A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

some don’t get the lethargy…I think it’s gonna boil down to individual preference.

I’m gonna do 3iu lipolysis protocol on days I can, and other days do 5-6iu pre bed. I am the GH=coma type.
The couch potato coma induced after sex like symptom from the hgh does subside in my experience. Havent had the opportunity to push above 4iu with pharmacy hgh. It typically lasted a week solid combined with or without a good workout at the gym then i would get really sleepy during the day (for several hours) (injection upon waking). diet i cant specify if were a variable.

The sleepy symptom i would feel hours after injection, whether i worked out or not.

Also cant give an opinion since i was only injecting upon waking and not at night to see if sleepy symptoms would still occur.
How does it affect TSH. I’m assuming since T4 is reduced it stimulates TSH?
That's an erroneous assumption. RhGH reduces blood T4 & increases peripheral (tissue, cell -level) T3 conversion independently from TSH.

That's fine, advantageous even, for lipolysis.

The only concern is where rhGH reveals pre-existing central hypothyroidism (it cannot cause it).

Elevated TSH above the reference range coupled with decreased T4 below the reference range would be indicative of that pre-existing hypothyroidism if it were to exist.

This condition is not common, so it's not something to expect, or to think is likely to occur.
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That's an erroneous assumption. RhGH can reveal pre-existing central hypothyroidism but not cause it, and its reducing blood T4 & increasing peripheral (tissue, cell -level) T3 conversion is independent from TSH.

Elevated TSH above the reference range coupled with decreased T4 below the reference range would be indicative of that pre-existing hypothyroidism if it were to exist.

This condition is not common, so it's not something to expect, or to think is likely.
My latest blood work showed elevated TSH slightly, above normal range.

I’m taking;

Multiple peptides.

Any idea? You think I just have hypothyroidism? Never displayed the symptoms
My latest blood work showed elevated TSH slightly, above normal range.

I’m taking;

Multiple peptides.

Any idea? You think I just have hypothyroidism? Never displayed the symptoms
I just had a conversation on ProM related to this, it's uncanny. It's probably just related to the multiple factors, AAS affect thyroid function too in similar and partly overlapping ways to rhGH.

If you don't have symptoms of hypothyroidism like
- dry and scaly skin
- sensitivity to cold
- brittle hair and nails
- slow movements and thoughts
- depression

then "this too shall pass," and you'll be fine after you come off the gear and peptides including growth.

If your blood levels of T4 were actually out of range, I'd say you could go ahead and make a very proactive intake appointment with an endo or thyroid specialist, but gosh, I think they'd probably laugh if you told them that you're worried cause your blast showed these bloodwork changes and you crowdsourced a bunch of concerned bros for their opinions on the internet.
Yeah, that can happen - it's very individual. For this reason, I can't stress enough that the protocol calls for as high a dose as is tolerable and feasible (fiscally & availability-wise). After you find that optimal dose for yourself, then you take the remainder of your dose (in line with your objective, e.g., lipolysis, growth, anti-aging, recovery/return from immobilization & the tasks, e.g., whether insulin sensitivity takes precedence over diminished IGF-I) at nighttime (pre-bed).
Makes sense. Thank you!
Yeah, that can happen - it's very individual. For this reason, I can't stress enough that the protocol calls for as high a dose as is tolerable and feasible (fiscally & availability-wise). After you find that optimal dose for yourself, then you take the remainder of your dose (in line with your objective, e.g., lipolysis, growth, anti-aging, recovery/return from immobilization & the tasks, e.g., whether insulin sensitivity takes precedence over diminished IGF-I) at nighttime (pre-bed).

Makes a lot of sense. On the PWO meal….I did lower carb/lower fat due to my thinking that at 3.5 hours post bolus….there is probably still a somewhat significant amount of FFAs elevated, so I kept energy substrate (carbs/fats) low in the immediate meal.

Am I off on my thinking? I figured I could trickle in carbs in later meals when FFAs and the GH lowered even furthered. Or at hour 3.5 can we go ahead and bring in carbohydrate?

