MESO-Rx Exclusive Steroid users say bad things about trenbolone - how accurate are the descriptions?

Your chin grew from using Tren? Holy fuck - u can’t be serious
Yeah man, it’s pretty common for some of the masculinization to be permanent. But I know it caused my face to change because I never used gear until age 30. Tren about age 32-33 and by about 35 you could see the changes easily. Damn chin grew lol. Ex fiancé even joked about it calling it an ”extended cab” chin lol. It just extended (grew) off my jaw. True story
Yeah man, it’s pretty common for some of the masculinization to be permanent. But I know it caused my face to change because I never used gear until age 30. Tren about age 32-33 and by about 35 you could see the changes easily. Damn chin grew lol. Ex fiancé even joked about it calling it an ”extended cab” chin lol. It just extended (grew) off my jaw. True story
I don't know about my chin but I had perfect teeth and no gaps in between them. Now I have quite big gaps on my lower teeth on both sides. That happened while I cruised on tren
It can easily permanently change vocal chords. It can permanently masculinize several different features. My chin grew significantly in my early 30s after using tren. It’s not uncommon at all to see permanent changes like this from tren usage.

After how many weeks of usage and at what dosage?
Things will seem "overblown" to those who don't get those "overblown" issues.
The only issue I get is Trensomnia and night sweats. However, that's around 75mg ED Tren A, or 800mg/wk Tren E.
If others were to run that much, they can lose their minds and swear that Tren is the devil.

When I first ran Tren, it was Tren A.
I heard all of the crazy stories, and was constantly wondering when the devil would posses me.
I started at 50mg ED.
At the end of my 8 weeks experiment, I had gotten up to 80mg ED.
I was literally like " oh heck no, this isn't scary at all".

I did get Trensomnia at around 75mg ED.
Mine manifested itself as:
I could get to sleep no problem. Then 3 hours later wake up and feel wired. I felt like I had a full night's sleep. It was difficult to get back to sleep as my mind wandered.

Lack of sleep can cause irritability. Plus the fact that you know you need sleep to recover, can piss you off more.
As sleep debt accumulates, so does that irritability.
Your fuse is short and you have no patience.

So as I was mentioning the "overblown" hype.
Again, some of us don't get those issues, even at high doses.
-What is real is irritability and anger that for me stemmed from lack of adequate good rest.
-Sex drive so high I would need to masterbate just to workout or I'm just going to be thinking about sex the whole time, which mean erection while working out. Which is fine because I home gym. Many times mid workout saying Eff this, and rubbing one out.

Have I snapped at someone while on tren, when I know under normal circumstances I wouldn't? Yes
Did it make me a walking rage machine? No

It's more about the maturity and personality of the user. Also, as I ran it many times, the negative sides seemed to diminish, and I could tolerate higher dosages.

I've found that Tren A at 70mg ED for me, is plenty. My favorite Tren E dose is 600mg/wk.

For many, Tren E is claimed to have more side effects. It's the opposite for me. Tren E feels more smooth and consistent.
I did 210 mg ace for 4 weeks then ramped up to 350mg then back down.

Zero mental sides and I’m kind of fucked in the head. Very prone to drug induced paranoia.

The only side effect I got was running out of breath during sex. For some reason, medium intensity cardio and low intensity was unaffected.

A lot of these 20 something kids on Reddit are just soft, in my opinion.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...

Serious question though?
What is so hard about understanding that @MairUnderwood(Researcher) is not staking claim to any of these anecdotal perceptions and comments on Tren. She has merely compiled a list of various things people have said about Tren. Other people's experiences.
She even says in first paragraph "but this is what bodybuilders say, so please don’t shoot the messenger."
Anything she has compiled could be incorrect, but that doesn't have anything to do with her. She is not here to drop knowledge on who is right and who is wrong. She isn't here to correct incorrect statements about endocrinology.

I literally understood everything I read. Most readers won't care about minor grammatical errors because we sucked at proper writing, and English class was boring AF.
Cut downs about her writing style and presentation of the information are way left field and seem like there is something deeper going on. Maybe a past article that rubbed someone the wrong way because she gave an opinion?

I don't have to know anything about Deca, to collect data on it about what people say about it.
"The following are descriptions of trenbolone collected from forums, social media, and interviews with bodybuilders themselves".

