5 year cruise comes to end.

This is the Meso norm and is why I never believe or expect follow up from NOOBS.
Few are or will ever become active Meso members.
Surely he can't be good after deciding to finally come off after 5 years. I don't understand why people do this! Just setting yourself up for problems. Some people shouldn't be using aas if they can't understand that your hormones will never be the same after any sort of use. Everyone has their own theories though I guess.
Thanks for posting Chop ; alot can be learned from your experience . We all make mistakes , we just dont see them as mistakes until its too late . I wish you good luck in your recovery , I also suggest a TRT only program . Ive went thru the heavy depression of low T and shutting down my HPTA . It sucks and its a horrible life . Welcome ~Ogh
This is the Meso norm and is why I never believe or expect follow up from NOOBS.
Few are or will ever become active Meso members.

I agree with Dr.Jim , you pour your heart out for NOOBS trying to help them and they make one or two posts and you never hear from them again . Ive never understood that , why they dont follow up ...???
I agree with Dr.Jim , you pour your heart out for NOOBS trying to help them and they make one or two posts and you never hear from them again . Ive never understood that , why they dont follow up ...???

Because they got what they needed or what they came for which is advice from someone that knows stuff and that's it for them. Usually they just dismiss advice cos it's not what they wanna hear. They wanna hear "take these pills and you will be fine in a week or two" which is never the case. After reading this tho like I said I do hope OP is ok.
Surely he can't be good after deciding to finally come off after 5 years. .

Five years of "blast cruise" AAS use is the unfortunate norm IME. Recovery can be accomplished but it's almost always much more prolonged than cyclical HTPA restoration.

The bane for most AAS users, the impatience of youth that led them to steroids from the outset haunts then during recovery also. And many end up on TRT for this reason.
Hey guys sorry for late reply, haven't forgotten about you boys and I have an update on my situation now, got my blood results today March.21/2016. Just wanna say I thank Dr. JIM and everyone else for there advice, support and comments.

Okay so as many as you know I've made some foolish choices the last while of my cycle (cruise), abusing drugs and high dosages, no breaks, bad diet, shitty break up, blah blah blah add some DNP in there and you guys get the picture. I learned my lesson!

I've been drug free since Sept 2016.

First blood test results:
ALK PHOSPHATSE -- 33 -- Range 40-129 U/L
ALT (SGPT) ------------ 122 -- Range <46 U/L
AST (SGOT) ------------ 42 -- Range <37 U/L
HDL --------------------- .9 -- Range >1.0
LDL ------------------ 3.51 -- Range <3.0
Cholesterol Ratio -- 5.4 -- Range <3.5
Test Total ----------- 75 -- Range ng/ml

---Full PCT around Dec 2016---

Second blood test results: Jan 2016
ALK PHOSPHATSE -- 37 -- Range 40-129 U/L
ALT (SGPT) ------------ 78 -- Range <46 U/L
AST (SGOT) ------------ 92 -- Range <37 U/L
HDL --------------------- .9 -- Range >1.0
LDL ------------------ 3.51 -- Range <3.0
Cholesterol Ratio -- 5.4 -- Range <3.5
Test Total ----------- 320 -- Range ng/ml

Third blood test results, taken March 4 2016 ( got results today March 21)
ALT (SGPT) ------------ 41 -- Range <46 U/L
AST (SGOT) ------------ 17 -- Range <37 U/L
Cholesterol Ratio -- 4.1 -- Range <3.5
Test Total ----------- 389-- Range ng/ml

So basically I'm super happy how far I've come along, mind you it has taken me about 7 months to get all my blood work in normal range. Test has come back to decent level but I have little to no sex drive which I'm trying to fix. Have lost muscle size and strength, gained some fat but overall my "inside feelings" feel better, to me at least.

To sum things up, I'll never abuse my body like this again, learned a lot and big thanks to everyone at this forum. I always had good PCT's in the past but a bad break up sent me down this road. However this is all behind me now and I'm looking forward to building up myself and body this summer.

