MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

When you extrapolate from the tren data in cattle to man, what are your considerations?
Oh I don't know, besides the obvious physical differences between cattle and humans the feedlots have different goals than PED users. We want to add lean muscle mass and they want to fatten cows up for slaughter.

What the agriculture industry researchers found is that with implants of higher doses than 200mg (25mg/week) the cattle didn't really gain more weight and the muscle they did have started getting lean and tough. In other words, the cows started recomping. Anyone who has been on 500mg/week tren knows what I mean.

The point is that with tren a little goes a long way. And to achieve what you want you don't necessarily need doses that make you masturbate a dozen times a day and beat your wife.
What were the gains like on that dosage?
Unfortunately for me anadrol above 125mg a day raises my BP so high I can’t run it. I ran 150 and 200mg a day as a test to see how high I could go without significant sides and my BP was so high the lady at CVS tried calling EMS when she saw me getting my blood pressure taken lol. I had to talk her out of it lol. 125mg a day (75mg E12HR) with high test you’ll see nice gains with only slightly elevated BP. If you take all 125mg at once pwo you’ll definitely get a nosebleed and pounding headache. I absolutely love anadrol but I just can’t run it as high as some guys can.
When you extrapolate from the tren data in cattle to man, what are your considerations?

Human Equivalent Dose for 200mg in a 545kg cow is approx 0.95 mg/kg in an adult man.

I note that there are some differences (likely hepatic and in IGFBPs) between bovids and man.

First and foremost, while E2 (tren+estradiol implants) augments the serum IGF-I in cattle, in humans the decrement in IGF-I from tren that is perhaps also (as in bovids) due to decreased GH pulse amplitude and pulse duration (speculatively) this is not overcome with the addition of E2 (i.e., oral estradiol). This failure in man is likely due to increased IGFBP-1 from estrogens, versus there being no such increase in cattle.

Is there any evidence in man of decreased thyroid function with tren like there is in cattle? What are the similarities/differences between the two species?

Note, also, that in bovids there is lower AR concentration in muscle than in man (0.1-0.5 fmol/mg) which is only 1/4 the concentration of ER concentration. To me, this argues for the primacy of tren's functioning primarily by reduced GR number, increased responsiveness of skeletal muscle satellite cells to intramuscular IGF-I (mIGF-I) and mIGF-I activity.

Feel free to PM me with your thoughts on these subjects.
Yeah but those cows are probably dyel as fuck
Yeah but those cows are probably dyel as fuck
Good point, it hadn't occurred to me that cows don't even progressively overload! There's no point in looking at steroid research until I see a randomized controlled trial in bodybuilders with at least 5 years of properly planned and implemented progressively overload on a PPL split, with different compounds from 200mg up to 2g, all following the perfect in-season diet. Otherwise none of this bullshit physiology applies.
Good point, it hadn't occurred to me that cows don't even progressively overload! There's no point in looking at steroid research until I see a randomized controlled trial in bodybuilders with at least 5 years of properly planned and implemented progressively overload on a PPL split, with different compounds from 200mg up to 2g, all following the perfect in-season diet. Otherwise none of this bullshit physiology applies.
Unless I see a cow fucking another more feminine guy cow, I’m going to call those tren studies flawed.
Im on my first tren cycle in 8-9 years and came here to see what side effects others were experiencing. Im older now and some of the effects are different than when I used to cycle it. My BP is 20 points higher than it was last time, shortness of breath after any compound lift +8 reps to failure for sure. Not sure if it is the Tren but getting a distended gut after eating anything and being lethargic for an hour afterwards. More focus while training. Not much strength increase because im in a deficit, would be getting weaker if not on it for sure. Jealous thoughts about wife and insecurities but know its the tren so it doesen't affect me whatsoever. No night sweats but waking up to urinate way more than usual. Using tren with the shitty sides because its the best drug I've used to recomp or lose no muscle at all while losing fat. Thats how it affects me. Hope this helps someone.
Im on my first tren cycle in 8-9 years and came here to see what side effects others were experiencing. Im older now and some of the effects are different than when I used to cycle it. My BP is 20 points higher than it was last time, shortness of breath after any compound lift +8 reps to failure for sure. Not sure if it is the Tren but getting a distended gut after eating anything and being lethargic for an hour afterwards. More focus while training. Not much strength increase because im in a deficit, would be getting weaker if not on it for sure. Jealous thoughts about wife and insecurities but know its the tren so it doesen't affect me whatsoever. No night sweats but waking up to urinate way more than usual. Using tren with the shitty sides because its the best drug I've used to recomp or lose no muscle at all while losing fat. Thats how it affects me. Hope this helps someone.
Your tren is probably of higher quality than it was back then.
Im on my first tren cycle in 8-9 years and came here to see what side effects others were experiencing. Im older now and some of the effects are different than when I used to cycle it. My BP is 20 points higher than it was last time, shortness of breath after any compound lift +8 reps to failure for sure. Not sure if it is the Tren but getting a distended gut after eating anything and being lethargic for an hour afterwards. More focus while training. Not much strength increase because im in a deficit, would be getting weaker if not on it for sure. Jealous thoughts about wife and insecurities but know its the tren so it doesen't affect me whatsoever. No night sweats but waking up to urinate way more than usual. Using tren with the shitty sides because its the best drug I've used to recomp or lose no muscle at all while losing fat. Thats how it affects me. Hope this helps someone.
Yes. undeniably Tren is a good drug with a lot of good effects. But it is also true that his work and how it manifests itself in everyone based on individuality. Someone turns into a beast, someone into a lazy seal. Maybe it's a matter of dose.
Since trenbolone is now a veterinary drug, it is difficult to imagine how to organize studies of its effects in humans now, even if hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was available to human use.

