I picture a 16 year old that took their first drink, but decided that first drink should be an entire bottle of vodka. You think vodka is now the devil because you drank the whole bottle? Maybe try just one shot next time... Then go from there. Although, we all know those people that really can't handle even that one shot.. It's just not for them.. tren isn't much different. Then there are those like me, I drank the whole bottle and things are a little spinny the next morning but mostly okay... Might do it again, wasn't fun enough to rush back into when I'm cool with a couple beers.

(If any of you don't appreciate the alcohol metaphor you can go right ahead and fuck yourself, it's gold.)
Thanks Eman :) so glad you liked it.
I quite like the metaphor and agree - I was very careful not to specify doses because it would just provoke argument, but in your opinion what would a good starting dose of tren be?