Obviously if recovery/MPS was of utmost importance, I’d think a dash of humalog with some cereal would be in play. But my goals right now are to heal soft tissue injuries and get very lean.
@Type-IIx i recently started experiencing debilitating carpal tunnel and fluid retention on both hands despite running higher dose GH for the better part of 6 months. Backed off from 15iu to 10iu’s and there’s some improvements but my sleep is shot from the pain at night.

Is there a reason for the sudden onset of CTS? Can the addition of increased lantus doses be to blame for CTS as well? And will splitting doses as opposed to bolus dosing improve my CTS?

Thanks for your time
@Type-IIx i recently started experiencing debilitating carpal tunnel and fluid retention on both hands despite running higher dose GH for the better part of 6 months. Backed off from 15iu to 10iu’s and there’s some improvements but my sleep is shot from the pain at night.

Is there a reason for the sudden onset of CTS? Can the addition of increased lantus doses be to blame for CTS as well? And will splitting doses as opposed to bolus dosing improve my CTS?

Thanks for your time
Diagnosis of drug-induced acromegaly would be made in your case, given both debilitating arthropathy & edema. These are separate phenomenon by the way, I often see bodybuilders confuse all of GH's effects with having their root genesis in "water retention."

I'd have to know more about your situation, including getting into your administration schedule & the full course of all compounds including of course the Lantus. This is not something we'll hash out here.

There are a couple different lines of thinking that I have, including the reduced increase to IGF-I that occurs by six months (IGF-I effects tend to counterbalance GH effects); and Lantus' enhancement of IGF-I bioavailability/increase to IGF-I. But I'm theorizing. No, splitting doses is not likely to affect acromegalic symptoms in the scenario you describe.

If it's debilitating, the prudent course would be to stop taking the growth & slin so that you can potentially reverse some of these conditions.
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Diagnosis of drug-induced acromegaly would be made in your case, given both debilitating arthropathy & edema. These are separate phenomenon by the way, I often see bodybuilders confuse all of GH's effects with having their root genesis in "water retention."

I'd have to know more about your situation, including getting into your administration schedule & the full course of all compounds including of course the Lantus. This is not something we'll hash out here.

There are a couple different lines of thinking that I have, including the reduced increase to IGF-I that occurs by six months (IGF-I effects tend to counterbalance GH effects); and Lantus' enhancement of IGF-I bioavailability/increase to IGF-I. But I'm theorizing. No, splitting doses is not likely to affect acromegalic symptoms in the scenario you describe.

If it's debilitating, the prudent course would be to stop taking the growth & slin so that you can potentially reverse some of these conditions.
Thanks for the feedback. Facial and bone structure haven’t changed over the course of two years but I’ll try backing off the lantus and GH to see if things get better. If not, time to blast 30iu’s of GH and join the circus

EDIT: completely forgot to mention that I also recently started dabbling into 2mg PEG-MGF twice a week on rest days and 2mg MGF directly postworkout bilaterally into the lagging body part i’m trying to bring up.

Might definitely be a cause for the CTS lol. My bad for not disclosing that
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Hi all. First thank you all and especially Type-IIx for all of your thoughtful input to this thread. Thank you also because as a new member and new user of hgh I’ve been using this protocol to good effect. It is definitely working and particularly pleasantly to visible effect in the belly and groin area.

I have run into an unpleasant and potentially regimen ending snag that was wholly unexpected and I haven’t seen any mention of in this thread. I’m writing this in hope someone else has experienced this and can help.

it seems that I have entered ketosis or at least burning enough fat that I’m producing / emitting keytones because I’m evidently exhibiting classic keytone breath.

Now me being me and a bit headstrong, type A not to mention excited this is working and getting me through a plateau and getting visible abs for the first time in a long time I would pull a honey badger and not give a fuck until I hit my goal.

The other side of this is I have gone from my wife being really into my newly visible abs and wanting to check them out and touch them in bed and spending much more time in the general vicinity than usual to being nauseated and repulsed by my keystone breath, even if I have just brushed my teeth and tongue raw, flossed and used listerine.

