A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

I read every post in this thread, and I think just about every post you’ve made about GH. You are a wealth of information, thank you for sharing so much. Your posts are slowly convincing me to switch from secretagogues to the real deal. Iduno if I’m a 100% convinced, but your writings have done more than anything else to make me think hard on it. I look forward to your book and seeing what your protocol for hypertrophy is.
I did what you did. Read this all since I started this forum a few months ago, and I recently started taking HGH from info in this thread. 10 days in so far.
I'm glad you find this thread helpful and of benefit. It's not something that I intended to encourage rhGH use but I suppose if you're pissing away money on secretagogues that cannot accomplish your goal(s) then it's good to see.
I'm glad you find this thread helpful and of benefit. It's not something that I intended to encourage rhGH use but I suppose if you're pissing away money on secretagogues that cannot accomplish your goal(s) then it's good to see.
That’s how big a waste you consider secretagogues? Edit - for whatever it’s worth I’m have great results with ipa/mod grf. I’m pondering the safety of that compared to hgh and it’s appearing more to me like hgh may be the safer alternative. I’m worried about blood glucose and insulin sensitivity tho. I guess when your book comes out I’ll have a solid protocol to protect myself as much as possible from these things.
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That’s how big a waste you consider secretagogues? Edit - for whatever it’s worth I’m have great results with ipa/mod grf. I’m pondering the safety of that compared to hgh and it’s appearing more to me like hgh may be the safer alternative. I’m worried about blood glucose and insulin sensitivity tho. I guess when your book comes out I’ll have a solid protocol to protect myself as much as possible from these things.
I believe that secretagogues are wasteful when they cannot be used to accomplish what rhGH can or where their financial expense is greater than rhGH for the same outcome.

There are use cases where, e.g., GHS-R agonists (Ghrelin mimetics; GH-releasing peptides; GHRPs) excel, e.g., promoting appetite, sleep; but with tradeoffs, e.g., increased prolactin & cortisol, more negative GH effects (e.g., insulin resistance) due to a relatively diminished Δ IGF-I.
I believe that secretagogues are wasteful when they cannot be used to accomplish what rhGH can or where their financial expense is greater than rhGH for the same outcome.

There are use cases where, e.g., GHS-R agonists (Ghrelin mimetics; GH-releasing peptides; GHRPs) excel, e.g., promoting appetite, sleep; but with tradeoffs, e.g., increased prolactin & cortisol, more negative GH effects (e.g., insulin resistance) due to a relatively diminished Δ IGF-I.
Interesting. Am I reading you correctly, you believe GHRPs cause insulin resistance? Or are you saying that’s the trade off (increased cortisol & prolactin with ghrp vs insulin resistance with GH)?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Look forward to your book!
Interesting. Am I reading you correctly, you believe GHRPs cause insulin resistance? Or are you saying that’s the trade off (increased cortisol & prolactin with ghrp vs insulin resistance with GH)?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Look forward to your book!
GHRPs cause greater insulin resistance than rhGH with respect to efficacy vs. tolerability, and increase cortisol & prolactin which rhGH does not.

For the sake of clarification, when I use the term "GH" I mean endogenous growth hormone (somatotropin; 22- & 20- K-GH) stimulated by GHRH & Ghrelin [& secretagogue mimetics] (secreted by the anterior pituitary/hypophysis). When I use the term "rhGH" I mean recombinant human growth hormone (Somatropin).
GHRPs cause greater insulin resistance than rhGH with respect to efficacy vs. tolerability, and increase cortisol & prolactin which rhGH does not.

For the sake of clarification, when I use the term "GH" I mean endogenous growth hormone (somatotropin; 22- & 20- K-GH) stimulated by GHRH & Ghrelin [& secretagogue mimetics] (secreted by the anterior pituitary/hypophysis). When I use the term "rhGH" I mean recombinant human growth hormone (Somatropin).
This is friggin’ interesting. All my research lead me to believe that the GHRP (especially ipamorelin) would have less impact on insulin resistance, tho I did read GHRH (like mod grf 1-29) could have an impact on insulin. I will get a blood glucose tester and check myself regularly now (ngl that concerns me). I have had very good effects from my 3
1/2 months on ipa/mod grf, but I’m now feeling conned by anti-aging clinic bs on the relative safety of this over rhGH.

I know there’s little to no rigorous science regarding the use of either peptides or rhGH in healthy adults, but would you feel comfortable saying that from the anecdotal evidence, user supplied testing, and scant scientific studies that rhGH would be the safer option?