I see a bunch of things being said about Tren. From stuff that I have experienced, to shit that is beyond belief. People using Tren A an excuse to be an idiot. People flat out making shit up. Anyway, It's a damn compilation of Tren stuff.

Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it's easy to tell the difference between something that is obviously personal, and something that is constructive criticism.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...

Serious question though?
What is so hard about understanding that @MairUnderwood(Researcher) is not staking claim to any of these anecdotal perceptions and comments on Tren. She has merely compiled a list of various things people have said about Tren. Other people's experiences.
She even says in first paragraph "but this is what bodybuilders say, so please don’t shoot the messenger."
Anything she has compiled could be incorrect, but that doesn't have anything to do with her. She is not here to drop knowledge on who is right and who is wrong. She isn't here to correct incorrect statements about endocrinology.

I literally understood everything I read. Most readers won't care about minor grammatical errors because we sucked at proper writing, and English class was boring AF.
Cut downs about her writing style and presentation of the information are way left field and seem like there is something deeper going on. Maybe a past article that rubbed someone the wrong way because she gave an opinion?

I don't have to know anything about Deca, to collect data on it about what people say about it.
"The following are descriptions of trenbolone collected from forums, social media, and interviews with bodybuilders themselves".

I see a bunch of things being said about Tren. From stuff that I have experienced, to shit that is beyond belief. People using Tren A an excuse to be an idiot. People flat out making shit up. Anyway, It's a damn compilation of Tren stuff.

Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it's easy to tell the difference between something that is obviously personal, and something that is constructive criticism.
Thanks mate. Appreciate that you understood what the paper was about. Some people seemed to have missed the point.
And I keep wondering about these grammatical errors. It has been proofread by several people. The only grammatical errors I can see are those in the bodybuilder quotes. I never correct the grammar in my data because it's their words and not mine. I always cite them verbatim, errors and all, because I want to retain their original voices and not put words (or correct grammar) in their mouths.
What the article misses, and much of the followup discussion as well, is the doses used. Results and side effects on 50mg per week are much different than 500mg, which are also much different than a gram. And what other compounds were taken with it. Winstrol or anadrol for example will completely transform a tren cycle, and the sides, because of the synergy.

I don't think it's a reach to say most of that article was assuming 700+ mg per week of tren was used. I would suggest any recreational/amatuer bodybuilder keep it under 300mg.
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I gotta say I L.O.V.E. Tren, I F'Kin love Tren .....

Everything about it is Awesome - The Strength gains in each successive workout, the way it makes you look, the confidence it gives including the 1000 death stare it enables you to pull off with ease should any M'fucker try get in that parking space before you!!! I have a great appetite on it also, I feel relaxed most of the time as long as I am left alone Lmao The warped sexual desires it brings including the sexy Thai ladyboys Lol

BUT what I really don't like is the way at the same time it completely screws over pretty much all of your internal organs - Liver, Kidney's, Heart to name a few. I firmly believe it should only be run by guys who are generally laid back and upbeat/happy. Also a good level of maturity and responsibility is needed. I have seen countless guys who are already manic depressives, paranoid, aggressive, and erratic completely lose their shit and end up either loosing all of their friends/marraige/job or going nuts and secluding themselves from life in general whilst on it. This then seems to carry on long after they abruptly quit the stuff too.

In regards to the article - there are a lot of true points and a lot of overhyped statements too. All of this trensomnia stuff I have never understood as I sleep like a baby on it - better than I do off it. I've never felt the over the top CNS stimulation either or the paranoia/alertness feeling.

In terms of deciding whether you want to take it or not, I think its down to how far you want to better yourself and at the same time what damage you are willing to risk putting your body through. Liver, heart, kidney supplements are an absolute MUST on the stuff. I firmly believe that without running trenbolone you will not reach your peak ability in strength or bodybuilding conditioning. Unfortunately the better & more effective the compound is, the more dangers and sides there tend to be.
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Gonna be running 150mg/150mg/150mg of Test/Deca/Tren in a few months so we'll see how that goes.

I'm gonna read through this thread and I'm sure it will be a great help.

