Self administered. I live on an island in the middle of nowhere, and the docs here will not prescribe TRT to patients.... but 250mg per week.
Given you have higher bodyfat, you'll probably have some aromatization going on with 250mg. I'd DEFINITELY suggest splitting the dose up to twice a week at least. For "legit" TRT, most guys start at 100mg/week, and go up from there if the need it to get blood levels in the right range. I need 175mg/week to hit 850 ng/dl, but for whatever reason I need more T than most guys do to get those numbers. 250mg will almost definitely put you above the physiological norm.
Make sure you watch your E2, hematocrit, and blood pressure. Do you have an AI on hand in case you need it?
Assuming E2 stays under control, my guess is you'll see big body composition changes in a hurry.
Not trying to be a mother hen here, just want to make sure you don't set yourself back by not keeping an eye on your E2 levels in the short term, and the health stuff in the long term!