2023 Cut

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Going on vacation this Thursday witht the family. I've dropped clen already, and I won't be taking GH with me; letting that come off as well. I will be able to shoot my gear, and that's it.

I reached 228lbs, so I'm gonna hit the gym until weds, on a deload, then take a break on diet and training my whole five days off to recoup, reenergize, then come back strong. I'll probably gain some water weight; I've noticed even when I go eat like crap, I don't eat much; my stomach doesn't care for a lot of food, so I won't be going insane on vacation. I don't have any cravings or anything. But I've been going hard since Feb and my body can totally use this rest.

When I return, I may switch Primo to masteron to see how that affects my body; people say its better for cutting than Primo; if so, I'll keep my Primo for my gain cycles.
Just got back from my five-day vacation; ate whatever I wanted, didn't do any cardio or training at all—took completely off. Doesn't seem I gained any fat, and I look full as fuck lol. So my body is going to be fresh, this week but I'm going to wait till Weds to start back up, to get a full seven days off.

I won't be going hard right of the bat: for training; I will start with minimum volume, and going back to straight sets to failure (no intensifiers), then add them later in the weeks ahead as I progress. For cardio; will build it back into the program as I go along.

Diet I will keep at new maintenance for this week, perhaps even next week as well, so I get the body back into the grove, then slowly cut down the calories like I did when I started.

In other words, it's like I'm starting my cut all over again, to take advantage of the freshness.

Left before trip; right just now. Seems like some water retention was gained, mostly around waist. I Weight 235lb right now (gained about 5lbs).

Hit 240 this am, my last day of my diet break, after eating what i wanted. Will hit gym tomorrow to get back to my PPLPPL off routine. I notice loss of "line" in my stomach most of all; everything else seems fuller. I guess this is water retention from higher calories and carbs.
Amazing feeling today after taking a week off from everything. Wow.

Full, moving decent weights, feeling great.
233 this am.

What do you guys think BF%: ~15% or so. View attachment 260559
15-16% for sure. About were I'm at now. 5'9" 252lbs. Only side I always have to deal with is belly bloat. Diabetic meds and insulin don't help (diabetic). Only thing that's ever taken care of the belly bloat for me is low dose test moderate tren a. Here goes tren one more time...ugh. I hate AI meds so that's a no go for me.
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15-16% for sure. About were I'm at now. 5'9" 252lbs. Only side I always have to deal with is belly bloat. Diabetic meds and insulin don't help (diabetic). Only thing that's ever taken care of the belly bloat for me is low dose test moderate tren a. Here goes tren one more time...ugh. I hate AI meds so that's a no go for me.
I've lost 5lbs already since that pic lol.

5'11 235 right now.
234lb before vaca 240lb day after vacation today 335lb

Looks like I went from depleted but leaner, to bloate/watery, to now full and leaner than 240.
I'm fucking mad.

Went to beach today and my wife snapped this shot... Look at these love handles. How can I look like the pics above in my last post from the front, yet have this fucking fat back here?

Maybe I should just give the fuck up, honestly? I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels every damn summer; it's the same problem: I bulk up to 250+; I then cut to lose 30lbs, then I feel like I'm going to shrink, so I take a diet break, which I need because I push so damn hard. And I get stuck at this 17% or more bf. I don't look like a fucking bodybuilder at all.

I guess I have to stop fucking around and really increase the cardio; fuck muscle at this point. Thing is, my calories are already at ~2700 per day. I can't just keep going lower and lower. I'm 234 at 5'11, I'm not a tiny guy.

Sure the lighting sucks, my shorts were tight at the waist which made the sides pop out more, and I fasted all day until lunch, which we ate later, but this is fucking unacceptable for a guy taking 1.2 grams of gear and 3ius of GH ed.
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I work hard and this is what I get? I don't drink; I don't smoke; I don't out out. I don't do shit. I know people who get fucking wasted every week and have way better bodies than me; all I want to get to is like 12% bf or something, which is basically a bodybuilder offseason, yet I'm still a fat fucking whale lol. What a joke.