So, on the positive side more evidence for the community / thread I’m creating FFA and burning it.

Less positively I’m going to stop the protocol if I can’t stop smelling like I have a pile sulfurous, rotting fruit in my stomach. I’m in a client facing, sales role often and this will be disastrous work wise in addition to having to step out of my fantasy made real of my hot wife being more into me and oral sex than maybe ever before :eek:

hopefully some of you have either experienced this and fixed it or heard of some brilliant medical or homeopathic supplement solution.

I’m sorry if this is in the wrong place but given the timing ad hoc ergo propter hoc seems right.
Hi all. First thank you all and especially Type-IIx for all of your thoughtful input to this thread. Thank you also because as a new member and new user of hgh I’ve been using this protocol to good effect. It is definitely working and particularly pleasantly to visible effect in the belly and groin area.

I have run into an unpleasant and potentially regimen ending snag that was wholly unexpected and I haven’t seen any mention of in this thread. I’m writing this in hope someone else has experienced this and can help.

it seems that I have entered ketosis or at least burning enough fat that I’m producing / emitting keytones because I’m evidently exhibiting classic keytone breath.

Now me being me and a bit headstrong, type A not to mention excited this is working and getting me through a plateau and getting visible abs for the first time in a long time I would pull a honey badger and not give a fuck until I hit my goal.

The other side of this is I have gone from my wife being really into my newly visible abs and wanting to check them out and touch them in bed and spending much more time in the general vicinity than usual to being nauseated and repulsed by my keystone breath, even if I have just brushed my teeth and tongue raw, flossed and used listerine.

So, on the positive side more evidence for the community / thread I’m creating FFA and burning it.

Less positively I’m going to stop the protocol if I can’t stop smelling like I have a pile sulfurous, rotting fruit in my stomach. I’m in a client facing, sales role often and this will be disastrous work wise in addition to having to step out of my fantasy made real of my hot wife being more into me and oral sex than maybe ever before :eek:

hopefully some of you have either experienced this and fixed it or heard of some brilliant medical or homeopathic supplement solution.

I’m sorry if this is in the wrong place but given the timing ad hoc ergo propter hoc seems right.
It's usually transient. I had a bit of this the first time I ran this protocol that eventually went away. You should probably drink more water, consume less protein. I think that a basic web search will turn up suggestions.
It's usually transient. I had a bit of this the first time I ran this protocol that eventually went away. You should probably drink more water, consume less protein. I think that a basic web search will turn up suggestions.
Thank you for the reply. Yeah, google says much the same which I’ve started. Ironically I’ve been trying to consume more protein. I don’t often get to even 0.8g/lb but I will cut back.

I was hoping for something cool and new I hadn’t heard of before that was really effective like “A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based” ;) but I’ll take whatever I can get.
Maybe I missed it in here. But why after taking dose in the morning fasted must one wait until they do cardio. Can you just not wake up say 5am, inject, then go do cardio for next hour?
got it thank you. However, dose this protocol call for fasted cardio everyday? My thought would be days I don't do cardio still take injections and just wait to eat?
This protocol is diet agnostic & does not call for fasted cardio, actually.

While the increase to circulating FFAs reflects their availability as a fuel source for LISS/zone 2, what you do with that is up to you. Lipolysis occurs regardless of whether you avail of the ability to preferentially use these for fuel/deplete fat cells. GH promotes the use of these fatty acids as fuel substrates during rest/recovery also.
Here is a gift for the Holidays from a likely forthcoming book I am considering releasing, titled Bolus: A Science-Based Guide to recombinant human Growth Hormone (rhGH) for the Athlete, Aesthete, and Aging Gym-goer

This protocol is in direct contravention of the commonly touted 3-5x daily injections of rhGH for lipolysis and the use of GH+fasted cardio for fat loss.

