50 yr old man here with kidney disease


New Member
So i really thought i did an intro already when i joined but i guess not. So basically cruized and blasted since my early 30's. Was told recently by kidney dr that i needed to get off everything or id end up on dialysis sooner rather than later (im between stage 3-4 kidney disease). Took my last test c about 4 months ago. Ive been on hgh 5 iu for the last year. Interesting enough I havent lost muscle mass. thinking its the hgh. Anyway looking to see what progress other people have made with kidney issues.
Hello, I'm also 50 years old (Ok, I look 12 years younger..)

My problem is the same: kidney function is shit.. I also tried to research what a fuck can I do.. I like to do sport and If wanna keep muscle mass and avoid to look like an old-shit, need something advice.. for tolerable AAS using.
I found a thread on the Reddit, where 25-30 year old guys sent a guy - who is also 50 years old AAS user - to the hell.. (go and use TRT, go and die, etc..)
As I know, there is not solution for regenerating kidneys, nowadays..

I could say: use Tren, because Tren can make protein from CH/fat.. but Tren kill your cardiovascular system..
So, the situation is not good.. But I hope, will be something cure for our problem soon..

So i really thought i did an intro already when i joined but i guess not. So basically cruized and blasted since my early 30's. Was told recently by kidney dr that i needed to get off everything or id end up on dialysis sooner rather than later (im between stage 3-4 kidney disease). Took my last test c about 4 months ago. Ive been on hgh 5 iu for the last year. Interesting enough I havent lost muscle mass. thinking its the hgh. Anyway looking to see what progress other people have made with kidney issues.
I would definitely not use creatine.
The nephrologist practically forbade me to use it.
Good luck @micron80 . Is the kidney problem caused by gear? And do you have a protein restricted diet too? I often worry about long term kidney damage, so far my labs are fine but a lot of guys in my family have dialysis (and obv never juiced) so I have to keep an eye on these things too.
Good luck @micron80 . Is the kidney problem caused by gear? And do you have a protein restricted diet too? I often worry about long term kidney damage, so far my labs are fine but a lot of guys in my family have dialysis (and obv never juiced) so I have to keep an eye on these things too.

Good on you brother. This is a long game and dialysis isn't fun. Take care.
Good luck @micron80 . Is the kidney problem caused by gear? And do you have a protein restricted diet too? I often worry about long term kidney damage, so far my labs are fine but a lot of guys in my family have dialysis (and obv never juiced) so I have to keep an eye on these things too.
Thats what my kidney dr said. He did a biopsy to find the cause of it and apparently steroid use causes a specific type of scarring. He didnt put me on any type of diet restriction. Well he did restrict my water intake to two liters a day. I lowered my protein intake down to 150 gms a day. Without test, i figured my body wont use it anyway. Some thing that i find odd, is that i simply cant drink any kind of whey protein shakes (iso, any kind) it makes my kidneys hurt. But a meal replacement shake made from whole food I can drink. Ive increased my hgh to 10iu a day (5 morning, 5 at night) and i look like im on cycle. Or at least the biggest guy at planet fitness lol. Jokes aside. Im just grateful i can still hit the gym, i would lose my fucking mind if couldnt.

Something that just occurred to me, the why of it. My limited understanding is that test is test. Why would test scar kidneys? Maybe the increase of blood pressure from test over the years causes scarring? Im going to ask him next appointment. oh and yeah, i dont take any kind of supplement with creatine either.
Hello, I'm also 50 years old (Ok, I look 12 years younger..)

My problem is the same: kidney function is shit.. I also tried to research what a fuck can I do.. I like to do sport and If wanna keep muscle mass and avoid to look like an old-shit, need something advice.. for tolerable AAS using.
I found a thread on the Reddit, where 25-30 year old guys sent a guy - who is also 50 years old AAS user - to the hell.. (go and use TRT, go and die, etc..)
As I know, there is not solution for regenerating kidneys, nowadays..

I could say: use Tren, because Tren can make protein from CH/fat.. but Tren kill your cardiovascular system..
So, the situation is not good.. But I hope, will be something cure for our problem soon..

