A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

Growth hormone induces strong lipolysis at the peak of its maximum concentration. Therefore, it should be injected only before training. And no food at the same time! In this way, you will mimic the natural peaks of your growth hormone.
I already gave a link to a study of growth hormone-induced lipolysis, in the topic about berberine
30 minutes?
30 minutes?

It depends on several factors:
1. Type of injection. For example, I inject deep under the skin (the needle is perpendicular to the skin) - with this option, you can inject rGH 30 minutes before training. If someone makes an injection intradermally, while the hormone enters the blood more slowly - in this case, you can inject 1-2 hours before training.
2. Individual metabolism of growth hormone. In one person, adipose tissue cells are more sensitive to growth hormone, in someone less.
3. Eating. If you eat before training, then do not expect increased lipolysis, even with growth hormone!
It depends on several factors:
1. Type of injection. For example, I inject deep under the skin (the needle is perpendicular to the skin) - with this option, you can inject rGH 30 minutes before training. If someone makes an injection intradermally, while the hormone enters the blood more slowly - in this case, you can inject 1-2 hours before training.
2. Individual metabolism of growth hormone. In one person, adipose tissue cells are more sensitive to growth hormone, in someone less.
3. Eating. If you eat before training, then do not expect increased lipolysis, even with growth hormone!
And what does the research say for before bed?
And what does the research say for before bed?
I haven't seen any research about HGH before bed. My experience is that it doesn't really make a difference. You are much better off following the regimen below if you want better fat loss and muscle growth.

I think people need to go back and reach the first post that Type-IIx made in this thread. Then if that isn't ringing the bell, read my "plan English" summary here on page 2 (also pasted below). I translated Type-IIx's HGH regimen recommendation in his original post into layman's terms in an easy-to-read format.

We have gotten off track here and are now into the bioscience realm, which is what the original post tried to dismantle. The original post (and my breakdown) states that you would NOT want to inject HGH 30 mins before working out. You're actually better off injecting it about 2-3 hours before working out, either shortly after or while eating a meal! Then eat another meal post workout (about 4 hours after HGH pin).

This is contrary to broscience which says inject HGH first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then do your cardio, then eat breakfast. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) that is what Halo01 is saying. @Halo01 I strongly recommend you read the original post as well as my breakdown post on page 2, linked above.

The problem with dosing 30-60 mins before working out is that you wind up eating breakfast at the time when your body is at peak insulin resistance--thus your blood sugar is going to go through the roof compared to if you followed Type-IIx's protocol in his original post. Additionally, you also aren't going to be working out when GH is at maximum serum leveles Again, If you want the "normal person" breakdown for easier reading you can click the link above.

Fuck it, I will just copy and paste my breakdown post right here:

Just wanted to pop this in here. I translated the regimen to about as plain and simple too understand as you possibly can for another thread. This is the "explain like I'm 5" (ELI5) version: 1. Eat your meal 1-2 hours before, or within 1 hour after pinning your full HGH dose for the day. 2. Workout 2-3 hours after the HGH pin. 3. Eat post workout meal within an hour, maybe 90 mins after you finish your workout. Together this should cause your post workout meal to be approximately 4 hours after your HGH pin. Facts: HGH causes [URL='https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/insulin/']insulin[/URL] to not work so well. This causes your blood sugar to go up. This happens about an hour or two after taking HGH and lasts 5-8 hours depending on your dosage (possibly longer?). HGH also causes your body to take fat from your fat reserves and free it up, letting it float around in your blood. This means if you exercise at that time, your body can use that fat, burn it, and thus you are preferentially burning MORE FAT than normal because of the HGH. Lastly, exercise significantly increases insulin sensitivity and allows the nutrients you eat to be transported directly into your MUSCLES rather than floating around your blood to layer be stored as fat! So, timing your HGH dose around your meal schedule as outlined above helps in many ways: 1. It minimizes/eliminates food intake when your body is insulin insensitive. 2. This prevents you from having such high blood sugar spikes. 3. You exercise when your body has peak HGH levels. This prevents muscle breakdown and burns the most fat. 4. Then you eat after exercising, which mitigates the insulin insensitivity, again preventing high blood sugar spikes and enabling those yummy nutrients to go into your muscles so you can keep the fat that you just burned OFF!

