Accutane permanent cure?

The thinking around this has radically changed in the last decade. Low dose treatment protocols have made pre treatment and ongoing blood tests largely unnecessary.

10-20mg doses are almost universally side effect free.

Whoever had you taking 70mg in one shot a day didn't do you any favors, boosting side effects and lowering efficacy, given it's half life it should have been split up.

The collagen regeneration effects have dermatologists prescribing very low dose isotretinoin off label, 10mg once or twice a week, for general skin health improvement and to reverse photoaging.

Both times was by a doctor, first time nhs and second time private. And yeah the sides were fucked as both times it was summer.

I don’t keep up with it so have no idea on what’s changed but the last time I did it was only 2 years ago.

Hopefully it is as you say because it’s the holy grail for bad acne but the worse sides!
Both times was by a doctor, first time nhs and second time private. And yeah the sides were fucked as both times it was summer.

I don’t keep up with it so have no idea on what’s changed but the last time I did it was only 2 years ago.

Hopefully it is as you say because it’s the holy grail for bad acne but the worse sides!

I should mention the worst cases often need two, and in the very worst, three rounds of the low dose treatment to achieve permanent cure usually a year apart. But by the second round it's an approx 95% permanent cure rate.
Today is day 10 on 20mg of Accutane for me. Had a bit more acne for a few days and suddenly today my skin is dry as fuck and marks are disappearing on my back. I’m also using Ghk-cu at 2mg a day and some expensive moisturizers and whatnot.
Today is day 10 on 20mg of Accutane for me. Had a bit more acne for a few days and suddenly today my skin is dry as fuck and marks are disappearing on my back. I’m also using Ghk-cu at 2mg a day and some expensive moisturizers and whatnot.

Right on schedule:

"Isotretinoin and its metabolite oxo-isotretinoin reach steady-state concentration after 10 days"

My sides have been so mild, I've been titrating up every few weeks, just to finish up early. At this point I may order more and get a 100mg/kg cumulative dose in the same timeframe I intended to do a low dose, just to up the odds of a one treatment permanent cure from ~70% to ~90%.
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Right on schedule:

"Isotretinoin and its metabolite oxo-isotretinoin reach steady-state concentration after 10 days"

My sides have been so mild, I've been titrating up every few weeks, just to finish up early. At this point I may order more and get a 100mg/kg cumulative dose in the same timeframe I intended to do a low dose, just to up the odds of a one treatment permanent cure from ~70% to ~90%.
Thanks for that info. I gotta do some math now lol. My skin isn’t toooo dry, just feels that way after being oily and disgusting. I’m pleased so far.

At 105kg does about a year and a halfish at 20mg a day or about 9 months at 40mg a day sound about right?
I have a ton of 20mg Accutane and a bunch of 10mg I ordered on accident on the way. So I guess that accident works out if I wanted to go to 30mg a day instead of right to 40mg.
Thanks for that info. I gotta do some math now lol. My skin isn’t toooo dry, just feels that way after being oily and disgusting. I’m pleased so far.

At 105kg does about a year and a halfish at 20mg a day or about 9 months at 40mg a day sound about right?

Yes. I'm not sure I'd go beyond 6 months though. I can't substantiate this well, but the impression I've gotten it the reason treatment doesn't go on for a year+ is because isotretinoin interferes with vitamin D, and could cause osteoporosis like bone loss. So they. try to get it done in 6 months, then wait a year and do it again if necessary, even a third round in the worst cases. But that's less than 2% of cases.

I'm at 40mg/day with just chapped lips and dry heels. My skin went dry ofc, but realized it's just closer to normal than its usual greasy condition.

I went 10/20/30/40 and going to 60 soon.

"Normal" treatment is 1mg/kg day. Some docs titrate up to 2mg/kg day if sides are tolerable.

Just give it 10-14 days between titration. so you know the full effects of the sides you're dealing with. My eyes got dry at 30 but got back to normal after drinking more water.
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Yes. I'm not sure I'd go beyond 6 months though. I can't substantiate this well, but the impression I've gotten it the reason treatment doesn't go on for a year+ is because isotretinoin interferes with vitamin D, and could cause osteoporosis like bone loss. So they. try to get it done in 6 months, the. wait a year and do it again if necessary, even a third round in the worst cases. But that's less than 2% of cases.

I'm at 40mg/day with just chapped lips and dry heels. My skin went dry ofc, but realized it's just closer to normal than its usual greasy condition.

I went 10/20/30/40 and going to 60 soon.

"Normal" treatment is 1mg/kg day. Some docs titrate up to 2mg/kg day if sides are tolerable.