Absolutely DONT use tren wtf dude!
whats your egf % at stage 3-4?

my old lady sitting around 6% kidney due to untreated high blood pressure over some 20yrs smashing nurofens to cure migraine and headaches caused from the blood pressure not treated.

so now shes had. 4 x attemps at av fistula all failed to graft or not blood clot going in for her 5th attemp race against the kidneys at the moment.

good luck buddy shes 63yo.
First, I’m sorry you’re going through this.

But secondly, after 20+ years of blasting and cruising, you seem to have done some pretty huge damage to your kidneys. At this point I’m gonna recommend not touching gear period. Maybe Enclomiphene if your doctor can prescribe it, and that’s the best you may get.

This here is exactly why we need harm reduction, and why MESO exists. This is why I solely follow whatever mac11wildcat says, because we need to give our body time to rest. Your body has no time to rest while blasting and cruising.

We had another user here who blasted and cruised with ridiculous amounts of gear (monstro), and he’s dead now. Loved the guy, but he really did himself in.

Have you tried Astragalus Root supplements? I hear they really help with kidney issues. After my last cycle, I had slightly reduced eGFR, and took it and went back and everything was back to normal in a few months.
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Hello, I'm also 50 years old (Ok, I look 12 years younger..)

My problem is the same: kidney function is shit.. I also tried to research what a fuck can I do.. I like to do sport and If wanna keep muscle mass and avoid to look like an old-shit, need something advice.. for tolerable AAS using.
I found a thread on the Reddit, where 25-30 year old guys sent a guy - who is also 50 years old AAS user - to the hell.. (go and use TRT, go and die, etc..)
As I know, there is not solution for regenerating kidneys, nowadays..

I could say: use Tren, because Tren can make protein from CH/fat.. but Tren kill your cardiovascular system..
So, the situation is not good.. But I hope, will be something cure for our problem soon..

Wtf man, where did you see the literature in which tren is ok to use when your kidney is failing already.

There are numerous anecdotal examples already where kidney failure was attributed to long term tren use. I think it was a major culprit in Monstro’s demise.

Guys, use your head, drop the drugs go talk to your doc and let them help. This place is full of drug addicts, both fatties and roidheads, they cannot help you.
What test did you do to confirm CKD?

I was refereed to a nephrologist because my creatinine was 1.7 so my eGfr was 46 and my endo was concerned because it had been elevated fir a while, which coincidences to me starting to lift again.

I asked for a Cystatin C test and was told no by the nephrologist. I explained I lifted hard 4 x a week, large muscle mass, ate a meat protein rich diet and took creatine with influence the results.

I also had had a kidney ultrasound with no issues.

He pulled blood work from when I was sick in the hospital and said I had protein in my urine...30. 30 or less is normal!

Nope your stage 3 CKD.

Got my own Cystatin C test, in normal range and eGfr of 69.

Dr on my TRT FB group said he saw nothing of concern and said most drs are robots and don't know shit about creatinine and how its influenced by my lifestyle.
Sorry to hear @micron80. I've also been heavily involved with my doctors, including a hematologist for high RBC and renal for my stage 2 kidneys. I only started AAS TRT 14 months ago, so my kidney issues are from high blood pressure, high protein intake, and an absurd amount of daily ibuprofen I was taking because of my back and knees. High amounts of ibuprofen taken daily slow down kidney function and raises blood pressure. It's a "double whammy." Since I cut that, my eGFR went up 10 points. My renal doctor also explained that high amounts of protein via shakes causes alot of stress on the kidney. He told me that over the years, since protein shakes have been more popular, people have started also having issues with kidneys. It's just too much easily digestible at once, which may be why your shake with whole milk doesn't cause pain. I'm curious why less water intake was recommended. My doctor wants me drinking alot, to keep the kidneys flushed.
you need to go to professional muscle and read dantes posts about pure astragalus powder, you need astragalus root powder not concentrate astragalus, not the little caps. you need a big tub of astragalus.

guys have literally came back from those stages to pretty much normal.

