A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

Picked up some kits that are sitting in my fridge until the day I get the courage to trust the QDS Metformin and use @Type-IIx 's protocol to set off some lipolysis once I've exhausted what I can accomplish from diet and training and AAS alone.

I've been intrigued with this thread and the protocol makes a lot of sense and fits into my morning routine really well so I think adherence won't be a problem.

My fear is of course insulin resistance which is why I picked up the metformin but will that be enough to help with the resistance issue and at what dose should the metformin be run at considering a single morning subq shot of 4iu. I have not done my dosage research about metformin yet but I'm curious so I'm putting the question out there.

I have no intention of fucking around with insulin
Picked up some kits that are sitting in my fridge until the day I get the courage to trust the QDS Metformin and use @Type-IIx 's protocol to set off some lipolysis once I've exhausted what I can accomplish from diet and training and AAS alone.

I've been intrigued with this thread and the protocol makes a lot of sense and fits into my morning routine really well so I think adherence won't be a problem.

My fear is of course insulin resistance which is why I picked up the metformin but will that be enough to help with the resistance issue and at what dose should the metformin be run at considering a single morning subq shot of 4iu. I have not done my dosage research about metformin yet but I'm curious so I'm putting the question out there.

I have no intention of fucking around with insulin
Yes, Met is an effective glucose disposal agent at that rhGH dose.
Yes, Met is an effective glucose disposal agent at that rhGH dose.
I still have to get baseline fasting glucose readings and IGF baseline bloodwork before I can even consider figuring out the dose dependent nature of metformin but I have it pretty much set in my mind that I'd like to work up to 4iu rHGH.

From cursory glances at some literature this afternoon it looks like effective doses are split in two and taken with meals while doses ranged from 400mg daily to 2500mg daily. I suspect this will be one of those times I'll need to experiment to find a dose where at up to 4iu rHGH there is an effect on fasting blood glucose.

Or would you consider the need to evaluate how meals affect blood glucose readings and how metformin reduces overall meal spikes? It looks like there is a lapse of serum levels of metformin in the blood by a couple hours after ingestion so if I need to consider meals I'm thinking blood glucose readings shouldn't be done right after a meal but a couple hours later when the metformin is taking effect. Or am I overthinking this?

PM Incoming anyway
I wake up in the AM, and the first thing I do is take my t3, then 2.5ius of GH subq, while I sip on my coffee. I wait about an hour to eat my first meal, which is a bowl of cereal, two scoops of Isopure, and some almond milk. It's a light meal because I then hit the gym an hour after that. I do my workout which is about 45min to an 1hr, then I do my cardio for 30mins. So by then, the GH should be in lipolysis mode, according to this, exactly when I want it to be.

My last GH shot is 2.5ius after my last meal at night, around 11 or 12pm, literally right before I go to bed.

But it seems this post is suggesting just to the entire 5ius in the am, and forget the before-bed shots?
I wake up in the AM, and the first thing I do is take my t3, then 2.5ius of GH subq, while I sip on my coffee. I wait about an hour to eat my first meal, which is a bowl of cereal, two scoops of Isopure, and some almond milk. It's a light meal because I then hit the gym an hour after that. I do my workout which is about 45min to an 1hr, then I do my cardio for 30mins. So by then, the GH should be in lipolysis mode, according to this, exactly when I want it to be.

My last GH shot is 2.5ius after my last meal at night, around 11 or 12pm, literally right before I go to bed.

But it seems this post is suggesting just to the entire 5ius in the am, and forget the before-bed shots?
I wake up in the AM, and the first thing I do is take my t3, then 2.5ius of GH subq, while I sip on my coffee. I wait about an hour to eat my first meal, which is a bowl of cereal, two scoops of Isopure, and some almond milk. It's a light meal because I then hit the gym an hour after that. I do my workout which is about 45min to an 1hr, then I do my cardio for 30mins. So by then, the GH should be in lipolysis mode, according to this, exactly when I want it to be.

