Acne on pct


New Member
hey guys :)
I'm on my last week on pct and have got some acne on my back little bits on my back and they're little red ones but lots of them around my lats delts ect, Also have a little on my face. My balls are feeling okay not as good as I was on cycle but definitely not 100% recovered I can squeeze one off every night but normally I'd be hard 2-3 times a day! Do you think it could be my E2 being to high? I'm running nolvadex 20mg got 4 days to go did a 40/40/20/20. And running arimidex 0.5 2 times a week should I maybe up it to 2mg or just wait and see what happens pct

Let me know what You's think. Did do some research on the balls part and some ppl have said they slowly come back after a few weeks post pct?

Thanks guys :)
The acne is the hormone fluctuations, it's usually worse on PCT than on cycle actually. Nolvadex probably isn't helping the acne issue but it's speeding up the recovery. It's just going to take time. Use anti-perspirent on the acne at night to help dry it up and Dawn dish soap to shower with
I use clear anti bacterial soap as it dries my skin out pretty well. Tanning in a tanning bed also helps me.
that can certainly help to some degree but the thing you want to be careful of is sweating while laying on your back. When my acne was really bad the sweat made it much worse and the summer didn't help. But mine was to the point I needed antibiotic along with prescription benzyl wash and tazarac gel
that can certainly help to some degree but the thing you want to be careful of is sweating while laying on your back. When my acne was really bad the sweat made it much worse and the summer didn't help. But mine was to the point I needed antibiotic along with prescription benzyl wash and tazarac gel
Damn brother that sucks. I guess I'm one of the luckier ones because I only get it mildly when on pct and now that I went to blast n cruise I only get a couple here and there.
Damn brother that sucks. I guess I'm one of the luckier ones because I only get it mildly when on pct and now that I went to blast n cruise I only get a couple here and there.
once I went on TRT my skin became perfect. Everyone always asks why professional bodybuilders don't get bad acne, TRT and a more stable test level is the answer
Thank you guys for all the feed back I'll definitely get some antibacterial soap! What do you think about the arimidex just run it as is and stop when pct is over? And the balls?
Stop arimidex now. That's an AI and should be used when ON cycle. Nova and clomid as PCT used after cycle. Nova can be used ON cycle under certain circumstances
My acne got pretty horrible also. It's been about 8 weeks post blast and it's still lingering pretty good on my shoulders and back. I've been showering twice a day now and using acne cream and that seems to be helping it clear up a lot. I've heard vitamin b6 and tanning can also help before you have to resort to something like accutane