Is it nessesary to run T3 at 25mcg per day to get the fat loss from Tren?
Bodybuilders are failing to do this with trenbolone. They may compare 500mg/wk trenbolone to 500mg/wk testosterone, etc., etc. If trenbolone is 2-3x more potent then of course the side effects will be greater. So would the side effects on 1000mg/wk or 1500mg/wk testosterone.

IMO, this failure may be most responsible for the mythology and demonization.

The lesson learned is not to say trenbolone is the devil but to use a more appropriate dose. Harm reduction.

We also have to acknowledge that some steroid users, just like the general public, may believe a lot of things that are simply not true and really have a tough time determining causality. The trenbolone mythology creates its own expectancy and confirmation biases.l
This. Hands down one of the best posts I've read all week. Harm reduction is what Meso is all about.
What the article misses, and much of the followup discussion as well, is the doses used. Results and side effects on 50mg per week are much different than 500mg, which are also much different than a gram. And what other compounds were taken with it. Winstrol or anadrol for example will completely transform a tren cycle, and the sides, because of the synergy.

I don't think it's a reach to say most of that article was assuming 700+ mg per week of tren was used. I would suggest any recreational/amatuer bodybuilder keep it under 300mg.
Good point. I deliberately avoided mentioning doses because there is so much debate about this: some recommend tiny doses and others much bigger. If my memory is correct I think I did say that sides were dose dependent, but yeah I wussed out and didn't recommend any doses as I am not qualified to, and it could be argued that any tren is too much (in fact I think most health professionals would argue this)
In regards to the article - there are a lot of true points and a lot of overhyped statements too. All of this trensomnia stuff I have never understood as I sleep like a baby on it - better than I do off it. I've never felt the over the top CNS stimulation either or the paranoia/alertness feeling.
I have never been able to work out how much of these descriptions are overhyped, and how much is just individual variation. Tren seems to affect people so drastically differently
I have never been able to work out how much of these descriptions are overhyped, and how much is just individual variation. Tren seems to affect people so drastically differently
For sure it is on an individual basis as to how much each of these things affect each person together with their mental make up - Very dose dependant too. One HUGE factor that many people don't seem to realise too is just how different Trenbolones are from lab to lab. This can make all the difference as to whether you enjoy running it and how hard it is to train on the stuff. The lab I have run for the past few years makes me feel positive, uplifted and energetic almost like Test base does - where as others give a very depressive, groggy and downbeat feel. I would even dare to say toxicity can vary too - I ran another recently that about 10 minutes after injection gave me liver pains for the next 2 hours as it passed through it. A general guide based on dosing on my own personal experience is up to 350mg/wk comes with barely any sides, almost like it isn't in the mix and very little irritability/aggression. 500mg/wk the night sweats begin to start but still upbeat and tolerable. 700mg/wk is where it starts to feel a bit heavy going and workouts begin to become hard, especially big lifts such as Deads and squats as you gasp for breath after a set. 900mg/wk plus is HEAVY going, lethargy is apparent and appetite begins to suffer. BP really rises and I can often feel dizzy when walking around. Overkill really but small gains are still to be had.
For sure it is on an individual basis as to how much each of these things affect each person together with their mental make up - Very dose dependant too. One HUGE factor that many people don't seem to realise too is just how different Trenbolones are from lab to lab. This can make all the difference as to whether you enjoy running it and how hard it is to train on the stuff. The lab I have run for the past few years makes me feel positive, uplifted and energetic almost like Test base does - where as others give a very depressive, groggy and downbeat feel. I would even dare to say toxicity can vary too - I ran another recently that about 10 minutes after injection gave me liver pains for the next 2 hours as it passed through it. A general guide based on dosing on my own personal experience is up to 350mg/wk comes with barely any sides, almost like it isn't in the mix and very little irritability/aggression. 500mg/wk the night sweats begin to start but still upbeat and tolerable. 700mg/wk is where it starts to feel a bit heavy going and workouts begin to become hard, especially big lifts such as Deads and squats as you gasp for breath after a set. 900mg/wk plus is HEAVY going, lethargy is apparent and appetite begins to suffer. BP really rises and I can often feel dizzy when walking around. Overkill really but small gains are still to be had.
very interesting, thanks for sharing. I suppose that is another reason that you can't generalise about dosing hey? because every lab will be a little different. combine that with every individual being different and it is really hard to give any general advice I would reckon