26 percent body fat

I always lifted heavy, especially when I was young. A lot of compound exercises in the 6-8rep range and I kept up with my protein intake. This weight training thing is all about the consistency. I always tried to get an extra rep or a little more weight on at least one set in each workout. Sometimes I wouldnt, but guess what? The following week I would. Get your rest and dont overtrain You'll improve, believe me.... Ot sounds stupid but it is a journey not an overnight thing. Fucking inspirational posters at work got to me! Haha...
With regards to protein intake, do you calculate using your lean body weight or total body weight?
I’ve quit because I’ve been reading about it affecting hormone levels but I’ve got to be honest I haven’t slept since and I’m wondering if that’s gonna affect my hormone levels even more than vaping!

I don't think cannabis has any negative effects when it comes to your fitness goals. It can be beneficial if it helps you get enough sleep. It's not bad for you like alcohol.

Alcohol is the real enemy of fat loss. I tend to stay in great shape, but my body goes to shit so fast when I start drinking again.
I don't think cannabis has any negative effects when it comes to your fitness goals. It can be beneficial if it helps you get enough sleep. It's not bad for you like alcohol.

Alcohol is the real enemy of fat loss. I tend to stay in great shape, but my body goes to shit so fast when I start drinking again.
I’m with you on that one, my whole life goes to shit when I drink
Get up early and go for a walk fasted, as the days go by walk farther, you will be amazed at how you can increase mileage. Get a grip on your diet, the less processed food the better. Keep an eye on carbs, use them to fuel your workout, as muscle mass increases it will boost your metabolism. Try smaller more frequent portions. TRT will definetly help if your low. Guidlines say between 250 to 900. The closer to the higher level the better. Get that heart rate up every day, dont weigh yourself every day, tightening up that belt a notch every month will give you more positive reinforcment than numbers on the scale. Your on the right track, dont get discouraged just keep making the right dietary choices.
Bloodwork will give you a glimpse into how your body is reacting, adjust accordingly
I'm surprised no one brought up the fact that you're eating 30% fat. I would drop that to 20%.
40% protein 40% carbs 20% fat. Only eat carbs before your workout and right after your workout. This will make a huge difference in body composition over the next six months.
I'm surprised no one brought up the fact that you're eating 30% fat. I would drop that to 20%.
40% protein 40% carbs 20% fat. Only eat carbs before your workout and right after your workout. This will make a huge difference in body composition over the next six months.
Wow! The thought of eating 40% carbs terrifies me, having lost so much weight on the keto diet I find it hard to eat 30% and apart from a bowl of porridge in the morning all the rest of my carbs come from fruits and vegetables, I suppose you could say I eat more of a paleo diet at the moment, I presumed this would be better for continued fat loss?
Wow! The thought of eating 40% carbs terrifies me, having lost so much weight on the keto diet I find it hard to eat 30% and apart from a bowl of porridge in the morning all the rest of my carbs come from fruits and vegetables, I suppose you could say I eat more of a paleo diet at the moment, I presumed this would be better for continued fat loss?
Stop eating breakfast. Your first meal of the day should be at noon. Do some research on intermittent fasting. It's one of the best weight loss strategies that you can do at your age.
Stop eating breakfast. Your first meal of the day should be at noon. Do some research on intermittent fasting. It's one of the best weight loss strategies that you can do at your age.
Fat loss still boils down most heavily to cals in vs cals out, especially in those that are overweight. IF can help with some health markers though that’s true.

And guys, when I say heavy, I don’t mean 2-6 reps of all out reps. I mean heavy for you, in a 6–15 rep range. Just avoid the brosciency “high reps low weight for toning” bullshit. Heavy is relative to your own strength.

On the macros subject, carbs are esssntially fuel. The % macro breakdowns are irrelevant if your protein is too low (both for muscle tissue support and the fact that a higher protein value when taken from carb total does help body comp) and fats are adequate for healthy bodily function. If you’re eating a ton, carbs can be 50-60%. If you’re not, 20-30% may be more appropriate.