Hopefully that brings us back on track.
I haven't seen any research about HGH before bed. My experience is that it doesn't really make a difference. You are much better off following the regimen below if you want better fat loss and muscle growth.

I think people need to go back and reach the first post that Type-IIx made in this thread. Then if that isn't ringing the bell, read my "plan English" summary here on page 2 (also pasted below). I translated Type-IIx's HGH regimen recommendation in his original post into layman's terms in an easy-to-read format.

We have gotten off track here and are now into the bioscience realm, which is what the original post tried to dismantle. The original post (and my breakdown) states that you would NOT want to inject HGH 30 mins before working out. You're actually better off injecting it about 2-3 hours before working out, either shortly after or while eating a meal! Then eat another meal post workout (about 4 hours after HGH pin).

This is contrary to broscience which says inject HGH first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then do your cardio, then eat breakfast. I believe (correct me if I am wrong) that is what Halo01 is saying. @Halo01 I strongly recommend you read the original post as well as my breakdown post on page 2, linked above.

The problem with dosing 30-60 mins before working out is that you wind up eating breakfast at the time when your body is at peak insulin resistance--thus your blood sugar is going to go through the roof compared to if you followed Type-IIx's protocol in his original post. Additionally, you also aren't going to be working out when GH is at maximum serum leveles Again, If you want the "normal person" breakdown for easier reading you can click the link above.

Fuck it, I will just copy and paste my breakdown post right here:

Just wanted to pop this in here. I translated the regimen to about as plain and simple too understand as you possibly can for another thread. This is the "explain like I'm 5" (ELI5) version: 1. Eat your meal 1-2 hours before, or within 1 hour after pinning your full HGH dose for the day. 2. Workout 2-3 hours after the HGH pin. 3. Eat post workout meal within an hour, maybe 90 mins after you finish your workout. Together this should cause your post workout meal to be approximately 4 hours after your HGH pin. Facts: HGH causes [URL='https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/insulin/']insulin[/URL] to not work so well. This causes your blood sugar to go up. This happens about an hour or two after taking HGH and lasts 5-8 hours depending on your dosage (possibly longer?). HGH also causes your body to take fat from your fat reserves and free it up, letting it float around in your blood. This means if you exercise at that time, your body can use that fat, burn it, and thus you are preferentially burning MORE FAT than normal because of the HGH. Lastly, exercise significantly increases insulin sensitivity and allows the nutrients you eat to be transported directly into your MUSCLES rather than floating around your blood to layer be stored as fat! So, timing your HGH dose around your meal schedule as outlined above helps in many ways: 1. It minimizes/eliminates food intake when your body is insulin insensitive. 2. This prevents you from having such high blood sugar spikes. 3. You exercise when your body has peak HGH levels. This prevents muscle breakdown and burns the most fat. 4. Then you eat after exercising, which mitigates the insulin insensitivity, again preventing high blood sugar spikes and enabling those yummy nutrients to go into your muscles so you can keep the fat that you just burned OFF!

Hopefully that brings us back on track.
I’ve been off for about a week now and started back up yesterday did 2.5 iu with these exact instructions and woke up this morning with. Fasting BS of 99.
I’ve been off for about a week now and started back up yesterday did 2.5 iu with these exact instructions and woke up this morning with. Fasting BS of 99.
So, normal. You should be managing blood glucose appropriately, this protocol does not address blood glucose management. Believe me, it's intended for high dose use - far beyond 2.5 IU.
I’ve been off for about a week now and started back up yesterday did 2.5 iu with these exact instructions and woke up this morning with. Fasting BS of 99.
Not sure what you're getting at here. Are you surprised? You are running HGH so fasting BG levels are gonna increase. Especially if you're bulking and eating lots of carbs. also, was that a 16 hour fast or is did you eat at 7 PM then wake up at 8 and take your levels?

No matter what dosing regimen you use you will always have to do some amount of blood glucose management on HGH. This protocol is meant to time your meals so that you minimize (as best as possible) glucose spikes and insulin resistance) and maximize fat loss and muscle gain (by minimizing muscle breakdown via working out during max serum HGH levels).