Anyway, that's my rant.
I think it's a genetic thing. Some guys just have a hard time with love handles even at lower bf. Liposuction, freeze it off?
I mean you gotta have a little higher bf% to add on those lbs of muscle, right?
I mean, I'm just being a bitch right now, but it's because I've been cutting since freaking March 1st; that's 5 months. I did drop from 260 to 234, but damn. Just seeing this shit angers me. Fucking legs have goddamn veins in them, yet my back is retarded lol.
I mean, I'm just being a bitch right now, but it's because I've been cutting since freaking March 1st; that's 5 months. I did drop from 260 to 234, but damn. Just seeing this shit angers me.
Well you still look better than 90% of everyone else. That's what I tell myself anyways. You'll get there. Cutting sucks hard until you get into it and then it sucks hard again.
dont be discouraged bro. you still look better than most people your age.

i would say stop bulking and just focus on cutting. even if you go down to 210, youll still be huge for your height and age. you say that youre on gh, are you taking metformin? might be something to look into. what is your current cycle?
dont be discouraged bro. you still look better than most people your age.

i would say stop bulking and just focus on cutting. even if you go down to 210, youll still be huge for your height and age. you say that youre on gh, are you taking metformin? might be something to look into. what is your current cycle?
Ya? If you can't mentally deal with dropping down to around 210-215 for a nice cut, it's gonna be tuff.
dont be discouraged bro. you still look better than most people your age.

i would say stop bulking and just focus on cutting. even if you go down to 210, youll still be huge for your height and age. you say that youre on gh, are you taking metformin? might be something to look into. what is your current cycle?
I've been cutting since March 1st, but I started very slowly at 3300 calories, then cut 200 off every few weeks.

I've been on cyp/tren e/primo at 400mg each since then. I've been on GH 3ius ED since then. There was a point I added in some clen for 7 weeks, doing cardio as well. I stopped and went on vacay for a week; recovered.

I've been hitting PPLPPL off this entire time. That week off during vacay showed me how fatigued I was. So I said, I'll take a diet break for a week or two, which I'm kind of doing right now, but I'm still under maintenance.

Thing is, I'm training like I am training to gain muscle still, when I should just be maintaining.
Ya? If you can't mentally deal with dropping down to around 210-215 for a nice cut, it's gonna be tuff.
So you're saying I got another 20lbs to lose? That will take another 20 weeks of cutting, if I lose 1lb a week.
I'm fucking mad.

Went to beach today and my wife snapped this shot... Look at these love handles. How can I look like the pics above in my last post from the front, yet have this fucking fat back here?

Maybe I should just give the fuck up, honestly? I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels every damn summer; it's the same problem: I bulk up to 250+; I then cut to lose 30lbs, then I feel like I'm going to shrink, so I take a diet break, which I need because I push so damn hard. And I get stuck at this 17% or more bf. I don't look like a fucking bodybuilder at all.

I guess I have to stop fucking around and really increase the cardio; fuck muscle at this point. Thing is, my calories are already at ~2700 per day. I can't just keep going lower and lower. I'm 234 at 5'11, I'm not a tiny guy.

Sure the lighting sucks, my shorts were tight at the waist which made the sides pop out more, and I fasted all day until lunch, which we ate later, but this is fucking unacceptable for a guy taking 1.2 grams of gear and 3ius of GH ed.
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I work hard and this is what I get? I don't drink; I don't smoke; I don't out out. I don't do shit. I know people who get fucking wasted every week and have way better bodies than me; all I want to get to is like 12% bf or something, which is basically a bodybuilder offseason, yet I'm still a fat fucking whale lol. What a joke.

Anyway, that's my rant.
@Mac11wildcat what's your take; I'm a fat fucking whale, am I not LMAO.
Unless your gonna compete you should be happy with 12%
Those last few lbs may be all you need to get those handles down to where you want them
Dude I wouldn't do it. I'd be happy with 12%. Maybe 225lbs for you?
I'm 234 now, so IDK what 10lbs will do.

Unless your gonna compete you should be happy with 12%
Yea, I would be completely happy with 12-15%; just with some nice abs; I don't need to be Joe Aesthetics or anything like that. An off-season BBer is like 12-15%, and I'm not even there!