There are dozens of ways to attack weight loss. Find the one that fits your lifestyle the best and brings results. Nothing matters if it isn’t sustainable.
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Get up early and go for a walk fasted, as the days go by walk farther, you will be amazed at how you can increase mileage. Get a grip on your diet, the less processed food the better. Keep an eye on carbs, use them to fuel your workout, as muscle mass increases it will boost your metabolism. Try smaller more frequent portions. TRT will definetly help if your low. Guidlines say between 250 to 900. The closer to the higher level the better. Get that heart rate up every day, dont weigh yourself every day, tightening up that belt a notch every month will give you more positive reinforcment than numbers on the scale. Your on the right track, dont get discouraged just keep making the right dietary choices.
Bloodwork will give you a glimpse into how your body is reacting, adjust accordingly
Fat loss still boils down to cals in vs cals out. IF can help with some health markers though that’s true.

And guys, when I say heavy, I don’t mean 2-6 reps of all out reps. I mean heavy for you, in a 6–15 rep range. Just avoid the brosciency “high reps low weight for toning” bullshit. Heavy is relative to your own strength.

On the macros subject, carbs are esssntially fuel. The % macro breakdowns are irrelevant if your protein is too low (both for muscle tissue support and the fact that a higher protein value when taken from carb total does help body comp) and fats are adequate for healthy bodily function. If you’re eating a ton, carbs can be 50-60%. If you’re not, 20-30% may be more appropriate.

There are dozens of ways to attack weight loss. Find the one that fits your lifestyle the best and brings results. Nothing matters if it isn’t sustainable.
I did a bit of intermittent fasting when I lost the bulk of my weight, I could easily do that again but I don’t want to do anything that will affect my training and that’s my main concern now. I love adding more weight to that bar each week, I could easily eat less than I am at the moment as well but again I’m worried it will affect my training. I could sustain a diet of 1800 calories a day with the same macros but would that be to much? Or should I say too little?
I did a bit of intermittent fasting when I lost the bulk of my weight, I could easily do that again but I don’t want to do anything that will affect my training and that’s my main concern now. I love adding more weight to that bar each week, I could easily eat less than I am at the moment as well but again I’m worried it will affect my training. I could sustain a diet of 1800 calories a day with the same macros but would that be to much? Or should I say too little?
At the age of 42 it is hard to build up muscle and strength cause your test levels naturally drop as for me I have a head injury I am 38 but dont go pay some clinic 200 a month why cause a bottle of test cyp is 35 to 45 dollars lasts 3 months a 2 years supply of needles is 25 bucks off amazon blood test cost under 100 just get the proper blood tests( free and total testosterone) yourself use 200mgs a week test cyp and adex 1 mg a week or 1 every 4 days thats what I use us biggers guys are more estro prone buy it from our sponsors feel free to pm me if u need any info also many youtube videos about it I use 250 mgs a week u will feel great the first few hours after first pin
Wow! The thought of eating 40% carbs terrifies me, having lost so much weight on the keto diet I find it hard to eat 30% and apart from a bowl of porridge in the morning all the rest of my carbs come from fruits and vegetables, I suppose you could say I eat more of a paleo diet at the moment, I presumed this would be better for continued fat loss?

Low Carb isn't a magic bullet. Calories and protein equated, LC/LF makes no difference.

Elimination diets work because they largely remove problematic foods that you're likely to over eat.

It sounds like you've got a decent handle on things. Track calories and protein primarily.

Work with the carbs and time intake, they're always going to be a better energy source for gym time.
I did a bit of intermittent fasting when I lost the bulk of my weight, I could easily do that again but I don’t want to do anything that will affect my training and that’s my main concern now. I love adding more weight to that bar each week, I could easily eat less than I am at the moment as well but again I’m worried it will affect my training. I could sustain a diet of 1800 calories a day with the same macros but would that be to much? Or should I say too little?

Double post, but whatev.

Adding weight is great, but at a point dropping it is how you'll break platues. Linear progression will only get you so far, so I'd get comfortable with the idea now.

Otherwise it'll probably get a bit discouraging when you hit that wall.
TRT should never be indicated for anyone who is overweight until they get to a normal body weight because it is entirely possible when changes are made (dietary, sleep, exercise, bodyweight) test levels can go from being low to perfectly normal.