I like the results I’m getting from my GHRH/GHRP mix (especially the sleep improvements), but if those results will be more efficient and, more importantly, safer or healthier long term on rhGH instead I will seriously consider switching regiments.
This is friggin’ interesting. All my research lead me to believe that the GHRP (especially ipamorelin) would have less impact on insulin resistance, tho I did read GHRH (like mod grf 1-29) could have an impact on insulin. I will get a blood glucose tester and check myself regularly now (ngl that concerns me). I have had very good effects from my 3
1/2 months on ipa/mod grf, but I’m now feeling conned by anti-aging clinic bs on the relative safety of this over rhGH.

I know there’s little to no rigorous science regarding the use of either peptides or rhGH in healthy adults, but would you feel comfortable saying that from the anecdotal evidence, user supplied testing, and scant scientific studies that rhGH would be the safer option?

I like the results I’m getting from my GHRH/GHRP mix (especially the sleep improvements), but if those results will be more efficient and, more importantly, safer or healthier long term on rhGH instead I will seriously consider switching regiments.
The Mod GRF (1-29) & Ipamorelin combination is OK, better than just Ibutamoren (MK-0677) for insulin resistance. Its relative unfavorability vs. rhGH relates mostly to financial expense & injection frequency, and an upper limit of about ~ 2.5 maybe 3 IU/d GH.
The Mod GRF (1-29) & Ipamorelin combination is OK, better than just Ibutamoren (MK-0677) for insulin resistance. Its relative unfavorability vs. rhGH relates mostly to financial expense & injection frequency, and an upper limit of about ~ 2.5 maybe 3 IU/d GH.
Have you seen Mod-GRF & Ipamorelin combo or Mod-GRF/GHRP-2(or 6) combos actually have an effect on blood glucose? I understand MK being a completely different story, I'm just now really curious because I've been playing with both ghrh/ghrp peptides (specifically mod-grf and ipa or ghrp-2/6) and rhGH, and then both together, and I've been measuring blood glucose regularly trying to understand what's doing what.

Seems like everyone has an opinion on GHRH/GHRP peptides and rhGH itself, but I don't hear too many people having an opinion on running these altogether. Meaning: pin GHRH/GHRP fasted, wait 20 mins, pin 2iu rhGH, eat/whatever. Repeat 3x per day. Why? I'm really curious if the 6iu of rhGH becomes additive to a natural pulse of GH. Is this a ridiculous idea?
Have you seen Mod-GRF & Ipamorelin combo or Mod-GRF/GHRP-2(or 6) combos actually have an effect on blood glucose? I understand MK being a completely different story, I'm just now really curious because I've been playing with both ghrh/ghrp peptides (specifically mod-grf and ipa or ghrp-2/6) and rhGH, and then both together, and I've been measuring blood glucose regularly trying to understand what's doing what.

Seems like everyone has an opinion on GHRH/GHRP peptides and rhGH itself, but I don't hear too many people having an opinion on running these altogether. Meaning: pin GHRH/GHRP fasted, wait 20 mins, pin 2iu rhGH, eat/whatever. Repeat 3x per day. Why? I'm really curious if the 6iu of rhGH becomes additive to a natural pulse of GH. Is this a ridiculous idea?
I tried something similar with peptides after workout and at night with Gh.
My plan was to get a high peak levels of GH from the peptides and sustained igf1 from the GH.
The peptides seemed to lose effectiveness around the 3 weeks mark.(No more dizzy/low BG, feeling less hunger)
Its quite a hassle so overall I'm not in a hurry to do it again.
Have you seen Mod-GRF & Ipamorelin combo or Mod-GRF/GHRP-2(or 6) combos actually have an effect on blood glucose? I understand MK being a completely different story, I'm just now really curious because I've been playing with both ghrh/ghrp peptides (specifically mod-grf and ipa or ghrp-2/6) and rhGH, and then both together, and I've been measuring blood glucose regularly trying to understand what's doing what.

Seems like everyone has an opinion on GHRH/GHRP peptides and rhGH itself, but I don't hear too many people having an opinion on running these altogether. Meaning: pin GHRH/GHRP fasted, wait 20 mins, pin 2iu rhGH, eat/whatever. Repeat 3x per day. Why? I'm really curious if the 6iu of rhGH becomes additive to a natural pulse of GH. Is this a ridiculous idea?
I believe either in this thread or in the thread about what can diminish the impact of rhGH Type-IIX has discussed how adding in GHRH/GHRP to a rhGH cycle actually reduces the effects of rhGH due to a negative feedback. I can’t remember the particulars atm but I’ll try and dig up the post.

