A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

First of all where can I get your book? Will it be in digital format? This would make it easier to translate difficult passages.

Second, for maximum lipolysis would it be ok to pin 6 IU HGH s.c in the morning with the first meal (50g carbs, 40g protein). Hit the gym 1 hour later for 1,5h workout and 30 min cardio?
Or would it be better to eat nothing pre workout when pinning HGH?
My hope is that the insulin sensitivity issue of the HGH starts a little later than I digested my first meal.

Third, after workout and cardio of the schematic of the routine above pin an adequate amount of Insulin for post workout meal?
I'll make an announcement re: the book when it's available and more information will follow.

This would be out of sync with the proposed protocol: ideally for maximal lipolysis, administer the a.m. or daytime bolus 1 hr after a meal & 2 - 3 hr pre-workout (1 - 1.5 hr workout that includes LISS/zone 1 - 2 aerobic endurance training for 45 - 60 min), with the post-workout meal 4 - 4.5 post-bolus.

Insulin use in combination with rhGH generally serves several aims: but is generally antilipolytic & adipogenic (suppresses fat loss & enhances fat cell formation). It is generally unnecessary as an antihyperglycemic agent at 6 IU rhGH. I've mentioned a continuum of appropriate agents previously. The book will discuss these in more detail.

Avoid obsessing over transient blood glucose elevations. Be aware of the actual definitions of postprandial (after meal) hyperglycemia (blood glucose > 180 mg/dL or 9.9 mmol/L, 2 h after eating a meal containing carbohydrates). Monitor HbA1C every few months and give more value to that and to your nadir (trough) blood glucose readings.

Bear in mind also that exogenous insulin is not an insulin sensitizing agent (it indeed promotes systemic insulin resistance).
Good thread, thanks @Type-IIx. A few years ago I was essentially already doing a protocol that should be pretty ideal for fat loss, and doing it again. I fast every other day while cutting and take 5 iu on fasting days (so 5 iu rHGH EOD). I am also taking salbutamol in order to increase lipolysis (along with an ungodly amount of caffeine due to a tolerance I've built up over time) and improve energy. Just started the rHGH this past week or so really so nothing of note just yet. Hoping to start really seeing some good results in the coming weeks. as I should be adding in Metformin when it comes in. I've heard varying opinions on this, but do you think metformin can improve weight (Fat) loss during a cut? I mean aside from the effect it has on leptin levels.
Would there be an ideal time to perform fasted cardio after taking your GH dose? Or doesn't it matter all that much? I currently take my GH fasted in the morning, go back to sleep, wake up and do my LISS cardio approx. two hours post injection then eat my first meal of the day.
Would there be an ideal time to perform fasted cardio after taking your GH dose? Or doesn't it matter all that much? I currently take my GH fasted in the morning, go back to sleep, wake up and do my LISS cardio approx. two hours post injection then eat my first meal of the day.
based on the posts in this thread yea it seems like 2 hours post injection (subQ) is the ideal time to do fasted cardio. That being said I take my injection in the morning and sometimes I don't get around to doing my LISS until the evening. Not ideal, but still effective. Plus I believe HGH levels will remain elevated for up to 18 hours after subQ injection, so you'll still get some benefit from doing your fasted cardio in the same day as your pin, just not as much as if you did it 2-3 hours after you pin.
I am currently reading quite a lot on another board where a lot of amateur / pro bodybuilders and some coaches post.
one thing that i read more than once now is that many of these guys seem to think there is a pronounced acute effect of hgh.
Their protocol is something like this:
6 days a week:
8 iu hgh split in 2; AM dosage 4iu fasted; PM dosage 15min prior to insulin like huma pre workout with carbs etc. intra WO
makes sense for me, this is a typical protocol, nothing surprising here
now they have a seventh they where they refeed carbs over the whole day.
On this day, they have 5 carb heavy meals and take 3iu hgh + 5iu humalog 10min later prior to all meals.
is there any benefit in doing that?
@Type-IIx so for me, I am going to start HGH 6IU ED split 3UI AM and 3IU PM.

I know you are saying more is better in terms of a large blouse however I am in a position where i can perform 30 minutes of cardio in the AM and PM for most days around 2 - 3 hrs post HGH 3IU shot.

with this in mind, I assume i can take advantage of the fat lipolysis HGH has to offer twice a day, assuming i time the cardio around the peak post HGH injection?
@Type-IIx so for me, I am going to start HGH 6IU ED split 3UI AM and 3IU PM.