I take 6g per day, i think the guys that really need it do higher amounts
you need to go to professional muscle and read dantes posts about pure astragalus powder, you need astragalus root powder not concentrate astragalus, not the little caps. you need a big tub of astragalus.

guys have literally came back from those stages to pretty much normal.

I take 6g per day, i think the guys that really need it do higher amounts

That's been a deep but valuable rabbit hole. I'm still looking through it. There's been quite a lot of info on kidney issues/solutions. Astralagus aids kidney function--seems, in a way, miraculously--but also with blood pressure. I'm going to give it shot and maybe come back with a new thread with results, if anyone is interested.
That's been a deep but valuable rabbit hole. I'm still looking through it. There's been quite a lot of info on kidney issues/solutions. Astralagus aids kidney function--seems, in a way, miraculously--but also with blood pressure. I'm going to give it shot and maybe come back with a new thread with results, if anyone is interested.
have you gotten Cystatin C checked?
egfr isn't accurate
like without taking into account my height and weight im 70 EGFR
but my creatinine has only gone up from 1.26 to 1.29 over the years, now its 1.21 after a few weeks of astragalus, but thats still all totally fine, you can definately damage your kidneys with gear and high blood pressure so you might have done it, but a lot of guys just arent getting nuanced opinions from their doctors
forget the whole "kidney disease" thing thats totally just scary language unless youre like near failure, they say youre like stage 1 if youre below 100 egfr or something lol
I’m 60 yo lifter. Have done gear my entire adult life. My egfr was hovering around 59 for 10 yrs or so then drifted to 56. My Dr was not super concerned but I was. I took 8g astragalus/day (vitamin shop brand), 40mg Telmisartin, 5mg nebivol, 5 mg cialis, 500mg Metformin. After 1 month re-tested. Fully hydrated and 3 days no training prior to test. Egfr 87. It has stayed in that range +/- 5 pts for a year now doing same protocol but only 4g astragalus/day. I do complete blood panel every month. I eat high protein (250g) diet too.

Importantly, I was taking 1g+ aas and 6iu hgh during this time. I think cannot underestimate the value of lowering bp regardless of your level now. I did not see your bp mentioned, My bp was 125/80 on avg prior. Not optimal but not high either. On this treatment lowered to 116/68 on avg. I feel this is synergistic with astragalus. Also very important not to train 3-4 days prior to blood draw as this will allow creatinine to normalize. Most dr’s will not mention this which is critical if you are using creatinine to estimate egfr. Hard training puts creatinine directly into bloodstream independent of what is not filtered by kidneys.

Nebivolol directly lowers pressure in kidneys. This is independent and In addition to lowering bp. Telmisartin also directly reduces oxidative stress to kidneys. It is imperative to have your fasted glucose under 80. Titrate Metformin as needed to get there. Taking 6iu gh, no test, I would guess your fasted glucose is over 100.

Btw your dr is a moron for not doing a cystatin c. Limiting hydration seems like a dumb idea as well. There is a reason the medical community has a terrible record treating kidney disease. There protocols suck.
On this treatment lowered to 116/68 on avg. I feel this is synergistic with astragalus. Also very important not to train 3-4 days prior to blood draw as this will allow creatinine to normalize. Most dr’s will not mention this which is critical if you are using creatinine to estimate egfr. Hard training puts creatinine directly into bloodstream independent of what is not filtered by kidneys.

Nebivolol directly lowers pressure in kidneys. This is independent and In addition to lowering bp. Telmisartin also directly reduces oxidative stress to kidneys. It is imperative to have your fasted glucose under 80. Titrate Metformin as needed to get there. Taking 6iu gh, no test, I would guess your fasted glucose is over 100.

Btw your dr is a moron for not doing a cystatin c. Limiting hydration seems like a dumb idea as well. There is a reason the medical community has a terrible record treating kidney disease. There protocols suck.

please contribute more this was a very informative post and it sounds like you have a lot of experience to share