A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based

@Type-IIx If Nandrolone (Deca) has been shown to increase IGF output in the liver, while something like Tren reduces the output but makes better use of the receptors, my question is;

Is there any net positive to running the 2 together for a slightly better IGF score in conjunction with HGH and Low Test.

Low Test/Low Deca/High Tren/High HGH.

Also the healthier the liver, the better chance of the body has to respond to the influx of HGH for IGF. So for things like TUDCA, Glutathione, and NAC, Are they negligible in benefits in any way for the intended purpose here, and would any methylated oral simply give a worse IGF score due to liver toxicity, or would the added benefit from (example 50mg anadrol) outweigh that con?
@Type-IIx If Nandrolone (Deca) has been shown to increase IGF output in the liver, while something like Tren reduces the output but makes better use of the receptors, my question is;

Is there any net positive to running the 2 together for a slightly better IGF score in conjunction with HGH and Low Test.
Yes, because most, but not all, of the reason that Tren lowers IGF-I is because it reduces GH secretion from the anterior pituitary.

However, with trenbolone in the mix at bodybuilding doses (i.e., ≥ 300 mg/w), increased muscle anabolism becomes totally disentangled from serum IGF-I, partly because trenbolone reduces it so potently while increasing responsiveness to autocrine/paracrine IGF-I (i.e.., IGF-IEa & IGF-IEc/MGF isoforms).
Low Test/Low Deca/High Tren/High HGH.
I'd never use this particular cycle to bulk because it won't maximally stimulate increased body size. But it's a good cycle for recomping or "growing into the show" if you cut everything out at the right times, and use some other agents for peaking, e.g., Halo.
Also the healthier the liver, the better chance of the body has to respond to the influx of HGH for IGF. So for things like TUDCA, Glutathione, and NAC, Are they negligible in benefits in any way for the intended purpose here, and would any methylated oral simply give a worse IGF score due to liver toxicity, or would the added benefit from (example 50mg anadrol) outweigh that con?
I don't think these drugs are ever needed for a healthy bodybuilder.

Acute liver toxicity from 17AA orals is transient, I've never seen these reduce responsiveness of IGF-I when they're used rationally.

Anadrol at 50 mg/d will always offer benefits that outweigh the harms in a healthy bodybuilder. Just make sure that its particular features serve the primary objective of the cycle.
Do you recommend to take GH even if the sportive movement is low?

To explain the case:
Training: 9pm
Cardio: 11pm
Working from 9am until 5pm but on the desk sitting.

At the moment the plan is:
GH 5pm
GH 8pm
Could prior gh and tren use cause my partial empty sella?
I don't know. Partial empty sella syndrome sometimes presents in people that use hormonal therapies and with adrenal insufficiency. Androgens (AAS), some more so that others, can also contribute to adrenal insufficiency. I couldn't tell you; but it'd be extremely rare if so.
Do you recommend to take GH even if the sportive movement is low?

To explain the case:
Training: 9pm
Cardio: 11pm
Working from 9am until 5pm but on the desk sitting.

At the moment the plan is:
GH 5pm
GH 8pm
I don't really understand any of this.
Apologies is this comes across as unadulterated arse-licking, but I just spent my downtime over 2 ½ days reading through the entirety of this thread. This is exactly why I signed up for this board. Thanks for all the info and education @Type-IIx ! I feel both smarter and dumber at the same time. I’m contemplating trying rHGH in the near future and this thread (as well as others you’ve posted) has been enlightening. Looking forward to your book when it’s released.
I've gone through the entire thread, and there's a ton of fantastic information here!

The suggestion is to administer a bolus injection two hours before your workout. However, if one does morning cardio on an empty stomach and then have a second training session in the evening, followed by post-workout cardio, would it be advisable to divide the dosage in this scenario? Or is it better to take the entire dose in the evening?

A daily dosage of 5iu (current dosage) may not be as effective to split, but would it potentially be worth it to split at 10iu?
I've gone through the entire thread, and there's a ton of fantastic information here!

The suggestion is to administer a bolus injection two hours before your workout. However, if one does morning cardio on an empty stomach and then have a second training session in the evening, followed by post-workout cardio, would it be advisable to divide the dosage in this scenario? Or is it better to take the entire dose in the evening?
If it's possible to push your fasted a.m. cardio forward such that you can follow the protocol, then the protocol calls for doing that. Besides, the rationale supporting fasted a.m. cardio, increased FA oxidation, is potently enhanced by this protocol.

Using HIIT in your fasted cardio comprising short intervals in initial HIIT work elicits a adrenaline/noradrenaline & ANP response and liberates FAs from the adipocyte (fat cell). Then LISS, and post-LISS HIIT work that comprises longer intervals induces metabolic stress, effecting a maximal EPOC & depletion of IMTGs to further increase fatty acid oxidation. This is basically Lyle McDonald's Stubborn Fat Loss 2.0 protocol.
A daily dosage of 5iu (current dosage) may not be as effective to split, but would it potentially be worth it to split at 10iu?
Yes, this protocol calls for as large a bolus as is tolerable and feasible (e.g., given financial constraints), and then carrying over the remainder to nighttime for a pre-bed bolus.
For those putting in Book pre-orders, I will not be taking funds yet for the book, but you will receive an email that it has become available for purchase at that time
For those putting in Book pre-orders, I will not be taking funds yet for the book, but you will receive an email that it has become available for purchase at that time
Is there a e-mail list we can sign up for? I can't find anything on the site for one.
Also curious about this for my partner.
My book will address Female Use with broad sections specifically for women. Chiefly:

§ Interindividual variation
§§ Women and rhGH: Female Considerations

§ Practical
§§ Protocols
§§§ Combination Strategies (GH Secretagogues & RhGH)
§§§§ Women: Female Use

§ Interactions with other drugs or exogenous hormones
§§ Estrogen

Note I have written a quasi-article here regarding rhGH for women:

And finally to your question:
@Type-IIx, do you have a recommended protocol for female users, specifically for lipolysis
This lipolysis protocol (from this thread) is not sex-specific. It works just as well for women as for men.