Fasting BG levels the next day really have nothing to do with this. But if you're at 99 I would be willing to be you could clean up your diet a wee bit. When I run 5 IU per day my fasting BG is around 95-110. But I eat CUH-LEAN. For real.
So, normal. You should be managing blood glucose appropriately, this protocol does not address blood glucose management. Believe me, it's intended for high dose use - far beyond 2.5 IU.
If a young adult let’s say 18 years old used ipamorelin before bed vs 4 iu gh, could the ipamorelin be as effective since teens naturally produce high amounts of gh already and the secretagogue enhances that
Not sure what you're getting at here. Are you surprised? You are running HGH so fasting BG levels are gonna increase. Especially if you're bulking and eating lots of carbs. also, was that a 16 hour fast or is did you eat at 7 PM then wake up at 8 and take your levels?

No matter what dosing regimen you use you will always have to do some amount of blood glucose management on HGH. This protocol is meant to time your meals so that you minimize (as best as possible) glucose spikes and insulin resistance) and maximize fat loss and muscle gain (by minimizing muscle breakdown via working out during max serum HGH levels).

Fasting BG levels the next day really have nothing to do with this. But if you're at 99 I would be willing to be you could clean up your diet a wee bit. When I run 5 IU per day my fasting BG is around 95-110. But I eat CUH-LEAN. For real.
My diet is extremely clean. I don’t drink or go out to eat , no cheat meals. Strict small portion meals . Carbs are around 400 plus grams a day. 50 g per meals with pre workout being 100g .

What can I do to manage my glucose levels? No this wasn’t a fasted, I pinned at 4am did my normal day then check glucose levels at 5 am next day.

Im a noob when it comes to hgh so I’m trying to learn as much as possible.
I just pin it in the morning, 45 min before breakfast.
IMHO, It's the incorrect regimen :) you'll get hyperglycemia with that soon. But, at the same time, your muscles may be bulk due to water, and that is why people usually think - it's right regimen.. I did this mistake long time ago, got hyperglycemia, and now do inject only before any physical work on an empty stomach.
Actually i can't train 2-3 hours after the HGH pin lol I can't bring syringes at work, so what would be my best option?
For me it makes sense to pin in the afternoon because it's the only moment where I have some hours without eating.
Do what works I get up at 4am and pin gives me time before first meal. Also have dinner by 430pm and gives me time for BG to drop before 2nd dose.

Have heard others wake to pee in the middle of the night, pin and go back to bed
@Type-IIx is managing hgh injection timing around meals really that important for mitigating blood sugar?
Quoting him when he replied my question on another thread:
I am concerned primarily with waking AM blood glucose and post-training blood glucose as our nadir values. If those are >= 100 mg/dL we need to implement A) optimal rhGH dosing/timing strategies coupled with B) glucose management with the GDAs (BBR and/or Met) as the first-line, GLP-1 agonists (there is space for the SGLT-2 inhibitors here also) as the second-line, and exogenous insulin (alternatively, LR3 IGF-I) as the last line of defense. Of course, most important on a chronic time-frame is HbA1C.
As you can see, the timing regarding rHGH administration, meals and exercise is the first option. After that the rest of options to add in order, with I totally agree with because at some point, no matter how good your timing/strategies are, certain doses of rHGH by itself will induce hyperglycemia and when coupled with high cal/carbs diets, the rest of options will be necessary.
Thank you for great information. I have 2 questions:

1. Is it safe to say that you can do whatever method as long you measure blood sugar levels and it never gets higher than let's say 6nmol/l during hgh release and peak time?

I tried the similar approach you mentioned here:

15:10 120g of rice + chicken
16:30 workout
17:10 (half hour before finishing workout) I took 2.5 UI
17:40 finished workout
17:50 my blood sugar level 4.3nmol/l
18:00 50g whey + 10g glutamine + 5g creatine
18:40 5.3nmol/l
19:10 110g rice + chicken
19:40 4.5nmol/l

Does that look fine?

2. Isn't insulin very beneficial for muscle mass gain? Some bodybuilders are taking it alone without hgh. It pumps nutritions into muscles around workout timing. By taking only hgh it will lover insulin levels and won't be that contradicted for muscle gain results?