2023 Cut

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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I'm just gonna have to start the clen back up, and add 30 mins of cardio per day. Keep the calories the same, and just keep fucking going until I get to my goal, no matter what.
I'm 234 now, so IDK what 10lbs will do.

Yea, I would be completely happy with 12-15%; just with some nice abs; I don't need to be Joe Aesthetics or anything like that. An off-season BBer is like 12-15%, and I'm not even there!
Dude I'm over 50 yrs old. I gave up the bodybuilder dream about a few years ago. I either don't have the genetics or the desire to take enough gear to get there.
And that was with a 15 year break from gear. Been in the game awhile.
Dude I'm over 50 yrs old. I gave up the bodybuilder dream about a few years ago. I either don't have the genetics or the desire to take enough gear to get there.
Well, I never had that dream; I just love to workout like a bodybuilder, and it really helps me as a war veteran with PTSD; I just like being in the gym.
I'm 39; if that's you in your avatar, you're in great shape for 50.
I'm starting to think even getting shredded is genetic. Why wouldn't it be? If there are hyper responders to training and shit, why not dieting? A lot of these bodybuilders were always lean from the start; many were skinner or leaner dudes who blew up on gear.
Well, I never had that dream; I just love to workout like a bodybuilder, and it really helps me as a war veteran with PTSD; I just like being in the gym.
I'm 39; if that's you in your avatar, you're in great shape for 50.
Thanks, ya thats me. Best shape and size by only age 44 lol
I'm starting to think even getting shredded is genetic. Why wouldn't it be? If there are hyper responders to training and shit, why not dieting? A lot of these bodybuilders were always lean from the start; many were skinner or leaner dudes who blew up on gear.
You'd be surprised how much gear they take to get that low of bf and not lose muscle.
I've been cutting since March 1st, but I started very slowly at 3300 calories, then cut 200 off every few weeks.

I've been on cyp/tren e/primo at 400mg each since then. I've been on GH 3ius ED since then. There was a point I added in some clen for 7 weeks, doing cardio as well. I stopped and went on vacay for a week; recovered.

I've been hitting PPLPPL off this entire time. That week off during vacay showed me how fatigued I was. So I said, I'll take a diet break for a week or two, which I'm kind of doing right now, but I'm still under maintenance.

Thing is, I'm training like I am training to gain muscle still, when I should just be maintaining.
you lost 26 lbs in 5 months already. thats a lot. enjoy this break from dieting, then get back to dieting. your body might just need a reset from dieting.

when i got into lifting, it was because of powerlifting. something that i heard was even if you only add 5 lbs to your squat a month, thats 60lbs in a year. its a process. take your time. especially since youre 39. your body might not recover as well as it used to, your metabolism might not be what it used to be, etc.

you say that youre doing pplppl off, which im assuming is 6 days in a row then 1 off? mac11wildcat does 5 days, then 2 days off.
you lost 26 lbs in 5 months already. thats a lot. enjoy this break from dieting, then get back to dieting. your body might just need a reset from dieting.

when i got into lifting, it was because of powerlifting. something that i heard was even if you only add 5 lbs to your squat a month, thats 60lbs in a year. its a process. take your time. especially since youre 39. your body might not recover as well as it used to, your metabolism might not be what it used to be, etc.

you say that youre doing pplppl off, which im assuming is 6 days in a row then 1 off? mac11wildcat does 5 days, then 2 days off.
Yea, Mac convinced me to stop doing 6 in a row; in fact, that's why I was able to go to the beach today, as I took today off. Now I'll be doing PP, off, PPL off.
You need to be consistent and stop with the diet breaks and off plan meals. I know that's not what you want to hear and you'll likely argue, but it's the truth

Truly, the best thing would be to hire a good coach and take all the guess workout out of it for you.
You need to be consistent and stop with the diet breaks and off plan meals. I know that's not what you want to hear and you'll likely argue, but it's the truth

