22 years old, low testosterone blood results

If you have to be fasting for the blood draw...you dont want to have to fast all day for an afternoon draw.....

Although fasting is often "required" for hormonal assays it's relatively unimportant with respect to TT (but not GH, Slin or Cortisol)
I echo what lw and Dr Jim have said.

1 retest your levels in the morning. My levels were 250-270 on multiple morning am lab draws.

2 try to treat the depression first. Wellbutrin boosts testosterone fairly significantly.

3 you may need to treat both. I tried treating just my depression but then ending up going on TRT too. Get a good endo who understands the relationship between hormones and neurotransmitters.

That's the plan. I will be getting it tested this coming week in the morning
What I find interesting is that this young man's testosterone levels are low in the face of a healthy LH level. I know that LH is pulsatile, but IMO there is definitely something to look into here.

I have similar TT levels after quitting TRT, but my LH levels are below the normal range.
What I find interesting is that this young man's testosterone levels are low in the face of a healthy LH level. I know that LH is pulsatile, but IMO there is definitely something to look into here.

I have similar TT levels after quitting TRT, but my LH levels are below the normal range.

Of course it should be "looked into" but rather than comparing apples or oranges it's best to KNOW what values are being used as a presumed indication for TRT, PEAK or STEADY STATE.
What I find interesting is that this young man's testosterone levels are low in the face of a healthy LH level. I know that LH is pulsatile, but IMO there is definitely something to look into here.

I have similar TT levels after quitting TRT, but my LH levels are below the normal range.

Of course it should be "looked into" but rather than comparing apples or oranges it's best to KNOW what values are being used as a presumed indication for TRT, PEAK or STEADY STATE.

Really just hoping it's due to me testing it at the wrong time. Let's assume it comes out low again in the morning. What do you think would be the best course of action besides TRT? Could I recover my production somehow with some drugs?
Just an update. The doctor will be retesting my levels next week on Monday morning. I'll post those results when I get them. Hopefully I see more normal values.
My testosterone levels are normal:

1/18/2016 08:50 AM Total Testosterone 635 ng/dL (300-1080 - )

The low test levels were due to testing at the wrong time. Also I started supplementing DAA the day after I thought my test levels were low. Not sure if that helped as well.
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My testosterone levels are normal:

1/18/2016 08:50 AM Total Testosterone 635 ng/dL (300-1080 - )

The low test levels were due to testing at the wrong time. Also I started supplementing DAA the day after I thought my test levels were low. Not sure if that helped as well.
Nice! Stay away from TRT!
Identify and address poor lifestyles.
You are 22 years old typically they like to stay up late at night, party and have fun. Its all part of being human.

If you are staying up late and night get some good sleep, testosterone can decrease by 30-50% when a person is not getting the proper quality not quantity of sleep.

How are you waking up in the morning ..Feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day or feeling like a mac truck hit you and can not get out bed.

Depression is also associate with hidden inflammation.