Edit: found it
Post in thread 'Factors that Diminish GH Response (↓Δ IGF-I); The Purpose of the Serum IGF-I Test: A Revision (2.0) [Author: Type-IIx]'
Factors that Diminish GH Response (↓Δ IGF-I); The Purpose of the Serum IGF-I Test: A Revision (2.0) [Author: Type-IIx]
I believe either in this thread or in the thread about what can diminish the impact of rhGH Type-IIX has discussed how adding in GHRH/GHRP to a rhGH cycle actually reduces the effects of rhGH due to a negative feedback. I can’t remember the particulars atm but I’ll try and dig up the post.

Edit: found it
Post in thread 'Factors that Diminish GH Response (↓Δ IGF-I); The Purpose of the Serum IGF-I Test: A Revision (2.0) [Author: Type-IIx]'
Factors that Diminish GH Response (↓Δ IGF-I); The Purpose of the Serum IGF-I Test: A Revision (2.0) [Author: Type-IIx]
Awesome, thank you, I will give this a thorough read.
It doesn't harm rhGH-induced lipolysis to eat before or immediately after the bolus is the point. There's no logical justification for fasting around the rhGH dose aside from the user having a dietary regimen already in place, in which case fasting is permissible.
Wait...so I've been basically starving myself (overexaggeration) after my GH administration out of fear of insulin resistance for no reasonable benefit? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Wait...so I've been basically starving myself (overexaggeration) after my GH administration out of fear of insulin resistance for no reasonable benefit? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Right! Its really difficult to get all that old way of thinking out of our heads. I catch myself thinking ~'no food, just dosed hgh'. It's like we gotta rewire our brains to stop what has been repeatedly pounded into our liitle minds.
It's worse than knowing nothing about exogenous hgh because I only know oft regurgitated bullshit...
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According to this study, from my understanding, elevated insulin around the same time as GH completely blunts the free fatty acid release. Even with exogenous administration.

But instead, amino acids, insulin and HGH have a synergistic anabolic response. So less fat burn, more protein synthesis.

I’m not the greatest at breaking down these research papers but that what I’m getting from it.

“The fat mobilizing effect of HGH are inhibited by concentrations of insulin similar
To those obtaining in the post-prandial period”

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According to this study, from my understanding, elevated insulin around the same time as GH completely blunts the free fatty acid release. Even with exogenous administration.

But instead, amino acids, insulin and HGH have a synergistic anabolic response. So less fat burn, more protein synthesis.

I’m not the greatest at breaking down these research papers but that what I’m getting from it.

“The fat mobilizing effect of HGH are inhibited by concentrations of insulin similar
To those obtaining in the post-prandial period”

This 1966 study that you posted argues against the existence of IGF-I, which we now know to be ridiculous.This is pre-Somatomedin Hypothesis (that has since been superseded by the Dual Effector Theory) research.

This study does not relate to subcutaneous or intramuscular supra-physiologic rhGH application in vivo.

Instead, they study the mechanistic aspects of GH by infusion of insulin & GH to study local activity in isolation using arterial clamping (the forearm) and intra-arterial infusion, measuring differences between the arterial and venous compartments, to indicate activity on FFAs, AAs, & glucose.

Certainly, endogenous insulin is the primary inactivator HSL activity in vivo. We know that even fasting insulin levels (1.4 - 14.0 µIU/mL or 9.7 - 97.2 pmol/L) are sufficient to inactivate HSL by ~50%. But s.c./i.m. rhGH at or above 3 IU is going to overwhelm this.

What is interesting about this study, besides its being a historical work showcasing whacky arguments against IGF-I's existence, and illustrating the exergonic & endergonic duality of GH (i.e., protein anabolism, lipid & cabohydrate catabolism), is that it might be the first study to describe a necessary role for insulin, under control of hyperaminocidemia, in the protein anabolic effects of GH.

Wait...so I've been basically starving myself (overexaggeration) after my GH administration out of fear of insulin resistance for no reasonable benefit? Correct me if I'm wrong.
If there were absolutely no effect of feeding on lipolysis, the protocol wouldn't refer to timing of meal ingestion. Still, you do not have to fast around a bolus and you should always eat breakfast. The efficacy of rhGH does not depend on obsessing to the point of skipping meals or starvation.
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Have you seen Mod-GRF & Ipamorelin combo or Mod-GRF/GHRP-2(or 6) combos actually have an effect on blood glucose? I understand MK being a completely different story, I'm just now really curious because I've been playing with both ghrh/ghrp peptides (specifically mod-grf and ipa or ghrp-2/6) and rhGH, and then both together, and I've been measuring blood glucose regularly trying to understand what's doing what.
I see bloodwork that's all over the place with respect to blood glucose. Factors involved include dietary regimens (e.g., keto), exercise (muscular contraction increases GLUT-4 activity), body fat, dose, and other drugs.