rhGH for lipolysis
Author: Type-IIx

Daily exercise:
Morning or daytime bolus ideally 2-3 hr pre-workout
Single large bolus (≥3IU) for lipolysis: [6] showed lipolysis (blood 3-hydroxy-butyrate) was positively correlated to the peak hGH concentration (r=0.65) for the highest dose (6mcg/kg); [40] showed a significant correlation between the peak GH response to exercise and the post-exercise rise in glycerol measured as area under the curve (r= 0.57,p< 0.04). Also, [69] showed that a single s.c. bolus versus two promotes nighttime FFA liberation.

meal post-workout (4-4.5hr post-bolus), see FFA liberation:

View attachment 157904
FFA liberation: FFA liberation follows an oscillating, rhythymic pattern for 24 hr post-bolus (palmitate [glycerol] flux)
- Post-5IU rhGH administration subcutaneous vs. jet-injected

The normal 24-hour pattern of FFAs is characterized by high values prior to a meal and low levels post-meal [68]
[5] Verhagen, A., Ebels, J. T., Jonkman, J. H. G., & Dogterom, A. A. (1995). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a single dose of recombinant human growth hormone after subcutaneous administration by jet-injection: comparison with conventional needle-injection. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 49(1-2). doi:10.1007/bf00192361
[6] Hansen, T. K., Gravholt, C. H., Ørskov, H., Rasmussen, M. H., Christiansen, J. S., & Jørgensen, J. O. L. (2002). Dose Dependency of the Pharmacokinetics and Acute Lipolytic Actions of Growth Hormone. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 87(10), 4691–4698. doi:10.1210/jc.2002-020563
[40] Wee, J., Charlton, C., Simpson, H., Jackson, N. C., Shojaee-Moradie, F., Stolinski, M., … Umpleby, A. M. (2005). GH secretion in acute exercise may result in post-exercise lipolysis. Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 15(6), 397–404. doi:10.1016/j.ghir.2005.08.003
[68] Laursen, T., Jergensen, J. O. L., & Chrlstiansen, J. S. (1994). Metabolic effects of growth hormone administered subcutaneously once or twice daily to growth hormone deficient adults. Clinical Endocrinology, 41(3), 337–343. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2265.1994.tb02554.x
[69] Jørgensen, J. O. L., Møller, J., Møller, N., Lauritzen, T., & Christiansen, J. S. (1990). Pharmacological Aspects of Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy: Route, Frequency and Timing of Administration. Hormone Research, 33(4), 77–82. doi:10.1159/000181589
For those interested in the book, its table of contents (so far) is:
- Objective
- Abbreviations
- Research primer: A 'How To' on interpretation of research
- Contraindications
- Skeletal muscle growth and function
- Skeletal muscle: An endocrine organ
- Hypertrophy
- Mechanisms in hypertrophy
- Conclusions regarding skeletal muscle hypertrophy
- Hyperplasia
- Adult myogenesis
- Satellite cells
- Local mIGF-I and Systemic cIGF-I
- Nitrogen balance and reduced AA proteolysis
- Lipolysis
- Mechanisms in lipolytic activity
- Collagen synthesis
- Collagen Type I & Collagen Type III
- Bone density
- Musculotendinous injury recovery and prevention
- Post-immobilization and post-rehabilitation
- Cognitive function
- Anticatabolism
- Cardiorespiratory endurance
- Anaerobic capacity
- Sprint performance
- Metabolic parameters
- LDL reduction
- Anti-aging and rhGH
- Age-related decline in GH
- Studies
- Lipolysis in elderly
- Interindividual variation
- IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio
- Genetic polymorphisms
- d3-GHR
- Women and rhGH
- Plot of IGF-I response to rhGH in adult GHD patients by gender
- Dose-response for women vs men
- Cessation
- Blood pressure
- Pulse pressure
- Intracranial hypertension, i.e., headaches
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Long-term administration
- Strength
- Withdrawal
- Decrement in serum IGF-I
- Effects on thyroid function
- Anthony Roberts' Article "Thyroid Hormone + Growth Hormone – If You Aren’t Using T4 with Your GH, You’re Not Doing It Right"
- Effects on adrenocortical system
- Organ growth
- Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
- SubQ serum GH profile
- IM serum GH profile
- Pulsatile serum GH profile
- GH kinetics
- Effects of estradiol-estrogen, obesity
- Effects of testosterone and aromatizable androgens
- Time-course of changes in response to rhGH administration
- Transient negative feedback inhibition
- cIGF-I changes with administration, withdrawal
- Clinical relevance of cIGF-I
- Practical
- Risk-reward balancing
- Dosages and administration
- Conversion of mcg <=> IU
- General instructions for pharmaceutical rhGH preparations
- Specific products and dosages
- Norditropin
- Genotropin
- Serono Serostim
- Humatrope
- Biodenticals
- Cinnatropin, Jintropin, Kigtropin, Hygetropin
- Generics
- Purity variance within a single batch
- French Testing Group
- Practical protocols
- rhGH for lipolysis
- rhGH for hypertrophy
- Primary RT mode drivers of augmented SC fusion
- combined rhGH and Insulin
- rhGH for musculotendinous healing and post-rehabilitation injury recovery