I know you are saying more is better in terms of a large blouse however I am in a position where i can perform 30 minutes of cardio in the AM and PM for most days around 2 - 3 hrs post HGH 3IU shot.

with this in mind, I assume i can take advantage of the fat lipolysis HGH has to offer twice a day, assuming i time the cardio around the peak post HGH injection?
This protocol is, if anything, a rationale for a large bolus timed prior to training (ideally comprised at least partly of aerobic endurance exercise). The rationale is a consistent strong correlation between peak GH & lipolysis; as well as management of insulin resistance by confining the duration of activity to that after a single daytime bolus.

Given that rationale, what is your rationale for split dosing?

Since peak GH effects on lipolysis are so great, I would say that 30' cardio is sufficient after a single larger bolus (> the split dosing & 2x 30' cardio sessions) for absolute lipolysis.
This protocol is, if anything, a rationale for a large bolus timed prior to training (ideally comprised at least partly of aerobic endurance exercise). The rationale is a consistent strong correlation between peak GH & lipolysis; as well as management of insulin resistance by confining the duration of activity to that after a single daytime bolus.

Given that rationale, what is your rationale for split dosing?

Since peak GH effects on lipolysis are so great, I would say that 30' cardio is sufficient after a single larger bolus (> the split dosing & 2x 30' cardio sessions) for absolute lipolysis.

Thanks for the reply - splitting the dose 2 x 3IU vs 1 x 6IU to me makes better sense in that i will have GH peaks in the day vs one large one in the morning then almost nothing 12hrs post injection towards the evening/night?

I'm no expert in anyway but this is what a lot of people advocate doing vs 1 large dose. Clearly i could be following "sheep" but never the less, it does seem logical to split the dose vs take in 1 single blouse?

Are you saying that it will be more beneficial (for fat loss) to follow the protocol as set out in your initial post? which in my case, 1 single 6IU blouse in the AM with weight training and 30 mins aerobic exercise 2-3hrs after HGH pin - then eat meal 1 hr after this session?

vs the above + the same in the PM but instead splitting 3IU shots 2-3hrs post hgh pin.

So essentially, of the above 2 methods, which of the 2 will have a more profound effect on lipolysis and fat loss?

also to add, i have a soft tissue injury which i am hoping HGH could help accelerate healing - my rationale is that for this, it may be better to spread the dose so i have some HGH still circulating when i sleep in the evening. This is totally my logic and thinking, you may tell me this is un-necessary but i would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Lots of great stuff in here, as usual @Type-IIx provides some ferocious info.

I apologize if this was elucidated in here, I saw it touched on a few times but nothing definitive.

What would be the downsides/trade offs/etc for this bolus dose being pre-bed rather than in the morning?

The effect on sleep vs. daytime lethargy for some people (like myself) is so profound that I would strongly prefer to run one bolus dose before bed if it isn't too big of a tradeoff otherwise.
Lots of great stuff in here, as usual @Type-IIx provides some ferocious info.

I apologize if this was elucidated in here, I saw it touched on a few times but nothing definitive.

What would be the downsides/trade offs/etc for this bolus dose being pre-bed rather than in the morning?

The effect on sleep vs. daytime lethargy for some people (like myself) is so profound that I would strongly prefer to run one bolus dose before bed if it isn't too big of a tradeoff otherwise.
Then do it before bed.
I didn't ask if it was okay for me to do it before bed. I asked how much of a tradeoff I'm making if I do that.
Don't quote me, but I think a loss in lipolysis and slightly greater increase in the chance of insulin resistance vs. better sleep?
Thanks for the reply - splitting the dose 2 x 3IU vs 1 x 6IU to me makes better sense in that i will have GH peaks in the day vs one large one in the morning then almost nothing 12hrs post injection towards the evening/night?

I'm no expert in anyway but this is what a lot of people advocate doing vs 1 large dose. Clearly i could be following "sheep" but never the less, it does seem logical to split the dose vs take in 1 single blouse?

Are you saying that it will be more beneficial (for fat loss) to follow the protocol as set out in your initial post? which in my case, 1 single 6IU blouse in the AM with weight training and 30 mins aerobic exercise 2-3hrs after HGH pin - then eat meal 1 hr after this session?

vs the above + the same in the PM but instead splitting 3IU shots 2-3hrs post hgh pin.