There are countless examples of this both anecdotally and in the literature. Unless your test levels are complete trash or you are hypogonadal per your blood work and family physician, don't even stress about your T levels until you are down to a good bodyweight.

You're on the right track though, keep up the good work and more often than not, shit will take care of itself. Your body is loving you right now for making these changes and it's only going to love it more as you continue to lean out.

The nice thing about being new to lifting weights is you can still make improvements in the gym and even reap some very nice recomp during the early stages even while you are losing weight, so don't hesitate to keep leaning out while still training heavy. Guarantee you will see an improvement in body composition as long as both variables are in place (heavy training + caloric deficit).
At the age of 42 it is hard to build up muscle and strength cause your test levels naturally drop as for me I have a head injury I am 38 but dont go pay some clinic 200 a month why cause a bottle of test cyp is 35 to 45 dollars lasts 3 months a 2 years supply of needles is 25 bucks off amazon blood test cost under 100 just get the proper blood tests( free and total testosterone) yourself use 200mgs a week test cyp and adex 1 mg a week or 1 every 4 days thats what I use us biggers guys are more estro prone buy it from our sponsors feel free to pm me if u need any info also many youtube videos about it I use 250 mgs a week u will feel great the first few hours after first pin
I may do that once my bloods come back from the doctors and I’ve lost some more fat. Luckily we don’t have to pay a lot for our prescriptions in the UK but our TRT comes in the form of a gel called testogel which is 16g of testosterone and according to the information that comes with the product only 20% of that is actually used so it seems pretty useless.

I noticed you recommended test cyp Rather than test e, is that just a personal preference ?
TRT should never be indicated for anyone who is overweight until they get to a normal body weight because it is entirely possible when changes are made (dietary, sleep, exercise, bodyweight) test levels can go from being low to perfectly normal.

There are countless examples of this both anecdotally and in the literature. Unless your test levels are complete trash or you are hypogonadal per your blood work and family physician, don't even stress about your T levels until you are down to a good bodyweight.

You're on the right track though, keep up the good work and more often than not, shit will take care of itself. Your body is loving you right now for making these changes and it's only going to love it more as you continue to lean out.

The nice thing about being new to lifting weights is you can still make improvements in the gym and even reap some very nice recomp during the early stages even while you are losing weight, so don't hesitate to keep leaning out while still training heavy. Guarantee you will see an improvement in body composition as long as both variables are in place (heavy training + caloric deficit).
Thanks for the advice and encouragement. I’m gonna carry on as I am unless my blood work comes back and suggests any different and once ready I think I’ll reward myself with a nice cycle of test....
Double post, but whatev.

Adding weight is great, but at a point dropping it is how you'll break platues. Linear progression will only get you so far, so I'd get comfortable with the idea now.

Otherwise it'll probably get a bit discouraging when you hit that wall.
Do you mean that there will come a point where I won’t be able to add any more weight so I’ll have to add reps or more time under tension instead? (Excuse my ignorance if I’m asking an obvious question)
I may do that once my bloods come back from the doctors and I’ve lost some more fat. Luckily we don’t have to pay a lot for our prescriptions in the UK but our TRT comes in the form of a gel called testogel which is 16g of testosterone and according to the information that comes with the product only 20% of that is actually used so it seems pretty useless.

I noticed you recommended test cyp Rather than test e, is that just a personal preference ?
The gel u have to rub on your balls it is no good and rubs off here in the U.S we use Cyp instead of Enanthate difference is Cyp last a few more days both are great the gel and the pellets make the doctors more money they will do the injection just insist on it
Do you mean that there will come a point where I won’t be able to add any more weight so I’ll have to add reps or more time under tension instead? (Excuse my ignorance if I’m asking an obvious question)

Yep, eventually you'll need to start working multiple rep ranges to keep volume up and recovery manageable.

The chump squaring three plates for five years is the chump squaring three plates for five years.
If you're test comes back low and you're going to be on trt, smoking won't affect too much and could be beneficial for recovery and sleep. But that's just my opinion.

As much as I love weed, it's counterproductive to my individual weight loss goals.

Also on a nice cycle, it causes me extreme anxiety

But I do love it. Just EQ and weed make menchies from hell happen.