- combined rhGH and rIGF-I
- rhGH for anti-aging
- Permutations based on limited quantity
- Non-rehabilitative usage
- rhGH for anti-aging
- Testing
- Serum IGF-I
- Analytic laboratory quantitative analysis
- rhGH solutions- What is in the vial or pen?
- Antimicrobial preservative agents
- Considerations
- Theoretical
- Dual Effector Hypothesis supersedes the Somatomedin Hypothesis
- Hyperplasia of skeletal muscle
- Molecular signalling
- AR nongenomic pathway
- Modern theory of 22kDa GH binding at the GHR
- Substrate metabolism
- IGF-I, a myokine promoting a local effort for a global effect
- Pathways and natural pulsatile secretion
- β-adrenergic agonists inhibit GH secretion
- Obesity & rhGH
- Gynecomastia
- Glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
- Hyperglycemia
- Metformin
- Downsides of Metformin
- Insulin
- Rapid-acting, -R type
- Slower-acting, -Log type
- Insulin resistance
- Calcium levels- hypercalcinemia or hypercalciuria
- Edema and water retention
- Tumor growth and risk of carcinogenesis
- Relevant measures
- Natural baseline measures
- GH
- cIGF-I
- Serum T₄
- Monitoring of rhGH course
- HbA1c and blood glucose monitoring
- Interactions with other drugs or exogenous hormones
- AAS Effects on IGFBPs and negative inhibition
- Exogenous Testosterone
- Fluoxymesterone
- Stanozolol
- Oxandrolone
- 5α-DHT
- Metformin
- Estrogen
- Alcohol
- Interactions with endogenous hormones
- Thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, T4
- Testosterone
- Prolactin
- Progesterone
- Health conditions that affect rhGH efficacy
- Related
- Growth hormone secretagogues, i.e. "peptides"
- Secretagogues and obesity
I read every post in this thread, and I think just about every post you’ve made about GH. You are a wealth of information, thank you for sharing so much. Your posts are slowly convincing me to switch from secretagogues to the real deal. Iduno if I’m a 100% convinced, but your writings have done more than anything else to make me think hard on it. I look forward to your book and seeing what your protocol for hypertrophy is.
I read every post in this thread, and I think just about every post you’ve made about GH. You are a wealth of information, thank you for sharing so much. Your posts are slowly convincing me to switch from secretagogues to the real deal. Iduno if I’m a 100% convinced, but your writings have done more than anything else to make me think hard on it. I look forward to your book and seeing what your protocol for hypertrophy is.
I did what you did. Read this all since I started this forum a few months ago, and I recently started taking HGH from info in this thread. 10 days in so far.
Keep us informed how this protocol works for you!
I started at 1.5iu and now moving to 2iu for next 10 days. Give or take as reading tic marks on slin syringe i could be little off each day. Hands feel tight, as well as all muscles. I am on test right now too, but I just feeling overall tightness since taking the GH. Sleeping awesome though, drousy in mornings but I could easily sleep 10 hours on this stuff.