As far as I know, progestins are much more active in the brain than other steroids, the book Neurosteroids by Ritsner Weizman(cool book btw) says this.

Among other things, there are information about its "relative" - nandrolone, its dihydro version - is much more firmly attached to the dihydrotestosterone receptor in brain, having much less androgenic activity. if creating the effect of androgen deficiency, even if there is testosterone on a cycle

As for tren, there have also been studies linked to Trenbolone having a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, causing an increase in epinephrine output and thus shifting Tren-users into a state of fight or flight mode.

Prolonged CNS stimulation can deplete the inhibitory neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA. Lack of serotonin and excess of epinephrine in psychiatry leads to lack of sleep and excessively aggressive, "explosive" behavior, general depression - similar to the negative effects of trenbolone, which are discussed here.

There are no studies about it, but I know athletes who use serotonin reuptake inhibitors(like Escitalopram) with trenbolone. And this may make sense.
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I have to be very very careful with Tren.

Any dose up to 400 I am a nice guy who wants to date his wife more, soppy as shit and a lot of fun to be around.

More then 400 and I become a raging lunatic who will fuck anything that moves, will cheat on my Mrs and not think twice about it.

I never run more than 400 anymore. Learned the hard way
Since trenbolone is now a veterinary drug, it is difficult to imagine how to organize studies of its effects in humans now, even if hexahydrobenzylcarbonate was available to human use.

As far as I know, progestins are much more active in the brain than other steroids, the book Neurosteroids by Ritsner Weizman(cool book btw) says this.

Among other things, there are information about its "relative" - nandrolone, its dihydro version - is much more firmly attached to the dihydrotestosterone receptor in brain, having much less androgenic activity. if creating the effect of androgen deficiency, even if there is testosterone on a cycle

As for tren, there have also been studies linked to Trenbolone having a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, causing an increase in epinephrine output and thus shifting Tren-users into a state of fight or flight mode.

Prolonged CNS stimulation can deplete the inhibitory neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA. Lack of serotonin and excess of epinephrine in psychiatry leads to lack of sleep and excessively aggressive, "explosive" behavior, general depression - similar to the negative effects of trenbolone, which are discussed here.

There are no studies about it, but I know athletes who use serotonin reuptake inhibitors(like Escitalopram) with trenbolone. And this may make sense.

Pretty interesting actually. The reduction in GABA would definitely explain why so many trenbolone users struggle with insomnia.
Prolonged CNS stimulation can deplete the inhibitory neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA. Lack of serotonin and excess of epinephrine in psychiatry leads to lack of sleep and excessively aggressive, "explosive" behavior, general depression - similar to the negative effects of trenbolone, which are discussed here.

There are no studies about it, but I know athletes who use serotonin reuptake inhibitors(like Escitalopram) with trenbolone. And this may make sense.
My friends and I also noticed a decrease in mood and desire to exercise when using TRen. At the same time, the wagon had strength. But life always seemed in gray colors.
Pretty interesting actually. The reduction in GABA would definitely explain why so many trenbolone users struggle with insomnia.
In other words, sleep problems while taking Tren are due to CNS depletion. The actual question is how to get all the advantages of drugs, but at the same time reduce all side effects.
i will write a long read about my view on trenbolone. need some time. its impossible to do it briefly
I would like to see what you have to say about it. I am always trying to learn more about this compound, because I have such a love/hate relationship with it. It changes me like no other compound, but the negatives almost outweigh the positives.
If i could sleep better( insomnia/night sweats) tren would be way better because i get no emotional side effects. Heck i am even hungry all the time on tren and i see alot of people complain about appetite suppression.