Truly, the best thing would be to hire a good coach and take all the guess workout out of it for you.
He still need to put the work in, so coach or no coach, going off diet it's still a matter of doing not planing. Coaching is needed for the lazy (that he is not) and competitors. A well seasoned gym rat doesn't need a coach, he needs consistency and that's pure willpower
I eat 5000 calories on training days to gain under 1 pound/week, but i had to go to 1600 calories to get under 10%.
I think you need a bigger deficit, you cut too slow and messes with your head.
Cut calories and up the cardio.
You need to be consistent and stop with the diet breaks and off plan meals. I know that's not what you want to hear and you'll likely argue, but it's the truth

Truly, the best thing would be to hire a good coach and take all the guess workout out of it for you.
Well diet breaks apparently help you for the long term, as they restore leptin levels and all that, especially that I had a lot of weight to lose. I drop nearly 30, so a break wasn't a big deal. I need to finish this in the next round, that's for sure.
I eat 5000 calories on training days to gain under 1 pound/week, but i had to go to 1600 calories to get under 10%.
I think you need a bigger deficit, you cut too slow and messes with your head.
Cut calories and up the cardio.
Perhaps you're right. Maybe I should just go hard on a six-week 1k deficit with the works: cardio, clen, and all. Maybe even throw t3 at 25mcg, not to go overboard like I did last time at 50mcg, but to make sure my metabolism isn't fucked from this long and drawn cut.

I wonder if it is better to increase output rather than lower the food: more cardio instead of less calories.
@Palifter what's your take on all this?
I get the general sense that you’re not satisfied with your progress. This could be for a number of reasons, namely comparing yourself to others…this is always a slippery slope.

I would also echo you should look into a coach. Continuously doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. A coach will look at things from a different angle, a perspective you may not have. That’s invaluable. There’s a price attached to having a decent coach but it sounds like it’ll be more than worth it for yourself; competitor or not.
I get the general sense that you’re not satisfied with your progress. This could be for a number of reasons, namely comparing yourself to others…this is always a slippery slope.

I would also echo you should look into a coach. Continuously doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. A coach will look at things from a different angle, a perspective you may not have. That’s invaluable. There’s a price attached to having a decent coach but it sounds like it’ll be more than worth it for yourself; competitor or not.
I mean I have my friend Gabe helping me at one point, but I'm not paying him, so I'm not top priority, and he has to tend to his actual clients, so I don't speak to him enough at all. His advice did help me with my bulk, no doubt.

I know I am going in circles, but I'm also smart enough to do it myself; I just need to be pointed into the right direction. I'm not asking to get into contest prep shape, where I need someone to monitor me daily or weekly. Basically I'm just trying to find a consensus from the board, push the cut again, or wait a bit since I just lost 30lbs.
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Just had the wife take these. Lighting sucks, but I don't care; I'm not trying to deceive with perfect shadows and shit. I also just ate.

234.5 this am. IMG-20230803-WA0001.jpgIMG-20230803-WA0007.jpgInkedIMG-20230803-WA0003.jpgInkedIMG-20230803-WA0005.jpgInkedIMG-20230803-WA0008.jpgInkedWhatsApp Image 2023-08-03 at 15.19.01.jpg

I'm no expert, but seems my skin is too thick on my upper body, and more so on my front side than back side. Notice my legs on the side chest have like no fat on the side of them at all; they are ripped. Whereas my upper body is like thick-skinned and not lean as it should be. If I had the leanness of my legs on my upper-body, I wouldn't be making these posts lol.
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Just had the wife take these. Lighting sucks, but I don't care; I'm not trying to deceive with perfect shadows and shit. I also just ate.

234.5 this am. View attachment 262701View attachment 262702View attachment 262703View attachment 262704View attachment 262705View attachment 262706

I'm no expert, but seems my skin is too thick on my upper body, and more so on my front side than back side. Notice my legs on the side chest have like no fat on the side of them at all; they are ripped. Whereas my upper body is like thick-skinned and not lean as it should be. If I had the leanness of my legs on my upper-body, I wouldn't be making these posts lol.

Your skin will always feel thickest in the fatty areas. All your actual skin is basically the same thickness outside of a few random areas.. it’s just fat. My tittlies and love handles and upper abs all feel like this.