Just give it 10-14 days between titration. so you know the full effects of the sides you're dealing with. My eyes got dry at 30 but got back to normal after drinking more water.
Thank you for the info brother
I use panoxyl and tretinoin. But my girlfriend once did accutaine for a while and she’s never had the same amount of acne she use to. Still gets little pimples every now and then and she had very very mild acne for a little bit but it looks like it does have long lasting effects
I use panoxyl and tretinoin. But my girlfriend once did accutaine for a while and she’s never had the same amount of acne she use to. Still gets little pimples every now and then and she had very very mild acne for a little bit but it looks like it does have long lasting effects

Besides the rapid disappearance of my back acne, the difference in my skin and things like earwax is stunning. I was always greasy a few hours after a shower. Not any more. Constantly cleaning my ears has become unnecessary.

It also rebuilds collagen, my skin is more elastic than it was a few months ago.

It "normalizes" the way the cells in your pores produce skin oils and regulate bacteria at the genetic level, which is pretty crazy when you think about it.

Wish I had done this decades ago.
I'm on day 23 of 60mg a day and still getting some festering spots but my shoulders are clearing up well.. taking GHK-Cu 5mg ×2 a day. Go through a Ton of Carmex and not sure if related but my neck has been real stiff and sore .
I'm on day 23 of 60mg a day and still getting some festering spots but my shoulders are clearing up well.. taking GHK-Cu 5mg ×2 a day. Go through a Ton of Carmex and not sure if related but my neck has been real stiff and sore .

Joint pain is a common side so could be it. My hip and lower back ached for a week but that disappeared even as I raised the dose. At 60 so early on be prepared for a brief worsening before it starts clearing again.
Joint pain is a common side so could be it. My hip and lower back ached for a week but that disappeared even as I raised the dose. At 60 so early on be prepared for a brief worsening before it starts clearing again.
Yeah I thought about going to 80 a day for 10 to 20 days then start back down but I think I'll hold at 60 (I do 40 at night and 20am) till it clears up decent then fo to 40 aday for 30 to 60 days then 20 for 30 to 60 days.. my acne wasn't just severeve but I had tried doxycycline and then bactrim and it was getting worse so I figured I'd just take care of with this..
Yeah I thought about going to 80 a day for 10 to 20 days then start back down but I think I'll hold at 60 (I do 40 at night and 20am) till it clears up decent then fo to 40 aday for 30 to 60 days then 20 for 30 to 60 days.. my acne wasn't just severeve but I had tried doxycycline and then bactrim and it was getting worse so I figured I'd just take care of with this..

The thinking in leading edge dermatology is long term antibiotics are worse than low dose accutane, and if topicals don't clear the patient quickly accutane should be started early, and not a "last resort".

Doxy worked but never for long after stopping for me.
I'm on day 23 of 60mg a day and still getting some festering spots but my shoulders are clearing up well.. taking GHK-Cu 5mg ×2 a day. Go through a Ton of Carmex and not sure if related but my neck has been real stiff and sore .
How are you liking the Ghk? Any particular reasoning for 2mg twice a day? Thanks bro.
How are you liking the Ghk? Any particular reasoning for 2mg twice a day? Thanks bro.
Kinda early to tell I use bpc157 and tb frag and I just heard that it goes well with them and has benifits for clearing and tightening skin so I am tring it out.. I'm doing 10mg a day 5 twice.. just figured I'd go high for a few then take it down to 5mg a day.. no great reasoning on that
Kinda early to tell I use bpc157 and tb frag and I just heard that it goes well with them and has benifits for clearing and tightening skin so I am tring it out.. I'm doing 10mg a day 5 twice.. just figured I'd go high for a few then take it down to 5mg a day.. no great reasoning on that
Gotcha. I have 2 kits of it and I’ve been running 2mg a day. Maybe I’ll up it to 4 or 2 pins of 2.5mg each.
Gotcha. I have 2 kits of it and I’ve been running 2mg a day. Maybe I’ll up it to 4 or 2 pins of 2.5mg each.
Just my thought but i feel like it is a mild long game peptide so any results will hard to notice as they will be small over a period of time. I figured id try it and see if maybe it will help with any acne scaring i may have and loose skin from being fat.
Just my thought but i feel like it is a mild long game peptide so any results will hard to notice as they will be small over a period of time. I figured id try it and see if maybe it will help with any acne scaring i may have and loose skin from being fat.
Please let us know how it goes with the scars.
I have read about people applying ghk topically, which you are not doing, but I don't know if it had any effect.
I hope it works for you