I have written the following about insulin resistance elsewhere:
It can be very confusing to those familiar with these concepts from bodybuilding discussions that hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose) is but one factor that is associated with insulin resistance, but is not actually synonymous with insulin resistance (hyperglycemia =/= insulin resistance). Yes, reducing blood glucose to normal levels is very important in order to improve insulin sensitivity while using exogenous growth hormone (rhGH) because glucose is toxic to the pancreatic β cells.

Insulin Sensitivity is multifactorial & comprises systemic (e.g., QUICKI) and peripheral (e.g., GLUT-4) components, and is regulated centrally by GLP-1 & GIP. Hyperglycemia, i.e., high blood glucose, is but one factor (the other being insulin) that serves as a proxy for systemic Insulin Resistance (the reciprocal of insulin sensitivity). There are other aspects, including carbohydrate tolerance, etc.

Seems like everyone has an opinion on GHRH/GHRP peptides and rhGH itself, but I don't hear too many people having an opinion on running these altogether. Meaning: pin GHRH/GHRP fasted, wait 20 mins, pin 2iu rhGH, eat/whatever. Repeat 3x per day. Why? I'm really curious if the 6iu of rhGH becomes additive to a natural pulse of GH. Is this a ridiculous idea?
There is an interference effect between rhGH & secretagogues. GH partially negatively feeds back on its own secretion.
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I see bloodwork that's all over the place with respect to blood glucose. Factors involved include dietary regimens (e.g., keto), exercise (muscular contraction increases GLUT-4 activity), body fat, dose, and other drugs.

I have written the following about insulin resistance elsewhere:
It can be very confusing to those familiar with these concepts from bodybuilding discussions that hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose) is but one factor that is associated with insulin resistance, but is not actually synonymous with insulin resistance (hyperglycemia =/= insulin resistance). Yes, reducing blood glucose to normal levels is very important in order to improve insulin sensitivity while using exogenous growth hormone (rhGH) because glucose is toxic to the pancreatic β cells.

Insulin Sensitivity is multifactorial & comprises systemic (e.g., QUICKI) and peripheral (e.g., GLUT-4) components, and is regulated centrally by GLP-1 & GIP. Hyperglycemia, i.e., high blood glucose, is but one factor (the other being insulin) that serves as a proxy for systemic Insulin Resistance (the reciprocal of insulin sensitivity). There are other aspects, including carbohydrate tolerance, etc.

There is an interference effect between rhGH & secretagogues. GH partially negatively feeds back on its own secretion.
Very curious what your protocol for mitigating insulin issues with rhGH as you seem just so knowledgeable about all the various processes exogenous rhGH kicks off.
If there were absolutely no effect of feeding on lipolysis, the protocol wouldn't refer to timing of meal ingestion. Still, you do not have to fast around a bolus and you should always eat breakfast. The efficacy of rhGH does not depend on obsessing to the point of skipping meals or starvation.
I know this thread is directed at timing and fat loss, and I'm sure you already answered this earlier in the the thread but, you're saying there's no concern of effects on insulin sensitivity? Meaning one could dose upon waking and eat shortly after? I just want to make sure I'm tracking and not misconstruing your words.
I know this thread is directed at timing and fat loss, and I'm sure you already answered this earlier in the the thread but, you're saying there's no concern of effects on insulin sensitivity? Meaning one could dose upon waking and eat shortly after? I just want to make sure I'm tracking and not misconstruing your words.
what I took from the author, and I'm in no way attempting to speak for him, but rather to restate what I think was said in attempt to test my own understanding:

it's silly to refrain from eating after an hgh shot because the hgh is going to be really doing its thing about 3-4 hours later. So no sense in taking a shot, then waiting an hour to eat, because you're getting a blood glucose response from the hgh shot, then you're getting a second response from the food an hour or so later. You're just prolonging the insulin response over your "fed" window.

So if your goal is fat loss, with the idea to get blood glucose low as fast as possible and as long as possible, then eat and take your hgh at the same time -- you'll get the blood glucose response from both the meal and the hgh and then you've got the next <however many> hours until you eat again to dispose of the glucose and start utilizing the free fatty acids that are still in circulation from the hgh shot a few hours earlier.

IOW...wake up, eat, take your shot, exercise 3-4 hours later. <repeat>