2023 Cut

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
  • Start date
If you've been aggressively cutting for 5 months straight I think a period at maintenance calories or just slightly bellow, with a little cardio will do well for your morale and will help you retain what youve grown so far
What do you think about deploying t3 and clen?
You have to get your body accustomed to the new weight. Let the body know this is the new equilibrium for a couple of weeks. Same goes both ways, either going down or going up.
You have to get your body accustomed to the new weight. Let the body know this is the new equilibrium for a couple of weeks. Same goes both ways, either going down or going up.
How does it know this, and how many weeks are we talking about? And would this be time to get off cycle and cruise?
How does it know this, and how many weeks are we talking about? And would this be time to get off cycle and cruise?
2-4 weeks is enough. Body gets accustomed to the new weight and resets it's starting point. This is the problem with most cutting and/or bulking cycles: the body doesn't have enough time to accommodate the new weight and it constantly fights it's way back to the starting point
It's been about 3 weeks now; floating around 234.5. I'll give it another 1-2 weeks.
What do you think about deploying t3 and clen?

You don't need more drugs. That is always your answer.

How about training your ass off, sticking to a legit contest or cutting diet, and doing some cardio. It's not rocket science to get under 15% body fat.

It's nutrition, consistency, hard training and dedication.
Why not bulk and catch a rebound ?
Thats exactly what you did last time, everyone was teling you to keep cutting and you and Gabe figured out that we are stupid and you should bulk!
And we will be surprised when you return to the forum looking like Gabe.
I see things did not go as planed !
I think you cant deal with being 210 pounds and thats why you don't get down to where you need to be .
Your like sabotaging yourself once your close to your goal you do the dumbest shit possible and get fat again.
I mean you have a lot to cut but at this point if i was in your shoes i would do it just to show that i am not a jackass!
Its hard i know but at one point you have to say to yourself all the time and all the gear you wasted you have to make it count if you somehow pull it off it will be worth the suffering but at this point i don't know if you got what it takes .
Sorry i am being honest here i think you need to hear this so i wont sugarcoat.
Why use T3 at this BF ?
If your Bweight does not decrease by 1 pound a week, you need to train harder or eat less.
Why not bulk and catch a rebound ?
Thats exactly what you did last time, everyone was teling you to keep cutting and you and Gabe figured out that we are stupid and you should bulk!
And we will be surprised when you return to the forum looking like Gabe.
I see things did not go as planed !
I think you cant deal with being 210 pounds and thats why you don't get down to where you need to be .
Your like sabotaging yourself once your close to your goal you do the dumbest shit possible and get fat again.
I mean you have a lot to cut but at this point if i was in your shoes i would do it just to show that i am not a jackass!
Its hard i know but at one point you have to say to yourself all the time and all the gear you wasted you have to make it count if you somehow pull it off it will be worth the suffering but at this point i don't know if you got what it takes .
Sorry i am being honest here i think you need to hear this so i wont sugarcoat.
Well they did go as planned because I put much more tissue on legs and other parts. But I'm going to finish this cut even it if takes a bit longer, that's for sure. I will not be bulking lol.

I appreciate you honesty bro, and take no offense at all. I gave my body a few weeks break then hit the cut again.
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Why use T3 at this BF ?
If your Bweight does not decrease by 1 pound a week, you need to train harder or eat less.
Right. I guess I have to not be worried to go lower than 2700. I went shopping for the next phase of this diet, to change out foods.
So I weighed myself at 234.5 this am; this weight has stable for weeks now.

I was at ~2700 calories, and will be reducing calories to 2500 starting tomorrow.

Training will be PP, off, PPL, off, instead of PPL, PPL, off

I'm adding a bit more volume in exchange for intensity to each day, doing three working sets per exercise instead of two, with one minute rests between sets to get my heart rate up a bit more, but not going to total failure.

I'll add cardio if this deficit doesn't break the plateau. I also have some clen that I may throw in later at 40-60mcgs; we'll see. I will not touch t3, as advised.

GH will remain at 3ius, but I will return to AM upon waking, instead of bedtime, which has me waking up drowsy. Ironically, I don't get drowsy when I take it in the AM.

My first meal is Pre-WO, thus the cereal and whey.
My second meal is obviously Post-WO; everything else is normal timing three hours apart.

I'll be getting 230g of protein which certainly covers my true LBM.
diet 2500.PNG
are you sure that adding volume to remove intensity in a cut phase is the winning move?
It's actually changing the kind of intensity: instead of doing two sets to mechanical failure, with 2 min rest or so, I'll be doing three sets at higher reps (12) to near failure, with one minute rest in between.
I’m no fucking genius, but if ur really trying to lose weight why don’t u just get ur fatass on a stepper or elliptical and just move more
I’m no fucking genius, but if ur really trying to lose weight why don’t u just get ur fatass on a stepper or elliptical and just move more
Yea, if you want to burn out all options right away, instead of gradually doing it properly. I'm not doing this for some show, I'm doing this for the long term.


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