MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

If i could sleep better( insomnia/night sweats) tren would be way better because i get no emotional side effects. Heck i am even hungry all the time on tren and i see alot of people complain about appetite suppression.

I first went to low-dose Tren but eventually found I could get rid of the sweats (and the acid reflux) more effectively with Tren Base (still no crazy doses though).

I first went to low-dose Tren but eventually found I could get rid of the sweats (and the acid reflux) more effectively with Tren Base (still no crazy doses though).
I actually got better the higher i went. Once i got over 300/wk everything kinda smoothed out. It was the worst in the 150-250 range. I tried 400+
but my fuse got short and that was a big no no
for me as i have 3 young kids and i will not let gear dictate how i handle them ever.
i will write a long read about my view on trenbolone. need some time. its impossible to do it briefly
What? I don't care about your view on trenbolone without providing references. You refer to a study on trenbolone increasing epinephrine as the crux of that entire post. I'd like to see that study.
What? I don't care about your view on trenbolone without providing references. You refer to a study on trenbolone increasing epinephrine as the crux of that entire post. I'd like to see that study.

Whilst not directly related, if you have not already read this you will no doubt find this a fascinating read, i know i did and it really opened my eyes to just how widely steroids can alter the brain

If i could sleep better( insomnia/night sweats) tren would be way better because i get no emotional side effects. Heck i am even hungry all the time on tren and i see alot of people complain about appetite suppression.
Yes. this is a frequent problem with appetite, my appetite also decreased and I had to force myself, as well as problems with sleep.
I’m pretty sensitive to the emotional sides of tren but am running it currently low dose. Just did a week at 20mg ED and already felt my fuse getting shorter. Bumping it up to 30mg ED but I don’t see it’s worth going higher
My experience with the train was good and bad at the same time. It was very good because it gave me wonderful gains and a greek sculpted look BUT at the end of the cycle I had a rubber penis for 6 months.
I’m still thinking about the guy in my gym who has been cycling it non stop for the past 5 years. He’s still alive and yes he looks like he’s on it. Doesn’t look healthy though.

Edit: He also mentioned it ruined his cardio and he can’t run more than 50 yards.
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