So essentially, of the above 2 methods, which of the 2 will have a more profound effect on lipolysis and fat loss?

also to add, i have a soft tissue injury which i am hoping HGH could help accelerate healing - my rationale is that for this, it may be better to spread the dose so i have some HGH still circulating when i sleep in the evening. This is totally my logic and thinking, you may tell me this is un-necessary but i would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Are taking affect being fasted during the cardio?
Don't quote me, but I think a loss in lipolysis and slightly greater increase in the chance of insulin resistance vs. better sleep?
Yeah, that seems right, and more or less what I've been going by. But I'm curious if TypeII has any insight beyond that basic general idea.
Lots of great stuff in here, as usual @Type-IIx provides some ferocious info.

I apologize if this was elucidated in here, I saw it touched on a few times but nothing definitive.

What would be the downsides/trade offs/etc for this bolus dose being pre-bed rather than in the morning?

The effect on sleep vs. daytime lethargy for some people (like myself) is so profound that I would strongly prefer to run one bolus dose before bed if it isn't too big of a tradeoff otherwise.
Nighttime (pre-bed) dosing should be viewed as the default case for rhGH administration (it's how I use it almost exclusively). Aside from the use of rhGH for: i) lipolysis, ii) muscle anabolism, and iii) accelerating musculoskeletal soft tissue healing [all have individual considerations and different approaches, i.e., protocols], the use nighttime rhGH is optimal.

The tradeoff to nighttime dosing with respect to lipolysis is simply that you cannot preferentially use fatty acids for fuel/β-oxidation as you can do so acutely by this protocol. But, nighttime administration is particularly anticatabolic, solves for many the lethargy effects and hyperglycemic effects (can't eat while you're asleep), and still promotes essentially all of the GH benefits to exercise, recovery, sleep, etc.
Nighttime (pre-bed) dosing should be viewed as the default case for rhGH administration (it's how I use it almost exclusively). Aside from the use of rhGH for: i) lipolysis, ii) muscle anabolism, and iii) accelerating musculoskeletal soft tissue healing [all have individual considerations and different approaches, i.e., protocols], the use nighttime rhGH is optimal.

The tradeoff to nighttime dosing with respect to lipolysis is simply that you cannot preferentially use fatty acids for fuel/β-oxidation as you can do so acutely by this protocol. But, nighttime administration is particularly anticatabolic, solves for many the lethargy effects and hyperglycemic effects (can't eat while you're asleep), and still promotes essentially all of the GH benefits to exercise, recovery, sleep, etc.
What would be the ideal protocol (timing, single bolus or split dosing, etc.) for muscle anabolism in your opinion?
Thanks for the reply - splitting the dose 2 x 3IU vs 1 x 6IU to me makes better sense in that i will have GH peaks in the day vs one large one in the morning then almost nothing 12hrs post injection towards the evening/night?
You will have more GH peaks during the day, but what does this accomplish? You've provided the outcome but not the supporting logic.
I'm no expert in anyway but this is what a lot of people advocate doing vs 1 large dose. Clearly i could be following "sheep" but never the less, it does seem logical to split the dose vs take in 1 single blouse?
What is the logic?
Are you saying that it will be more beneficial (for fat loss) to follow the protocol as set out in your initial post? which in my case, 1 single 6IU blouse in the AM with weight training and 30 mins aerobic exercise 2-3hrs after HGH pin - then eat meal 1 hr after this session?

vs the above + the same in the PM but instead splitting 3IU shots 2-3hrs post hgh pin.
That's exactly what this post and the data supports.
So essentially, of the above 2 methods, which of the 2 will have a more profound effect on lipolysis and fat loss?
The one that this thread provides evidence supporting.
also to add, i have a soft tissue injury which i am hoping HGH could help accelerate healing - my rationale is that for this, it may be better to spread the dose so i have some HGH still circulating when i sleep in the evening. This is totally my logic and thinking, you may tell me this is un-necessary but i would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Circulating GH by subcutaneous injection is unlikely to accelerate musculoskeletal soft tissue healing, and split dosing is not supported.
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What would be the ideal protocol (timing, single bolus or split dosing, etc.) for muscle anabolism in your opinion?
That's something that I work on an individual basis with bodybuilders and those interested in strength on. It wouldn't be fair to the people that pay me for this sort of individually tailored protocol to give this information and its application out for free. If you note the thread's date, it was a Christmas gift.
That's something that I work on an individual basis with bodybuilders and those interested in strength on. It wouldn't be fair to the people that pay me for this sort of individually tailored protocol to give this information and its application out for free. If you note the thread's date, it was a Christmas gift.
Will it be covered in your forthcoming book?