50 yr old man here with kidney disease


New Member
So i really thought i did an intro already when i joined but i guess not. So basically cruized and blasted since my early 30's. Was told recently by kidney dr that i needed to get off everything or id end up on dialysis sooner rather than later (im between stage 3-4 kidney disease). Took my last test c about 4 months ago. Ive been on hgh 5 iu for the last year. Interesting enough I havent lost muscle mass. thinking its the hgh. Anyway looking to see what progress other people have made with kidney issues.
Hello, I'm also 50 years old (Ok, I look 12 years younger..)

My problem is the same: kidney function is shit.. I also tried to research what a fuck can I do.. I like to do sport and If wanna keep muscle mass and avoid to look like an old-shit, need something advice.. for tolerable AAS using.
I found a thread on the Reddit, where 25-30 year old guys sent a guy - who is also 50 years old AAS user - to the hell.. (go and use TRT, go and die, etc..)
As I know, there is not solution for regenerating kidneys, nowadays..

I could say: use Tren, because Tren can make protein from CH/fat.. but Tren kill your cardiovascular system..
So, the situation is not good.. But I hope, will be something cure for our problem soon..

So i really thought i did an intro already when i joined but i guess not. So basically cruized and blasted since my early 30's. Was told recently by kidney dr that i needed to get off everything or id end up on dialysis sooner rather than later (im between stage 3-4 kidney disease). Took my last test c about 4 months ago. Ive been on hgh 5 iu for the last year. Interesting enough I havent lost muscle mass. thinking its the hgh. Anyway looking to see what progress other people have made with kidney issues.
I would definitely not use creatine.
The nephrologist practically forbade me to use it.
Good luck @micron80 . Is the kidney problem caused by gear? And do you have a protein restricted diet too? I often worry about long term kidney damage, so far my labs are fine but a lot of guys in my family have dialysis (and obv never juiced) so I have to keep an eye on these things too.
Good luck @micron80 . Is the kidney problem caused by gear? And do you have a protein restricted diet too? I often worry about long term kidney damage, so far my labs are fine but a lot of guys in my family have dialysis (and obv never juiced) so I have to keep an eye on these things too.

Good on you brother. This is a long game and dialysis isn't fun. Take care.
Good luck @micron80 . Is the kidney problem caused by gear? And do you have a protein restricted diet too? I often worry about long term kidney damage, so far my labs are fine but a lot of guys in my family have dialysis (and obv never juiced) so I have to keep an eye on these things too.
Thats what my kidney dr said. He did a biopsy to find the cause of it and apparently steroid use causes a specific type of scarring. He didnt put me on any type of diet restriction. Well he did restrict my water intake to two liters a day. I lowered my protein intake down to 150 gms a day. Without test, i figured my body wont use it anyway. Some thing that i find odd, is that i simply cant drink any kind of whey protein shakes (iso, any kind) it makes my kidneys hurt. But a meal replacement shake made from whole food I can drink. Ive increased my hgh to 10iu a day (5 morning, 5 at night) and i look like im on cycle. Or at least the biggest guy at planet fitness lol. Jokes aside. Im just grateful i can still hit the gym, i would lose my fucking mind if couldnt.

Something that just occurred to me, the why of it. My limited understanding is that test is test. Why would test scar kidneys? Maybe the increase of blood pressure from test over the years causes scarring? Im going to ask him next appointment. oh and yeah, i dont take any kind of supplement with creatine either.