ADVICE TO ANYONE whose dealing with similar situation. After coming off all steroids I waited 4 weeks before I started PCT. I than ran HCG @ 1000iu e3d for 10,000iu total. I taken alittle Adex for first two weeks than ran Nolva 20mg ed for 80 days. This helped get my balls back producing, 4 times the amount they were before my pct (Thk you pharma hcg!) I cleaned up my diet, kept hitting the gym but kept my training a bit conservative. For natural supplements I was taking Niacin, Apple Cider Vinegar, B vitamins, Fish Oils and that's all i can think of at moment.

Any comments, questions, insults? Feel free boys, I'm just happy to have good blood work again.

*edit* I didn't post my entire blood work so for anyone wanting to know, just posted the few abnormal ones.
Sorry for double post I just wanted to add a few more things. I have been posting my testosterone results with a typo, meant the unit measure to be ng/dl instead of ng/ml but I'm sure no one noticed.

Also besides my blood work improving across the board I just wanna break somethings down in point form to make this straight forward to anyone reading. I just wanna help anyone in a similar issue any way possible.

  • I stopped taking all steroids for 1 month before I did a full pct which included Nolva, Adex and HCG.
  • I stopped drinking any alcohol, cleaned up diet and started a natural supplement stack, Niacin, Apple Cider Vinegar, Folic Acid, Fish Oils, B Vitamins and Multi.
  • Kept weight lifting but decreased intensity since strength went down a lot.
and after 7 months of this I was able to get my blood work back to normal and my test levels from nothing to bottom end of normal about 400 ng/dl and it has been continuing to increase monthly.

Only lasting effects I have from this whole ordeal is I've lost a lot of muscle and strength, gained a lot of fat and my sex drive is low but getting better. I'm debating on posting pictures to show a change but well see. Very fortunate not to have any major negative lasting effects, however we'll see how things are 20 years from now.

My next step in this all will probably be another pct of some sort to try get my test levels higher, maybe a HCG, Clomid and Proviron stack. Any advice?
Well done bro good work on the recovery. Personally I wouldn't do any new pct! Your body has proved that it is starting to fix itself without the adding of anymore drugs!! Just keep eating clean, lifting weights and keeping your body and brain stress free!!! Let your body do its own recovering now and I bet this time next year you won't even thInk about this!! Don't do another pct your body is showing signs of recovering naturally so just let it do its own thing. Again well done on the recovery bro..
Congrats on the progress. I have a lot of respect for your honesty. As others have said hope others can learn from this thread. Keep up the good work.
Well done bro good work on the recovery. Personally I wouldn't do any new pct! Your body has proved that it is starting to fix itself without the adding of anymore drugs!! Just keep eating clean, lifting weights and keeping your body and brain stress free!!! Let your body do its own recovering now and I bet this time next year you won't even thInk about this!! Don't do another pct your body is showing signs of recovering naturally so just let it do its own thing. Again well done on the recovery bro..

Thanks man, I super happy my test has come back and I'll take your advice and just continue my healthier routines now. I sure do miss being on the sauce though lol. I'm going for blood work again in 2 months to see where I'm at, ideally I'd like to be in 600 and above range but see what happens. Will make sure to update this thread.

I really hope some of these younger guys stumble across this thread so they can see that AAS have real consequences and you don't just bounce back no problem because you're young.

Yes, me as well. I've even been talking to buddies who have been on gear from extended periods of time, encouraging them to at the very least get some blood work. I don't frown upon steroids in anyways, actually I like them but everything must be done in moderation.

Congrats on the progress. I have a lot of respect for your honesty. As others have said hope others can learn from this thread. Keep up the good work.

Thank you.
Thanks man, I super happy my test has come back and I'll take your advice and just continue my healthier routines now. I sure do miss being on the sauce though lol. I'm going for blood work again in 2 months to see where I'm at, ideally I'd like to be in 600 and above range but see what happens. Will make sure to update this thread.

Like I said mate I'm proper happy for you that things are on the mend just remember it's a marathon not a sprint and it's definitely looking good for now! Please don't "dabble" in AAS use just cos you miss it! You'll undo all this good progress you have made. NO steroid will help you recover so just take your creatine, multi vitamins, zma, aminos and eat clean and see how super fucking human you can look natural bro!! Stay positive don't stray backwards. Own it straight up kenghis Kahn warrior style!!! Again, well done bro..
This is a good thread. Thanks for posting your experience and the follow up. You have some very encouraging signs there.
Keep the updates coming. This site has been around 15 years or more. We need more data points for stories like this!