3g of Test-E only for 30 weeks - Less sides, less health risks, and highly anabolic. Worth it?

Where does this idea come from that boat loads of test is the safest cycle, sounds like naturalistic fallacy. Test is highly androgenic and gives a lot of guys blood pressure issues, high RBC and hematocrit, kidney damage etc.
because our body makes testosterone, this really isnt that hard to understand. also those side effects can be said of any steroid. There is a big difference between increasing our own test levels and taking hormones invented in a labratory.

, since you seem to be implying that test is so bad, what is less androgenic than test that doesn't have those side effects?

your type of thinking is nonsense and the reason why so many guys are running 4 random compounds at sub 300mg because "testosterone bad" and "big pharma made it once in the 1960s so it has to be better than test"

what do you trust more

Hormone that literally makes a man a man, that the male body is designed around OR hormone made in a lab for profit during a time when smoking was considered healthy.

anyone who hates on test is small and a forum bozo. its just bozo logic youre repeating to try to sound smart
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Water makes a human alive, but too much of it makes him dead.
out of everything i typed, you can only understand that little phrase, so you make the dumbest argument you heard somewhere else thinking you have an argument. thats not just a strawman argument thats not even an argument.

Is that you in your profile pic?
out of everything i typed, you can only understand that little phrase, so you make the dumbest argument you heard somewhere else thinking you have an argument. thats not just a strawman argument thats not even an argument.

Is that you in your profile pic?
He spoke facts back at you… hushhhh
out of everything i typed, you can only understand that little phrase, so you make the dumbest argument you heard somewhere else thinking you have an argument. thats not just a strawman argument thats not even an argument.

Is that you in your profile pic?
Mommy, bad ape has more brain cells than me and I should talk shit to make him feel bad, mkay?
3 grams test is crazy... i'd say if you absolutely must then combine 3 compound at 1 gram each. Something like Test/Deca/Primo or Test/Deca/EQ. That's how a lot of pro bodybuilder off cycles look like.


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