6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Im not watching that stupid video, but assuming it’s true and not some shenanigan for views , these guys are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth
Im not watching that stupid video, but assuming it’s true and not some shenanigan for views , these guys are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth
They talk about the highest they have done and how they are against it.
I hope that is not per week or will end them in the cardiac unit sooner than later...
obviously per week and only the ogre did it and saying how dumb he was for it

You really have to start putting cliff notes on these videos. I appreciate that you post these videos, but most people aren't going to watch a 90 minute, or even 20 minute video.
I did, why the fuck naught
I was always under the impression Anadrol is like Dbol on steroids lol: way more toxic and will bloat you like a whale? And if I were to add it in, which I doubt, what would you say = 50mg a day, and only for a few weeks?

To me, if I were to add anything to this cycle, would make more sense to incude Anavar if I were to go with an oral...But even better, to use EQ which is almost identical to Dbol, or perhaps add 1 gram of Primo.

I don't really do orals anymore.
Wrong thread, but 25mg Anadrol is plenty
Dude did 3g a week until a doctor told him to stop, how stupid you gotta be to even do that?
Very common because of, you guessed it. Faceless forum fucktards
Absolute overkill but it sort of comes with the territory with the pro's. I truly believe that many of them who aren't getting pharm grade products use higher doses believing the product may be under dosed. If they ran bloods more often whether from a dr. or private labs they'd be better informed on what to run. Case in point was i had switched labs for my TRT, painless injections and felt great but as always with underground labs we second guess what's bunk and legit. So i run 250mg every 8-10 days for a month and go test, 8 days after my last shot. To my surprise i get the results back and im at 1792 TT 8 days after the last pin! Needless to say i dropped my dose down to 150-170 and dropped to 1096 a week after last shot.
Very common because of, you guessed it. Faceless forum fucktards
I have never seen anyone on a forum suggest or recommend a 3 gram dose of testosterone a week. I'm not saying it couldn't or wouldn't happen, just that I haven't personally seen it.
I have never seen anyone on a forum suggest or recommend a 3 gram dose of testosterone a week. I'm not saying it couldn't or wouldn't happen, just that I haven't personally seen it.
It’s common ‘mythology’ type posts from accounts who ‘know pros’ or ‘competed in top amateurs’. Not a lot here but all the other boards have these types

getbig, promuscle, gh15, anabolicminds etc

swiper, BFG and the likes all love to post how it takes these mega mega doses to get really big
It’s common ‘mythology’ type posts from accounts who ‘know pros’ or ‘competed in top amateurs’. Not a lot here but all the other boards have these types

getbig, promuscle, gh15, anabolicminds etc

swiper, BFG and the likes all love to post how it takes these mega mega doses to get really big
So you think everyone is lying? Not hardly, and 3g of test per week is nothing out of the ordinary. Hell I know at least 5 guys at my gym that use 3-5g of test alone, with other shit on top. These doses are common among people that compete even at amateur shows. I know a guy well that competed as a top amateur that used 5-7g of test per week, 18iu of Serostim per day, and that was his base, everything else was added on top. Junior nationals 5 years ago guys were very open backstage about dosages. 15-20 iu of GH, 3-5g of test per week, and 100iu per day + of Humalog/Lantus combo. Then everything else on top of that. Mythology lol. How do you think these guys are getting so massive? Oh that's right, they have great genetics, eat perfectly, and train hard lol, riiiiiiiiight. They are crazy enough to push the huge dosages, that is the #1 reason why they look the way they do.
So you think everyone is lying? Not hardly, and 3g of test per week is nothing out of the ordinary. Hell I know at least 5 guys at my gym that use 3-5g of test alone, with other shit on top. These doses are common among people that compete even at amateur shows. I know a guy well that competed as a top amateur that used 5-7g of test per week, 18iu of Serostim per day, and that was his base, everything else was added on top. Junior nationals 5 years ago guys were very open backstage about dosages. 15-20 iu of GH, 3-5g of test per week, and 100iu per day + of Humalog/Lantus combo. Then everything else on top of that. Mythology lol. How do you think these guys are getting so massive? Oh that's right, they have great genetics, eat perfectly, and train hard lol, riiiiiiiiight. They are crazy enough to push the huge dosages, that is the #1 reason why they look the way they do.
Why test only though? What’s the reasoning behind this retarded practice?

If you told me they were using 3-5 grams of gear, I would be like ok man I believe you, but 3-5 grams of FUCKING TEST?

Come on man, like I said before, that’s retarded even by forum standards…
So you think everyone is lying? Not hardly, and 3g of test per week is nothing out of the ordinary. Hell I know at least 5 guys at my gym that use 3-5g of test alone, with other shit on top. These doses are common among people that compete even at amateur shows. I know a guy well that competed as a top amateur that used 5-7g of test per week, 18iu of Serostim per day, and that was his base, everything else was added on top. Junior nationals 5 years ago guys were very open backstage about dosages. 15-20 iu of GH, 3-5g of test per week, and 100iu per day + of Humalog/Lantus combo. Then everything else on top of that. Mythology lol. How do you think these guys are getting so massive? Oh that's right, they have great genetics, eat perfectly, and train hard lol, riiiiiiiiight. They are crazy enough to push the huge dosages, that is the #1 reason why they look the way they do.
Jesus Christ I never said they were lying I am pointing out that it’s retarded to spout that kind of info on the internet because anyone can read that and not everyone should shave access to that info, it’s 100x more harmful.

But you do sound like you believe it’s all drugs and you probably don’t do much yourself. You sound like a product of gh15 and bfg actually lol
@likhawk do you even know what it would look like for someone to inject that volume of oil “plus other stuff”? For any extended period of time?

Your the type that needs to stop posting this shit.

Tell me, what kind of diet goes with 5-7g test base your friends use??
I'm on extreme doses of carbs. My doc said <<Dude fuck off with the carbs, you fat fuck.>> word for word. But does he even lift? That's right. He doesn't.
@likhawk do you even know what it would look like for someone to inject that volume of oil “plus other stuff”? For any extended period of time?

Your the type that needs to stop posting this shit.

Tell me, what kind of diet goes with 5-7g test base your friends use??
You got a picture of your physique?