My last GH shot is 2.5ius after my last meal at night, around 11 or 12pm, literally right before I go to bed.

But it seems this post is suggesting just to the entire 5ius in the am, and forget the before-bed shots?
Yes, by this protocol you'd administer the full bolus rather than do any split dosing. This serves to better enhance lipolysis and to reduce the cumulative hyperglycemic effect of GH.
Yes, by this protocol you'd administer the full bolus rather than do any split dosing. This serves to better enhance lipolysis and to reduce the cumulative hyperglycemic effect of GH.
Interesting, I run similar to the one you are replying to.
Up 4am 2iu
6am LISS cardio 30min
10am lift if lifting day or not
630-7am first meal
430pm last meal
Edit LISS 30 mins after last meal
730pm 2iu.

I am just over 3 months in on this GH run may have to try all 4iu first thing upon waking, unless you see anything different?

Currently cutting and cruising 200mg test with this GH. Although just bumped up cruise to 350 for last 2 weeks prepping for a 5 week Tren run next week. Tren A 30mg ED, Test 50mg ED, GH 4iu ED for context.
I wake up in the AM, and the first thing I do is take my t3, then 2.5ius of GH subq, while I sip on my coffee. I wait about an hour to eat my first meal, which is a bowl of cereal, two scoops of Isopure, and some almond milk. It's a light meal because I then hit the gym an hour after that. I do my workout which is about 45min to an 1hr, then I do my cardio for 30mins. So by then, the GH should be in lipolysis mode, according to this, exactly when I want it to be.

My last GH shot is 2.5ius after my last meal at night, around 11 or 12pm, literally right before I go to bed.

But it seems this post is suggesting just to the entire 5ius in the am, and forget the before-bed shots?
FYI - and I am sure Type-IIx will admit this, there is just a lot we do not know. There is no certainty that you will experience more fat loss doing once a day compared to splitting it up.
FYI - and I am sure Type-IIx will admit this, there is just a lot we do not know. There is no certainty that you will experience more fat loss doing once a day compared to splitting it up.
Eh, on these points I'm fairly confident. There's a dose-related lipolysis that is not diminished even at 16 IU & reduced cumulative hyperglycemia for a single bolus vs. split dosing. There's certainly a lot of confusion - I wouldn't characterize it as uncertainty - surrounding rhGH because people have been divining protocols without reference to data nor the use of logic, but there's great data out there.
Yes, by this protocol you'd administer the full bolus rather than do any split dosing. This serves to better enhance lipolysis and to reduce the cumulative hyperglycemic effect of GH.
See my logic was, let AM lipolysis, but then also have more lipolysis over night during the 8-hr sleeping fast
I mean, so much blood work from different people, including myself show a significant bump in igf 1 when splitting am pm. Try it yourself and test in the name of science
I've not drawn this conclusion from the bloodwork I've seen and comparisons to past split dosing. Do note I probably see more unbiased bloodwork than you from guys that I've worked with. It's a really difficult conclusion to even draw from dozens or even hundreds of blood work results sampled from the internet without careful manipulation. I just don't see it.
RE: metformin
are there any timing do's & don'ts around when to use metformin with HGH;
1.) metformin
2.) metformin slow release
Yes, by this protocol you'd administer the full bolus rather than do any split dosing. This serves to better enhance lipolysis and to reduce the cumulative hyperglycemic effect of GH.
First of all where can I get your book? Will it be in digital format? This would make it easier to translate difficult passages.

Second, for maximum lipolysis would it be ok to pin 6 IU HGH s.c in the morning with the first meal (50g carbs, 40g protein). Hit the gym 1 hour later for 1,5h workout and 30 min cardio?
Or would it be better to eat nothing pre workout when pinning HGH?
My hope is that the insulin sensitivity issue of the HGH starts a little later than I digested my first meal.

Third, after workout and cardio of the schematic of the routine above pin an adequate amount of Insulin for post workout meal?